第八篇 遮罪银为着编组成军,为神在地上的权益和行动争战

The Expiation Silverfor the Formation of an Army to Fight for God's Interests and Move on Earth



壹 神的心意是要得着一班编组成军队的人,打属灵的仗,为神在地上的权益和行动争战─出三十12~14,民一1~3:

I. God's intention is to have a people formed into an army that will engage in spiritual warfare to fight for His interests and move on earth—Exo. 30:12-14; Num. 1:1-3:

一 属灵的争战是必需的,因为撒但的意志在对抗神的意志─太六10,七21,赛十四12~14。

A. Spiritual warfare is necessary because Satan's will is set against God's will—Matt. 6:10; 7:21; Isa. 14:12-14.

二 属灵争战的目的,就是把神的国带进来─启十二10。

B. The purpose of spiritual warfare is to bring in the kingdom of God—Rev. 12:10.

三 神有许多仇敌,并且无论在哪里,祂都不受欢迎─出二三23,民十四45,二一1:

C. God has many enemies, and He is not welcome anywhere—Exo. 23:23; Num. 14:45; 21:1:

1 神因着这么多的仇敌,在地上就没有行动的自由;神需要争战,好毁灭祂的仇敌。

1. Because of all these enemies, God does not have the freedom to move on earth; God must fight in order to destroy His enemies.

2 按照以弗所六章十至十八节,召会必须是战士,与神的仇敌争战。─引用经文

2. According to Ephesians 6:10-18, the church must be a warrior fighting against God's enemies.

贰 香坛与遮罪银之间的关系,其属灵的意义乃是:我们在香坛祷告,为着编组成军,为神在地上的行动争战─出三十1~16:

II. The spiritual significance of the relationship between the incense altar and the expiation silver is that at the incense altar we pray for the formation of an army to fight for God's move on earth—Exo. 30:1-16:

一 帐幕表征神具体化身在祂的选民里面,为着祂在地上的行动;帐幕以及与其有关的一切,都是为着神的行动一二五8~9:─引用经文

A. The tabernacle signifies God embodied in His chosen people for His move on earth; the tabernacle and everything related to it is for God's move—25:8-9:

1 在香坛的祷告,是为着神的行动;因着神的众仇敌反对神的行动,神就借着争战而行动─民十35。

1. The prayer at the incense altar is for God's move; because of all the enemies that oppose God's move, God moves by fighting—Num. 10:35.

2 神的子民尤其需要为着编组成军祷告,好为着神在地上的行动争战,以完成祂的定旨─弗六10~12。

2. In particular, God's people need to pray for the formation of an army to fight for God's move on earth to accomplish His purpose—Eph. 6:10-12.

3 这代求祷告的结果乃是数点神的百姓,编组成军,与反对神行动的仇敌争战,就是与美地居民所预表诸天界里执政的、掌权的争战─出三十11~16,二三23,弗六12。

3. This intercessory prayer issues in the numbering of God's people to form an army to fight against God's enemies, who oppose His move, that is, against the rulers and authorities in the heavenlies, typified by the inhabitants of the good land—Exo. 30:11-16; 23:23; Eph. 6:12.

4 当神有了这样的军队,祂就能在地上为着祂的权益有所行动。

4. When God has such an army, He is able to move on earth for His interests.

二 男丁有资格从军的年龄,其属灵意义乃是:我们若要在军队里为着神的行动争战,就需要成熟─出三十14,来五14~六1,腓三15,林前二6:

B. The spiritual significance of the age of the males qualified to be in the army is that if we would be in the army to fight for God's move, we need maturity—Exo. 30:14; Heb. 5:14—6:1; Phil. 3:15; 1 Cor. 2:6:

1 二十岁以上的男丁都要付半舍客勒银子,表征要从事属灵的争战,必须在生命上成熟─出三十13~14:

1. The half shekel of silver to be paid by every male over the age of twenty signifies that it takes maturity in life to fight the spiritual warfare—Exo. 30:13-14:

a 我们要在军队中,为神的行动争战,就必须灵里刚强,并且长大,直到我们属灵的年龄满了二十岁─弗四15。

a. In order to be in the army to fight for God's move, we need to be strong in spirit and grow until we come to the spiritual age of twenty—Eph. 4:15.

b 变化乃是在我们天然生命里的改变;成熟乃是被那改变我们的神圣生命所充满─来六1。

b. To be transformed is to be changed in our natural life; to be matured is to be filled with the divine life that changes us—Heb. 6:1.

c 神要主宰的用人、事、物倒空所充满我们的一切,除去我们先入的一切,使我们的度量增加,好被祂充满─路一53,太五6,罗八28~29。

c. God will sovereignly use persons, things, and events to empty us of everything that has filled us and to take away every preoccupation so that we may have an increased capacity to be filled with Him—Luke 1:53; Matt. 5:6; Rom. 8:28-29.

2 今天在主的恢复里,迫切需要成熟;我们更多的人急切需要长大,达到成熟,好够资格被编组成军─来六1,腓三15与注1。

2. In the Lord's recovery today, there is the desperate need of maturity; there is an urgent need for more of us to grow, reach maturity, and thereby become qualified to be formed into an army—Heb. 6:1; Phil. 3:15 and footnote 1.

3 在香坛所献上的代求,乃是为着信徒的长大成熟,好形成军队─弗四13,六10~12。

3. The intercession offered at the incense altar is for the growth and maturity of the believers so that an army can be formed—Eph. 4:13; 6:10-12.

4 我们越在香坛那里祷告,就越看见成熟的需要是迫切的,也越为着需要在生命里长大成熟有急切的祷告─林前二6,三1~2,十四20,十六13。

4. The more we pray at the incense altar, the more we will realize that the need for maturity is desperate, and the greater will be the urgency to pray for the growth in life unto maturity—1 Cor. 2:6; 3:1-2; 14:20; 16:13.

