第十篇 帐幕的八重意义

The Eightfold Significance of the Tabernacle



壹 我们需要看见并经历基督的救赎:

I. We need to see and experience the redemption of Christ:

一 整个帐幕寄托于一百个银卯座,表征召会是建造在基督救赎的基础上,并且是寄托于我们所经历之升天的基督─出二六19,三六24、26、30、36,三八27。

A. The one hundred silver sockets, upon which the entire tabernacle rested, signify that the church is built on the basis of the redemption of Christ and rests on the ascended Christ experienced by us—Exo. 26:19; 36:24, 26, 30, 36; 38:27.

二 卯座表征稳定站立;每个卯座是一他连得(重约一百磅)的银子作的(27),表征基督的救赎是信徒站立在神居所里的稳固基础(约十四2~3与3注2)。─引用经文

B. Sockets signify stability for standing; each socket was made of a talent (approximately one hundred pounds) of silver (v. 27), signifying the redemption of Christ as the solid base for the believers' standing in God's dwelling place (John 14:2-3 and footnote 2 on verse 3).

贰 我们需要看见并经历神圣性情的显出:

II. We need to see and experience the manifestation of the divine nature:

一 帐幕的根基是银的,但帐幕里所显出的是金;金表征基督的神圣性情连同神圣生命,也就是神自己─出三六13、34、36、38,三七1~28。

A. The foundation of the tabernacle was of silver, but the manifestation within the tabernacle was the gold; gold signifies the divine nature with the divine life of Christ, which is God Himself—Exo. 36:13, 34, 36, 38; 37:1-28.

二 在召会里,就是在神的建造里,所显出的必须不是神的工作、神的作为,乃是神的性情和生命;我们所显出的、所彰显的、所给人看见的,应该不是别的,乃是基督荣耀的神圣性情─彼后一4。

B. Within the church, the building of God, what must be manifested is not the works, the doings of God, but the nature and life of God; what we manifest, express, and show to others should be nothing other than the glorious divine nature of Christ—2 Pet. 1:4.

叁 我们需要看见并经历变化过的人性:

III. We need to see and experience the transformed human nature:

一 帐幕的金包裹皂荚木,皂荚木表征变化过的人性─出三六20、31、36,三七1、4。

A. The gold of the tabernacle overlaid the acacia wood, signifying the transformed human nature—Exo. 36:20, 31, 36; 37:1, 4.

二 在召会建造的事上,神圣的性情非常在于我们的人性;金站立的力量乃是因着皂荚木。

B. With the building of the church, the divine nature depends greatly upon our human nature; the standing strength for the gold was with the acacia wood.

三 帐幕所需站立的力量,乃是基督的神圣性情和神圣生命所“包裹”(就是变化)的人性;神性和人性必须调和在一起。

C. The standing strength needed for the tabernacle is with the human nature overlaid, that is, transformed, with the divine nature and the divine life of Christ; the divine nature and the human nature must be mingled together.

肆 我们在基督的身体里需要一个稳固、不动摇的立场,并且我们必须一直愿意受别人平衡:

IV. We need a firm and unshakable standing in the Body, and we must always be willing to be balanced by others:

一 两榫安在每块竖板下面的两个卯座里,可能表征我们对基督的救赎有完全的信心,这信心给我们一个稳固、不动摇的立场─二六19,三六22,林后一24,罗五2,加五1。

A. The two tenons, which fit into the two sockets under each board, may signify our complete faith in Christ's redemption, which gives us a firm and unshakable standing—26:19; 36:22; 2 Cor. 1:24; Rom. 5:2; Gal. 5:1.

二 不仅如此,两榫是为着平衡;我们必须一直受人平衡。

B. Furthermore, two tenons are for balance; we always have to be balanced by others.

三 我们必须一直受人察验、试验与印证,好使我们得以平衡,否则,我们就会乖僻,走入极端。

C. We must always be checked, tested, and confirmed by others that we may have the balance; otherwise, we will be peculiar and will go to an extreme.

