第六篇 高而可畏的轮子

The High and Awesome Wheels



壹 整本圣经,从创世记到启示录,陈明神的经纶(弗一10,三9,提前一4)和祂在地上行动以执行祂经纶的完整图画:─引用经文

I. The entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation presents a full picture of the economy of God (Eph. 1:10; 3:9; 1 Tim. 1:4) and of God's move on earth to carry out His economy:

一 在以西结书,神的经纶与神在祂经纶中的行动,乃是由轮所表征─一15:

A. In the book of Ezekiel God's economy and God's move in His economy are signified by a wheel—1:15:

1 这个大轮的轮轴表征基督作神经纶的中心;轮辋表征基督的配偶,就是召会,终极完成于新耶路撒冷。

1. The hub of this great wheel signifies Christ as the center of God's economy, and the rim signifies Christ's counterpart, the church, which consummates in the New Jerusalem.

2 由轮轴伸展到轮辋的轮辐表征作基督肢体的许多信徒。

2. The spokes of the wheel spreading from the hub to the rim signify the many believers as the members of Christ.

二 在活物旁边,有轮在地上出现,指明神在地上的行动,是随着四活物的配搭。

B. The appearing of the wheels on the earth beside the living creatures indicates that God's move on earth follows the coordination of the four living creatures.

三 轮的行动含示有目的的特别行动。

C. The move by a wheel implies an extraordinary move with a purpose.

四 轮的行动也含示这行动不是靠我们自己的力量。

D. Furthermore, it implies that this move is not by our own strength.

五 轮在活物的四个脸旁(15),指明我们若要有主的行动,首先必须活出主,彰显主(罗十三14,加二20,腓一19~21)。─引用经文

E. The wheels being for the four faces of the living creatures (v. 15) indicates that if we would have the Lord's move, we must first live out the Lord, expressing Him (Rom. 13:14; Gal. 2:20; Phil. 1:19-21).

贰 在每个活物旁,有高而可畏的轮子─结一15~21:

II. By the side of every living creature there is a high and awesome wheel—Ezek. 1:15-21:

一 轮子的行动,乃是主以祂自己作我们的力量、能力和供应,为着祂永远的定旨,而有之特别、不平常的行动─参5~8、19~20节。

A. The move of the wheels is the special, extraordinary move of the Lord for His eternal purpose by Him as our strength, power, and supply—cf. vv. 5-8, 19-20.

二 我们的神是活的(提前三15,来三12),我们的主是行动的(太十六18),并且那灵正在作工(启五6下),以完成神永远的经纶(参但十一32下)。─引用经文

B. Our God is living (1 Tim. 3:15; Heb. 3:12), our Lord is moving (Matt. 16:18), and the Spirit is working (Rev. 5:6b) to carry out His eternal economy (cf. Dan. 11:32b).

三 神的行动乃是祂在人身上经纶的行动,要使人成为神,以产生一个新人,好使神在基督里得着祂团体的彰显和行政─结一10、13、15、26~27,弗二15,四22~24,西三10~11。

C. God's move is the move of His economy in man to deify man to bring forth the one new man so that God in Christ may have His corporate expression and administration—Ezek. 1:10, 13, 15, 26-27; Eph. 2:15; 4:22-24; Col. 3:10-11.

四 每一个地方召会和每一位个别的信徒,都该有高而可畏的轮子随着他们─参徒十三1~2:

D. Every local church and every individual believer should have a high and awesome wheel with them—cf. Acts 13:1-2:

1 我们要有分于主的行动,就必须与主有个人、情深、私下并属灵的关系─歌一2~4,可十二30。

1. In order to participate in the Lord's move, we must have a personal, affectionate, private, and spiritual relationship with Him—S. S. 1:2-4; Mark 12:30.

