第十篇 复合的灵

The Compound Spirit



壹 关于复合的膏油,乃是到了出埃及三十章末了,在神的居所和祭司体系的启示以后才启示出来;这指明复合的膏油(预表复合的灵)仅仅为着一个目的,就是膏抹神的居所和祭司体系─26~28、30节,参彼前二5,诗一三三2。

I. The revelation concerning the compound ointment was given toward the end of Exodus 30 after God's dwelling place and the priesthood had been revealed; this indicates that the compound ointment (typifying the compound Spirit) is solely for the purpose of anointing God's dwelling place and His priesthood—vv. 26-28, 30; cf. 1 Pet. 2:5; Psa. 133:2.

贰 包罗万有、经过过程、复合的灵,乃是神的灵各方面的集大成,总和:

II. The all-inclusive, processed, compound Spirit is the aggregate, the totality, of all the aspects of the Spirit of God:

一 在神的创造里,神的灵带着神性元素乃是活跃的─“神的灵覆罩在水面上”─创一2下:

A. In God's creation the Spirit of God with the element of divinity was active—"and the Spirit of God was brooding upon the surface of the waters"—Gen. 1:2b:

1 神的灵作为生命之灵(罗八2)覆罩在死水之上,以产生生命,特别为着神的定旨产生人(创一26);在属灵经历中,灵的来到是产生生命的第一条件(约六63)。─引用经文

1. The Spirit of God, as the Spirit of life (Rom. 8:2), came to brood over the waters of death in order to generate life, especially man (Gen. 1:26), for God's purpose; in spiritual experience, the Spirit's coming is the first requirement for generating life (John 6:63).

2 受造之物是借着神的灵产生的,并且神的灵具有神性的元素;因此,按照罗马一章二十节,受造之物就显明神永远的大能和神性的特征。─引用经文

2. Because creation came into being by the Spirit of God with the element of divinity, then according to Romans 1:20, creation manifests God's eternal power and divine characteristics.

二 在神与人的关系上,有耶和华的灵带着神圣三一的元素:

B. In God's relation with man there is the Spirit of Jehovah with the element of the Divine Trinity:

1 在创世记二章,耶和华是神与人接触时所用的名称,指神与人的关系─4~5、7~9、15~19、21~22节。

1. In Genesis 2 Jehovah is a title used for God's contact with man; it denotes God's relationship with man—vv. 4-5, 7-9, 15-19, 21-22.

2 “耶和华”的意思是“我是那我是”(出三14,参约八24、28、58),指明耶和华是自有永有的永远者,就是那昔是今是以后永是者(启一4)。─引用经文

2. Jehovah means "I am who I am" (Exo. 3:14; cf. John 8:24, 28, 58), indicating that Jehovah is the self-existing and everexisting eternal One, the One who was in the past, who is in the present, and who will be in the future forever (Rev. 1:4).

3 耶和华是亚伯拉罕的神,以撒的神,雅各的神(出三14~15),就是三一神。─引用经文

3. Jehovah is the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob (Exo. 3:14-15), the Triune God.

4 在旧约里,每当神来接触人时,祂就是带有三一神元素之精粹的耶和华的灵─士三10,六34,十一29,十三25,十四6、19,十五14,撒上十6,十六13~14,撒下二三2,王上十八12,二二24,王下二16,代下十八23,二十14,赛十一2,六三14,结十一5,三七1,弥三8,亚七12。

4. Whenever God came to contact people in the Old Testament, He was the Spirit of Jehovah as the extract of the element of the Triune God—Judg. 3:10; 6:34; 11:29; 13:25; 14:6, 19; 15:14; 1 Sam. 10:6; 16:13-14; 2 Sam. 23:2; 1 Kings18:12; 22:24; 2 Kings 2:16; 2 Chron. 18:23; 20:14; Isa. 11:2;63:14; Ezek. 11:5; 37:1; Micah 3:8; Zech. 7:12.

