第六篇 燔祭坛

The Altar of Burnt Offering



壹 两座坛─燔祭坛与金香坛─乃是为着完成神的经纶─出二七1~8,三十1~10,来十三10,九4,启八3:

I. The two altars—the altar of burnt offering and the golden incense altar—are for the carrying out of God's economy—Exo. 27:1-8; 30:1-10; Heb. 13:10; 9:4; Rev. 8:3:

一 神的工作乃是要完成祂的经纶;神在祂经纶中的渴望,是要得着一个神人宇宙扩大的合并─约十四20:

A. God's work is to complete His economy, and in His economy God desires to have an enlarged, universal, divine-human incorporation—John 14:20:

1 神已经从帐幕里出来,为要把我们带进帐幕,就是把我们带到祂居住的地方。

1. God has come out of the tabernacle in order to bring us into the tabernacle, to bring us to the very place where He dwells.

2 主耶稣上了十字架,目的是要把我们这些堕落的罪人带到祂居住的地方,归向祂自己─3、10~11、20节,十七21、24。

2. The Lord Jesus went to the cross with the intention that we, fallen sinners, might be brought back to Himself in the place where He dwells—vv. 3, 10-11, 20; 17:21, 24.

二 两座坛与神完整的救恩有关─罗五10:

B. The two altars are related to God's complete salvation—Rom. 5:10:

1 燔祭坛与神法理的救赎有关;法理的救赎是在物质的范围里,由基督在祂地上的职事里所完成─10节上,八3,来九14,七27,十10。

1. The altar of burnt offering is related to God's judicial redemption accomplished in the physical realm by Christ in His earthly ministry—v. 10a; 8:3; Heb. 9:14; 7:27; 10:10.

2 金香坛与神生机的救恩有关;生机的救恩是在神圣奥秘的范围里,由基督在祂天上的职事里所执行─罗五10下,八34,来七25,九24。

2. The golden altar of incense is related to God's organic salvation carried out in the divine and mystical realm by Christ in His heavenly ministry—Rom. 5:10b; 8:34; Heb. 7:25; 9:24.

三 我们必须看见两座坛(出四十5~6)连在一起,乃是借着膏抹(三十26~28)、赎罪祭的血(利十六18,四7)、以及焚烧祭物的火(六13,十六12)。─引用经文

C. We need to see that the two altars (Exo. 40:5-6) are connected by the anointing (30:26-28), by the blood of the sin offering (Lev. 16:18; 4:7), and by the fire that burned the offerings (6:13; 16:12).

贰 燔祭坛预表基督的十字架─出二七1,三八1,四十6、29,来十三10:

II. The altar of burnt offering typifies the cross of Christ—Exo. 27:1; 38:1; 40:6, 29; Heb. 13:10:

一 十字架是一切属灵经历的基础,立场;一切属灵的经历乃是开始于十字架─加六14,林前二2,加二20。

A. The cross is the base, the ground, of all spiritual experience; all spiritual experience begins from the cross—Gal. 6:14; 1 Cor. 2:2; Gal. 2:20.

二 十字架是神在祂经纶中作为的中心─三1,一4,二19~21,三13,五24,六14:

B. The cross is the center of God's operation in His economy—3:1; 1:4; 2:19-21; 3:13; 5:24; 6:14:

1 神在祂的经纶里赐给我们一个人位─基督─和一条路─十字架─西一12、20、27。

1. In His economy God gives us one person—Christ—and one way—the cross—Col. 1:12, 20, 27.

2 十字架是神行政的中心;神借着十字架管理万有,并借着十字架对付万有。

2. The cross is the center of God's government; God governs everything by the cross and deals with everything by the cross.

