第八篇 在宝座上的人

The Man on the Throne



壹 圣经里对于神和人的关系,有一个奥秘的思想─创一26,约壹三2下,启四3上,二一11下:

I. In the Bible there is a mysterious thought concerning the relationship between God and man—Gen. 1:26; 1 John 3:2b; Rev. 4:3a; 21:11b:

一 圣经启示神与人在形像和样式上的相似─创一26,十八2~13,但七13~14,徒七56,罗五14,八29,西一15,林后三18,腓三21,约壹三2下,启四3上,二一11下。

A. The Bible reveals the resemblances between God and man in their images and likenesses—Gen. 1:26; 18:2-13; Dan. 7:13-14; Acts 7:56; Rom. 5:14; 8:29; Col. 1:15; 2 Cor. 3:18; Phil. 3:21; 1 John 3:2b; Rev. 4:3a; 21:11b.

二 人不是照着自己的类被造;神乃是照着神类来造人─创一26~27。

B. Man was not created according to his own kind; God created man according to God's kind—Gen. 1:26-27.

三 神成为人以产生神人类;我们在基督里的信徒乃是神人类,是神人─约一1、12~14,十二24。

C. God became a man to produce God-man kind; as believers in Christ, we are God-man kind, God-men—John 1:1, 12-14; 12:24.

四 神的心意是要成为与人一样,并使人与祂一样─约壹三2下:

D. God's desire is to become the same as man is and to make man the same as He is—1 John 3:2b:

1 神的目的,是要将祂自己在基督里作到我们里面,使祂自己与我们一样,并使我们与祂一样─弗三17上。

1. God's intention is to work Himself in Christ into us, making Himself the same as we are and making us the same as He is—Eph. 3:17a.

2 神的经纶乃是要把祂自己作成人,又把我们这些祂所造的人作成神;这样,祂这位神就“人化”了,我们人也就“神化”了。

2. God's economy is to make Himself man and to make us, His created beings, God, so that He is God "man-ized" and we are man "God-ized."

贰 在以西结一章二十六节,在宝座上的一位有人的样子:─引用经文

II. In Ezekiel 1:26 the One on the throne has the appearance of a man:

一 那位坐在宝座上的,不仅是神也是人;祂是神人,人神,神与人的调和─徒七56。

A. The One sitting on the throne is not only God but also man; He is the God-man, the man-God, the mingling of God and man—Acts 7:56.

二 坐在宝座上的有人的样子,这事实有两面的意义:

B. There is a twofold significance to the fact that the One sitting on the throne has the appearance of a man:

1 以西结一章二十六节与创世记一章二十六节,二者之间有关联:─引用经文

1. There is a connection between Ezekiel 1:26 and Genesis 1:26:

a 神按着祂的形像造人以彰显祂,并使人有祂的权柄以代表祂;这乃是照着祂的定旨─26~27节,弗三11。

a. God created man in His image to express Him and with His authority to represent Him; this was according to His purpose—vv. 26-27; Eph. 3:11.

b 神按着祂的形像,照着祂的样式造人,目的是要人接受祂作生命,并彰显祂─创一26~27,二9。

b. God's purpose in creating man in His image and according to His likeness was that man would receive Him as life and express Him—Gen. 1:26-27; 2:9.

c 神给人管治权,目的是要征服神的仇敌撒但,恢复地,并将神的国带到地上─一26、28,太六10、13。

c. God's intention in giving man dominion is to subdue God's enemy, Satan, to recover the earth, and to bring the kingdom of God to the earth—1:26, 28; Matt. 6:10, 13.

2 借着成为肉体,神成为人;祂以人的身分生活、受死、复活并升天;现今作为在宝座上的一位,祂仍然是人─约六62,徒七56。

2. Through incarnation God became a man; He lived, died, resurrected, and ascended as a man; and now as the One on the throne He is still a man— John 6:62; Acts 7:56.

三 在宝座上之人的样子有两面的讲究;从祂腰以上,好像金银合金;从祂腰以下,有仿佛火的样子─结一27:

C. The appearance of the man on the throne has two aspects; His upper part, from the loins upward, looks like electrum, and His lower part, from the loins downward, looks like fire— Ezek. 1:27:

1 腰以上的部分表征祂的性情和个性;就着性情和个性说,在宝座上的那一位像金银合金。

1. The upper part signifies His nature and disposition; according to His nature and disposition, the One on the throne looks like electrum.

2 腰以下是行动的部分;从腰以下有仿佛火的样子,表征主在祂行动中的样子。

2. The lower part is for moving; the appearance of fire from the loins downward signifies the Lord's appearance in His move.

