第一篇 神的异象以及神定旨和祂心愿的揭示

Visions of God and the Unveiling of God's Purpose and the Desire of His Heart



壹 “诸天开了,我就看见神的异象”─结一1:

I. "The heavens were opened and I saw visions of God"—Ezek. 1:1:

一 诸天向以西结开了─1节:

A. The heavens were opened to Ezekiel—v. 1:

1 诸天开了,是神特别的眷顾;诸天也向雅各(创二八11~17)、向耶稣(太三16~17)、向司提反(徒七56)、向彼得(十11)并向约翰开了(启四2,十九11)。─引用经文

1. The opening of the heavens was God's special visitation; the heavens were opened also to Jacob (Gen. 28:11-17), to Jesus (Matt. 3:16-17), to Stephen (Acts 7:56), to Peter (10:11), and to John (Rev. 4:2; 19:11).

2 以西结站在祭司的地位上,寻求神、接触神并且联于诸天─结一3:

2. Ezekiel stood in the position of a priest, one who was seeking God and contacting God and who was connected to the heavens—Ezek. 1:3:

a 以西结在灵里尽祭司的职分,事奉神,并与神交通;所以诸天向他开了,他就看见神作人生命,使神与人同被建造的荣耀异象─4、16节,四十1~四八35。

a. Ezekiel was carrying out his priesthood in the spirit, serving God and fellowshipping with God, so that the heavens were opened, and he saw the glorious vision of God being life to man so that He and man could be built together—vv. 4, 16; 40:1— 48:35.

b 诸天向以西结开启,甚至能降到地上,使神天上的事能在地上给人看见,并且在地上成全在人中间─启一1、9,创二八17。

b. The heavens were opened to Ezekiel and could even come down to earth, enabling God's heavenly things to be seen by people on earth and to be fulfilled among them on earth—Rev. 1:1, 9; Gen. 28:17.

3 每当神在地上找到一个人与祂是一,他的心是神心的复制,天就向他开启─太三16。

3. Whenever God finds a man on earth who is one with Him and whose heart is a duplication of His heart, the heavens are opened to him—Matt. 3:16.

二 以西结在灵里,在开启的天底下,看见神的异象─神圣、属灵、属天的异象─结一1,参八3,启一10~11,四2,十七3,二一10:

B. Ezekiel saw visions of God—divine, spiritual, heavenly visions— in his spirit under an opened heaven—Ezek. 1:1; 8:3; cf. Rev. 1:10-11; 4:2; 17:3; 21:10:

1 神的异象就是祂的启示,使我们能看见神圣、属灵、属天的事─结四十4,参弗一17~18。

1. God's visions are His revelations, which enable us to see divine, spiritual, and heavenly things—Ezek. 40:4; cf. Eph. 1:17-18.

2 我们向神的儿女所陈明的,该是我们借着接触神,在开启的诸天底下,在灵里所看见之神的异象─徒二六16~19,参歌一15,七4。

2. What we present to the children of God should be visions of God, which we have seen in our spirit under the opened heavens through our contact with God—Acts 26:16-19; cf. S. S. 1:15; 7:4.

3 这些异象会促成神召会的建造─太十六18。

3. These visions will lead to the building up of God's churches— Matt. 16:18.

4 事奉主的人最重要的事,就是必须看见神的异象─箴二九18上,徒二六19:

4. The most important matter for a person who serves the Lord is that he must see visions of God—Prov. 29:18a; Acts 26:19:

a 在圣经里,“异象”是指一个特殊的景象;它是说到一种特别的看见,即荣耀、内在的看见,也是说到我们从神所看见的属灵景象─但七1、9~10、13~14。

a. In the Bible vision denotes an extraordinary scene; it refers to a special kind of seeing—a glorious, inward seeing—and to the spiritual scenery that we see from God— Dan. 7:1, 9-10, 13-14.

b 我们要得着异象,就需要有启示、光和视力─弗一17~18。

b. In order to see a vision, we need revelation, light, and sight—Eph. 1:17-18.

c 神的异象管制我们、限制我们、支配我们、保守我们、彻底翻转我们、给我们胆量往前并保守我们在真正的一里─箴二九18上。

c. Visions of God govern us, restrict us, control us, preserve us, revolutionize us, give us the boldness to go on, and keep us in the genuine oneness—Prov. 29:18a.

d 我们在那从神来的异象之下,受指引朝向神的目的地,我们的生活也受神的经纶所支配─腓三13~14,提前一4。

d. Under the visions from God we are directed toward God's destination, and our life is controlled according to God's economy—Phil. 3:13-14; 1 Tim. 1:4.