叁 燔祭坛是用皂荚木包铜作的─出二七1~2:

III. The altar of burnt offering was made of acacia wood overlaid with bronze—Exo. 27:1-2:

一 燔祭坛的基本本质是皂荚木:

A. The basic substance of the altar of burnt offering was acacia wood:

1 皂荚木表征主耶稣的人性;祂作我们的代替,在十字架上受了神的审判─提前二5。

1. The acacia wood signifies the humanity of the Lord Jesus, who was judged by God on the cross as our Substitute—1 Tim. 2:5.

2 十字架不仅仅是一样东西;十字架与一个人位有关,这人位就是基督。

2. The cross is not merely a thing; the cross is related to a person, and this person is Christ.

3 拯救的元素不在于十字架这件东西,乃在于一个人位,就是那为我们钉死者─加二20。

3. The saving element is not in the cross as a thing but in a person, in the One who was crucified for us—Gal. 2:20.

4 十字架的功效不在于十字架本身,乃在于与十字架有关并钉在其上的人性。

4. The effectiveness of the cross is not in the cross itself; it is in that humanity, which is related to the cross and which was crucified on it.

二 铜表征神在作我们代替之基督身上公义的审判─出二七2,民十六37~39,罗八3。

B. The bronze signifies God's righteous judgment on Christ as our Substitute—Exo. 27:2; Num. 16:37-39; Rom. 8:3.

三 皂荚木包上铜,表征基督成为人,在十字架上死了,为我们担当神的审判─彼前三18。

C. The acacia wood overlaid with bronze signifies that Christ became a man to die on the cross to bear the judgment of God for us—1 Pet. 3:18.

肆 网是祭坛最重要的部分,因为网描绘基督救赎的奥秘─出二七4,罗三24,西一14:

IV. The grating is the most important part of the altar, for it depicts the mystery of Christ's redemption—Exo. 27:4; Rom. 3:24; Col. 1:14:

一 网表征在救赎工作里的救赎者基督─出二七4,弗一7。

A. The grating signifies Christ the Redeemer in His redemptive work—Exo. 27:4; Eph. 1:7.

二 铜网连同其环和杠,是坛的内容,表征基督救赎的内在内容─出二七4。

B. The bronze grating, with its rings and poles, is the content of the altar, signifying the inner content of Christ's redemption—Exo. 27:4.

三 坛内的铜网,表征神的审判达到基督里面的各部分─诗二二14。

C. The bronze grating within the altar signifies that God's judgment reached the inward parts of Christ—Psa. 22:14.

四 网在坛内,表征神在作我们代替之基督身上的审判(铜),不仅是外面的,更是达到基督里面的各部分─14节:

D. That the grating was within the altar signifies that God's judgment (bronze) upon Christ as our Substitute was not merely outward but reached the inward parts of Christ—v. 14:

1 神审判的圣火不仅是在基督外面,也在基督里面焚烧。

1. The holy fire of God's judgment was not only outside of Christ but also burned within Him.

2 基督承受神审判的时候,这个审判达到祂的心,达到祂里面的各部分;祂的心在祂里面融化─14节。

2. When Christ bore God's judgment, that judgment reached His heart, His inward parts; His heart melted in His inward parts—v. 14.

3 神在基督身上的审判,里面所经历的比外面所经历的更多:

3. God's judgment upon Christ was experienced more inwardly than it was outwardly:

a 事实上,基督里面所受的苦比外面所受的苦还要多。

a. Actually, Christ suffered more inwardly than He did outwardly.

b 网─神审判的圣火焚烧的地方─乃是在主耶稣里面,在祂里面的各部分。

b. The grating—the place where the holy fire of God's judgment burned—was in the Lord Jesus, in His inward parts.

c 网在坛内的意义是,基督不仅是在身上,更是在心里承受了神的审判。

c. The significance of the grating being within the altar is that Christ bore God's judgment with His heart and not only on His body.

五 救赎不单是一件事情,救赎乃是一个人位,就是基督自己;因此,基督和祂的救赎无法分开─来九12。

E. Redemption is not merely a matter—it is a person, Christ Himself; therefore, Christ and His redemption cannot be separated—Heb. 9:12.

