Go to Hymn (1-1352) 

Eng:552  Chin:410  Kor:410  Span:-  Tag:552  Fra:-  Por:- 

Lyrics:Frances Bevan
Music:J. D. Sankey

Hymn using same tune:



 1  Marvel not that Christ in glory

       All my inmost heart hath won;

    Not a star to cheer my darkness,

       But a light beyond the sun,

    All below lies dark and shadowed,

       Nothing here to claim my heart,

    Save the lonely track of sorrow

       Where of old He walked apart.


 2  Others in the earthly sunshine

       Wearily may journey on,

    I have seen a light from heaven

       Past the brightness of the sun —

    Light that knows no cloud, no waning,

       Light wherein I see His face,

    All His love's uncounted treasures,

       All the riches of His grace:


 3  All the wonders of His glory,

       Deeper wonders of His love —

    How for me He won, He keepeth

       That high standing all above;

    Not a glimpse — the veil uplifted —

       But within the veil to dwell,

    Gazing on His face forever,

       Hearing words unspeakable.


 4  I have seen the face of Jesus —

       Tell me not of aught beside;

    I have heard the voice of Jesus —

       All my soul is satisfied.

    In the radiance of the glory

       First I saw His blessed face,

    And forever shall that glory

       Be my home, my dwelling-place.