第五篇 金香坛

The Golden Incense Altar



壹 我们必须看见金香坛的异象─出三十1~10:

I. We need to see a vision of the golden incense altar—Exo. 30:1-10:

一 香坛表征基督作代求者,维持神和祂子民之间的关系─来七25,罗八34:

A. The incense altar signifies Christ as the Intercessor to maintain the relationship between God and His people—Heb. 7:25; Rom. 8:34:

1 香坛是基督身位的预表─出三十1~3。

1. The incense altar is a type of the person of Christ—Exo. 30:1-3.

2 香坛表征基督在祷告,基督在代求─约十七。

2. The incense altar signifies Christ praying, Christ interceding—John 17.

二 香坛是推动帐幕里和外院子一切其他地方之活动的地方;基督代求的生活推动我们来经历祭坛、洗濯盆、桌子、灯台和约柜─来七25。

B. The incense altar is the place from which the activities at all the other places in the tabernacle and the outer court are motivated; Christ's interceding life motivates us to experience the altar, the laver, the table, the lampstand, and the Ark—Heb. 7:25.

三 神在宇宙中之行政的执行中心,乃是启示录八章里的香坛:─引用经文

C. The executing center of God's administration in the universe is the incense altar in Revelation 8:

1 启示录是一卷神行政的书、神圣执行的书:

1. The book of Revelation is a book of God's administration, a book of divine execution:

a 这卷书启示神的宝座,以及神在全宇宙中的行政─四1~2、5,五6。

a. This book reveals the throne of God and the administration of God throughout the universe—4:1-2, 5; 5:6.

b 在启示录这卷神执行的书里,我们看见神圣的行政、神圣的执行,总是由香坛来施行─八3~4。

b. In the book of Revelation, a book of God's executing, we see that the divine administration, the divine executing, is always carried out by the incense altar—8:3-4.

2 在启示录八章三节里,香坛直接在神权柄的宝座之前:─引用经文

2. In Revelation 8:3 the incense altar is directly in front of the throne of God's authority:

a 基督作为另一位天使而来,把祂的香加到众圣徒的祷告里─3节。

a. Christ as another Angel comes and adds His incense to the prayers of the saints—v. 3.

b 然后这香上升到行政宝座上的神那里,神就应允众圣徒的祷告─4节:

b. This incense then ascends to God at the throne of administration, and God answers the saints' prayers—v. 4:

㈠ 众圣徒的祷告同基督的香一升到神面前,神就执行祂行政的政策。

1) When the prayers of the saints ascend to God with the incense of Christ, God executes the policies of His administration.

㈡ 结果,火便降到地上,以执行神圣的审判─5节。

2) As a result, fire comes down to earth to execute the divine judgments—v. 5.

四 基督代求的生活,祷告的生活,乃是神行政的中心,也是神在地上执行祂管治的中心─罗八34,启八3~4:

D. Christ's interceding life, His prayer life, is the center of the divine administration and of the execution of His government on earth—Rom. 8:34; Rev. 8:3-4:

1 神行政的执行,是由香坛那里献给神的祷告来推动。

1. The executing of God's administration is motivated by the prayers offered to Him from the incense altar.

2 在香坛那里所献上的祷告,支配了宇宙。

2. The prayers offered at the incense altar govern the universe.

3 这是描绘香坛成了神行政的宝座,让神在祂的行政里施行审判。

3. This is a picture of the incense altar being the administrating throne of God for God to execute His judgments in His administration.

4 要紧的是我们都要看见,神行政的执行是由香坛那里献给神的祷告所推动的。

4. It is crucial for us to see that the execution of God's administration is motivated by the prayers offered to Him from the incense altar.

五 基督复活和升天之后,个人的基督成了团体的基督;因此,今天在神面前,不仅个人的基督在代求,团体的基督,就是元首同身体,也在代求─林前十二12,徒十二5、12:

E. After His resurrection and ascension, the individual Christ has become the corporate Christ; thus, today before God not only is the individual Christ interceding, but the corporate Christ, the Head with the Body, is interceding as well—1 Cor. 12:12; Acts 12:5, 12:

1 今天代求者不仅仅是基督自己,更是基督同着祂的身体。

1. Today the intercessor is not merely Christ Himself but is Christ with His Body.

2 元首基督在天上代求,而身体召会在地上代求。

2. Christ the Head is interceding in the heavens, and the church the Body is interceding on earth.

3 作为基督的肢体与身体基督的一部分,我们在基督代求的职事上与祂配合,在代求的祷告中实行祂的代求─罗八34、26~27,提前二1。

3. As the members of Christ and parts of the Body-Christ, we cooperate with Christ in His ministry of intercession, carrying out His intercession in our prayers of intercession—Rom. 8:34, 26-27; 1 Tim. 2:1.

六 如果我们对香坛有清楚的看见,我们祷告的生活就会有彻底的改变,我们会为着神定旨的执行、神圣行政的实行、神供应恩典的分赐来祷告。

F. If we have a clear view of the incense altar, our prayer life will be revolutionized, and we will pray for the executing of God's purpose, for the carrying out of the divine administration, and for the dispensing of God's supplying grace.

