The Increase of Christ in the Believers Being Their Spiritual Progress and Growth in Life
壹 属灵的长进就是基督的成分在信徒里面的增加─约三30,加四19,弗四13,腓三7~12:
I. Spiritual progress is the increase of the element of Christ within the believers—John 3:30; Gal. 4:19; Eph. 4:13; Phil. 3:7-12:
一 信徒属灵进步的首要条件就是要饥饿─路一53:
A. The first condition for spiritual progress in a believer is hunger—Luke 1:53:
1 所有属灵的长进,都在乎我们的饥饿;我们在主面前要有长远的进步,就必须有持续的饥饿─太五6。
1. All spiritual progress depends on our hunger; in order to have sustained progress before the Lord, we need a sustained hunger—Matt. 5:6.
2 神的原则就是叫饥饿的得饱美物,叫富足的空着回去─路一53。
2. God's principle is to fill the hungry with good things and to send the rich away empty—Luke 1:53.
3 重生是白白的,但属灵上要进步就必须出代价;信徒要有进步,就必须出代价─启三18。
3. Regeneration is free, but spiritual progress comes with a price; in order for a believer to make progress, he must pay a price—Rev. 3:18.
二 我们要看见,属灵的生命是基督自己,属灵的生活也是基督自己,属灵的长进还是基督自己─西三4,腓一21上。
B. We need to see that our spiritual life is Christ, that our spiritual living is Christ, and that our spiritual progress is also Christ—Col. 3:4; Phil. 1:21a.
三 真实的属灵乃是基督自己,属灵的长进乃是基督的加多。
C. Real spirituality is Christ Himself; spiritual progress is the increase of Christ.
四 基督徒属灵的长进不该仅仅是外面表现的改变,乃该是里面基督的成分加多─弗三17:
D. A Christian's spiritual progress should not be only an outward improvement but should be an inward increase of the element of Christ—Eph. 3:17:
1 有些信徒外面表现变好了,但里面基督没有加多;这不是属灵的长进,乃是宗教的长进。
1. Some believers improve their outward behavior but do not have more of Christ in them; this is not spiritual progress but religious progress.
2 很少基督徒能分辨信徒身上的改变,到底是道德的改变,还是由于基督加多而有的改变。
2. Very few Christians are able to discern whether the change in a believer is merely an ethical change or a change due to the increase of Christ.
五 属灵的长进乃是把占有了神的地位的东西一件一件除掉了─太六33,五8:
E. Spiritual progress is being free from everything that usurps the place of God—Matt. 6:33; 5:8:
1 属灵的长进,从积极一面来说,是基督的成分在我们里面加增了;从消极一面来说,是基督以外的一切东西从我们里面除去了─腓三7~8。
1. On the positive side, spiritual progress is the increase of the element of Christ within us; on the negative side, spiritual progress is the removal of all things other than Christ within us—Phil. 3:7-8.
2 属灵的长进,不仅是加进去,也是被减除;当夺去神地位的东西从我们身上被除掉,这就有属灵的长进─太五8,六33。
2. Spiritual progress is not only addition but also subtraction; when something that has usurped God's place is removed from us, there is spiritual progress—Matt. 5:8; 6:33.
六 基督在我们里面长大成形,使我们里面有基督丰满之身材的度量,这就是属灵的长进─弗四13,加四19。
F. When Christ grows and is formed in us so that there is the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ within us, this is spiritual progress—Eph. 4:13; Gal. 4:19.
贰 生命的长大乃是基督在信徒里面的扩增─约三30:
II. The growth in life is the increase of Christ in the believers—John 3:30:
一 真实生命的长大乃是基督这生命在我们里面加多─十四6。
A. The real growth in life is the addition of Christ as life into our being—14:6.
二 基督自己不需要生长,因为祂是完美又完全的:
B. Christ in Himself does not need to grow, for He is perfect and complete:
1 基督自己是完全成熟的,但在我们里面的基督可能仍然非常小;我们需要赢得更多的基督─弗四15。
1. In Himself Christ is fully mature, but in us Christ may still be very small; we need to gain more of Christ—Eph. 4:15.
2 当基督在我们里面扩增时,我们就在祂里面长大─西二19。
2. When Christ increases in us, we grow in Him—Col. 2:19.
三 生命的长大乃是基督一直在我们里面增加,并且我们一直减少─约三30。
C. The growth in life is Christ increasing within us and we decreasing all the time—John 3:30.
四 因着生命是基督,所以生命的长大就是基督在我们里面的加增─十一25,十四6,约壹五11~12,弗三17:
D. Because life is Christ, the growth of life is the increase of Christ within us—11:25; 14:6; 1 John 5:11-12; Eph. 3:17:
1 基督已进到我们灵里作生命,现今我们需要敞开自己,让基督在我们里面扩展,充满、浸透并浸润我们。
1. Christ came into our spirit as life, and now we need to open ourselves and let Christ spread within us and fill, saturate, and permeate us.
