第九篇 虹─基督徒生活与召会生活之经历的总结

The Rainbow— the Consummation of the Experience of the Christian Life and the Church Life



壹 虹是神信实守约的记号─创九8~17:

I. The rainbow is a sign of God's faithfulness in keeping the covenant—Gen. 9:8-17:

一 “我把虹放在云彩中,这就作我与地立约的记号”─13节:

A. "I set My bow in the clouds, and it shall be for a sign of a covenant between Me and the earth"—v. 13:

1 神与挪亚和他的后裔并各样的活物立约,向人类保证,绝不再用洪水毁灭他们和地─9~17节。

1. In order to assure mankind that there would never again be a flood to destroy them and the earth, God made a covenant with Noah, with his seed, and with every animal—vv. 9-17.

2 虹是记号,指明神是立约并守约的那一位;虹宣告神必定会守祂的约。

2. The rainbow is a sign that God is the One who establishes and keeps His covenant; the rainbow declares that God will keep His covenant.

3 虹是神的约的记号,表征神的信实;神的信实就是虹─林前一9,约壹一9:

3. The rainbow, a token of God's covenant, signifies God's faithfulness; God's faithfulness is the rainbow—1 Cor. 1:9; 1 John 1:9:

a 神自己就是信实,并且神对祂的话是信实的─林前十13,帖前五23~24。

a. God Himself is faithfulness, and He is faithful to His word—1 Cor. 10:13; 1 Thes. 5:23-24.

b 因着神的信实,我们得蒙宽恕;如今我们有一道虹,作神信实的记号。

b. We have been spared by God's faithfulness, and now we have a rainbow as a sign of God's faithfulness.

二 “有虹围着宝座,显出来的样子好像绿宝石”─启四3:

B. "There was a rainbow around the throne like an emerald in appearance"—Rev. 4:3:

1 神是生命(碧玉)的神和救赎(红宝石)的神─3节:

1. God is the God of life ( jasper) and redemption (sardius)—v. 3:

a 彩虹围着祂的宝座,表征神是立约的神,是信实的神,在祂审判地时,要遵守祂所立的约─3节。

a. The rainbow around His throne signifies that He is the covenanting God, the faithful God, who will keep His covenant while executing His judgment upon the earth—v. 3.

b 神要保留一些人,成为新地上的列国,以荣耀祂─二一24、26。

b. God will keep a part of mankind to be the nations on the new earth for His glory—21:24, 26.

2 围着神宝座的虹,显出来的样子好像绿宝石─四3:

2. The rainbow around the throne is like an emerald in appearance— 4:3:

a 绿宝石是草绿色的,表征地上的生命。

a. An emerald is a precious stone whose grass-green color signifies the lives on earth.

b 这指明神在地上施行审判时,仍要记念祂的约,并保留一些生命在地上,如创世记九章十一节所指明的。─引用经文

b. This indicates that as God is executing His judgment upon the earth, He will remember His covenant and spare some of the lives on earth, as indicated in Genesis 9:11.

三 “我又看见另一位大力的天使[基督],从天降下,披着云彩,头上有虹”─启十1:

C. "I saw another strong Angel [Christ] coming down out of heaven, clothed with a cloud; and the rainbow was upon His head"—Rev. 10:1:

1 这里的虹指明基督在审判地时,信守神与挪亚关于地所立的约─创九8~17。

1. The rainbow here indicates that Christ in His judgment upon the earth will keep the covenant that God made with Noah concerning the earth—Gen. 9:8-17.

2 这虹也指明基督执行神的审判,是照着那坐在天上有虹围绕之宝座上的神,就是那信实守约的神─启四2~3。

2. The rainbow indicates also that Christ will execute judgment according to the God who sits on the throne with the rainbow around it, the faithful and covenant-keeping God— Rev. 4:2-3.

贰 基督徒生活与召会生活的经历总结于一道虹─结一28,启四3,十1,二一19~20:

II. The experience of the Christian life and of the church life consummates in a rainbow—Ezek. 1:28; Rev. 4:3; 10:1; 21:19-20:

一 神永远的定旨是要在基督里将祂自己作到我们里面,成为我们的生命和一切,使我们接受祂作我们的人位,活祂并彰显祂;这是神心头的愿望,也是圣经的中心点─弗一9,三11、16~17上,腓一20~21上:

A. God's eternal purpose is to work Himself in Christ into us as our life and everything so that we may take Him as our person, live Him, and express Him; this is the desire of God's heart and the focal point of the Bible—Eph. 1:9; 3:11, 16-17a; Phil. 1:20-21a:

1 神中心的工作乃是要在基督里把祂自己建造到我们里面,使我们与祂是一,作祂团体的彰显─加四19,弗三17上。

1. The central work of God is to build Himself in Christ into us, making us one with Him for His corporate expression— Gal. 4:19; Eph. 3:17a.