伍 为着召会的建造,身体的每一个肢体都需要成为完整的,并且主的行动中有转弯时,就需要坚固:

V. Each member of the Body needs to be completed for the building up of the church, and there is the need for reinforcing when a turn in the Lord's move is made:

一 帐幕的每块竖板宽一肘半(出三六21),是三肘尺寸的一半。─引用经文

A. The width of each of the boards of the tabernacle was one and a half cubits (Exo. 36:21), indicating a half measurement of three cubits.

二 这表征每个信徒只是半个单位,需要别人的配合,成为三肘的完整单位,为着神居所的建造。

B. This signifies that every believer as a half unit needs to be matched by another to form a complete unit of three cubits for the building of God's dwelling place.

三 我们必须记得,在身体的原则里,我们总是需要另一个肢体,使我们成为完整的─参林前一1。

C. We must remember that we always need another member to make us complete in the principle of the Body—cf. 1 Cor. 1:1.

四 拐角的竖板是双的(出二六23),表征每当主的行动中有转弯时,就需要加倍、坚固、加强;例如,在安提阿有一个转到外邦世界的转弯,为此巴拿巴和扫罗是成双、加强的,好成为拐角的板,为着召会的建造─徒十三2、46。

D. The doubling of the corner boards (Exo. 26:24) signifies that at each turn in the Lord's move, there is a need for doubling, strengthening, reinforcing; for example, at Antioch there was a turn to the Gentile world, and Barnabas and Saul were doubled and strengthened to become corner boards for the building of the church—Acts 13:2, 46.

陆 我们必须凭圣灵并在圣灵里,因着神圣性情托住的大能,与别人联结在一起:

VI. We must be joined with others by the Holy Spirit and in the Holy Spirit with the holding power of the divine nature:

一 所有帐幕的板(出二六15~30)是因在金里面并借着金闩联结在一起;也就是说,是在基督的神圣性情和神圣生命里。─引用经文

A. All the boards of the tabernacle (Exo. 26:15-30) were joined together within the gold and by the golden bars; in other words, they were in the divine nature and divine life of Christ.

二 按照出埃及三十六章三十一至三十二节,南面有五闩,北面有五闩,西面有五闩;这三组闩(代表联结的灵)指明这灵乃是三一神的灵。─引用经文

B. According to Exodus 36:31-32, there were five bars on the south side, five bars on the north side, and five bars on the west side; the three groups of bars (representing the uniting Spirit) indicate that this Spirit is the Spirit of the Triune God.

三 不仅如此,五是负责任的数字;因此,闩表征三一神的那灵,借着将祂的神性与人性调和在一起,而担负神建造的完全责任。

C. Furthermore, five is the number of responsibility; therefore, the bars signify the Spirit of the Triune God, who takes the full responsibility for God's building by mingling His divine nature with the human nature.

柒 神的建造,召会,被“四重的”基督遮盖(帐幕的盖有四层)二六1~14,三六8~19:

VII. God's building, the church, is covered by a "fourfold" Christ (the covering of the tabernacle consisted of four layers)—26:1-14; 36:8-19:

一 盖的头一层,就是最里面的一层,形成帐幕的内顶,是用捻的细麻,和蓝色、紫色、朱红色线制造,绣上基路伯:

A. The first and innermost layer of covering, forming the ceiling of the tabernacle was made of fine twined linen and blue and purple and scarlet strands with cherubim:

1 捻的细麻表征基督柔细的生活,借着受苦和试炼显明出来;这一层也保护竖板和帐幕一切内含之物,表征主耶稣在祂人性里的荣美(参二八2),遮盖、保护、并包容作祂召会的所有信徒。─引用经文

1. Fine twined linen signifies the fine living of Christ manifested through sufferings and trials; this layer was also a protection for the standing boards and all the contents of the tabernacle, signifying that the glory and beauty of the Lord Jesus in His humanity (cf. 28:2) cover, protect, and embrace all His believers as the church.

2 不仅如此,这位基督带有属天的性质(蓝色)、君王的职分、属天的权柄(紫色)、救赎(朱红色)和神的荣耀(基路伯)

2. Furthermore, this Christ bears the heavenly character (blue), the kingship, the authority of heaven (purple), the redemption (scarlet), and the glory of God (the cherubim).

