Go to Hymn (1-1352) 

Eng:577  Chin:-  Kor:633  Span:-  Tag:-  Fra:-  Por:- 

Lyrics:Ada R. Habershon
Music:Robert Harkness
Meter: with chorus

This hymn has a unique tune


 1  When I fear my faith will fail,

       Christ will hold me fast;

    When the tempter would prevail,

       He can hold me fast.


   He will hold me fast,

   He will hold me fast;

For my Savior loves me so,

   He will hold me fast.


 2  I could never keep my hold,

       He will hold me fast;

    For my love is often cold,

       He must hold me fast.


   He will hold me fast,

   He will hold me fast;

For my Savior loves me so,

   He will hold me fast.


 3  I am precious in His sight,

       He will hold me fast;

    Those He saves are His delight,

       He will hold me fast.


   He will hold me fast,

   He will hold me fast;

For my Savior loves me so,

   He will hold me fast.


 4  He'll not let my soul be lost,

       Christ will hold me fast;

    Bought by Him at such as cost,

       He will hold me fast.


   He will hold me fast,

   He will hold me fast;

For my Savior loves me so,

   He will hold me fast.