第一篇 基督生机身体内在的建造(一)受基督宇宙身体作神经纶之目标的异象所支配

The Intrinsic Building Up of the Organic Body of Christ (1) Governed by a Vision of the Universal Body of Christ as the Goal of God's Economy



壹 主今日行动的方向是要建造基督生机的身体,作经过过程并分赐之神在祂神圣三一里的生机体,使祂得着完满的彰显─弗四12、16:

I. The direction of the Lord's move today is to build up the organic Body of Christ as the organism of the processed and dispensing God in His Divine Trinity for His full expression—Eph. 4:12, 16:

一 这生机的身体乃是满了基督自己,并以祂自己这赐生命的灵所建造的;这灵乃是基督身体的素质和实际─西三11,弗四4。

A. This organic Body is full of Christ Himself and is built up with Himself as the life-giving Spirit, who is the essence and reality of the Body of Christ—Col. 3:11; Eph. 4:4.

二 这样的身体成为经过过程并终极完成之三一神的生机体,这三一神在祂神圣的三一里分赐祂自己,生机地浸透基督的身体,使其成为祂在宇宙中完满的彰显─约十五1、5、8上,林后十三14,弗三19。

B. Such a Body becomes the organism of the processed and consummated Triune God, who is dispensing Himself in His Divine Trinity to saturate the Body of Christ organically so that it might be His full expression in the universe—John 15:1, 5, 8a; 2 Cor. 13:14; Eph. 3:19.

贰 基督的身体是三一神与在基督里之信徒的神圣构成─四4~6:

II. The Body of Christ is a divine constitution of the Triune God with the believers in Christ—4:4-6:

一 父、子、灵与人调和并建造在一起,成为基督的身体─一23,四12、16。

A. The Father, the Son, the Spirit, and man are blended and built together to be-come the Body of Christ—1:23; 4:12, 16.

二 基督身体的建造,乃是三一神与三部分人在神的灵里与人的灵里的构成─林前六17,罗八16:

B. The building up of the Body is the constitution of the Triune God and the tri-partite man in the Spirit of God and the spirit of man—1 Cor. 6:17; Rom. 8:16:

1 这个构成乃是神和人的联结、调和与合并─约十四20。

1. This constitution is the union, mingling, and incorporation of God and man— John 14:20.

2 这样的构成,乃是神性构成到人性里面,作人的居所,也是人性建造到神性里面,作神的居所─弗三16~17,二21~22,约十四23,启二一2~3、22。

2. Such a constitution is a matter of divinity constituted into humanity to be man's dwelling place and of humanity built into divinity to be God's dwell-ing place—Eph. 3:16-17; 2:21-22; John 14:23; Rev. 21:2-3, 22.

三 基督的身体是生机体,具有神、人二性,以彰显基督─约十五1,弗一23,三19~21。

C. The Body of Christ is an organism, both divine and human, to express Christ— John 15:1; Eph. 1:23; 3:19-21.

叁 神的经纶乃是要为祂的儿子产生一个身体;这身体实现神的心愿,就是彰显神,以及毁坏撒但─罗十二4~5,林前十二12、27,弗一22~23,四4、16,西一18,二19,创一26~28:

III. God's economy is to produce a Body for His Son; this Body fulfills God's desire for His expression and the destruction of Satan—Rom. 12:4-5; 1 Cor. 12:12, 27; Eph. 1:22-23; 4:4, 16; Col. 1:18; 2:19; Gen. 1:26-28:

一 三一神在我们里面的工作,是要产生并建造基督的身体─弗三16~21,罗八11,十二4~5。

A. The work of the Triune God in us is to produce and build up the Body of Christ— Eph. 3:16-21; Rom. 8:11; 12:4-5.

二 新约的职事乃是为着产生基督的身体;没有新约的职事,就不可能产生基督的身体─林前十二12~27,林后三6、8~9,四1,五18。

B. The ministry of the new covenant is for the producing of the Body of Christ; with-out the new covenant ministry, there is no possibility to bring forth the Body of Christ—1 Cor. 12:12-27; 2 Cor. 3:6, 8-9; 4:1; 5:18.

三 身体乃是召会内在的意义;没有身体,召会就毫无意义─罗十二4~5,十六1,林前一2,十二12~13、27。

C. The Body is the intrinsic significance of the church; without the Body, the church makes no sense and has no meaning—Rom. 12:4-5; 16:1; 1 Cor. 1:2; 12:12-13, 27.

四 今天召会一切的问题,都是由于对基督身体的无知;最大的难处,唯一的难处,就是不认识身体,不顾到身体,不尊重身体─弗一17~23,林前十二24~27。

D. All the problems in the church today are due to ignorance concerning the Body; the biggest problem, the unique problem, is not knowing the Body, not caring for the Body, and not honoring the Body—Eph. 1:17-23; 1 Cor. 12:24-27.