三 在新约里,对神的灵第一个神圣名称乃是“圣灵”,带着圣别之神圣性情的元素:

C. In the New Testament, the first divine title ascribed to the Spirit of God is the Holy Spirit, with the element of the holy divine nature:

1 这名称在旧约里从未用过(和合本中,诗篇五十一篇十一节和以赛亚六十三章十至十一节的圣灵,应当译为“圣别的灵”)。─引用经文

1. Such a title is not used in the Old Testament (in Psalm 51:11 and Isaiah 63:10-11, Holy Spirit (KJV) should be translated "Spirit of holiness").

2 替救主的来临预备道路,需要祂的先锋从母腹里就被圣灵充溢,使他能将百姓从神以外一切的事物中,分别归神,叫他们为着神的定旨,圣别归神─路一15。

2. The preparing of the way for the Savior's coming required that His forerunner be filled with the Holy Spirit even from his mother's womb, so that he could separate the people unto God from all things other than God, making them holy unto Him for His purpose—Luke 1:15.

3 为救主预备人体,需要圣灵将神圣的性情分赐到人性里面,使人在性情上成为圣别,以完成神救赎的计划─35节,太一18、20。

3. The preparing of a human body for the Savior required that the Holy Spirit impart the divine nature into humanity, making man holy in nature for the carrying out of God's plan of redemption—v. 35; Matt. 1:18, 20.

4 新约的圣别不仅使我们在地位上圣别,也使我们在性情上圣别,正如神是圣别的一样─彼前一15~16,罗六19、22。

4. Dispositional sanctification in the New Testament is to make us not merely holy in position but also holy in nature, even as God is holy—1 Pet. 1:15-16; Rom. 6:19, 22.

四 基督复活以前,还没有那灵,那灵还没有与更多元素复合:

D. The Spirit was not yet, not yet compounded with more elements, before Christ's resurrection:

1 约翰七章三十九节说,“耶稣这话是指着信入祂的人将要受的那灵说的;那时还没有那灵,因为耶稣尚未得着荣耀”:─引用经文

1. John 7:39 says, "This He said concerning the Spirit, whom those who believed into Him were about to receive; for the Spirit was not yet, because Jesus had not yet been glorified":

a 在耶稣说这话时,复合了其他元素的那灵“还没有”,因为祂尚未得着荣耀;耶稣是在复活时得着荣耀的(路二四26)。─引用经文

a. The Spirit compounded with other elements was "not yet" at the time Jesus spoke this word, because He was not yet glorified; Jesus was glorified when He resurrected (Luke 24:26).

b 当这灵还是神的灵,祂只有神圣的元素;当祂借着基督成为肉体、钉十字架并复活,成了耶稣基督的灵,祂就兼有神圣与属人的元素,连同基督成为肉体、钉十字架和复活的一切素质和实际;因此,祂现今乃是复合的灵,就是包罗万有耶稣基督的灵─出三十22~25,腓一19。

b. When the Spirit was the Spirit of God, He had only the divine element; when He became the Spirit of Jesus Christ through Christ's incarnation, crucifixion, and resurrection, He had both the divine and human elements, with all the essence and reality of the incarnation, crucifixion, and resurrection of Christ; hence, He is now the compound Spirit, the all-inclusive Spirit of Jesus Christ—Exo. 30:22-25; Phil. 1:19.

2 基督这位末后的亚当,借着复活并在复活里成了赐生命的灵,得荣之耶稣的灵,复合的灵,以进入信祂的人里面,流入他们里面,并且如同活水的江河从他们流出来─林前十五45下,约七37~39。

2. Through and in His resurrection Christ as the last Adam became the life-giving Spirit, the Spirit of the glorified Jesus, the compound Spirit, to enter into His believers to flow into them and flow out of them as rivers of living water—1 Cor. 15:45b; John 7:37-39.

五 约翰的著作启示那灵是实际的灵─约十四17,十五26,十六13,约壹五6:

E. The writings of John reveal that the Spirit is the Spirit of reality—John 14:17; 15:26; 16:13; 1 John 5:6:

1 那灵就是实际(6),作为父神和子神所是的实化,引导我们进入一切的实际(约十六13)。─引用经文

1. The Spirit is the reality (v. 6), and as the realization of what God the Father and God the Son are, He guides us into all the reality (John 16:13).