2 我们要有分于主的行动,就可以在祂的出去里出去,在祂的给与里给与,并在祂的祷告里祷告:

2. In order to participate in the Lord's move, we can go in His going, give in His giving, and pray in His praying:

a 羔羊无论往哪里去,我们都要跟随祂,借着留意我们的灵并借着尊基督为头和身体,而过祭坛和帐棚的生活─启十四4,创十二7~8,十三3~4、18,玛二15~16,林后二13,七5~6,约壹一3。

a. We need to follow the Lamb wherever He may go, living a life of the altar and the tent by taking heed to our spirit and by honoring Christ as the Head and as the Body— Rev. 14:4; Gen. 12:7-8; 13:3-4, 18; Mal. 2:15-16; 2 Cor. 2:13; 7:5-6; 1 John 1:3.

b 我们必须作乐意施与的人,成为在真理上的同工─林后九6~7,约叁7~8。

b. We need to be cheerful givers, becoming fellow workers in the truth—2 Cor. 9:6-7; 3 John 7-8.

c 我们需要借着祷告与主合作,以执行祂的行动,与行动的神一同行动,为着成就祂的经纶,正如在使徒行传里所见的:

c. We need to cooperate with the Lord through prayer to carry out His move, acting together with the acting God for the accomplishment of His economy as seen in the book of Acts:

㈠ 我们所需要的祷告,乃是带进那灵浇灌的祷告─一14,二1~4、16~17上。

1) We need the prayer that brought in the outpouring of the Spirit—1:14; 2:1-4, 16-17a.

㈡ 我们所需要的祷告,乃是使地震动,并使门徒得着圣灵加力,放胆讲说神的话的祷告─四24~31。

2) We need the prayer that shook the earth and empowered the disciples with the Holy Spirit for the speaking of the word with boldness— 4:24-31.

㈢ 我们需要专心致力,坚定持续地祷告,并尽话语的职事─六4。

3) We need to give ourselves continually to and continue steadfastly in prayer and in the ministry of the word—6:4.

㈣ 我们所需要的祷告,乃是将彼得带到魂游象外,并将属天的异象带给他的祷告─十9~16。

4) We need the prayer that brought Peter into a trance and brought a heavenly vision to him—10:9-16.

㈤ 我们所需要的祷告,乃是为彼得开了监牢门的祷告─十二4~14。

5) We need the prayer that opened the prison gate for Peter—12:4-14.

㈥ 我们所需要的祷告,乃是将五位申言者和教师带到主的使命里的祷告─十三1~4。

6) We need the prayer that brought the five prophets and teachers into the Lord's commission—13:1-4.

㈦ 我们所需要的祷告,乃是带进地大震动,监牢的地基都摇动的祷告─十六23~26。

7) We need the prayer that brought in a great earthquake and shook the foundation of the prison— 16:23-26.

㈧ 我们所需要的祷告,乃是将保罗带到魂游象外,并带到主对他的说话里的祷告─二二17~21。

8) We need the prayer that brought Paul into a trance and into the Lord's speaking to him—22:17-21.

叁 高而可畏的轮子在地上,表明神需要在地上行动─结一15,太六10:

III. The high and awesome wheels being upon the earth shows that God needs a move on the earth—Ezek. 1:15; Matt. 6:10:

一 主行动时显出来的样子像水苍玉;轮有水苍玉的样子,指明轮子无论行动到哪里,都带着主显出来的样子─结一16上,但十6。

A. Beryl is the appearance of the Lord when He is moving; the wheels having the appearance of beryl indicates that wherever the move of the wheels goes, it brings the appearance of the Lord—Ezek. 1:16a; Dan. 10:6.

二 四轮都是一个样子,指明在每一个召会中,主的行动都有同一个样式和样子─结一16下,林前四17,七17,十一16,十四34,十六1,启一12,帖前二14。

B. The wheels having the same appearance indicates that the move of the Lord has the same likeness and appearance in every church—Ezek. 1:16b; 1 Cor. 4:17; 7:17; 11:16; 14:33; 16:1; Rev. 1:12; 1 Thes. 2:14.

三 轮中套轮(结一16)表明主在我们的行动中行动:─引用经文

C. The wheel within a wheel (Ezek. 1:16) shows the Lord's move in our move:

1 内里的轮子(主作轮轴)乃是外在轮子(召会作轮辋)行动能力的源头。

1. The inner wheel, the Lord as the hub, is the source of power for the moving of the outer wheel, the church as the rim.

