第十一篇 复合之灵的膏油涂抹

The Anointing of the Compound Spirit



壹 膏油涂抹就是内住复合之灵的运行并工作,将经过过程之三一神的一切成分和祂的活动应用到我们里面,使我们完全与祂调和,使祂得着团体的彰显─约壹二18~27,出三十22~25,参弗四4~6:

I. The anointing is the moving and working of the indwelling compound Spirit to apply all the ingredients of the processed Triune God and His activities into our inner being so that we may be fully mingled with Him for His corporate expression—1 John 2:18-27; Exo. 30:22-25; cf. Eph. 4:4-6:

一 三一神经过成为肉体、人性生活、钉十字架、复活、并升天的种种过程之后,成了包罗万有、赐生命的复合之灵─约一14,林前十五45下,腓一19。

A. The Triune God, after passing through the processes of incarnation, human living, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension, has become the all-inclusive, life-giving compound Spirit—John 1:14; 1 Cor. 15:45b; Phil. 1:19.

二 祂在我们的灵里,用三一神的元素膏我们,“漆”我们;这膏抹,这漆越多,三一神连同祂的人位和所经过的过程,就越灌输到我们里面。

B. He is within our spirit to anoint us, to "paint" us, with the elements of the Triune God; the more this anointing, this painting, goes on, the more the Triune God with His person and processes is transfused into our being.

三 我们必须是涂上漆的人,就是被膏油涂抹浸透的人;我们该是油漆未干的人,总是有包罗万有的灵这神圣油漆的新鲜涂抹,使我们可以用包罗万有的灵去漆别人─诗九二10,亚四14,林后三3、6、8。

C. We need to be painted persons, those who are saturated with the anointing; we should be those on whom the paint is wet, always having a fresh application of the all-inclusive Spirit as the divine paint so that we may paint others with the all-inclusive Spirit—Psa. 92:10; Zech. 4:14; 2 Cor. 3:3, 6, 8.

四 基督徒的生活完全是由复合之灵涂抹的生活。

D. The Christian life is altogether a life of being anointed by the compound Spirit.

贰 我们若仔细读约翰一书二章十八至二十七节,就会看见膏油涂抹的教导主要是教导我们关于神圣三一的事:─引用经文

II. If we read 1 John 2:18-27 carefully, we will see that the teaching of the anointing is mainly a matter of teaching us concerning the Divine Trinity:

一 我们借着包罗万有、复合之灵(神圣三一之组成)的涂抹,就能认识并享受父、子、灵作我们的生命和生命的供应─20、27节。

A. By the anointing of the all-inclusive, compound Spirit, who is the composition of the Divine Trinity, we know and enjoy the Father, the Son, and the Spirit as our life and life supply—vv. 20, 27.

二 复合的灵乃是将祂自己当作油漆涂抹在我们身上,借此教导我们关于三一神和祂活动的事;我们也可以说,复合之灵的元素,教导我们各样关于三一神和祂活动的事:

B. It is by applying Himself to us as the paint that the compound Spirit teaches us concerning the Triune God and His activities; we also may say that the elements of the compound Spirit teach us the various matters concerning the Triune God and His activities:

1 不是外面用言语的教导,乃是里面膏油涂抹,借着内里属灵知觉的教导;这种膏油涂抹的教导,将神圣三一的神圣元素,就是涂抹的复合之灵的元素,加到我们里面。

1. It is not an outward teaching by words but an inward teaching by anointing, through our inner spiritual consciousness; this teaching by anointing adds the divine elements of theDivine Trinity, which are the elements of the anointing compound Spirit, into our inner being.

2 这就如将油漆重复涂在一件物品上;油漆不但指明某种颜色,更因着一层一层的涂抹,油漆的元素就加到所涂的物品上。

2. It is like the repeated painting of some article: the paint not only indicates the color, but also by coat upon coat being added, the elements of the paint are added to the thing painted.

3 三一神就是这样灌输、注入并加到我们里面的各部分里,使我们里面的人因着神圣的元素在神圣的生命里长大。

3. It is in this way that the Triune God is transfused, infused, and added into all the inward parts of our being that our inner man may grow in the divine life with the divine elements.

4 膏油涂抹教导我们住在子里面,并住在父里面(24);这就是停留并居住在主里面(约十五4~5),也就是住在神圣生命的交通里(约壹一2~3、6~7)。─引用经文

4. The anointing teaches us to abide in the Son and in the Father (v. 24); this is to remain and dwell in the Lord (John 15:4) and to abide in the fellowship of the divine life (1 John 1:2-3, 6-7).

5 我们该照着包罗万有之膏油涂抹的教导,实行这种居住,使我们与神的交通得以维持。

5. We should practice this abiding according to the teaching of the all-inclusive anointing so that our fellowship with God may be maintained.

