第一篇 荣耀的基督作为在金灯台中间行走之人子的异象

The Vision of the Glorious Christ as the Son of Man Walking in the Midst of the Golden Lampstands



壹 我们若要看见启示录一至三章中荣耀的基督与七个召会的异象,就必须顾到以下的事:——引用经文

I. If we are going to see the vision of the glorious Christ and of the seven churches in Revelation 1—3, we must care for the following things:

一 我们必须取奴仆的地位——一1:

A. We must take the position of a slave—1:1:

1 保罗说他是“基督耶稣的奴仆”(罗一1);保罗使用这辞,指明他作使徒不是自派的,也不是主雇用的,乃是主所买的,在重生的生命里,不在天然的生命里,事奉神并将基督供应给神的子民。——引用经文

1. Paul says that he was a "slave of Christ Jesus" (Rom. 1:1); his use of this term indicates that he was not a self-appointed apostle or one hired by the Lord; rather, he was one purchased to serve God and minister Christ to His people, not in the natural life but in the regenerated life.

2 我们要甘愿作仆人,甚至作奴仆,服事别人,而不是管辖别人——太二十24~28,二五14,林后四5,加六17,出二一1~6,赛五十4~5。

2. We need to be willing to serve others as a servant, even as a slave, rather than rule over others—Matt. 20:24-28; 25:14; 2 Cor. 4:5; Gal. 6:17; Exo. 21:1-6; Isa. 50:4-5.

3 基督从前服事我们(可十45),现在仍是服事我们(路二二26~27),将来还要服事我们(十二37,启七17);我们若要用基督服事别人,就需要让祂先服事我们。——引用经文

3. Christ served us in the past (Mark 10:45), He is still serving us in the present (Luke 22:26-27), and He is going to serve us in the future (12:37; Rev. 7:17); if we are going to serve others with Christ, we need to allow Him to serve us first.

二 我们必须运用我们人的灵作我们看见、领略并回应神行动的器官;唯有人的灵能回应神的灵——一10,四5,五6,诗一一九17~18。

B. We must exercise our human spirit as the organ for us to see, realize, and respond to God's move; only spirit can respond to Spirit—1:10; 4:5; 5:6; Psa. 119:17-18.

三 我们必须有耳可听那灵向众召会所说的话:

C. We must have an ear to hear what the Spirit is speaking to the churches:

1 看见是在于听见;约翰先是听见声音(启一10),然后才看见异象(11~12);如果我们的耳朵发沉听不见,我们就看不见(赛六9~10)。——引用经文

1. Seeing depends upon hearing; John first heard the voice (Rev. 1:10) and then saw the vision (vv. 11-12); if our ears are heavy and cannot hear, we cannot see (Isa. 6:9-10).

2 主总是愿意开通我们的耳朵,好听见祂的声音(伯三三14~16,赛五十4~5,出二一6),使我们能照着祂的经纶看事物。——引用经文

2. The Lord always wants to open our ears to hear His voice (Job 33:14-16; Isa. 50:4-5; Exo. 21:6) so that we may see things according to His economy.

3 发沉的耳朵需要受割礼——耶六10,徒七51。

3. The heavy ears need to be circumcised—Jer. 6:10; Acts 7:51.

4 罪人的耳朵需要用救赎的血洁净,并用那灵膏抹——利十四14、17、28。

4. The sinners' ears need to be cleansed with the redeeming blood and anointed with the Spirit—Lev. 14:14, 17, 28.

5 我们作祭司事奉主,耳朵必须用救赎的血洁净——出二九20,利八23~24。

5. To serve the Lord as priests, we must have our ears cleansed with the redeeming blood—Exo. 29:20; Lev. 8:23-24.

贰 启示录这卷书乃是耶稣基督独特并终极的启示——一1上:

II. The book of Revelation is the unique and ultimate revelation of Jesus Christ—1:1a:

一 约翰因忠于神的话,并为着耶稣的见证,而被流放于拔摩岛;在这样的环境里,荣耀的基督将祂自己启示给约翰,并给他新的启示——9节。

A. John was exiled to the island of Patmos because he was faithful to God's word and because he was for the testimony of Jesus; under such circumstances the glorious Christ revealed Himself to John and gave him new revelations—v. 9.