伍 网四角上的四个铜环预表永远的灵─出二七4,来九14:

V. The four rings of bronze at the four ends of the grating typify the eternal Spirit—Exo. 27:4; Heb. 9:14:

一 包罗万有的基督借着永远的灵完成包罗万有的死;因此,基督救赎的功效是在于永远的灵:

A. The all-inclusive Christ died an all-inclusive death through the eternal Spirit; thus, the efficacy of Christ's redemption depends upon the eternal Spirit:

1 基督的血有功效,乃因祂借着永远的灵将自己献给神─约壹一7。

1. Christ's blood is effective because He offered Himself to God through the eternal Spirit—1 John 1:7.

2 基督献上自己作祭物;但基督救赎的功效和能力是在于永远的灵;我们看见这事是紧要的─来九14。

2. Christ offered Himself as the sacrifice, but the efficacy and power of Christ's redemption depend on the eternal Spirit; it is crucial that we see this—Heb. 9:14.

二 环与网接成一块,指明救赎的基督带进那灵─约七39,林前十五45下,加三1~2。

B. The rings forming one piece with the grating indicates that the redeeming Christ issues in the Spirit—John 7:39; 1 Cor. 15:45b; Gal. 3:1-2.

陆 坛两边的杠,表征十字架的行动是借着信徒的配搭作为见证─出二七6~7:

VI. The poles upon the two sides of the altar signify the move of the cross by the coordination of the believers as a testimony—Exo. 27:6-7:

一 传扬十字架─宣扬钉十字架之基督─的人,必须配搭作为见证─林前一23。

A. Those who preach the cross, proclaiming Christ crucified, must do so in coordination as a testimony—1 Cor. 1:23.

二 我们若是活的人,配搭着背负见证而传扬十字架,就有资格扛抬祭坛,行走在地上。

B. If we are living persons preaching the cross by bearing a testimony in coordination, we will be qualified to carry the altar in its journey on earth.

柒 我们由燔祭坛得着全部新约的一幅图画─救赎的基督、那灵与召会─罗八3、9~11,十二4~5,林前十五3~4、45下,十二12~13,加一4,三1~2、13~14,六10、15:

VII. With the altar of burnt offering, we have a picture of the entire New Testament—the redeeming Christ, the Spirit,and the church—Rom. 8:3, 9-11; 12:4-5; 1 Cor. 15:3-4, 45b;12:12-13; Gal. 1:4; 3:1-2, 13-14; 6:10, 15:

一 在福音书里,我们看见基督是救赎的网和在形成过程中的环─约一29,三14,十二24,十九34,七37~39,十四16~18。

A. In the Gospels we see Christ as the redemptive grating and the rings in the process of being formed—John 1:29; 3:14; 12:24; 19:34; 7:37-39; 14:16-18.

二 在使徒行传里,我们有那灵作为四个环子─一8。

B. In the book of Acts we have the Spirit as the four rings—1:8.

三 在书信中,我们有四个环子的解释─来九14,罗八9~11,林前十五45下,六17,加三1~2、14,启五6。

C. In the Epistles we have the definition of the four rings—Heb. 9:14; Rom. 8:9-11; 1 Cor. 15:45b; 6:17; Gal. 3:1-2, 14; Rev. 5:6.

四 基督的身体借着包罗万有的灵,将救赎的基督扛抬到全地─林前十二12~13,启一12~13上,二1、7上。

D. The Body of Christ carries the redeeming Christ throughout the earth by the all-inclusive Spirit—1 Cor. 12:12-13; Rev. 1:12-13a; 2:1, 7a.

五 基督的身体借着包罗万有的灵,在全地背负着耶稣的见证;这就是新约的启示─林后四5、7。

E. The Body of Christ bears the testimony of Jesus throughout the earth by the all-inclusive Spirit; this is the revelation of the New Testament—2 Cor. 4:5, 7.