三 现今在生机上与我们是一的三一神,正教导我们关于祂自己的事,这教导是主观的,且是在经历上的;膏油涂抹乃是三一神的运行,成了我们里面的享受和经历。

C. The Triune God, who is now organically one with us, is teaching us concerning Himself subjectively and experientially; the anointing is the moving of the Triune God becoming our inward enjoyment and experience.

四 一天过一天,我们在与三一神生机的联结里,我们就享受祂,经历祂,在祂里面、同着祂并凭着祂生活;这生活乃是一种对于三一神的事持续不断的教导。

D. Day by day as we are in the organic union with the Triune God, we enjoy Him, we experience Him, and we live in Him, with Him, and by Him; this living is a constant teaching of the things concerning the Triune God.

五 约壹二章二十节说,我们有膏油涂抹,二十一节说,我们晓得真理;膏油涂抹实际上就是真理的运行并工作,这真理乃是神圣三一的实际,尤其是基督身位的实际(22~25)。─引用经文

E. First John 2:20 says that we have an anointing, and verse 21 says that we know the truth; actually, the anointing is the moving and working of the truth, which is the reality of the Divine Trinity, especially of the person of Christ (vv. 22-25).

六 根据二十二节,否认耶稣是基督,就是否认父与子;这有力地指明耶稣、基督、父与子乃是一,都是包罗万有、复合、内住之灵的元素、成分;这灵现今一直在涂抹信徒里面的人。─引用经文

F. According to verse 22, to deny that Jesus is the Christ is to deny the Father and the Son; this indicates strongly that Jesus, Christ, the Father, and the Son are one, all of whom are the elements, the ingredients, of the all-inclusive compound indwelling Spirit, who is now anointing the inner being of the believers all the time.

七 约翰在二十三节接着说,“凡否认子的就没有父,承认子的连父也有了”;子与父既是一,且不可分(赛九6,约十30,十四7~11),否认子的就没有父,承认子的连父也有了。─引用经文

G. In verse 23 John continues, "Everyone who denies the Son does not have the Father either; he who confesses the Son has the Father also"; since the Son and the Father are one andinseparable (Isa. 9:6; John 10:30; 14:7-11), to deny the Son is to be without the Father, and to confess the Son is to have the Father.

八 约翰在约壹二章二十四节说,我们若让那从起初所听见的,就是生命的话(一1~2),住在我们里面,我们也就住在子里面,并住在父里面:─引用经文

H. In 1 John 2:24 John says that if we let that which was from the beginning, that is, the Word of life (1:1-2), abide in us, we shall abide both in the Son and in the Father:

1 按照约翰十五章四节,当我们住在主里面,主就住在我们里面;在约壹二章二十四节这里说,当生命的话住在我们里面,我们也就住在子里面,并住在父里面。─引用经文

1. According to John 15:4, when we abide in the Lord, the Lord abides in us; in 1 John 2:24 it says that when the Word of life abides in us, we abide in the Son and in the Father.

2 约翰再次将父与子放在一起成了一位,因为父与子乃是一─约五43,四34,五30,六38,七18,十30。

2. Once again, John puts the Father and the Son together as one, for the Father and the Son are one—John 5:43; 4:34; 5:30; 6:38; 7:18; 10:30.

九 约壹二章二十五说,“祂所应许我们的,就是那永远的生命”:

I. First John 2:25 says, "This is the promise which He Himself promised us, the eternal life":

1 这单数代名词祂,是指前节的子与父,指明子与父乃是一。

1. The singular pronoun He, referring to both the Son and the Father in the preceding verse, indicates that the Son and the Father are one.

2 按我们对神圣生命的经历,子、父、耶稣、基督都是一。

2. As far as our experience of the divine life is concerned, the Son, the Father, Jesus, and Christ are all one.

3 不是仅有子对我们是永远的生命,而父不是;乃是耶稣,就是那是子与父的基督,对我们是永远、神圣的生命,作我们的分。

3. It is not that only the Son, and not the Father, is the eternal life to us; it is that Jesus, being the Christ as the Son and the Father, is the eternal, divine life to us for our portion.

4 照二十二至二十五节的上下文看,永远的生命就是耶稣、基督、子与父;这些都是永远生命的组成;因此,永远的生命也是那在我们里面运行,包罗万有、复合、内住之灵的元素。─引用经文

4. According to the context of verses 22 through 25, the eternal life is just Jesus, Christ, the Son, and the Father; all these are a composition of the eternal life; hence, the eternal life also is an element of the all-inclusive, compound indwelling Spirit, who moves within us.

十 在二十五节,那永远的生命就是生命的话,而生命的话就是耶稣、基督、父与子;这几项都是那复合成为复合之膏油的元素:─引用经文

J. The eternal life in verse 25 is the Word of life, and the Word of life is Jesus, Christ, the Father, and the Son; all these items are elements that have been compounded into the compound anointing Spirit:

1 在耶稣有成为肉体、人性和钉十字架,在父有神性,在基督有受膏者和复活,在子有生命。

1. With Jesus we have the incarnation, humanity, and crucifixion; with the Father we have divinity; with Christ we have the anointed One and resurrection; and with the Son we have life.