2 生命的长大乃是基督的加增和扩展─加四19。
2. The growth of life is the increase and expansion of Christ—Gal. 4:19.
五 我们需要启示,好看见真正在生命里的长大,不是仅仅行为的改变或自我改良,乃是基督在我们里面的扩增─弗一17,三17:
E. We need a revelation to see that genuine growth in life is not a mere change in behavior or the improvement of ourselves but the increase of Christ within us—Eph. 1:17; 3:17:
1 宗教的工作是改良自己,而主的心意是要我们向祂敞开自己,使祂得以在我们里面扩增─17节。
1. The work of religion is to improve the self, whereas the Lord's desire is that we open ourselves to Him so that He may increase in us—v. 17.
2 今天信徒所缺少的,就是基督这生命在他们里面的扩增。
2. What the believers lack today is the increase of Christ as life within them.
六 生命的长大乃是基督作到我们里面,并成形在我们里面─加四19:
F. The growth in life is Christ wrought into us and formed in us—Gal. 4:19:
1 让基督成形在我们里面,就是让基督在我们里面完全长大─弗四13。
1. To have Christ formed in us is to have Christ fully grown in us—Eph. 4:13.
2 当基督成形在我们里面,祂就安家在我们心里;祂渴望浸透我们心(我们里面之人)的每一部分,直到完全据有我们的心─三16~17。
2. As Christ is being formed in us, He makes His home in our hearts; He desires to saturate every part of our heart, our inward being, until He takes full possession of it—3:16-17.
3 我们若渴望让基督在我们里面扩增,而在生命里长大,就需要完满地经历基督─腓三7~12。
3. If we desire to grow in life by having Christ increase within us, we need to experience Christ in a full way—Phil. 3:7-12.
七 我们要基督在我们里面扩增,并要我们衰减,就需要更新的心思和服从的意志;我们的心思越得更新,意志越被降服,基督就越在我们里面长大─弗四23,罗十二2,林前六17,腓二12,林后十6:
G. In order for Christ to increase within us and for us to decrease, we need a renewed mind and a submissive will; the more we are renewed in our mind and subdued in our will, the more Christ will grow in us—Eph. 4:23; Rom. 12:2; 1 Cor. 6:17; Phil. 2:12; 2 Cor. 10:6:
1 我们要在心思的灵里得以更新─弗四23:
1. We need to be renewed in the spirit of the mind—Eph. 4:23:
a 重生的灵乃是更新的灵;这更新的灵必须得加强,好侵占、征服并占有我们魂的每一部分─约三6,弗三16。
a. A regenerated spirit is a renewed spirit; this renewed spirit must be strengthened to invade, subdue, and occupy every part of our soul—John 3:6; Eph. 3:16.
b 基督作为赐生命的灵,现今在我们的灵里,并且这二灵调和在一起,形成心思的灵─提后四22,林前六17。
b. Christ as the life-giving Spirit is now in our spirit, and these two spirits mingle together to form the spirit of the mind—2 Tim. 4:22; 1 Cor. 6:17.
c 当那与我们重生的灵调和的赐生命之灵,扩展到我们的心思里,这调和的灵就成为我们心思的灵;乃是借着这调和的灵,我们的心思得着更新─弗四23。
c. When the life-giving Spirit, who is mingled with our regenerated spirit, spreads into our mind, this mingled spirit becomes the spirit of our mind; it is by this mingled spirit that our mind is renewed—Eph. 4:23.
d 在我们心思的灵里得以更新,乃是里面并内在的;这更新将我们的逻辑、哲学、想法、观念和心态翻转过来─罗十二2。
d. To be renewed in the spirit of our mind is inward and intrinsic; this renewing revolutionizes our logic, philosophy, thought, concept, and psychology—Rom. 12:2.
2 我们的意志必须被降服,好与神和谐─腓二12~13:
2. Our will must be subdued and be in harmony with God—Phil. 2:12-13:
a 我们全人既是随我们的意志而行动,意志就是我们全人最有势力的部分,代表我们全人─约七17。
a. Since our whole being moves according to our will, our will is the most powerful part of our being and represents our whole being—John 7:17.
b 颈项代表人在神面前意志的降服;主看我们意志的降服,是顶美丽的事─歌四4。
b. The neck stands for the human will under God; the Lord considers the submission of our will a most beautiful thing—S. S. 4:4.
c 我们的意志要与神联合,祂就必须征服我们意志的活动和我们意志的生命─1节:
c. In order for us to have a union of our will with God, He must subdue the activities of our will and the life of our will—v. 1:
㈠ 服从是在活动方面,和谐是在生命、性质、倾向方面─1、4节。
(1) Submission is in the aspect of activities; harmony is in the aspect of life, nature, and tendency—vv. 1, 4.
㈡ 服从的意志是停止了自己的活动,但和谐的意志是与神一致并同心的─约四34,太二六39。
(2) A submissive will stops its own activities; a harmonious will is one with God and is of the same heart as God—John 4:34; Matt. 26:39.
d 完全与神和谐的意志,乃是把心完全放在神旨意里面的;唯独意志与神和谐的人,才能认识神的心─约七17,弗一9。
d. A will that is in complete harmony with God is a will in which one's whole heart is placed in the will of God; only when our will is in harmony with God can we know God's heart—John 7:17; Eph. 1:9.