5 惟有这样一支军队形成,神才能为着祂的定旨在地上行动;若没有由成熟之人所形成的军队,神就无法行动─弗四13,六10~12。

5. Only when such an army is formed will God be able to move on earth for His purpose; apart from an army formed of mature ones, there is no way for God to move—Eph. 4:13; 6:10-12.

三 按照遮罪银的预表,我们所凭以争战的基督乃是升天的基督,在诸天之上的基督─一20~23,出三十12~13:

C. According to the type of the expiation silver, the Christ by whom we fight is the ascended Christ, the Christ in the heavens—1:20-23; Exo. 30:12-13:

1 作为举祭的半舍客勒银子,预表神的子民所经历并付出作为遮罪银的升天基督─13节,弗一21,四10,来四14,七26,八1。

1. The half shekel as a heave offering typifies the ascended Christ experienced by God's people and paid by them as the expiation silver—v. 13; Eph. 1:21; 4:10; Heb. 4:14; 7:26; 8:1.

2 为着属灵的争战,我们对基督的经历必须达到最高点,就是与祂一同坐在诸天界里,并且不是在自己里,乃是在升天的基督里争战─弗一20~21,二6,六10~12,歌四8。

2. In order to fight the spiritual warfare, our experience of Christ must reach the highest point, the point where we are sitting with Him in the heavenlies and are fighting not in ourselves but in the ascended Christ—Eph. 1:20-21; 2:6; 6:10-12; S. S. 4:8.

叁 我们需要经历基督作遮罪银,为着神的建造和行动:

III. We need to experience Christ as the expiation silver for God's building and God's move:

一 在香坛祷告的结果乃是数点以色列人,为要编组成军,为着神在地上的权益争战─出三十11~13,民一45~46:

A. The prayer at the incense altar issues in the numbering of the children of Israel for the formation of an army to fight for God's interests on this earth—Exo. 30:11-13; Num. 1:45-46:

1 召会要成为神的丰满,神的彰显,就必须是战士,从事属灵的争战─创一26,弗一22~23,六10~11。

1. For the church to be the fullness of God, the expression of God, the church must be a warrior engaging in spiritual warfare—Gen. 1:26; Eph. 1:22-23; 6:10-11.

2 在香坛祷告的结果,乃是主对众召会的众圣徒作了一次“军事人口调查”;凡被数点的人都够资格为着神在地上的行动出去争战─民二32,四23,提后二3。

2. As a result of the prayer at the incense altar, the Lord conducts a "military census" of the saints in the churches; those who are numbered are qualified to go to war for God's move on the earth—Num. 2:32; 4:23; 2 Tim. 2:3.

二 逾越节的羊羔完全且绝对是为着救赎的,对全体百姓都通用;但遮罪银只适用于那些够资格形成神军队的人:

B. The passover lamb was purely and absolutely for redemption, and it was available for all the people, but the expiation silver was applied only to those who were qualified to be formed into God's army:

1 因着我们天然的人不够资格被征召进入神的军队,所以我们必须出代价经历基督作我们的救赎,就是遮罪银所表征的─林前一30。

1. Because our natural man is not qualified to be drafted into God's army, we must pay the price to experience Christ as our redemption, signified by the expiation silver—1 Cor. 1:30.

2 救赎的意思乃是我们被带回归神,我们天然的人被神了结,并且我们被基督重新构成。

2. Redemption means that we are brought back to God, that our natural man is terminated by God, and that we are reconstituted with Christ.

三 为着神建造和行动的遮罪银称为举祭,表征升天的基督,是那些能出去打仗之人所付出的代价─出三十14:

C. The expiation silver for God's building and God's move was called a heave offering, signifying the ascended Christ as the price paid by those who are able to go to war—Exo. 30:14:

1 举祭表征复活并升天的基督,就是在诸天界里的基督─弗一19~21。

1. The heave offering signifies the resurrected and ascended Christ, the Christ in the heavenlies—Eph. 1:19-21.

2 所交作为举祭的半舍客勒银子,被神用来为着建造帐幕:

2. The giving of the half shekel of silver as a heave offering was used by God for the building up of the tabernacle:

a 整个帐幕寄托于一百个银卯座,表征召会乃是寄托于我们所经历之升天的基督─出三八25~27。

a. The one hundred silver sockets, upon which the entire tabernacle rested, signify that the church rests on the ascended Christ experienced by us—Exo. 38:25-27.

b 柱子的银柱顶,以及银鈎和连络的杆,表征我们所经历之升天的基督成了召会的荣耀、力量和联结的能力─28节。

b. The silver capitals of the pillars and the silver hooks and connecting rods signify that the ascended Christ experienced by us becomes the glory, strength, and linking power of the church—v. 28.

3 所交作为举祭的半舍客勒银子,是给神用来为着编组成军─三十11~13:

3. The giving of the half shekel of silver as a heave offering was used by God to accomplish the formation of an army—30:11-13:

a 遮罪银是举祭,表征在升天里的基督,这指明惟有那些守住升天地位的人,才能从升天超越的地位,攻打空中的仇敌─弗二6。

a. As indicated by the fact that the expiation silver was a heave offering signifying Christ in ascension, only those who keep the position of ascension can fight against the enemy in the air from the transcendent position of ascension—Eph. 2:6.

b 为着神在地上的行动,我们必须编组成军,凭着在升天里宝贵的基督,在身体里打属灵的仗─六10~12。

b. For God's move on earth, we need to be formed into an army, fighting the spiritual warfare in the Body by the precious Christ in ascension—6:10-12.