2 至终,三一神和蒙救赎的人要联结、调和、合并,并建造成为一个实体,就是新耶路撒冷─启二一2、10,三12。

2. Eventually, the Triune God and redeemed humanity will be united, mingled, incorporated, and built up as one entity— the New Jerusalem—Rev. 21:2, 10; 3:12.

二 按照神的计划,以西结一章所启示的属灵事物,乃是开始于风,而结束于虹─4、28节:

B. According to God's plan, the spiritual things revealed in Ezekiel 1 begin with the wind and consummate with the rainbow—vv. 4, 28:

1 有了清明的天同着宝座,并经历一个人有金银合金与烈火的样子,结果我们就有一道虹的样子─26~28节。

1. As a result of having a clear sky with the throne and of experiencing the man who has the appearance of electrum and a consuming fire, we will have the appearance of a rainbow—vv. 26-28.

2 虹是坐宝座之人周围的光辉;这光辉表征宝座上的主四围的辉煌和荣耀─28节。

2. The rainbow is the brightness around the man who is sitting on the throne; this brightness signifies the splendor and glory around the Lord on the throne—v. 28.

三 虹可视为由蓝、红、黄三种主色组合而产生的:

C. A rainbow can be considered as being produced from the combining of three basic colors—blue, red, and yellow:

1 蓝是神蓝宝石之宝座的颜色,表征神的公义;红是圣别之火的颜色,表征神的圣别;黄是金银合金的颜色,表征神的荣耀─罗一17,三21,十3,六19、22,三23,八18、21,林前一30。

1. Blue, the color of God's sapphire throne, signifies God's righteousness; red, the color of the sanctifying fire, signifies God's holiness; and yellow, the color of electrum, signifies God's glory—Rom. 1:17; 3:21; 10:3; 6:19, 22; 3:23; 8:18, 21; 1 Cor. 1:30.

2 公义、圣别和荣耀,是三种神圣的属性,使罪人不能靠近神─创三24:

2. Righteousness, holiness, and glory are the three divine attributes that keep sinners away from God—Gen. 3:24:

a 击杀用的剑指明神的公义(参哀三42~43,罗二5);火焰表征神的圣别(申四24,九3,来十二29);基路伯表征神的荣耀(结九3,十4,来九5)。─引用经文

a. The sword for killing indicates God's righteousness (cf. Lam. 3:42-43; Rom. 2:5); the flame signifies God's holiness (Deut. 4:24; 9:3; Heb. 12:29); and the cherubim signify God's glory (Ezek. 9:3; 10:4; Heb. 9:5).

b 因着堕落的人无法满足神公义、圣别和荣耀的要求,他就不可接触作生命树的神;直到基督借着祂在十字架上包罗万有的死,满足了这些要求,开了一条又新又活的路,使我们得以进入至圣所,有分于作生命树的基督─十19~20,启二二14。

b. Because fallen man was unable to fulfill the requirements of God's righteousness, holiness, and glory, he was not permitted to contact God as the tree of life, until Christ fulfilled these requirements by His all- inclusive death on the cross to open a new and living way for us to enter into the Holy of Holies and partake of Christ as the tree of life—10:19-20; Rev. 22:14.

3 主耶稣死在十字架上,满足了神公义、圣别和荣耀的要求;并且如今在复活里,祂就是我们的公义、圣别和荣耀─林前一30:

3. The Lord Jesus died on the cross to satisfy the requirements of God's righteousness, holiness, and glory, and now, in resurrection, He is our righteousness, holiness, and glory—1 Cor. 1:30:

a 义是从神为着祂的行政而来的(诗八九14上,九七2,赛三二1);如今,我们在基督里面,正在成为神的义(林后五21)。─引用经文

a. Righteousness issues from God for His administration (Psa. 89:14a; 97:2; Isa. 32:1); now, in Christ, we are becoming the righteousness of God (2 Cor. 5:21).

b 因着有神在我们里面,我们就成为圣别,甚至和神自己一样的圣(彼前一15~16);因着在神里面,我们就更为圣别;因着被神调和、浸透并饱和,我们就最为圣别(帖前五23)。─引用经文

b. We become holy, even as God is holy (1 Pet. 1:15-16), by having God in us; we become more holy by being in God; and we become the holiest by being mingled, permeated, and saturated with God (1 Thes. 5:23).

c 基督住在我们里面,作荣耀的盼望(西一27),并且我们渐渐变化成为祂的形像,从荣耀到荣耀(林后三18)。─引用经文

c. Christ dwells in us as the hope of glory (Col. 1:27), and we are being transformed into His image from glory to glory (2 Cor. 3:18).