2 以利亚在祷告里祷告,意思是主的祷告在他的祷告里;这就是轮中套轮─雅五17:

2. For Elijah to pray in a prayer means that the Lord's prayer was within his prayer; this is the wheel within a wheel— James 5:17:

a 以利亚不是凭自己的感觉、思想、意愿、情绪,或任何来自环境和情况的刺激,为着达到自己的目的而祷告。

a. He did not pray in his feeling, thought, intention, or mood, or in any kind of motivation, arising from circumstances or situations, to fulfill his own purpose.

b 以利亚乃是在主所赐给他的祷告里,为了成就主的旨意而祷告─罗八26~27。

b. He prayed in the prayer given to him by the Lord for the accomplishing of His will—Rom. 8:26-27.

3 内里的轮子是使轮子转动的马达、发电机:

3. The inner wheel is the motor, the dynamo, the generator, that causes the wheel to move:

a 我们的行动若是真实的,在我们的行动里就必定有主的行动─参一9,八16。

a. If our move is genuine, it must be that within our move is the move of the Lord—cf. 1:9; 8:16.

b 在召会生活里,主耶稣是轮轴─轮中的轮;我们是轮辋─参西一17~18。

b. In the church life the Lord Jesus is the hub—the wheel within the wheel—and we are the rim—cf. Col. 1:17-18.

四 轮向四方直行,行走时并不掉转,指明在配搭里的行动,不需要掉转─结一17,参12与注1。

D. The wheels going in four directions and not turning as they went indicates a move in coordination, without any turns— Ezek. 1:17; cf. v. 12 and footnote 1.

五 我们在自己里面该是微小的;但在我们旁边的轮子,也就是神在我们身上经纶的行动,该是高而可畏的─18节,林前十五9,林后十一5,十二11,弗三8~11。

E. In ourselves we should be small, but the wheel beside us, that is, the move of God's economy with us, should be high and awesome—v. 18; 1 Cor. 15:9; 2 Cor. 11:5; 12:11; Eph. 3:8-11.

六 高而可畏的轮辋满了眼睛,指明我们若在主的行动上与祂是一,我们就有祂神圣的洞察眼光、远瞻眼光和启示─结一18,弗一17:

F. The high and awesome rims of the wheels being full of eyes indicates that if we are one with the Lord in His move, we will have His divine insight, foresight, and revelation—Ezek. 1:18; Eph. 1:17:

1 我们越有分于主的行动,就越得光照。

1. The more we participate in the move of the Lord, the more we will be enlightened.

2 我们越行动,就越能看见。

2. The more we move, the more we will be able to see.

七 轮随着活物,指明神工作的行动在于我们的行动;这也指明我们若在信心里行动,主就要随着我们行动─结一19,林后五7,四13、18,参传十一4。

G. The wheels following the living creatures indicates that the move of God's work depends upon our moving; it also indicates that if we move in faith, the Lord will follow our move— Ezek. 1:19; 2 Cor. 5:7; 4:13, 18; cf. Eccl. 11:4.

八 轮随着活物(结一19、21),活物随着灵,但灵在轮中:─引用经文

H. The wheels follow the living creatures (Ezek. 1:19, 21), and the creatures follow the Spirit, but the Spirit is in the wheels:

1 这指明主在我们行动中的行动,乃是照着成为肉体的原则─20节,参林前七10、12。

1. This indicates that the move of the Lord in our move is in the principle of incarnation—v. 20; cf. 1 Cor. 7:10, 12.

2 这也指明我们与主是一,祂也与我们是一─六17、19,约十四16~17,徒十六6~10,参来十一8、27。

2. This also indicates that we are one with the Lord, and He is one with us—6:17, 19; John 14:16-17; Acts 16:6-10; cf. Heb. 11:8, 27.

3 主随着我们,我们随着灵,而灵在轮中─结一20~21。

3. The Lord follows us, we follow the Spirit, and the Spirit is in the wheels—Ezek. 1:20-21.

4 这就是主今天在地上的行动,这也就是主的恢复。

4. This is the Lord's move on earth today, and this is the Lord's recovery.
