第三篇 陈设饼的桌子

The Table of the Bread of the Presence



壹 我们众人必须学习从基督得喂养,把祂接受进来,并享受祂属灵的食物─约六57,太四4,耶十五16:

I. We all need to learn to feed on Christ, to take Him in, and to enjoy Him as our spiritual food—John 6:57; Matt. 4:4; Jer. 15:16:

一 神的经纶是要我们吃基督,并由祂所构成,好成为祂团体的彰显─提前一4,约六33、35、51、57,十七22,弗三21:

A. God's economy is that we eat Christ and be constituted with Him in order to become His corporate expression—1 Tim. 1:4; John 6:33, 35, 51, 57; 17:22; Eph. 3:21:

1 吃乃是经历神的分赐而成为祂的彰显的路─创一26,二9。

1. Eating is the way to experience God's dispensing for His expression—Gen. 1:26; 2:9.

2 神的经纶不是外面事物的事,乃是基督进入我们里面的事;为此,我们需要借着吃基督,把祂接受进来─弗三17上,约六57。

2. God's economy is not a matter of outward things but of Christ coming into us inwardly; for this, we need to take Christ by eating Him—Eph. 3:17a; John 6:57.

3 我们吃、消化并吸收基督,就被祂构成,在生命、性情和彰显上成为与祂一样,使作为基督身体的召会得着建造─太四4,十六18,弗四16。

3. As we eat, digest, and assimilate Christ, we are constituted with Him, being made the same as He is in life, nature, and expression for the building up of the church as the Body of Christ—Matt. 4:4; 16:18; Eph. 4:16.

二 “主的恢复乃是恢复吃耶稣,以建造召会”─圣经中最大的豫言及其应验,八三页。

B. "The Lord's recovery is the recovery of the eating of Jesus for the building up of the church"—The Greatest Prophecy in the Bible and Its Fulfillment, p. 77.

贰 陈设饼的桌子表征基督作食物乃是筵席,滋养那作神祭司的信徒─出二五23~30:

II. The table of the bread of the Presence signifies Christ as the food, the nourishing feast, for the believers as God's priests—Exo. 25:23-30:

一 凡吃桌上陈设饼的人,都是祭司;因此,桌子表征基督乃是神祭司的筵席。

A. All those who ate the bread displayed on the table were priests; thus, the table signifies that Christ is a feast for God's priests.

二 当我们讲论圣所里的桌子,我们乃是说到那些在帐幕里作神祭司事奉神的人。

B. When we speak concerning the table in the Holy Place, we are speaking of those who are there serving God as His priests.

三 桌子表征基督作为我们事奉主每周的供应─利二四5~9。

C. The table signifies Christ as our weekly supply for serving the Lord—Lev. 24:5-9.

叁 按照神启示的顺序,陈设饼的桌子启示于约柜之后,含示桌子联于约柜─出二五10~23:

III. In the sequence of God's revelation, the table of the bread of the Presence comes after the Ark, implying that the table is connected to the Ark—Exo. 25:10-23:

一 在属灵经历中,我们在基督这平息盖上与神相会,享受与神的交通,并听祂口中所出的话时,约柜就成为桌子,在此我们享受滋养的筵席─10、23节:

A. In spiritual experience, when we meet with God upon Christ as the propitiatory cover, enjoying fellowship with God and hearing words from His mouth, the Ark becomes a table where we enjoy a nourishing feast—vv. 10, 23:

1 约柜自然而然就成了桌子;这意思是说,基督─神的见证─成为我们的滋养─约一18,六57。

1. The Ark spontaneously becomes the table; this means that Christ, God's testimony, becomes our nourishment—John 1:18; 6:57.

2 基督既是神的具体化身,祂就成了满有生命供应的桌子,滋养我们─一14。

2. As the embodiment of God, Christ becomes a table full of life supply to nourish us—1:14.

3 我们有了约柜的平息盖,就是基督作为我们的平息处,最终约柜就成为桌子;这乃是属灵经历的事实─出二五18~23。

3. It is a fact of spiritual experience that when we have the propitiatory cover of the Ark, Christ as our place of propitiation, eventually the Ark becomes a table—Exo. 25:18-23.