2 因此,在这些元素有复合膏油一切的成分:神性、人性、成为肉体、钉十字架、复活和生命。

2. Therefore, with these elements we have all the ingredients of the compound ointment: divinity, humanity, incarnation, crucifixion, resurrection, and life.

叁 我们需要蒙保守,免于在敌基督(18、22)的原则里过生活;敌基督的原则就是反对基督并顶替基督的原则,“反膏油涂抹”的原则,也就是敌挡三一神在我们里面的运行、工作和浸透(20~27,参利十四14~17):─引用经文

III. We need to be kept from having a living that is in the principle of antichrist (vv. 18, 22), the principle of being against Christ and replacing Christ, the principle of being "antianointing," which is to be "anti" the moving, working, and saturating of the Triune God within us (vv. 20-27; cf. Lev. 14:14-17):

一 否认耶稣是基督(约壹二22)与否认膏油涂抹有关:─引用经文

A. To deny that Jesus is the Christ (1 John 2:22) is related to denying the anointing:

1 基督的原文是Christos,基利司督,意思是受膏者;膏油涂抹的原文是chrisma,基利司玛,这两个字都是源于同一字根。

1. The Greek word for Christ is Christos, which means "the anointed One," and the Greek word for anointing is chrisma; both words are derived from the same root.

2 至终,受膏者成为施膏者;事实上,祂甚至成为膏油涂抹。

2. Eventually, the anointed One becomes the anointing One; in fact, He even becomes the anointing.

3 否认耶稣是基督,就是否认祂是施膏者;这等于否认膏油涂抹,因为受膏者进到我们里面之后,就成了膏油涂抹─林后一21。

3. To deny that Jesus is the Christ is to deny that He is the anointed One; this is equal to denying the anointing, for after the anointed One enters into us, He becomes the anointing—2 Cor. 1:21.

4 敌基督的,反膏油涂抹的,就是否认父与子。

4. To be an anti-Christ, to be anti-anointing, is to deny the Father and the Son.

二 如果有人否认圣经里所启示基督的某一方面,虽然他可能是不知不觉、无意之中作的,他还是遵循了敌基督者的原则;同样的,如果有人用不是属于基督的事物顶替基督的某一方面,他就是实行敌基督者的原则。

B. If someone denies an aspect of Christ revealed in the Scriptures, that one is following the principle of antichrist, although what he is doing may be done unconsciously and unintentionally; likewise, if someone replaces an aspect of Christ with something that is not of Christ, he is practicing the principle of antichrist.

三 我们都需要将这话应用到自己身上,并且要儆醒,以免在任何一面遵循了敌基督者的原则:

C. We all need to apply this word to ourselves and be on the alert lest in any way we follow the principle of antichrist:

1 我们若否认基督身位的某一方面,就是反对基督,敌挡基督;我们若在日常生活里有什么顶替了基督,也是反对基督,敌挡基督。

1. If we deny an aspect of Christ's person, we are against Him, anti Him; if we have something in our daily living that replaces Christ, we are also against Christ, anti Christ.

2 我们若以自己的好性格和行为顶替基督,就是在实行敌基督者的原则;实际上,我们乃是在反对膏油涂抹,敌挡三一神在我们里面的运行、工作和浸透。

2. If we replace Christ with our own good character and behavior, we are practicing the principle of antichrist; in a practical way, we are against the anointing, anti the moving, working, and saturating of the Triune God within us.

3 我们不可敌挡膏油涂抹,乃必须照着膏油涂抹生活;否则我们就会反对基督,或以别的事物顶替基督;我们在日常生活里,可能以许多天然、宗教、文化、伦理的事物顶替基督。

3. Instead of being anti the anointing, we must live according to the anointing; otherwise, we shall be against Christ, or we shall replace Christ with something else; in our dailylife we may replace Christ with many natural, religious, cultural, and ethical things.

4 我们需要为着以别的事物顶替基督而悔改;我们需要为着日常生活在敌基督者的原则里,让文化、宗教、伦理和天然观念顶替基督而悔改。

4. We need to repent for replacing Christ with other things; we need to repent for having a daily living that is in the principle of antichrist, that allows culture, religion, ethics, and natural concepts to replace Christ.

四 我们需要祷告:“主,拯救我们,搭救我们,释放我们脱离一切的顶替。主,带我们回到你的膏油涂抹。我们不要在任何一面敌挡基督,我们不要反对膏油涂抹。主,我们要凭着我们里面三一神的运行、工作和浸透生活行动。”这是圣经的启示,这也是今天我们在主恢复里的负担。

D. We need to pray, "Lord, save us, rescue us, and deliver us from all replacements. Lord, bring us back to Your anointing. We don't want to be anti Christ in any way. We don't want to be anti the anointing. Lord, we want to live and walk by the moving, working, and saturating of the Triune God within us"; this is the revelation of the Bible, and this is also our burden in the Lord's recovery today.