贰 我们必须经历金香坛─出三十1~10,罗八26~27,提前二1:

II. Weneedtoexperiencethegoldenincensealtar—Exo. 30:1-10; Rom. 8:26-27; 1 Tim. 2:1:

一 我们需要有分于基督代求的生活─弗六18~19,西四3,帖前五25,帖后三1,来十三18。

A. We need to participate in Christ's interceding life—Eph. 6:18-19; Col. 4:3; 1 Thes. 5:25; 2 Thes. 3:1; Heb. 13:18.

二 我们有怎样的祷告,决定于我们是怎样的人─路九54~55,提前二8,弗六18,西一9:

B. The kind of prayer we have depends on the kind of person we are—Luke 9:54-55; 1 Tim. 2:8; Eph. 6:18; Col. 1:9:

1 我们的祷告代表我们自己并把我们这个人显明出来,也就是显明我们是谁、我们是什么、以及我们在哪里。

1. Our prayers represent ourselves and reveal our person, revealing who we are, what we are, and where we are.

2 我们是在神里面还是在神以外,由我们祷告的方式就指明出来。

2. Whether we are in God or outside of God is indicated by the way we pray.

三 我们若要在香坛那里与基督一同代求,就必须看见三件紧要的事:

C. If we would intercede with Christ at the incense altar, we need to see three crucial matters:

1 我们祷告时,应当在帐幕里;也就是说,我们应当在神里面─约一14,十四2~3、20、13~14,十五4上、7,十七24、26:

1. When we pray, we should be in the tabernacle; that is, we should be in God—John 1:14; 14:2-3, 20, 13-14; 15:4a, 7; 17:24, 26:

a 帐幕的图画描绘基督是成为肉体的神─一14。

a. The picture of the tabernacle portrays Christ as the incarnated God—1:14.

b 因着香坛是在帐幕的中心,而帐幕表征成为肉体的神,所以在金香坛这里,就是在成为肉体的神里。

b. Because the incense altar is in the center of the tabernacle, which signifies the incarnated God, to be at the golden incense altar is to be in the incarnated God.

c 每当我们祷告时,在经历上该是在神里面;这样我们就不仅向神祷告,也在神里面祷告。

c. Whenever we pray, we should experientially be in God; then we will not only pray to God but also pray in God.

2 我们要祷告时,应当先借着吃圣别的食物得饱足;也就是说,我们应当有神在我们里面作能力供应而祷告─29节,六53~56:

2. When we are about to pray, we should first be satisfied by eating holy food; that is, we should pray with God within us as our energizing supply—v. 29; 6:53-56:

a 我们需要从基督这陈设饼得着喂养─出二五30。

a. We need to feast upon Christ as the bread of the Presence—Exo. 25:30.

b 我们若要来到香坛这里,就必须是在神里面,也有神在我们里面的人;也就是说,我们该与神是一,与神调和─约十四20,林前六17。

b. If we would come to the incense altar, we must be persons who are in God and who have God in us; that is, we should be one with God and mingled with Him—John 14:20; 1 Cor. 6:17.

3 我们祷告时,应当献上香给神;也就是说,我们应当以基督为香来祷告─出三十34~38,启八3~4。

3. When we pray, we should offer incense to God; that is, we should pray with Christ as the incense—Exo. 30:34-38; Rev. 8:3-4.

四 我们在香坛前祷告时,在我们的祷告中既没有凡火,也没有别的香─利十1,出三十9上:

D. When we pray at the incense altar, there will be neither strange fire nor strange incense in our prayer—Lev. 10:1; Exo. 30:9a:

1 在祷告中有凡火,就是有了某种天然的动机,没有受过十字架的对付。

1. To have strange fire in our prayer is to have some kind of motive that is natural and that has not been dealt with by the cross.

2 在祷告中有别的香,乃是祷告与基督无关的事物。

2. To have strange incense in our prayer is to have prayer that is not related to Christ.

五 我们若要在帐幕里香坛前祷告,就必须被焚烧成灰,消减成为无有─利六13,诗二十3,加二20,林前一28下:

E. If we would pray in the tabernacle at the incense altar, we need to be burned to ashes, reduced to nothing—Lev. 6:13; Psa. 20:3; Gal. 2:20; 1 Cor. 1:28b:

1 在帐幕里乃是在神里面,而在神里面的要求乃是我们成为无有─约十五4上、5下。

1. To be in the tabernacle is to be in God, and the requirement for being in God is that we become nothing—John 15:4a, 5b.

2 我们若烧成灰烬,就不再是天然的─林前二14~15:

2. If we are burned to ashes, we will no longer be natural—1 Cor. 2:14-15:

a 我们的行为、眼光和美德就等于我们天然的人,这天然的人与作神见证的基督相对。

a. Our conduct, our sight, and our virtue equal our natural being, which is versus Christ as God's testimony.

b 我们若要在香坛前祷告,就必须不再有天然的行为、天然的眼光和天然的美德。

b. If we would pray at the incense altar, we must no longer have our natural conduct, our natural sight, and our natural virtue.

c 我们若要在香坛前祷告,就必须得着基督作我们生命的供应,使我们有正当的行为;作我们的光,使我们有正当的视力;也作我们的美德,使我们有馨香之气升到神面前。

c. If we would pray at the incense altar, we must have Christ as our life supply for proper conduct, as our light for proper sight, and as our virtue for us to have a sweet fragrance ascending to God.

六 我们在香坛前祷告时,就很难被自己所霸占─罗八34、26~27:

F. When we pray at the incense altar, it is very difficult for us to be occupied with ourselves—Rom. 8:34, 26-27:

1 在香坛所献上的祷告不包含己,原因乃是我们要在这坛前祷告,首先就需要成为灰。

1. The reason self is not involved at the incense altar is that in order to pray at this altar, we must first become ashes.

2 在香坛那里,我们为神的经纶、神的分赐、神的行动、以及神的恢复祷告。

2. At the incense altar we pray for God's economy, for God's dispensing, for God's move, and for God's recovery.