二 地在约翰眼前消减了,天却向他敞开;这叫我们想起在监狱里的约瑟、在旷野里的摩西、在患难中的大卫以及在捆锁中的保罗;他们都曾得着新鲜的启示。

B. The earth had diminished before John's eyes, but heaven was opened to him; this brings to mind Joseph who was in prison, Moses who was in the wilderness, David who was in distress, and Paul who was in chains; they all received fresh revelations.

三 约翰就是顺着他们所走的道路向前走;约翰得着了他从前所没有得着的异象,认识了他从前所没有认识的这一位坐在宝座上的主;可惜神的儿女常误会神所安排的“拔摩”。

C. John was going down the path that they had trodden; he received visions that he had never received before, and he came to know the enthroned Lord whom he had never known before; it is unfortunate that God's children often misunderstand God's ordained "Patmos."

叁 人子基督是大祭司,“身穿长袍,直垂到脚,胸间束着金带”(启一13),在祂的人性里顾惜众召会,并在祂的神性里喂养众召会:——引用经文

III. Christ as the Son of Man is the High Priest, "clothed with a garment reaching to the feet, and girded about at the breasts with a golden girdle" (v. 13), to cherish the churches in His humanity and nourish them in His divinity:

一 人子是在祂的人性里,金带表征祂的神性,胸是爱的表号:

A. The Son of Man is in His humanity, the golden girdle signifies His divinity, and breasts are a sign of love:

1 基督原来是腰间束带,为着神圣的工作得加力(出二八4,但十5),以产生众召会,但如今祂在胸间束带,借着祂的爱照顾祂所产生的众召会。——引用经文

1. Christ was girded at the loins, strengthened for the divine work (Exo. 28:4; Dan. 10:5) to produce the churches, but now He is girded about at the breasts, caring for the churches that He has produced by His love.

2 金带表征基督的神性成了祂神圣的力量,胸表征这金的力量是由祂的爱并凭祂的爱来运用并推动的,好喂养众召会。

2. The golden girdle signifies Christ's divinity as His divine energy, and the breasts signify that this golden energy is exercised and motivated by and with His love to nourish the churches.

二 基督作为人子,在祂的人性里照顾众召会,为要顾惜众召会——启一13上:

B. Christ takes care of the churches in His humanity as the Son of Man to cherish them—Rev. 1:13a:

1 祂收拾灯台的灯,使灯正确合宜,就是在顾惜我们,使我们快乐、愉快、舒适——出三十7,二七20~21,参诗四二5、11:

1. He dresses the lamps of the lampstands to make them proper, cherishing us that we may be happy, pleasant, and comfortable—Exo. 30:7; 27:20-21; cf. Psa. 42:5, 11:

a 主的同在带来一种柔细、温暖的气氛,顾惜我们的全人,给我们安息、安慰、医治、洁净和鼓励。

a. The Lord's presence provides an atmosphere of tenderness and warmth to cherish our being, giving us rest, comfort, healing, cleansing, and encouragement.

b 我们在召会里能享受主同在的顾惜气氛,得着生命的滋养供应——弗五29,参提前四6,弗四11。

b. We can enjoy the cherishing atmosphere of the Lord's presence in the church to receive the nourishing supply of life—Eph. 5:29; cf. 1 Tim. 4:6; Eph. 4:11.

2 祂修剪灯台的灯芯,把一切拦阻我们照耀的消极事物剪掉——出二五38:

2. He trims the wicks of the lamps of the lampstand, cutting off all the negative things that frustrate our shining—Exo. 25:38:

a 灯芯烧焦的部分,灯花,表征必须剪除的那些不照着神定旨的事物,就如我们的肉体、天然的人、己和旧造。

a. The charred part of the wick, the snuff, signifies things that are not according to God's purpose which need to be cut off, such as our flesh, our natural man, our self, and our old creation.

b 祂把众召会中间一切的不同(过错、短处、失败、缺点)修剪掉,使众召会在素质、样子和彰显上完全相同——参林前一10,林后十二18,腓二2。

b. He trims away all the differences among the churches (the wrongdoings, shortages, failures, and defects) so that they may be the same in essence, appearance, and expression—cf. 1 Cor. 1:10; 2 Cor. 12:18; Phil. 2:2.

三 基督在神性里以祂胸间金带所表征的神圣之爱照顾众召会,喂养众召会——启一13下:

C. Christ takes care of the churches in His divinity with His divine love, signified by the golden girdle on His breasts, to nourish the churches—Rev. 1:13b:

1 祂在祂三个时期的丰满职事中,以祂自己这包罗万有的基督来喂养我们,使我们在神圣的生命中长大成熟,成为祂的得胜者,以完成祂永远的经纶。

1. He nourishes us with Himself as the all-inclusive Christ in His full ministry of three stages so that we may grow and mature in the divine life to be His overcomers to accomplish His eternal economy.

