Go to Hymn (1-1352) 

Eng:571  Chin:-  Kor:633  Span:-  Tag:-  Fra:-  Por:- 

Lyrics:J. S. Pigott
Music:From Geistreiches Gesangbuch

This hymn has a unique tune


 1  Thou whose name is callèd Jesus,

       Risen Lord of life and pow'r,

    Oh, it is so sweet to trust Thee,

       Every day and every hour;

    Of Thy wondrous grace I sing,

       Savior, Counsellor, and King.


 2  Thou canst keep my feet from falling,

       Even my poor wayward feet;

    Thou who dost present me faultless

       In Thee — Righteousness complete;

    Jesus, Lord, in knowing Thee,

       Oh, what strength and victory.


 3  All the sin in me, my Savior,

       Thou canst conquer and subdue;

    With Thy sanctifying power

       Permeate my spirit through;

    Let Thy government increase,

       Risen, crownèd, Prince of Peace.


 4  Thou canst keep my upward looking,

       Ever upward in Thy face;

    Thou canst make me stand, upholden

       By the greatness of Thy grace;

    Every promise of Thy word

       Now I claim from Thee, dear Lord.


 5  Oh! what joy to trust Thee, Jesus,

       Mighty Victor o'er the grave,

    And to learn amid earth's shadows

       Thine unceasing power to save!

    Only those who prove Thee know

       What the grace Thou dost bestow.


 6  Make my life a bright outshining

       Of Thy life, that all my see

    Thine own resurrection power

       Mightily put forth in me;

    Ever let my heart become

       Yet more consciously Thy home.