叁 主耶稣经过了钉十字架、复活并升天,就被带到宝座─徒二36,腓二5~11,来二9:

III. Through His crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension, the Lord Jesus was brought to the throne—Acts 2:36; Phil. 2:5-11; Heb. 2:9:

一 神一直是主,但如今在宝座上有一个人是主─启四2~3,五6。

A. God has always been the Lord, but now a man is on the throne as the Lord—Rev. 4:2-3; 5:6.

二 主耶稣在被钉十字架并埋葬之后,神使祂复活,并使祂坐在自己的右边,立祂为全宇宙的主─腓二9~11:

B. After the Lord Jesus was crucified and buried, God resurrected Him and set Him at His right hand, making Him the Lord of all the universe—Phil. 2:9-11:

1 就着主是神,祂一直是主(路一43,约十一21,二十28);但就着主是人,祂是在复活里将祂的人性带进神里面以后,才在升天里被立为主;祂在升天里被立为万有的主,是要得着万有─徒二33、36,三15,十36。

1. As God, the Lord was the Lord all the time (Luke 1:43; John 11:21; 20:28), but as man, He was made the Lord in His ascension after He brought His humanity into God in His resurrection; in His ascension He was made the Lord of all to possess all—Acts 2:33, 36; 3:15; 10:36.

2 神所高举的耶稣,地上君王的元首,乃是所有掌权者的元首;祂是神圣行政里至高的元首,以完成神永远的计划─启一5。

2. The God-exalted Jesus, the Ruler of the kings of the earth, is the Ruler over all the ones who are in power; He is the chief Ruler in the divine government for the fulfillment of God's eternal plan—Rev. 1:5.

三 主耶稣是开拓者,是先锋,开了到宝座的路并领头到达宝座─来六20,二10:

C. As the Pioneer and Forerunner, the Lord Jesus cut the path to the throne and led the way to the throne—Heb. 6:20; 2:10:

1 祂成了人,祂又作为人登了宝座─启三21。

1. He became a man, and as a man, He went to the throne— Rev. 3:21.

2 这指明祂不是唯一被命定要登宝座的人;祂乃是开了路,又领头使我们能跟随。

2. This indicates that He is not the only man destined for the throne; rather, He has cut the path so that we may follow.

3 神的心意是要领我们进荣耀里去,并使我们坐在宝座上─二二3~5。

3. God intends to bring us into glory and to set us on the throne—22:3-5.

肆 神的心意是要在人身上作工,使人能在宝座上─诗八4~8,启三21:

IV. God's intention is to work on man in order that man can be on the throne—Psa. 8:4-8; Rev. 3:21:

一 神顾念人;祂要人彰显祂,并行使祂的权柄─诗八4、6,创一26。

A. God's mind is on man; He wants man to express Him and to exercise His authority—Psa. 8:4, 6; Gen. 1:26.

二 神渴望借着人显明祂自己,并借着人掌权、管理。

B. God desires to manifest Himself through man and to reign through man.

三 神的目标是要把我们带上宝座;祂的心愿是要使我们成为属宝座的人:

C. God's goal is to bring us to the throne; His desire is to make us people of the throne:

1 我们若不在宝座上,神就不会满意;除非我们被带到宝座,神无法完全得着荣耀─启二二3~5。

1. God will not be satisfied until we are on the throne; He cannot receive the full glory until we are brought to the throne—Rev. 22:3-5.

2 神的国唯有等到我们登宝座时,才能完全来临。

2. God's kingdom cannot come in full until we are on the throne.

3 神的仇敌唯有等到我们登宝座时,才会被征服。

3. God's enemy will not be subdued until we are on the throne.

四 神要把我们带上宝座,因为撒但背叛了神的宝座─赛十四12~14:

D. God desires to bring us to the throne because of the rebellion of Satan against God's throne—Isa. 14:12-14:

1 神在宇宙中所面对的最大难处,乃是祂的宝座遭到背叛权势的反对和攻击。

1. The greatest difficulty God faces in the universe is that His throne has been opposed and attacked by rebel forces.

2 撒但背叛神的宝座,想要高举自己的宝座,因而侵犯了神的权柄。

2. In his rebellion against God's throne, Satan intended to exalt his throne and thereby to intrude upon God's authority.

3 从撒但背叛直到如今,就一直在权柄的事上有分争;地上所发生的事,大多是表现撒但对神宝座的抗拒。

3. From the time of Satan's rebellion until now, there has been a dispute regarding authority; much of what is happening on earth today is an expression of Satan's resistance to God's throne.

4 神的心意是要将撒但摔下,并救赎许多被他掳掠的人,将他们带到神的宝座去─启三21。

4. God's intention is to cast Satan down and to redeem many of those taken captive by Satan and to bring them to His throne—Rev. 3:21.

