Go to Hymn (1-1352) 

Eng:508  Chin:-  Kor:-  Span:220  Tag:-  Fra:-  Por:242 

Lyrics:From The Overcomer Magazine
Music:James W. Elliott

Hymns using same tune:

#873, #1076, #1102


 1  Made free! Made free! O captive!

       Bound by the law of sin,

    The law of life in Spirit

       Will quicken you within.

    And counting on the Spirit,

       His life shall now control

    The members of your body,

       The portals of your soul.


 2  Made free! Made free in Jesus:

       For crucified with Him,

    From center to circumf'rence,

       He breaks the power of sin.

    No longer act in body

       As if it had no "law";

    His "law of life" must govern

       All that ran wild before.


 3  Made free! Made free in Jesus:

       Deep planted in His death,

    He liberates His life pow'r,

       And breathes His Spirit's breath.

    Then waxing strong in spirit,

       With force of quickening life;

    The soul and body governed,

       Its members cease from strife!


 4  Made free! Made free in Jesus:

       Joined to the Risen One,

    By conflict prayer you triumph,

       And claim His victory won.

    Freed with His glorious freedom,

       Above the darkness rife;

    For now the law of sin and death

       Is conquered by His life.