5 我们所需要的祷告,乃是带我们魂游象外且将属天的异象带给我们的祷告─徒十9~16,二二17~21:

5. We need the kind of prayer that brings us into a trance and that brings a heavenly vision to us—Acts 10:9-16; 22:17-21:

a 魂游象外,意思就是从我们的己里面出来;我们也许被监禁在我们的己里面,但我们必须祷告,从那种监禁里出来。

a. A trance means that we have been brought out of our self; we may be imprisoned in the self, but we need to pray ourselves out of that imprisonment.

b 魂游象外是从我们的己里面出来;在那魂游象外中,我们从神得着异象─十10~11,二二17~18。

b. To be in a trance is to be out of our self, and in that trance we receive visions from God—10:10-11; 22:17-18.

三 神要以西结不但用眼看,也用耳听;因此,神把祂的话随同祂的异象,给了以西结─结四十4:

C. God wanted Ezekiel not only to behold with his eyes but also to hear with his ears; hence, He gave him His words along with His visions—Ezek. 40:4:

1 神赐给以西结的话不是普通的话,乃是明确的话,特别的话─一3。

1. God's word to Ezekiel was not an ordinary word but an express word, a special word—1:3.

2 神的话乃是祂异象的说明。

2. God's words are His explanations of His visions.

3 我们需要从主来的明确的话─约六63,歌八13:

3. We need to have an express word from the Lord— John 6:63; S. S. 8:13:

a 神要给我们特别、新鲜、活泼的话,以传递祂神圣的异象─林前二13,彼前四11上。

a. God wants to give us special, fresh, and vivid words that convey His divine visions—1 Cor. 2:13; 1 Pet. 4:11a.

b 我们该求神给我们话语,使我们能明白异象;我们也需要话语,使我们能宣扬并说明我们所看见的─结三1~4。

b. We should ask God for words that will enable us to understand the visions, and we need the words that will enable us to proclaim and explain what we have seen— Ezek. 3:1-4.

四 神的手总是随着祂的说话;因此,耶和华的手临到以西结身上─一3:

D. God's hand always follows His speaking; thus, the hand of Jehovah was upon Ezekiel—1:3:

1 神要进来作祂所说的,并且照着祂的说话而作工─3节,诗三三9。

1. God will come in to do what He says and to work according to His speaking—v. 3; Psa. 33:9.

2 神的手临到人身上,是为着带领、指引人,使人采取行动─参王上十八46,但十一32下,约七6、8,林后五14~15。

2. God's hand upon man is for leading and directing man and for causing man to take action—cf. 1 Kings 18:46; Dan. 11:32b; John 7:6, 8; 2 Cor. 5:14-15.

3 但愿我们都有开启的天,看见神的异象,得到神的话语,也有神带领、指引的手在我们身上,以满足神的需要。

3. May we all have an opened heaven, see God's visions, receive God's words, and have God's leading and directing hand upon us to meet God's need.

贰 以西结一章向我们揭示神的心愿,以及神所要成就的定旨─4~5、26节,弗一5、9,三10,腓二13,创一26:

II. Ezekiel 1 unveils to us the desire of God's heart and the purpose that He wants to accomplish—vv. 4-5, 26; Eph. 1:5, 9; 3:10; Phil. 2:13; Gen. 1:26:

一 说到神的心愿,圣经所用的辞乃是“祂意愿所喜悦的”;神意愿所喜悦的,就是祂的心愿─弗一5:

A. The biblical term that refers to the desire of God's heart is the good pleasure of His will; the good pleasure of God's will is the desire of God's heart—Eph. 1:5:

1 三一神的经纶是照着祂的喜悦所定的,而祂的喜悦是出于祂的心愿─9~10节,三9~11。

1. The Triune God's economy was made according to His good pleasure, and His good pleasure comes out of His heart's desire—vv. 9-10; 3:9-11.

2 出于神的心愿,神的喜悦,乃是神的定旨;出于这定旨的,乃是祂的经纶─提前一4。

2. Out of the desire of God's heart, His good pleasure, is God's purpose, and out of this purpose is His economy—1 Tim. 1:4.