5 需要有人被神得着,使神的权柄借着他们得以通行,并使神的国借着他们临到地上─十一15,十二10。

5. There needs to be a people who have been gained by God so that through them the authority of God can be executed and the kingdom of God can come to the earth—11:15; 12:10.

6 我们应当渴望掌权─为神行使权柄─并享受为神掌权的福分─二十4、6。

6. We should desire to reign—to exercise authority for God— and to enjoy the blessing of reigning for God—20:4, 6.

五 得胜者要在宝座上,与基督一同作王─三21:

E. The overcomers will be on the throne with Christ as His co-kings—3:21:

1 基督在宝座上,他们也要在宝座上。

1. Christ is on the throne, and they also will be on the throne.

2 基督有一切的权柄,得胜者也将有分于这权柄,辖管列国─太二八18,启二26~27。

2. Christ has all the authority, and the overcomers will share in this authority to rule over the nations—Matt. 28:18; Rev. 2:26-27.

伍 我们要被带到宝座,就必须经历耶稣的人性及其美德,并在生命里作王─弗四1~2、20,太十一29,罗五17、21:

V. In order to be brought to the throne, we need to experience the humanity of Jesus with its virtues and to reign in life— Eph. 4:1-2, 20; Matt. 11:29; Rom. 5:17, 21:

一 我们若要有正确的人性美德,就需要耶稣的人性─弗四1~2:

A. If we would have the proper human virtues, we need the humanity of Jesus—Eph. 4:1-2:

1 我们信徒有基督连同祂人性一切的美德住在我们里面,作我们的人性─西一27:

1. As believers, we have Christ with all His human virtues dwelling in us to be our humanity—Col. 1:27:

a 我们日常生活的各方面,都该在灵中与主的人性相合─罗八4。

a. Every aspect of our daily walk should conform to the Lord's humanity in our spirit—Rom. 8:4.

b 当我们活在主的管治下,并经历基督的人性,我们就绝不会失去平衡;反之,每件事都是适当的均衡。

b. As we live under the Lord's ruling and experience Christ's humanity, we will never be out of balance; rather, everything will be properly proportioned.

2 我们必须吃基督作素祭,好成为基督的复制,并过神人的生活─利二9~10,六14~18,路二二19,约六57,林前十17:

2. We need to eat Christ as the meal offering to become the reproduction of Christ and to live the life of a God-man—Lev. 2:9-10; 6:14-18; Luke 22:19; John 6:57; 1 Cor. 10:17.

二 神完整的救恩是要我们凭神洋溢之恩,并洋溢之义的恩赐,在生命中作王─罗五17、21:

B. God's complete salvation is for us to reign in life by the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness—Rom. 5:17, 21:

1 我们重生所得的生命是神圣、属灵、属天、作王、君尊的生命;这生命使我们能作王掌权─约三3~6。

1. We have been regenerated with a divine, spiritual, heavenly, kingly, and royal life; this life enables us to reign as kings— John 3:3-6.

2 在实行上,在生命中作王就是在神圣生命的管治之下:

2. In practice, to reign in life is to be under the ruling of the divine life:

a 基督是在生命中作王的榜样,祂一直在父神圣生命的管治之下─太八9,约十八11,腓二8。

a. Christ is a pattern of reigning in life by being under the ruling of the divine life of the Father—Matt. 8:9; John 18:11; Phil. 2:8.

b 当我们在神圣生命的管治之下,就有感觉是登宝座作王,管理万有─罗五17。

b. When we are under the ruling of the divine life, we have the sense that we are enthroned as kings to reign over all things—Rom. 5:17.

3 在生命中作王,就是胜过、征服并辖管撒但、世界、罪、肉体、己、各样的不顺从和一切环境遭遇─八35、37。

3. To reign in life is to conquer, subdue, and rule over Satan, the world, sin, the flesh, ourselves, all kinds of insubordination, and all the environmental circumstances—8:35, 37.

4 我们若要在生命中作王,就要继续不断地领受洋溢之恩,就是对神丰满的享受─五17、21:

4. If we would reign in life, we need to continually receive the abundance of grace, the fullness of the enjoyment of God— 5:17, 21:

a 我们要一而再地来到神圣的源头,并从我们这人深处敞开自己,好被神这恩典充满─来四16。

a. We need to come again and again to the divine source and open ourselves from the depths of our being to be filled with God as grace—Heb. 4:16.

b 我们越接受洋溢之恩,就越在生命中作王─约一16,罗五17、21。

b. The more we receive the abundance of grace, the more we reign in life— John 1:16; Rom. 5:17, 21.