二 第二层盖,山羊毛(二六7),预表基督替我们成为罪(林后五21),在十字架上为我们的罪死了(林前十五3,彼前二24,三18);山羊表征罪人(太二五33、41),山羊毛表征罪人的诸罪;因此,帐幕的山羊毛罩盖,表征基督在祂救赎的工作里,替我们成为罪(林后五21)。─引用经文

B. The second layer of covering, the goats' hair (26:7), typifies Christ as the One who was made sin for us (2 Cor. 5:21) and who died on the cross for our sins (1 Cor. 15:3; 1 Pet. 2:24; 3:18); goats signify sinners (Matt. 25:33, 41), and goats' hair signifies the sins of sinners; thus, goats' hair as a covering on the tabernacle signifies Christ's being made sin for us in His redemptive work (2 Cor. 5:21).

三 第三层盖,染红的公羊皮(出二六14上),预表基督是那借着受死流血,完成救赎,以满足神和我们需要的一位(来九12~14,彼前一18~19,西一14)。─引用经文

C. The third layer of covering, the rams' skins dyed red (Exo. 26:14a), typifies Christ as the One who accomplished redemption by dying and shedding His blood to meet God's need and ours (Heb. 9:12-14; 1 Pet. 1:18-19; Col. 1:14).

四 第四层盖,海狗皮(出二六14下),表征基督没有佳形美貌(赛五三2);海狗皮的盖保护帐幕不受暴风雨的侵袭,表征基督作我们的遮盖,使我们能站住抵挡撒但和他一切的攻击。─引用经文

D. The fourth layer of covering, the porpoise skins (Exo. 26:14b), signifies that Christ is without comeliness or beauty (Isa. 53:2); the covering of porpoise skins protected the tabernacle from storms and rain, signifying that Christ as our covering enables us to stand against Satan and all his attacks.

捌 我们需要在三一神里成为柱子(启三12,参二一22),由帐幕里的九根柱子所表征;帐幕的入口有五根柱子支撑帘子,而至圣所的入口有四根柱子支撑幔子(出三六36、38):─引用经文

VIII. We need to become pillars in the Triune God (Rev. 3:12; cf. 21:22), signified by the nine pillars in the tabernacle; at the entrance to the tabernacle five pillars supported the screen, and at the entrance to the Holy of Holies four pillars supported the veil (Exo. 36:36, 38):

一 在帐幕入口的柱子和在帐幕里的柱子提供入口,让罪人蒙拯救进入神的居所,然后被了结,使他们得以进入神的至圣所,在神的丰满里享受神自己。

A. The pillars at the entrance of the tabernacle and those within the tabernacle provide entrances for sinners to be saved into God's dwelling place and then to be terminated so that they may come into God's Holy of Holies to enjoy God Himself in His fullness.

二 启示录三章十二节说,“得胜的,我要叫他在我神殿中作柱子,他也绝不再从那里出去;我又要将我神的名,和我神城的名(这城就是由天上从我神那里降下来的新耶路撒冷),并我的新名,都写在他上面”:

B. Revelation 3:12 says, "He who overcomes, him I will make a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall by no means go out anymore, and I will write upon him the name of My God and the name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem, which descends out of heaven from My God, and My new name":

1 因着得胜者是建造在神建筑中的柱子,他就绝不再从那里出去。

1. Because the overcomer is a pillar built into God's building, he shall by no means go out anymore.

2 将神的名,新耶路撒冷的名,并主的名,写在得胜者上面,指明神的所是,新耶路撒冷的性质并主的人位,全都作到得胜者里面。

2. That the name of God, the name of the New Jerusalem, and the name of the Lord are written upon the overcomer indicates that what God is, the nature of the New Jerusalem, and the person of the Lord have all been wrought into the overcomer.

3 作得胜者奖赏的这应许,要在千年国成就,而新天新地中的新耶路撒冷将是所有蒙救赎之人共同的分,直到永远。

3. This promise, as a prize to the overcomer, will be fulfilled in the millennial kingdom, whereas the New Jerusalem in the new heaven and new earth will be the common portion of all the redeemed for eternity.
