第四篇 三个帐幕

The Three Tabernacles



壹 圣经里的三个帐幕─帐幕的预表、帐幕的实际、帐幕的终极完成─启示出神经纶的目标,是要得着一个团体的人成为祂的居所,在永世里作祂的彰显和代表─创一26,出四十34,启二一2~3、10~11,二二1、5:

I. The three tabernacles in the Holy Scriptures—the type of the tabernacle, the reality of the tabernacle, and the consummation of the tabernacle—reveal the goal of God's economy to have a corporate people to be His dwelling place for His expression and representation in eternity—Gen. 1:26; Exo. 40:34; Rev. 21:2-3, 10-11; 22:1, 5:

一 在旧约里,帐幕的预表完满且完整的启示个人的基督作头,和团体的基督作身体,就是召会,包括为着召会生活而经历基督的许多细节(作为神的居所,帐幕和圣殿乃是一)出二五9,王上八1~11,来九4。

A. The type of the tabernacle in the Old Testament is a full and complete revelation of the individual Christ as the Head and the corporate Christ as the Body, the church, including many details of the experience of Christ for the church life (as God's dwelling place, the tabernacle and the temple were one)—Exo. 25:9; 1 Kings 8:1-11; Heb. 9:4.

二 在新约里,帐幕的实际乃是成为肉体的基督,就是个人的基督,也是团体的基督,就是基督的身体;借着祂的死与复活,个人的基督扩大成为团体的基督,就是新约信徒所组成的召会,作为神的殿(神的家),和基督的身体─约一14,二19~21,林前三16~17,提前三15,来三6,林前十二12。

B. The reality of the tabernacle in the New Testament is the incarnated Christ, the individual Christ, and the corporate Christ, the Body of Christ; through His death and resurrection the individual Christ was enlarged to be the corporate Christ, the church, composed of the New Testament believers as the temple, the house of God, and the Body of Christ—John 1:14; 2:19-21; 1 Cor. 3:16-17; 1 Tim. 3:15; Heb. 3:6; 1 Cor. 12:12.

三 帐幕的终极完成作整本圣经的总结,乃是新耶路撒冷,就是伟大的团体神人,作经过过程、终极完成之三一神,与蒙祂重生、变化并荣化之三部分人永远、扩大、神人二性的宇宙合并─启二一3、22,二二17上。

C. The consummation of the tabernacle as the conclusion of the complete Bible is the New Jerusalem, a great corporate God-man as the eternal, enlarged, universal, divine-human incorporation of the processed and consummated Triune God with His regenerated, transformed, and glorified tripartite people—Rev. 21:3, 22; 22:17a.

贰 诗篇八十四篇是关于享受基督作为帐幕预表之应验的隐密启示,这享受使我们合并到祂里面,成为帐幕的实际和终极完成─1~11节:

II. Psalm 84 is the secret revelation of the enjoyment of Christ as the fulfillment of the type of the tabernacle so that we may be incorporated into Him to become the reality and consummation of the tabernacle—vv. 1-11:

一 诗篇八十四篇对神殿更深的爱与更甜美的经历,是在经历神的对付和剥夺之后而有的,也是借着经历神作我们独一的分,并给基督独一的地位而得恢复的─七三17、25~26,八十15、17,西一17下、18下。

A. The deeper love and sweeter experience of the house of God in Psalm 84 comes after the experience of God's dealing and stripping and is recovered by the experience of God as our unique portion and by Christ's being given the unique position—73:17, 25-26; 80:15, 17; Col. 1:17b, 18b.

二 神对付祂圣民的目的,乃是要使他们倒空一切,单单接受神作他们所赢得的,并以神圣的三一重新建造起来,成为神的杰作,成就神永远的经纶,使祂得着彰显─伯十13,弗三9~11,二10。

B. God's purpose in dealing with His holy people is that they would be emptied of everything to receive only God as their gain and be rebuilt with the Divine Trinity to become the masterpiece of God, fulfilling God's eternal economy for His expression—Job 10:13; Eph. 3:9-11; 2:10.

三 神信实地取去我们一切的偶像,并带我们进入祂的经纶,叫我们享受基督,好使祂得着一个完完全全是基督人位的恢复─林前一9,约壹五21,参耶二13,哀三22~24。

C. God is faithful to take away all our idols and to lead us into His economy for us to enjoy Christ so that He may have a recovery purely and wholly of the person of Christ—1 Cor. 1:9; 1 John 5:21; cf. Jer. 2:13; Lam. 3:22-24.