五 认识身体乃是主正确的恢复;主渴望恢复基督的身体,以及基督身体的一─弗一23,四4。

E. To know the Body is the proper recovery of the Lord; the Lord desires to recover the Body of Christ and the oneness of the Body—Eph. 1:23; 4:4.

六 主在地上有一个急切的需要;祂渴望基督身体的实际显于众地方召会中─罗十二4~5,十六16,林前一2,十二27:

F. The Lord has an urgent need on earth; He desires that the reality of the Body of Christ will be expressed in the local churches—Rom. 12:4-5; 16:16; 1 Cor. 1:2; 12:27:

1 主今天所要的,不仅是在一地一会之地方立场上的众召会,更是要得着身体的丰满─弗一23,三19。

1. What the Lord wants today is not only the churches on the ground of local-ity—one locality, one church—but also the Body in its fullness—Eph. 1:23; 3:19.

2 除非基督的身体有具体的显出,主耶稣就不会回来─一23,四16,五27、30,启十九7。

2. Unless there is a substantial expression of the Body, the Lord Jesus will not return—1:23; 4:16; 5:27, 30; Rev. 19:7.

肆 身体乃是神儿女生活与工作支配的定律─弗四4、16,林前十二4~6、12~13、27:

IV. The Body is the governing law of the life and work of the children of God— Eph. 4:4, 16; 1 Cor. 12:4-6, 12-13, 27:

一 召会、职事与工作,三者都在身体的立场上─弗一23,四16,西三15:

A. The church, the ministry, and the work are all on the ground of the Body—Eph. 1:23; 4:16; Col. 3:15:

1 众召会是身体在地方上得彰显,职事是身体在尽功用,工作是身体在寻求扩增─徒十三1~2,二一19。

1. The churches are the Body expressed locally, the ministry is the Body in function, and the work is the Body seeking increase—Acts 13:1-2; 21:19.

2 召会是身体在雏形上的生活,职事是身体在事奉上的功用,工作是身体在成长中的扩展─林前一2,十二27,十六10,林后三6。

2. The church is the life of the Body in miniature, the ministry is the func-tioning of the Body in service, and the work is the reaching out of the Body in growth—1 Cor. 1:2; 12:27; 16:10; 2 Cor. 3:6.

二 召会、职事与工作,三者都源于身体而存在,都在身体里有其地位,并且都为着身体的益处效力─罗十二4~5,西二19,三15:

B. The church, the ministry, and the work derive their existence from, find their place in, and work for the good of the Body—Rom. 12:4-5; Col. 2:19; 3:15:

1 我们强调这个原则的重要性,绝不会太过,因为若没有这个原则,一切就都是人工的,不是神造的。

1. The importance of this principle cannot be overemphasized, for without it everything is man-made, not God-created.

2 联于身体并肢体间彼此相联的这个原则若没有被认定,就无法有召会、职事与工作。

2. If this principle of relatedness to the Body and interrelatedness among its members is not recognized, there can be no church, no ministry, and no work.

伍 主的恢复是基于基督只有一个身体这真理─弗一23,四4:

V. The Lord's recovery is based upon the truth that Christ has only one Body— Eph. 1:23; 4:4:

一 一个身体就是神的一个召会,在许多地方显为许多地方召会─林前十32上,启一4、11。

A. The one Body is the one church of God, manifested in many localities as local churches—1 Cor. 10:32b; Rev. 1:4, 11.

二 主的恢复是为着建造基督的身体;恢复是为着基督的身体,不是为着任何个人或仅仅为着任何个别的地方召会─弗四16,西二19。

B. The Lord's recovery is for the building up of the Body of Christ; the recovery is for the Body, not for any individual or merely for any individual local church— Eph. 4:16; Col. 2:19.

三 在我们的考量里,基督的身体应当是第一,地方召会应当是第二─太十六18,十八17,弗二21~22。

C. In our consideration the Body should be first, and the local churches should be second—Matt. 16:18; 18:17; Eph. 2:21-22.

四 基督的身体是神经纶的目标,而众地方召会是神用以达到祂经纶目标的手续─林前十二12~13,一2,罗十二4~5,十六1、4~5、16下。

D. The Body of Christ is the goal of God's economy, and the local churches are the procedure God takes to reach the goal of His economy—1 Cor. 12:12-13; 1:2; Rom. 12:4-5; 16:1, 4-5, 16b.

五 众地方召会乃是基督在宇宙中独一的身体─弗四4:

E. All the local churches are the unique Body of Christ in the universe—Eph. 4:4:

1 每─个地方召会都是基督独一宇宙身体的一部分,是这身体─个地方上的彰显─林前一2,十二27。

1. Every local church is part of the unique, universal Body of Christ, a local expression of the Body—1 Cor. 1:2; 12:27.

2 就宇宙一面说,众地方召会乃是一个身体;就地方一面说,每一个地方召会都是这宇宙身体在地方上的显出─罗十二4~5,十六1、16。

2. Universally, all the local churches are one Body, and locally, every local church is a local expression of the universal Body—Rom. 12:4-5; 16:1, 16.