2 作为行走的基督,祂知道每一个召会的情形;作为说话的灵,祂修剪灯台,并用新油,就是那灵的供应,充满灯台——二1、7。

2. As the walking Christ, He gets to know the condition of each church, and as the speaking Spirit, He trims and fills the lampstands with fresh oil, the supply of the Spirit—2:1, 7.

3 我们要有分于祂的行动,并享受祂的照顾,就必须在召会里。

3. To participate in His move and enjoy His care, we must be in the churches.

肆 主的属天亘古常在,乃是由祂的头与发皆白,如白羊毛、如雪所描绘——一14,但七9,伯十五10,参歌五11:

IV. The heavenly ancientness of the Lord is depicted by His head and hair being white as white wool, as snow—1:14; Dan. 7:9; Job 15:10; cf. S. S. 5:11:

一 主耶稣是神(约二十28~29);祂是超越时间,而包括时间的(弥五2,赛五七15)。——引用经文

A. The Lord Jesus is God (John 20:28-29); He is beyond time, and He encompasses time (Micah 5:2; Isa. 57:15).

二 白发表征经历、荣耀、长久,也表征圣别——箴十六31,二十29。

B. White hair signifies experience, glory, durability, as well as holiness—Prov. 16:31; 20:29.

三 以赛亚书说到神应许洗净人的罪,是洗得白如羊毛、白如雪(一18);我们一想到我们的罪已经洗净,洗得像主的头与发一样白,我们就不禁希奇主的恩典是何等的大!——引用经文

C. Isaiah mentions God's promise to cleanse man's sin until it is like wool and as white as snow (1:18); when we consider how our sins have been cleansed and that we are as white as the head and hair of the Lord, we cannot help but marvel at the greatness of the Lord's grace!

伍 主的七眼如同火焰,是为着注视、鉴察、搜寻、借光照而审判以及灌输——启一14,五6,但十6:

V. The Lord's seven eyes are as a flame of fire for watching, observing, searching, judging by enlightening, and infusing—Rev. 1:14; 5:6; Dan. 10:6:

一 基督的眼目是为着神在地上的行动与工作,因为七是神行动中完整的数字。

A. Christ's eyes are for God's move and operation on earth, since seven is the number for completion in God's move.

二 主的眼目如同火焰,主要的是为着祂的审判——七9~10,启二18,十九11~12。

B. The Lord's eyes being like a flame of fire is mainly for His judgment—7:9-10; Rev. 2:18; 19:11-12.

三 “我今每日举目细望审判台前亮光;愿我所有生活、工作,那日都能耐火”——诗歌四六八首,第五节;此诗乃倪柝声弟兄所写(见“倪柝声——今时代神圣启示的先见”,七五页)

C. "Unto the judgment seat of Christ / I daily look away; / May all my living and my work / Abide the fire that day"—stanza 5 of a hymn written by Watchman Nee (Watchman Nee—a Seer of the Divine Revelation in the Present Age, p. 75).

陆 主的脚好像在炉中锻炼过明亮的铜,表征祂完全且明亮的行事为人,使祂够资格施行神圣的审判——启一15上,结一7,但十6,参出三十18,三八8,民二一8~9。

VI. The Lord's feet are like shining bronze, as having been fired in a furnace, signifying that His perfect and bright walk qualifies Him to exercise divine judgment—Rev. 1:15; Ezek. 1:7; Dan. 10:6; cf. Exo. 30:18; 38:8; Num. 21:8-9.

柒 主的声音如同众水的声音(启一15下,参十四2),这是一种哄嚷的声音,乃是全能神的声音(结一24,四三2),既严肃又庄重(参启十3)。——引用经文

VII. The Lord's voice is like the sound of many waters (Rev. 1:15; cf. 14:2), which is a tumultuous sound, the sound of the voice of the Almighty God (Ezek. 1:24; 43:2) in its seriousness and solemnity (cf. Rev. 10:3).

捌 基督是握着众召会光明使者的那一位——一16上、20:

VIII. Christ is the Holder of the bright messengers of the churches—1:16a, 20:

一 使者是众召会中属灵的人,担负着耶稣见证的责任。

A. The messengers are the spiritual ones in the churches, the ones who bear the responsibility of the testimony of Jesus.