叁 诗篇八十四篇内在的内容,是关于享受基督作那成为肉体之三一神、作神人的隐密启示─西二9,一12:

III. The intrinsic content of Psalm 84 is the secret revelation concerning the enjoyment of Christ as the incarnated Triune God, the God-man—Col. 2:9; 1:12:

一 这隐密启示的中心是神的家(诗八四4、10上),由帐幕(出四十2~8)和殿(王上六1~3,八3~11)所预表。─引用经文

A. The center of this secret revelation is the house of God (Psa. 84:4, 10a), typified by the tabernacle (Exo. 40:2-8) and by the temple (1 Kings 6:1-3; 8:3-11).

二 基督作三一神的具体化身(西二9),乃是帐幕和殿之预表的应验:─引用经文

B. Christ as the embodiment of the Triune God (Col. 2:9) is the fulfillment of the types of the tabernacle and the temple:

1 这应验开始于祂的成为肉体,就是个人的基督(约一14,二21),并继续(提前三15~16)直到完成于新耶路撒冷,就是团体的基督,极大的神人(启二一2~3、22)。─引用经文

1. This fulfillment commenced in His incarnation as the individual Christ (John 1:14; 2:21) and will continue (1 Tim. 3:15-16) until it consummates in the New Jerusalem as the corporate Christ, the great God-man (Rev. 21:2-3, 22).

2 新约从马太福音到启示录,包括三一神成为肉体的整个期间,乃是神圣地成为肉体的记载。

2. The New Testament, from Matthew through Revelation, covers the entire span of the incarnation of the Triune God and is a record of the divine incarnation.

3 在神的殿中享受基督作那成为肉体的三一神,乃是由帐幕及其物件的排列所描绘(见图表)

3. The enjoyment of Christ as the incarnated Triune God in God's house is portrayed by the arrangement of the tabernacle and its furnishings (see diagram).

肆 诗人羡慕,甚至渴想在神的帐幕里,指明诗人爱神的帐幕到何等的地步;这爱借着许多试炼而达到成熟─诗八四2。

IV. The psalmist's longing and even fainting to be in God's tabernacles indicate to what extent the psalmist loved God's tabernacles; this love was matured through many trials—Psa. 84:2.

伍 “万军之耶和华,我的王我的神啊,在你的两座坛那里,连麻雀也找着房屋;燕子也为自己找着菢雏之窝”─3节:

V. "At Your two altars even the sparrow has found a home; / And the swallow, a nest for herself, / Where she may lay her young, / O Jehovah of hosts, my King and my God"—v. 3:

一 这两座坛─献祭牲的铜祭坛和烧香用的金坛─乃是成为肉体之三一神,就是基督作神的具体化身,为着祂的扩增,所完成的主要工作─出四十5~6:

A. The two altars—the bronze altar for the sacrifices and the golden altar of incense—are the leading consummations of the work of the incarnated Triune God, who is Christ as the embodiment of God for His increase—Exo. 40:5-6:

1 在预表基督十字架的铜祭坛这里,我们在神面前的问题借着钉十字架的基督作祭物得了解决;这使我们有资格进入帐幕(帐幕预表基督是成为肉体、可进入的三一神),并在香坛这里接触神。

1. At the bronze altar, a type of the cross of Christ, our problems before God are solved through the crucified Christ as the sacrifices; this qualifies us to enter into the tabernacle, a type of Christ as the incarnated and enterable Triune God, and to contact God at the incense altar.

2 在至圣所前面的金香坛这里(来九4),这位在升天里复活的基督是香,使我们在平安中蒙神悦纳;我们借着在香坛的祷告,进入至圣所,就是我们的灵(十19),在此经历基督作见证的柜及其内容。─引用经文

2. At the golden altar of incense in front of the Holy of Holies (Heb. 9:4), the resurrected Christ in His ascension is the incense for us to be accepted by God in peace; through our prayer at the incense altar, we enter into the Holy of Holies—our spirit (10:19)—where we experience Christ as the Ark of the Testimony with its contents.

3 我们借着对基督这样的经历,就被合并到帐幕,就是成为肉体的三一神里面,成为团体基督的一部分(林前十二12),作神的见证,使祂得着彰显:─引用经文

3. Through such an experience of Christ we are incorporated into the tabernacle, the incarnated Triune God, to become a part of the corporate Christ (1 Cor. 12:12) as God's testimony for His manifestation:

a 献祭牲的铜祭坛与基督在地上的职事中,在物质的范围里,所完成神法理的救赎有关─罗五10上,八3,来九14,七27,十10。

a. The bronze altar for the sacrifices is related to God's judicial redemption accomplished in the physical realm by Christ in His earthly ministry—Rom. 5:10a; 8:3; Heb. 9:14; 7:27; 10:10.

b 金香坛与基督在天上的职事中,在神圣奥秘的范围里,所施行神生机的拯救有关─罗八34,来七25,九24。

b. The golden altar of incense is related to God's organic salvation carried out in the divine and mystical realm by Christ in His heavenly ministry—Rom. 8:34; Heb. 7:25; 9:24.