4 这都是对同一位基督的经历,这位基督是神的见证,祂乃是神的具体化身和彰显;祂成为桌子,也成为食物,我们可以来享受,作我们的滋养。

4. This is the experience of the one Christ, the Christ who is the embodiment and expression of God as His testimony and who becomes both the table and also the food upon which we may feast for our nourishment.

二 约柜和桌子同高,都是一肘半;这启示出我们对基督的享受必须符合神见证的标准─10、23节。

B. The height of both the Ark and the table is the same—one and a half cubits; this reveals that our enjoyment of Christ must match the standard of God's testimony—vv. 10, 23.

三 约柜产生桌子,而桌子带我们回到约柜;这意思是说,基督作为神的具体化身,把我们带进对祂的享受中,我们对基督的享受总是把我们带回到作为神见证的基督那里。

C. The Ark issues in the table, and the table brings us back to the Ark; this means that Christ as the embodiment of God issues in our enjoyment of Him and that our enjoyment of Him always brings us back to Him as God's testimony.

肆 陈设饼的桌子摆在帐幕里面的圣所内;在帐幕里面,表征在神子民作神建造的居所里面或中间─四十22,来九2:

IV. The table of the bread of the Presence was set up in the Holy Place within the tabernacle, signifying within, or among, God's people as His builded habitation—40:22; Heb. 9:2:

一 在圣经中桌子不是表征个人的吃喝,乃是表征团体的筵宴─林前十16、21,参诗二三5。

A. In the Bible a table signifies not an individual feasting but a corporate feasting—1 Cor. 10:16, 21; cf. Psa. 23:5.

二 基督作为神祭司的食物,乃是为着在神的居所里面团体的吃喝。

B. Christ as the food of God's priests is for a corporate feasting within God's dwelling place.

三 凡真实、实际同被建造的信徒,就是现今作为神居所的帐幕─弗二21~22:

C. Those believers who have been builded together in an actual and practical way are God's present tabernacle as His dwelling place—Eph. 2:21-22:

1 在神的居所里面,就是在那些同被建造的圣徒里面,有一张桌子,其上有滋养的饼─约十四2,六33、35。

1. Within God's dwelling place, the saints who have been built together, there is a table with bread for nourishment—John 14:2; 6:33, 35.

2 享受陈设饼的桌子需要召会的建造─弗二21~22:

2. The enjoyment of the table of the bread of the Presence requires the building of the church—Eph. 2:21-22:

a 在召会这神的居所以外,我们无法享受基督作滋养我们之陈设饼的桌子。

a. Apart from the church as God's dwelling place, we cannot have the enjoyment of Christ as a table of the bread of the Presence for our nourishment.

b 我们必须是同被建造的信徒,真实、实际地成为神现今的居所;然后在这建造里面,就有陈设饼的桌子,作我们的滋养和享受─约十四2,六33、35、57。

b. We must be those believers who are built up together as God's present dwelling place in an actual and practical way; then within this building there will be the table of the bread of the Presence for our nourishment and enjoyment—John 14:2; 6:33, 35, 57.

伍 陈设饼的桌子是用皂荚木包金作的─出二五23~24:

V. The table of the bread of the Presence was made of acacia wood overlaid with gold—Exo. 25:23-24:

一 这里的皂荚木,表征基督的人性是祂作我们筵席的基本元素。

A. Acacia wood here signifies that Christ's humanity is the basic element for Him to be our feast.

二 桌子包金,表征神的彰显:

B. The fact that the table was overlaid with gold signifies the expression of God:

1 在基督里面,祂的人性乃是给我们享受的基本元素;在祂身上,有神性作为神的彰显。

1. Within Him Christ's humanity is the basic element for our enjoyment, and upon Him is His divinity as the expression of God.

2 我们若享受基督,就会彰显神;这意思是,当我们享受主耶稣作供应以服事神时,其结果乃是金,就是基督的神性,作神的彰显。

2. If we enjoy Christ, we will express God; this means that as we enjoy the Lord Jesus as the supply with which to serve God, the outcome will be gold, Christ's divinityas the expression of God.

