第六篇 基督的扩增,为着神的建造

The Increase of Christ for God's Building



壹 宇宙是为着人类,人类是为着召会,召会乃是基督的扩增─亚十二1,创一26~28,弗三9~11,约三29~30。

I. The universe is for the human race, the human race is for the church, and the church is the increase of Christ—Zech. 12:1; Gen. 1:26-28; Eph. 3:9-11; John 3:29-30.

贰 圣经中最大的预言是在马太十六章十八节:“我要把我的召会建造……”:─引用经文

II. The greatest prophecy in the Bible is in Matthew 16:18: "I will build My church":

一 这预言的应验还未完全实现,所以甚至到今天,最大的预言仍未应验─弗二21~22,四13~16。

A. The fulfillment of this prophecy has not been fully realized, so even today the greatest prophecy remains unfulfilled—Eph. 2:21-22; 4:13-16.

二 圣经中心而神圣的思想乃是:神渴望得着一个建造,就是祂自己与人性的调和;这样的建造乃是神的家,祂的居所─出二五8,提前三15,弗二21~22。

B. The central and divine thought of the Scriptures is that God desires a building that is the mingling of Himself with humanity; such a building is God's house, His dwelling place—Exo. 25:8; 1 Tim. 3:15; Eph. 2:21-22.

三 传福音、建立召会和造就圣徒,都是神主要工作─建造工作─的一部分─太十六18。

C. Preaching the gospel, establishing churches, and edifying the saints are all part of God's main work—the work of building—Matt. 16:18.

四 神的建造是三一神团体的彰显─提前三15~16,约十七22,弗三19下、21:

D. God's building is the corporate expression of the Triune God—1 Tim. 3:15-16; John 17:22; Eph. 3:19b, 21:

1 神的心意是要得着一班人建造成为属灵的建筑,以彰显神并代表神,对付祂的仇敌,并恢复失去的地─创一26~28,彼前二5、9。

1. God's intention is to have a group of people built up as a spiritual building to express God and represent God by dealing with His enemy and recovering the earth—Gen. 1:26-28; 1 Pet. 2:5, 9.

2 神要人在地上彰显祂并代表祂,这渴望唯有当我们被建造在一起才得以成就─弗二21~22。

2. God's desire to be expressed and represented by man on earth can be fulfilled only when we are built up together—Eph. 2:21-22.

五 神建造的原则乃是神将祂自己在基督里建造到人里面,并将人建造到祂自己里面;神自己与人调和,就是神将祂自己建造到人里面,人与神调和就是人被建造到神里面─三17上。

E. The principle of God's building is that God builds Himself in Christ into man and builds man into Himself; God's mingling Himself with man is God building Himself into man, and man's mingling with God is man being built into God—3:17a.

六 为了祂再来的缘故,主需要召会被建造起来;唯有召会照着主的心意建造起来,才能成为进入国度时代的踏脚石─太十六18、27~28。

F. For the sake of His coming back, the Lord needs the church to be built up; only the church built up according to the Lord's desire can be the steppingstone into the age of the kingdom—Matt. 16:18, 27-28.

叁 为着建造召会作神的家和基督的身体,我们需要“使万民作[主]的门徒,将他们浸入父、子、圣灵的名里”,并且教训他们遵守主所吩咐的一切─二八19~20:

III. For the building up of the church as the house of God and the Body of Christ, we need to "disciple all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" and to teach them to observe all that the Lord has commanded—28:19-20:

一 将人浸入三一神的名里,就是将人浸入三一神一切的所是,浸入那神圣者的集大成里。

A. To baptize someone into the name of the Triune God is to immerse him into all that the Triune God is, into the sum total of the Divine Being.

二 主所命定的浸乃是为着诸天的国,把人浸入基督身体的生命里─林前十二13,太五3,六33。

B. The baptism ordained by the Lord baptizes people into the Body life for the kingdom of the heavens—1 Cor. 12:13; Matt. 5:3; 6:33.

三 所有迁入基督里的人,乃是基督的扩增─徒五14。

C. All those who are transferred into Christ are the increase of Christ—Acts 5:14.

四 要为着神的建造得着基督的扩增,我们就必须在实行上采取四个步骤:传福音以得着扩增,有家聚会以维持扩增,有排聚会以教导并成全扩增,并有召会聚会,让众圣徒在其中申言以尽功用,使基督的身体得着建造─14节,林前十四3~4。

D. In order to have the increase of Christ for God's building, we must take four steps in our practice: preaching the gospel to gain an increase, having home meetings to keep the increase, having group meetings to teach and perfect the increase, and having church meetings in which all the saints function by prophesying for the building up of the Body of Christ—v. 14; 1 Cor. 14:3-4.