二 使者像星一样,有属天的性质,并在属天的地位上,他们有从主来新鲜的信息给祂的子民——二1上。

B. The messengers, who are of the heavenly nature and in a heavenly position like stars, are those who have a fresh message from the Lord to His people—2:1a.

三 使者的盼望和喜乐都是在天上;他们与基督有亲密的交通;他们也得着主的能力和权柄,因为他们是在主耶稣的右手里——参诗十六1~3,七三25~26。

C. The messengers' hope and happiness are in the heavens; they have intimate fellowship with Christ; they also have the power and authority of the Lord, because they are in the right hand of the Lord Jesus—cf. Psa. 16:1-3; 73:25-26.

四 我们若肯把自己完全交在主的手里,顾到基督耶稣的事,并且欢喜为祂的缘故担负责任,就不仅我们要得着主的赏赐,主也要用我们成就祂极大的工作——林前十五58,十六10,参创十五1,腓二19~21。

D. If we are willing to submit ourselves totally to the Lord's hand, care for the things of Christ Jesus, and gladly bear the responsibility for His sake, not only will we receive the Lord's reward, but the Lord will also use us to accomplish His great work—1 Cor. 15:58; 16:10; cf. Gen. 15:1; Phil. 2:19-21.

玖 从基督口中出来一把两刃的利剑,就是祂那辨明、审判、击杀的话,为着对付消极的人事物——启一16中,来四12,弗六17。

IX. Out of Christ's mouth proceeds a sharp two-edged sword, which is His discerning, judging, and slaying word for dealing with negative persons and things—Rev. 1:16b; Heb. 4:12; Eph. 6:17.

拾 基督的面貌如同烈日中天发光(但十6),为着审判的光照,以带进国度——启一16下,太十七2,参玛四2,士五31,太十三43。

X. Christ's face is as the sun shining in its power (Dan. 10:6) for judging enlightenment to bring in the kingdom—Rev. 1:16c; Matt. 17:2; cf. Mal. 4:2; Judg. 5:31; Matt. 13:43.

拾壹 基督是首先的,也是末后的,这向我们保证,祂永不会叫祂的工作半途而废;基督也是那活着的,使彰显祂身体的众召会也成为活而新鲜并刚强的——启一17~18上:

XI. Christ is the First and the Last, assuring us that He will never leave His work unfinished, and the living One for the churches as the expression of His Body to be living, fresh, and strong—Rev. 1:17-18a:

一 我们认识主是活到永永远远的神,才能在灵中不断地感觉主的确实同在;没有什么比感觉主的确实同在更能坚固我们——提后四22,参创三九23。

A. By knowing the Lord as the God who lives forever and ever, we can be assured of His presence in our spirit all the time; nothing establishes us more than the assured presence of the Lord—2 Tim. 4:22; cf. Gen. 39:23.

二 “我……活到永永远远”这话应当是我们的力量和盼望(启一18上);亚伯拉罕所呼求的、但以理所事奉的、慕勒所信靠的、倪柝声和李常受所认识的永活神,也就是我们所属所事奉的神;我们应当敬拜祂,并且满了喜乐地赞美祂的名!——引用经文

B. The words I am living forever and ever should be our strength and hope (Rev. 1:18a); the living God whom Abraham called upon, whom Daniel served, whom Müller trusted, and whom Watchman Nee and Witness Lee knew is the God to whom we also belong and whom we also serve; we should worship Him and praise His name with joy!

拾贰 基督拿着死亡和阴间的钥匙——18节下:

XII. Christ has the keys of death and of Hades—Rev. 1:18b:

一 死是聚拢者,阴间是守留者,但基督在十字架上已经废掉了死,又在复活里胜过了阴间——提后一10,徒二24。

A. Death is a collector and Hades is a keeper, but Christ nullified death on the cross and overcame Hades in His resurrection—2 Tim. 1:10; Acts 2:24.

二 只要我们借着操练否认己、背起十字架并丧失魂生命,而让主有地位、机会和通路,在我们中间运行并作工,死亡和阴间就会在祂的控制之下——太十六18、21~26。

B. As long as we give the Lord the ground, the opportunity, and the way to move and act among us by exercising to deny the self, take up the cross, and lose our soul-life, death and Hades will be under His control—Matt. 16:18, 21-26.