2 凡父的所是和所有,都具体化于子(西二9),凡子的所是和所有,都借着那灵向信徒宣示为实际(约十六14~15);因此,这乃是三一神作到信徒里面,并与信徒调和。─引用经文

2. All that the Father is and has is embodied in the Son (Col. 2:9), and all that the Son is and has is declared as reality to the believers through the Spirit (John 16:13-15); hence, it is a matter of the Triune God being wrought into and mingled with the believers.

六 耶稣的灵有基督之人性、人性生活、钉十字架的元素─徒十六7:

F. The Spirit of Jesus has the elements of Christ's humanity, human living, and crucifixion—Acts 16:7:

1 耶稣的灵乃是有极大受苦力量之人的灵。

1. The Spirit of Jesus is the Spirit of a man with abundant strength for suffering.

2 我们有那人耶稣的灵活在我们里面,使我们能过正确的人性生活,也能忍受其中的痛苦。

2. We have the Spirit of the man Jesus living in us so that we can live the proper human life and endure its sufferings.

七 在罗马八章九节里,基督的灵有复活的元素─10~11节:

G. The Spirit of Christ in Romans 8:9 has the element of resurrection—vv. 10-11:

1 基督的灵乃是包罗万有之基督连同祂包罗万有之死与复活的总和、集大成。

1. The Spirit of Christ is the totality, the aggregate, of the all-inclusive Christ with His all-inclusive death and resurrection.

2 借着基督的灵,我们就在祂复活的生命能力、祂的超越和祂作王的权柄里有分于基督。

2. By the Spirit of Christ, we partake of Christ in His resurrection life and power, His transcendency, and His reigning authority.

八 在腓立比一章十九节里,耶稣基督的灵就是三一神那复合、包罗万有、赐生命的灵:─引用经文

H. The Spirit of Jesus Christ in Philippians 1:19 is the compound, all-inclusive, life-giving Spirit of the Triune God:

1 我们要经历主的人性,就需要耶稣的灵;要经历主复活的大能,就需要基督的灵。

1. To experience the Lord's humanity, we need the Spirit of Jesus; to experience the power of the Lord's resurrection, we need the Spirit of Christ.

2 保罗在受苦时,经历了主在人性中的受苦并主的复活;对于象保罗那样经历并享受基督的人性生活和复活的人,这样一位灵有全备的供应,甚至就是全备的供应。

2. In his suffering Paul experienced both the Lord's suffering in His humanity and the Lord's resurrection; such a Spirit has and even is the bountiful supply for a person like Paulwho was experiencing and enjoying Christ in His human living and resurrection.

九 那灵就是生命之灵带着神圣生命的丰富(罗八2),也是赐生命的灵带着神圣生命的分赐(林前十五45下,林后三6):─引用经文

I. The Spirit is the Spirit of life with the riches of the divine life (Rom. 8:2) and the life-giving Spirit with the impartation of the divine life (1 Cor. 15:45b; 2 Cor. 3:6):

1 生命之灵乃是生命的实际,因为那灵自己就是生命。

1. The Spirit of life is the reality of life, for the Spirit Himself is life.

2 那灵正运行、作工、活在我们里面,将生命分赐到我们全人里面。

2. The Spirit is moving, working, and living in us to impart life into our whole being.

十 那灵也称为主灵─18节:

J. The Spirit is also called the Lord Spirit—v. 18:

1 那灵的这方面包含了作主身分的元素;在主灵里,我们有升天和作主身分的元素。

1. In this aspect of the Spirit the element of lordship is included; in the Lord Spirit we have the elements of ascension and lordship.