肆 召会既是基督的身体,基督的化身,召会的长大就是基督的长大─弗四15~16:

IV. Since the church is the Body of Christ, His embodiment, the growth of the church is the growth of Christ—Eph. 4:15-16:

一 只有基督的长大,才是召会的长大─西二19,一18:

A. Only the growth of Christ is the growth of the church—Col. 2:19; 1:18:

1 一个召会有没有长进,不是看她的长处或优点有没有加多,乃是看基督有没有加多─约三30。

1. The growth of the church is not determined by an increase in its strengths or merits but by the increase of Christ—John 3:30.

2 一个召会长大多少,不在于人数增加多少,乃在于基督增加多少─徒五14。

2. The measure of the growth of the church is not determined by an increase in numbers but by the increase of Christ—Acts 5:14.

3 唯有基督的增加才是召会的长进─约三29~30。

3. Only the increase of Christ is the growth of the church—John 3:29-30.

二 神要基督在召会里增加并长大,并要基督成为召会的内容和成分,使召会“达到了长成的人,达到了基督丰满之身材的度量”─弗四13:

B. God's desire is for Christ to increase and grow in the church and for Christ to become the content and element of the church so that the church would arrive "at a full-grown man, at the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ"—Eph. 4:13:

1 神的工作乃是要叫基督的身量能在召会里增长─三16~21,四13。

1. God's work is to cause the measure of the stature of Christ to increase in the church—3:16-21; 4:13.

2 神一直盼望的,就是召会能长得满有基督的身量;因为神是要叫召会作基督的身体,作基督的丰满─一22~23,四16。

2. God is expecting the church to grow to the full measure of the stature of Christ, because God's desire is for the church to be the Body of Christ, His fullness—1:22-23; 4:16.

伍 建造召会作为基督的身体,乃是基督在信徒里面的增加,这增加就是他们在生命里的长大─15~16节:

V. The building up of the church as the Body of Christ is the increase of Christ in the believers, and this increase is their growth in life—vv. 15-16:

一 作基督身体的召会乃是生机体;而召会这生机体的建造乃是召会生机的长大─西二19。

A. The church as the Body of Christ is an organism, and the building up of the church as an organism is its organic growth—Col. 2:19.

二 长大、增加和建造不是三件不同的事;对于基督生机的身体,长大、增加和建造乃是同义辞─弗四13、15~16。

B. Growth, increase, and building up are not three different things; they are synonyms in relation to the organic Body of Christ—Eph. 4:13, 15-16.

三 基督身体的建造乃是基督身体的长大,是借着身体的肢体在一切事上长到元首基督里面;身体长大以建造身体─15~16节。

C. The building up of the Body of Christ is the growth of the Body through the members growing up into Christ, the Head, in all things; the Body grows to build up the Body—vv. 15-16.

陆 主耶稣正在祂的复活里建造更大的殿,就是父的家,使其成为团体的殿,就是基督奥秘的身体─约二19~22:

VI. In His resurrection the Lord Jesus is building the temple, the Father's house, in a larger way, making it a corporate temple, the mystical Body of Christ—John 2:19-22:

一 自从祂复活那一天,主耶稣一直在复活的生命里扩大祂的身体;祂仍然在复活的过程下,为着建造祂的身体作工,借着复活的过程作工在我们身上。

A. Since the day of His resurrection, the Lord Jesus has been enlarging His Body in His resurrection life; He is still working for the building of His Body under the process of resurrection, working on us through the process of resurrection.

二 基督是复活,是生命,祂变死亡为生命,使神的家得着建造;我们基督徒的生活乃是变死亡为生命的生活,使基督奥秘的身体得着建造─十一25,二1~21。

B. Christ, who is resurrection and life, changes death into life for the building of the house of God; our living as Christians is a life of changing death into life for the building up of the mystical Body of Christ—11:25; 2:1-21.

三 父的家乃在于三一神经过成为肉体、钉十字架和复活,将祂自己作到信徒里面,好与他们完全调和,使祂能把他们建造成一个生机体,作祂的居所和彰显─十四2~3、23。

C. The Father's house is a matter of the Triune God—through incarnation, crucifixion, and resurrection—working Himself into the believers in order to be fully mingled with them so that He may build them up as an organism for His dwelling and expression—14:2-3, 23.

四 神的儿子主耶稣基督,凭着那灵并借着祂的死与复活,正在建造一个生机体,召会,就是祂的身体和父的家,是由三一神与蒙祂拣选并救赎之人调和而产生的,作祂团体的彰显;这就是基督的扩增,为着召会的建造─7~24节,三29~30。

D. By the Spirit and through His death and resurrection, the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, is building an organism, the church, which is His Body and the Father's house, produced by the mingling of the Triune God with His chosen and redeemed people for His corporate expression; this is the increase of Christ for the building up of the church—vv. 7-24; 3:29-30.