二 借着这两座坛,神所救赎的人,就是“麻雀”和“燕子”,能找着窝作他们的避难所,并找着房屋与神同享安息─参诗九十1,九一1:

B. Through these two altars God's redeemed, the "sparrows" and "swallows," can find a nest as their refuge and a home with God in rest—cf. Psa. 90:1; 91:1:

1 基督的十字架,由铜祭坛所预表,是我们的“窝”,我们的避难所,在此我们蒙拯救脱离烦恼,在此我们也得以“菢雏”,即借着传福音,产生初信者。

1. The cross of Christ, typified by the bronze altar, is our "nest," our refuge, where we are saved from our troubles and where we "lay" our young, that is, produce new believers through the preaching of the gospel.

2 当我们经历在升天里复活的基督(由金香坛所预表),我们就在这样一位基督里蒙神悦纳,并在神的殿中找着房屋,也就是安息之所。

2. When we experience the resurrected Christ in His ascension, typified by the golden altar of incense, we are accepted by God in such a Christ and find a home, a place of rest, in the house of God.

3 这殿是经过过程并终极完成的三一神,与一切祂所救赎、重生并变化之选民的联结、调和与合并(约十四1~23),在今世乃是基督的身体,在永世乃是新耶路撒冷,作神与祂所救赎之人相互的居所(启二一3、22)。─引用经文

3. This house is the processed and consummated Triune God united, mingled, and incorporated with all His redeemed, regenerated, and transformed elect (John 14:1-23) to be the Body of Christ in the present age and the New Jerusalem as the mutual dwelling place of God and His redeemed in eternity (Rev. 21:3, 22).

陆 “住在你殿中的,便为有福;他们仍要赞美你。细拉……万军之耶和华啊,信靠你的人,便为有福”─诗八四4、12:

VI. "Blessed are those who dwell in Your house; / They will yet be praising You. Selah… / O Jehovah of hosts, blessed is the man / Who trusts in You"—Psa. 84:4, 12:

一 按预表,殿是整体的召会(提前三15),居所(诗八四1─帐幕,复数)是众地方召会(启一11)。─引用经文

A. In type, the house is the church as a totality (1 Tim. 3:15), and the tabernacles (Psa. 84:1) are the local churches (Rev. 1:11).

二 赞美主该是我们的生活,我们的召会生活该是赞美的生活─诗二二3,五十23,帖前五16~19,腓四4、11~13。

B. Praising the Lord should be our living, and our church life should be a life of praising—Psa. 22:3; 50:23; 1 Thes. 5:16-19; Phil. 4:4, 11-13.

三 在召会生活里,我们信靠神,不信靠我们自己或我们天然人的才能,解决困难的处境─林后一8~9、12。

C. In the church life we trust in God, not in ourselves or in our natural human ability, to work out a solution to our difficult situations—2 Cor. 1:8-9, 12.

柒 “因你有力量,心中想往锡安大道的,这人便为有福”─诗八四5,参腓四13,约十五5:

VII. "Blessed is the man whose strength is in You, / In whose heart are the highways to Zion"—Psa. 84:5; cf. Phil. 4:13; John 15:5:

一 锡安大道表征我们想要进入作为神殿的召会,也是有福的大道,我们借此寻求那成为肉体之三一神所完成的(由帐幕的器物所预表)来十19~22。

A. The highways to Zion signify our intention to enter into the church as the house of God and are the blessed highways for seeking the incarnated Triune God in His consummations, typified by the furniture in the tabernacle—Heb. 10:19-22.

二 一面,我们已进入神里面;另一面,我们还在进入神的大道上。

B. On the one hand, we have entered into God; on the other hand, we are still on the highways to enter into God.

三 锡安大道在我们心中,意思是我们需要在里面接受召会的路,而不是外面的接受;当我们深深的在内里生命中,我们必定会在召会的路上;锡安大道就会在我们心里─参约壹一3~4。

C. The highways to Zion in our heart mean that we need to take the way of the church internally, not externally; when we are deeply in the inner life, we will certainly be in the way of the church; the highways to Zion will be within our heart—cf. 1 John 1:3-4.