3 宇宙的基督在每个地方召会里都有祂自己的一部分;每个地方召会都是基督的一部分,所有的部分就构成基督的身体─弗一23,二21~22。

3. The universal Christ has part of Himself in every local church; every local church is a part of Christ, and all these parts constitute the Body—Eph. 1:23; 2:21-22.

陆 我们需要作宇宙的基督徒,有基督宇宙身体的宇宙观─一17~23,四16,启二一10:

VI. We need to be universal Christians with a universal view of the universal Body of Christ—1:17-23; 4:16; Rev. 21:10:

一 基督的身体乃是那普及宇宙、包罗万有、延展无限之基督奥秘的身体─弗一22~23,三19,西三11:

A. The Body of Christ is the mystical Body of the universal, all-inclusive, all-extensive Christ—Eph. 1:22-23; 3:19; Col. 3:11:

1 元首基督是那升上,远超诸天之上的,而我们乃是这基督奥秘的身体,就是祂的丰满─弗一22~23,三19,四10。

1. Christ, the Head, ascended far above all the heavens, and we are the mys-tical Body, the fullness, of this Christ—Eph. 1:22-23; 3:19; 4:10.

2 基督的身体是那充满万有之基督的丰满,彰显─一22~23,四10:

2. The Body is the fullness, the expression, of the Christ who fills all things— 1:22-23; 4:10:

a 基督是向着召会作万有的头,召会是这宇宙基督的身体,而这宇宙基督的身体乃是那在万有中充满万有者的丰满─一23。

a. Christ is the Head over all things to the church, the church is the Body of this universal Christ, and the Body of this universal Christ is the fullness of the One who fills all in all—1:23.

b 基督自己是宇宙般的浩大,宇宙般的延展,而基督的身体是这浩大、延展之宇宙基督的丰满;这意思是,基督的身体也是宇宙的─三18~19,四16。

b. Christ Himself is universally vast, universally extensive, and the Body is the fullness of this universally vast and extensive Christ; this means that the Body also is universal—3:18-19; 4:16.

c 以弗所四章十节说,“那降下的,也是那升上,远超诸天之上,为要充满万有的”:

c. Ephesians 4:10 says, "He who descended, He is also the One who ascended far above all the heavens that He might fill all things":

㈠ “万有”必定包括整个宇宙。

(1) All things must surely include the entire universe.

㈡ 基督降下并升上的结果,乃是祂充满万有,就是整个宇宙。

(2) The result of Christ's descending and ascending is that He fills all things, the whole universe.

二 一个宇宙的基督徒,乃是具有以弗所一章二十二至二十三节和四章十节所陈明之宇宙观点的人:─引用经文

B. A universal Christian is one who has the universal view presented in Ephe-sians 1:22-23 and 4:10:

1 我们可能对基督的身体有看见,但我们所看见的,相较于对基督身体宇宙的看见,是很小的─一23。

1. Although we may have a view of the Body, our view may be very small compared to a universal view of the Body of Christ—1:23.

2 我们需要脱离微小、狭窄的自己,而在一种狂喜里,看见并摸着基督宇宙的身体,就是宇宙、无限之基督的丰满,彰显─三19。

2. We need to get out of our small, narrow self and be in an ecstasy, seeing and touching the universal Body of Christ—the fullness, the expression, of the universal, unlimited Christ—3:19.

3 我们需要被基督那宇宙般广大之身体的异象所震撼─启二一10:

3. We need to be overwhelmed by the vision of the immensity of the universal Body of Christ—Rev. 21:10:

a 约翰在灵里被带到一座高山,看见新耶路撒冷,我们需要像他一样在灵里被带到高“山”,得着基督宇宙身体的宇宙观─10节,弗一22~23。

a. Like John, who was carried away in spirit onto a high mountain to see the New Jerusalem, we need to be carried away in spirit to a "high moun-tain" to have a universal view of the universal Body of Christ—v. 10; Eph. 1:22-23.

b 在我们的灵里,我们需要基督身体的宇宙观,那比我们心思中曾想过有关基督身体的任何事,都要无限的大─17~23节,启二一10。

b. In our spirit we need to have a view of the universal Body, which is infinitely greater than anything that has ever entered into our mind concerning the Body of Christ—vv. 17-23; Rev. 21:10.

4 神经纶的目标是要建造基督宇宙的身体,而这宇宙的身体要终极完成于新耶路撒冷─弗一22~23,四12、16,启二一2、10。

4. The goal of God's economy is to build up the universal Body of Christ, and it is such a universal Body that will consummate in the New Jerusalem— Eph. 1:22-23; 4:12, 16; Rev. 21:2, 10.