4 因着我们在基督里,我们有基督作我们的公义、圣别和荣耀;在神眼中我们看起来就是公义、圣别和荣耀,并且我们有一道虹的样子─林前一30。

4. Because we are in Christ, we bear Christ as righteousness, holiness, and glory; in the sight of God we look like righteousness, holiness, and glory, and we have the appearance of a rainbow—1 Cor. 1:30.

5 这道虹的实际必须作到我们里面,使我们这些蒙神救赎的人,有一道虹的样子,作神的见证;这意思是说,我们要有神的公义、圣别和荣耀─结一28,启四2~3,十1,二一19~20。

5. The reality of this rainbow must be wrought into us so that, as God's redeemed ones, we will have the appearance of a rainbow, bearing God's testimony; this means that we will bear God's righteousness, holiness, and glory—Ezek. 1:28; Rev. 4:2-3; 10:1; 21:19-20.

6 虽然这虹要在永世里才完全显出来,但这道光辉的虹属灵的实际应当显在今天的召会中─提前三15~16:

6. Although this rainbow will be fully manifested in eternity, the spiritual reality of this bright rainbow should be manifested in the church today—1 Tim. 3:15-16:

a 在召会生活中,我们必须让神在我们里面作工,我们也必须接受恩典到一个地步,使每一件事都是公义、圣别并荣耀的─腓二12~13。

a. In the church life we need to allow God to work in us, and we need to receive grace to the extent that everything becomes righteous, holy, and glorious—Phil. 2:12-13.

b 我们若让神圣别的火烧掉一切与神不配的东西,使神的圣别性情借着我们的人性显为金子,召会就会充满了神的公义、圣别和荣耀─弗三21。

b. If we allow God's holy fire to burn away everything that does not match Him so that His holy nature is manifested as gold through our humanity, the church will be filled with God's righteousness, holiness, and glory—Eph. 3:21.

c 这公义、圣别和荣耀要相联相映,形成一道光辉的彩虹,彰显神并为神作见证。

c. This righteousness, holiness, and glory will combine and reflect one another to form a bright rainbow expressing God and testifying for Him.

四 新耶路撒冷显出一道彩虹的样子;圣城看起来就像一道虹─启二一19~20:

D. The New Jerusalem has the appearance of a rainbow; the holy city looks like a rainbow—Rev. 21:19-20:

1 十二层根基的颜色,显出一道彩虹的样子,围着永远的神,作为祂的见证;这表征整座城是建造在信实之神永远的信实上:

1. The colors of the twelve layers of the foundations have the appearance of a rainbow, surrounding the eternal God as His testimony; this signifies that the entire city is built upon the eternal faithfulness of the faithful God:

a 新耶路撒冷是建造在神守约的信实上,并借着神这信实得以稳固─四2~3,二一19~20。

a. The New Jerusalem is built upon and secured by God's faithfulness in keeping His covenant— 4:2-3; 21:19-20.

b 在神的经纶里,我们需要被信实的神构成,成为信实的,甚至像祂一样信实─林前四2,七25,提前一12,提后二13。

b. In God's economy we need to be constituted with the faithful God to be faithful even as He is faithful—1 Cor. 4:2; 7:25; 1 Tim. 1:12; 2 Tim. 2:13.

2 作为永世里的新耶路撒冷,我们这些蒙神拯救之人的集大成,要成为一道虹,永远见证我们的神是信实的─启二一2、10、19~20:

2. As the New Jerusalem in eternity, we, the aggregate of God's saved ones, will be a rainbow testifying forever that our God is faithful—Rev. 21:2, 10, 19-20:

a 凭神的公义、圣别和荣耀,我们有一道虹的样子,向全宇宙宣告神拯救的信实。

a. By God's righteousness, holiness, and glory, we will have the appearance of a rainbow declaring to the whole universe God's saving faithfulness.

b 这道虹显出来时,神心头的愿望就得着完成─弗一9。

b. When this rainbow appears, God will have the fulfillment of the desire of His heart—Eph. 1:9.

3 这永远的虹,将是基督徒生活和召会生活经历的总结─启四2~3,十1,二一19~20。

3. This eternal rainbow will be the consummation of the experience of the Christian life and the church life—Rev. 4:2-3; 10:1; 21:19-20.