3 我们里面的喜乐,指明神为着祂的喜悦在我们里面运行,并且我们照着祂的喜悦生活行动,这喜悦就是祂心头的愿望─腓二13。

3. Our inward joy is an indication that God is operating in us for His good pleasure and that we are living and walking according to His good pleasure, the desire of His heart— Phil. 2:13.

二 以西结一章揭示神渴望在祂儿子里面得着彰显─来一3。

B. Ezekiel 1 unveils God's desire to be expressed in His Son— Heb. 1:3.

三 由光耀的金银合金所表征的那一位─羔羊神,乃是无价之宝住在我们里面,为着祂的彰显─林后四7。

C. The One signified by the glowing electrum, the Lamb-God, dwells within us as a priceless treasure for His expression— 2 Cor. 4:7.

四 四活物的四个脸表征基督完整、充分的彰显─结一5~6、10:

D. The four faces of the four living creatures signify the complete and adequate expression of Christ—Ezek. 1:5-6, 10:

1 四活物表征一个团体的实体,就是团体的基督─神团体的彰显;当神得着这样团体的彰显,祂的定旨就必得着成就─林前十二12,弗三10~11。

1. The four living creatures signify a corporate entity, the corporate Christ—the corporate expression of God; when God gains such a corporate expression, His purpose will be accomplished—1 Cor. 12:12; Eph. 3:10-11.

2 以西结一章的异象给我们看见,我们需要成为团体的,并且需要在配搭里─4~5、12节。

2. The vision in Ezekiel 1 shows us that we need to be corporate and that we need to be in coordination—vv. 4-5, 12.

五 “在宝座的样式以上,有一位的样式好像人的样子”─26节下:

E. "Upon the likeness of the throne was One in appearance like a man"—v. 26:

1 宝座上的那一位看起来像人,却有耶和华荣耀的样式(28),指明坐在宝座上的那一位是神又是人;这一位就是神人耶稣基督,神与人的调和。─引用经文

1. The One on the throne looks like a man, yet with Him is the likeness of the glory of Jehovah (v. 28), indicating that the One sitting on the throne is both God and man; this is Jesus Christ, the God-man, the mingling of God and man.

2 圣经启示,神与人的关系中祂奥秘的心意,是要将祂自己与人调和,因而使祂自己与人一样;也使人在生命、性情和彰显上与祂一样,但无分于神格─约一12~14,约壹三2,彼后一4,罗八29。

2. As revealed in the Bible, God's mysterious intention in His relationship with man is to mingle Himself with man and thereby to become the same as man and make man the same as He is in life, in nature, and in expression but not in the Godhead— John 1:12-14; 1 John 3:2; 2 Pet. 1:4; Rom. 8:29.

3 在宝座上的那一位和四活物,都有人的样子,指明四活物在地上彰显在宝座上的那一位;这就是神在人性里的显现─结一5、26,提前三15~16。

3. The One on the throne and the four living creatures both have the appearance of a man, indicating that the four living creatures on earth are the expression of the One on the throne; this is the manifestation of God in humanity— Ezek. 1:5, 26; 1 Tim. 3:15-16.

六 全本圣经和作为圣经缩影的以西结书启示,神永远的心意是要将祂自己分赐到祂所拣选的人里面,使他们在祂的生命、性情和形像上,但不在祂的神格上,与祂一样─弗三15~16:

F. The Bible as a whole, and the book of Ezekiel as a miniature of the Bible, reveal that God's eternal intention is to dispense Himself into His chosen people, making them the same as He is in His life, His nature, and His image but not in the God- head—Eph. 3:15-16:

1 神的目标是要将祂自己在基督里作到祂所救赎并重生的人里面,使他们与祂调和成为一个实体,并在祂里面同被建造,成为祂永远的住处,就是新耶路撒冷─约十四20,弗三16~17,林前六17,十二12,启二一2、10~11。

1. God's goal is that His redeemed and regenerated people into whom He is working Himself in Christ will be mingled with Him as one entity and be built together in Him to be His eternal habitation, the New Jerusalem— John 14:20; Eph. 3:16-17; 1 Cor. 6:17; 12:12; Rev. 21:2, 10-11.

2 这是圣经启示的中心点,也是以西结书所陈明之异象的中心点─弗一17~23,三15~21,启二一2、10~11。

2. This is the central point of the revelation of the Bible and also of the visions presented in the book of Ezekiel—Eph. 1:17-23; 3:15-21; Rev. 21:2, 10-11. ?