3 我们越享受基督作筵席的基本元素,就越彰显神─约六57,林后三18。

3. The more we enjoy Christ as the basic element of our feast, the more we express God—John 6:57; 2 Cor. 3:18.

陆 圣所里桌子上的饼称为陈设饼(面饼)─出二五30:

VI. The bread on the table in the Holy Place is called the bread of the Presence—Exo. 25:30:

一 桌子是设立在神面前,就是在祂的同在中,离约柜不远:

A. The table was set before God—that is, in God's presence—not far from the Ark:

1 吗哪是让所有在帐幕院子外面的百姓收集的,而神同在的饼只给在帐幕里面,圣所内神面前的祭司享受─四十22~23,来九2,利二四9。

1. Whereas manna was gathered by all the people outside the court of the tabernacle, the bread of God's presence was enjoyed only by the priests in the presence of God in the Holy Place within the tabernacle—40:22-23; Heb. 9:2; Lev. 24:9.

2 吗哪预表基督作神子民生命的供应,为着他们的生活(出十六19);桌子上的饼预表基督作神祭司的生命供应,使他们不仅能生活,也能事奉神。─引用经文

2. Manna typifies Christ as the life supply of God's people for their living (Exo. 16:19); the bread on the table typifies Christ as the life supply of God's priests, enabling them not only to live but also to serve God.

3 这饼指明神的子民不该再凭自己而活,乃该凭基督作他们的生命和生命的供应而活─约六33、35、57。

3. This bread indicates that God's people should no longer live by themselves but by Christ as their life and life supply—John 6:33, 35, 57.

二 出埃及二十五章三十节里译为“陈设”的原文,事实上是“面”的意思:─引用经文

B. The Hebrew word translated "presence" in Exodus 25:30 actually means "face":

1 陈设饼就是面饼,意指神的同在,神的面,乃是事奉之祭司的生命供应─参林后二10,四6~7,三18。

1. The bread of the Presence, the face-bread, means that God's presence, God's face, is the life supply to the serving priests—cf. 2 Cor. 2:10; 4:6-7; 3:18.

2 子基督的面光照我们(民六25),祂就是那看不见之神看得见的同在─参约十四7~9:

2. As the One whose face shines upon us (Num. 6:25), Christ the Son is the visible presence of the invisible God—cf. John 14:7-9:

a 主耶稣来作神的面─林后四6。

a. The Lord Jesus came as the face of God—2 Cor. 4:6.

b 神和祂的同在是看不见的,但借着祂的成为肉体,祂成了照耀的日光─路一78,参太四16,约八12。

b. God and His presence are invisible, but through His incarnation He became the shining sun—Luke 1:78; cf. Matt. 4:16; John 8:12.

c 这照耀的日光就是神那看不见的同在成为看得见的。

c. This shining sun is God's invisible presence becoming visible.

3 在我们的经历中,神同在的实际乃是在我们灵里的那灵,而那灵也是基督作为生命之饼的实际─提后四22,约六33、51上、63。

3. In our experience the reality of God's presence is the Spirit in our spirit, who is also the reality of Christ as the bread of life—2 Tim. 4:22; John 6:33, 51a, 63.

三 陈设饼也称为摆列饼─出二五30,代上九32:

C. The bread of the Presence was also called the bread of arrangement—Exo. 25:30; 1 Chron. 9:32:

1 以某种方式排列饼时,就是饼的一种陈列─利二四5~8。

1. When the bread was arranged in a certain way, there was a display of the bread—Lev. 24:5-8.

2 当我们经历基督作我们里面生命的供应时,我们就能在神面前将所经历的基督摆列出来,作神与人生命的供应─林后四5,加三1。

2. When we experience Christ as the life supply within us, we will be able to display the Christ whom we have experienced before God as the life supply to God and man—2 Cor. 4:5; Gal. 3:1.

3 我们是新约的祭司,应当学习如何向所有敬拜神的人摆列基督作陈设饼,帮助信徒,给他们看见如何进入圣所,经历并享受基督作他们生命的供应─彼前二5、9。

3. As New Testament priests, we should learn how to display Christ as the bread of the Presence to all of God's worshippers, helping the believers by showing them how to enter into the Holy Place to experience and enjoy Christ as their life supply—1 Pet. 2:5, 9.