2 这有力地证明并证实,主基督就是那灵,那灵就是主基督─17节。

2. This strongly proves and confirms that the Lord Christ is the Spirit and that the Spirit is the Lord Christ—v. 17.

十一 复合的灵也是恩典的灵,带着对三一神之享受的元素─来十29:

K. The compound Spirit is also the Spirit of grace with the element of the enjoyment of the Triune God—Heb. 10:29:

1 那灵作为恩典之灵,意思就是三一神在子里作为那灵成为我们的享受。

1. For the Spirit to be the Spirit of grace means that the Triune God in the Son as the Spirit becomes our enjoyment.

2 有分于恩典之灵,就是有分于那灵作恩典─参加六18,提后四22,罗八16。

2. To partake of the Spirit of grace is to partake of the Spirit as grace—cf. Gal. 6:18; 2 Tim. 4:22; Rom. 8:16.

十二 七灵就是七倍加强的灵,将堕落的召会带回,享受祂自己作生命树、隐藏的吗哪和丰富的筵席,带进神新约经纶的终结─启一4,三1,四5,五6,二7、17,三20:

L. The seven Spirits are the sevenfold intensified Spirit to bring the degraded church back to the enjoyment of Himself as the tree of life, the hidden manna, and the rich feast for the finalization of God's eternal economy—Rev. 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6; 2:7, 17; 3:20:

1 在本质和存在上,神的灵是一个;在神行动加强的功用和工作上,神的灵是七倍的;就如撒迦利亚四章二节的灯台─在存在上,是一个灯台,但在功用上,是七盏灯。

1. In substance and existence God's Spirit is one; in the intensified function and work of God's operation His Spirit is sevenfold; it is like the lampstand in Zechariah 4:2—in existence it is one lampstand, but in function it is seven lamps.

2 七灵作七盏点着的火灯(启四5),是为着光照并焚烧;而七灵作羔羊的七眼(五6),是为着鉴察、搜寻并灌输;当主光照并审判我们的时候,祂就注视我们;借着七灵作祂的眼睛,祂就将自己灌输到我们里面,使我们变化。─引用经文

2. Whereas the seven Spirits as the seven lamps of burning fire (Rev. 4:5) are for enlightening and burning, the seven Spirits as the seven eyes of the Lamb (5:6) are for observing, searching, and transfusing; as the Lord enlightens and judges us, He looks at us, and through the seven Spirits as His eyes He transfuses Himself into us for our transformation.

3 基督在加强时期的职事,乃是加强祂生机的救恩,产生得胜者,并终极完成新耶路撒冷。

3. Christ's ministry in the stage of intensification is to intensify His organic salvation, to produce the overcomers, and to consummate the New Jerusalem.

十三 荣耀的灵,就是神自己的灵,安息在逼迫中受苦的信徒身上,好叫那位现今在荣耀里,复活、被高举的基督得荣耀─彼前四13~14。

M. The Spirit of glory, being the Spirit of God Himself, rests upon the suffering believers in their persecution for the glorification of the resurrected and exalted Christ, who is now in glory—1 Pet. 4:13-14.

十四 最终,神的灵是“那灵”,复合的灵;那灵是神的灵这些名称一切元素的总和,集大成;因此,那灵是包罗万有、经过过程、复合的灵─罗八16、23、26~27,加三14,五16~18、22、25,彼前一2,启二7,十四13,二二17上:

N. Ultimately, the Spirit of God is "the Spirit," the compound Spirit; the Spirit is the totality, the aggregate, of all the elements of the titles of the Spirit of God; hence, the Spirit is the all-inclusive, processed, compound Spirit—Rom. 8:16, 23, 26-27; Gal. 3:14; 5:16-18, 22, 25; 1 Pet. 1:2; Rev. 2:7; 14:13; 22:17a:

1 这灵即复合的灵,乃是神的灵、耶和华的灵、圣灵、实际的灵、耶稣的灵、基督的灵、耶稣基督的灵、生命之灵、赐生命的灵、主灵、恩典之灵、七灵、以及荣耀的灵。

1. This Spirit, the compound Spirit, is the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Jehovah, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of reality, the Spirit of Jesus, the Spirit of Christ, the Spirit of Jesus Christ, the Spirit of life, the life-giving Spirit, the Lord Spirit, the Spirit of grace, the seven Spirits, and the Spirit of glory.

2 “那灵”,复合的灵,乃是神新约经纶独特并最大的福─加三14,参弗一3。

2. "The Spirit," the compound Spirit, is the unique and greatest blessing of God's New Testament economy—Gal. 3:14; cf. Eph. 1:3.