四 锡安就是神所在之处,也就是至圣所;得胜者要成为锡安,主的恢复是要建造锡安─启二一16,参出二六2~8,王上六20,参启二7。

D. Zion is the very spot where God is, the Holy of Holies; the overcomers become Zion, and the Lord's recovery is to build up Zion—Rev. 21:16; cf. Exo. 26:2-8; 1 Kings 6:20; cf. Rev. 2:7.

捌 “他们经过流泪谷,叫这谷变为泉源之地;并有秋雨之福,盖满了这谷”─诗八四6:

VIII. "Passing through the valley of Baca, / They make it a spring; / Indeed the early rain covers it with blessings"—Psa. 84:6:

一 流泪谷,或,巴迦谷;在锡安大道上的人,一面在神里面得着加强(5);另一面,他们也受到撒但的反对,叫他们遭受逼迫。─引用经文

A. Baca means "weeping"; on the one hand, those on the highways to Zion are strengthened in God (v. 5); on the other hand, they are opposed by Satan, who causes them to suffer persecution.

二 撒但所引起的难处和逼迫,会使大道成为流泪谷;这特殊的辞指明,诗人受了神的管教,并被神剥夺。

B. The trouble and persecution caused by Satan can make the highways a valley of weeping; this special term indicates that the psalmist had been disciplined by God and had been stripped by Him.

三 锡安大道不是外面、肤浅或便宜的;我们必须出代价走召会的路─腓三7~8,太二五9,启三18,徒二十19、31,诗五六8。

C. The highways to Zion are not external, superficial, or cheap; we must pay a price to take the way of the church—Phil. 3:7-8; Matt. 25:9; Rev. 3:18; Acts 20:19, 31; Psa. 56:8.

四 当我们经过流泪谷,神叫这谷变为泉源之地(参西一24,来十34);这泉源就是那灵(约四14,七38~39)。─引用经文

D. When we pass through the valley of Baca, God makes this valley a spring (cf. Col. 1:24; Heb. 10:34); this spring is the Spirit (John 4:14; 7:38-39).

五 我们越在锡安大道上流泪,就越接受那灵;我们流泪时,就被那灵充满,那灵也就成为我们的泉源。

E. The more we weep on the highways to Zion, the more we receive the Spirit; while we are weeping, we are being filled with the Spirit, and the Spirit becomes our spring.

六 经过流泪谷而进入召会生活的人,会发觉这样流泪至终对他们成为大福;这福就是那灵。

F. Those who come into the church life by passing through the valley of weeping find that this weeping eventually becomes a great blessing to them; this blessing is the Spirit.

七 他们所流的眼泪是自己的,但这些眼泪带来泉源,成为秋雨,就是那灵作他们的福分─亚十1,加三14,弗一3。

G. The tears they shed are their own, but these tears issue in a spring, which becomes the early rain, the Spirit as the blessing—Zech. 10:1; Gal. 3:14; Eph. 1:3.

玖 “他们行走,力上加力,各人到锡安朝见神。……在你的院宇住一日,胜似在别处住千日;我宁愿站在我神殿的门槛,也不愿住在恶人的帐棚里。因为耶和华神是日头,是盾牌;耶和华赐下恩典和荣耀”─诗八四7、10~11上:

IX. "They go from strength to strength; / Each appears before God in Zion… / For a day in Your courts is better than a thousand; / I would rather stand at the threshold of the house of my God / Than dwell in the tents of the wicked. / For Jehovah God is a sun and a shield; / Jehovah gives grace and glory"—Psa. 84:7, 10-11a:

一 我们越在召会生活中往前,就越得着力量─参箴四18,林后三18。

A. The more we go on in the church life, the more strength we will gain—cf. Prov. 4:18; 2 Cor. 3:18.

二 我们若从里面按照神的旨意在召会生活里事奉,在神眼中每日就抵过多日─珥二25下。

B. If our service is intrinsically according to God's will in the church life, each day will be worth many days in God's eyes—Joel 2:25a.

三 我们住在神家里所蒙的福,乃是享受成为肉体并终极完成的三一神,作日头供应我们生命(约一4,八12),作盾牌保护我们脱离神的仇敌(弗六11~17),作恩典在里面给我们享受(约一14、17),并作荣耀在外面彰显神的威荣(启二一11、23)。─引用经文

C. The blessings of dwelling in the house of God are our enjoyment of the incarnated and consummated Triune God as our sun to supply us with life (John 1:4; 8:12), as our shield to protect us from God's enemy (Eph. 6:11-17), as grace for our inward enjoyment (John 1:14, 17), and as glory for the outward manifestation of God in splendor (Rev. 21:11, 23).
