Go to Hymn (1-1352) 

Eng:561  Chin:419  Kor:419  Span:262  Tag:561  Fra:561  Por:286 

Lyrics:Watchman Nee

This hymn has a unique tune


 1  Thou hast said Thou art the Vine, Lord,

       And that I'm a branch in Thee,

    But I do not know the reason

       Why I should so barren be.


 2  Bearing fruit is my deep longing,

       More Thy life to manifest,

    To Thy throne to bring more glory,

       That Thy will may be expressed.


 3  But I fail to understand, Lord,

       What it means — "abide in me"

    For the more I seek "abiding,"

       More I feel I'm not in Thee.


 4  How I feel I'm not abiding;

       Though I pray and strongly will,

    Yet from me Thou seemest distant

       And my life is barren still.


 5  Yet Thou art the Vine, Thou saidst it,

       And I am a branch in Thee;

    When I take Thee as my Savior,

       Then this fact is wrought in me.


 6  Now I'm in Thee and I need not

       Seek into Thyself to come,

    For I'm joined to Thee already,

       With Thy flesh and bones I'm one.


 7  Not to "go in" is the secret,

       But that I'm "already in"!

    That I ne'er may leave I'd ask Thee,

       Not how I may get within.


 8  I am in, already in Thee!

       What a place to which I'm brought!

    There's no need for prayer or struggling,

       God Himself the work has wrought.


 9  Since I'm in, why ask to enter;

       O how ignorant I've been!

    Now with praise and much rejoicing

       For Thy Word, I dwell therein.


 10  Now in Thee I rest completely,

       With myself I gladly part;

    Thou art life and Thou art power,

       All in all to me Thou art.