第十篇 吃书卷─吃并消化神的话

Eating the Scroll— Eating and Digesting the Word of God



壹 在以西结二章八节至三章四节,申言者以西结吃了书卷,然后讲说神的话;在启示录十章八至十一节,使徒约翰吃了书卷,然后说预言:─引用经文

I. In Ezekiel 2:8—3:4 the prophet Ezekiel ate the scroll and spoke with God's words, and in Revelation 10:8-11 the apostle John ate the scroll and prophesied:

一 有一书卷在以西结面前展开,他受嘱咐要吃那书卷,然后去对以色列家讲说─结二9~三1:

A. A scroll was spread before Ezekiel, and he was told to eat it and then speak to the house of Israel—Ezek. 2:9—3:1:

1 以西结开口,耶和华就使他吃那书卷─2节。

1. Ezekiel opened his mouth, and Jehovah gave him that scroll to eat—v. 2.

2 以西结受吩咐,要把那书卷吃下,充满他的肚腹─3节上。

2. Ezekiel was commanded to feed his stomach and to fill his inward parts with this scroll—v. 3a.

3 以西结吃了书卷之后,耶和华嘱咐他往以色列家那里去,对他们讲说祂的话─3节下~4节。

3. After Ezekiel ate the scroll, Jehovah charged him to go to the house of Israel and speak with His words to them—vv. 3b-4.

二 在启示录十章八至十一节,约翰受嘱咐拿基督这另一位天使(1)手中展开的书卷,把它吃尽了,然后指着多民族、多邦国、多方言、多君王说预言:─引用经文

B. In Revelation 10:8-11 John was told to take the opened scroll that was in the hand of Christ as another Angel (v. 1), devour it, and prophesy over many peoples, nations, tongues, and kings:

1 约翰不仅接过书卷─他把它吃尽了─10节。

1. John not only received the scroll—he devoured it—v. 10.

2 吃乃是把东西接受到人里面。

2. To devour anything is to receive it into one's being.

3 我们必须这样接受神圣的启示;耶利米和以西结都曾这样作过─耶十五16上,结二8,三1~3。

3. We must receive the divine revelation in this way; both Jeremiah and Ezekiel did this— Jer. 15:16a; Ezek. 2:8; 3:1-3.

贰 “我得着你的言语,就当食物吃了;你的言语成了我心中的欢喜快乐”─耶十五16上:

II. "Your words were found and I ate them, / And Your word became to me / The gladness and joy of my heart"— Jer. 15:16a:

一 按照圣经的整个启示,神的话适合给我们吃,我们需要吃神的话─诗一一九103,太四4,来五12~14,彼前二2~3。

A. According to the entire revelation in the Holy Bible, God's words are good for us to eat, and we need to eat them—Psa. 119:103; Matt. 4:4; Heb. 5:12-14; 1 Pet. 2:2-3.

二 神的话是神圣的供应,作食物滋养我们─太四4:

B. God's word is the divine supply as food to nourish us—Matt. 4:4:

1 话是我们的食物,借此神将祂的丰富分赐到我们里面的人里,滋养我们,使我们得以由祂的元素所构成─约六63。

1. Through the word as our food, God dispenses His riches into our inner being to nourish us that we may be constituted with His element— John 6:63.

2 这是神经纶极重要的方面─提前一4,弗一10,三9。

2. This is a crucial aspect of God's economy—1 Tim. 1:4; Eph. 1:10; 3:9.

三 我们吃神的话,祂的话就成为我们心中的欢喜快乐─耶十五16上。

C. When we eat God's words, His word becomes our heart's gladness and joy— Jer. 15:16a.

叁 我们需要吃圣经的话─约六63,彼前二2~3,来五12~14:

III. We need to eat the words of the Bible— John 6:63; 1 Pet. 2:2-3; Heb. 5:12-14:

一 神的话主要不是为着知识,乃是为着滋养─12节:

A. The word of God is not mainly for knowledge but for nourishment—v. 12:

1 圣经虽是一本教训的书,但它的教训不仅是传授头脑的知识给我们,更是供应食物给我们─耶十五16上。

1. Although the Bible is a book of teaching, its teaching is not merely to impart mental knowledge but to minister food to us— Jer. 15:16a.

2 希伯来五章十二节的“奶”和“干粮”这些辞,指明神的话是为着滋养人的。─引用经文

2. The words milk and solid food in Hebrews 5:12 indicate that the word of God is for nourishment.

二 主耶稣取用圣经上神的话作祂的食物,并靠此而活─太四4。

B. The Lord Jesus took the word of God in the Scriptures as His bread and lived on it—Matt. 4:4.

三 “我对你们所说的话,就是灵,就是生命”─约六63下:

C. "The words which I have spoken to you are spirit and are life"— John 6:63b:

1 主耶稣所说的话,乃是生命之灵的具体化─罗八2。

1. The words of the Lord Jesus are the embodiment of the Spirit of life—Rom. 8:2.

2 现今基督在复活里是赐生命的灵,而这灵又具体化于祂的话─林前十五45下,约六63下。

2. Christ is now the life-giving Spirit in resurrection, and the Spirit is embodied in His words—1 Cor. 15:45b; John 6:63b.

3 我们运用灵接受祂的话,就得着那是生命的灵。

3. When we receive His words by exercising our spirit, we receive the Spirit, who is life.

四 我们需要得着神纯净的话奶为滋养─彼前二2:

D. We need to be nourished with the guileless milk of God's word— 1 Pet. 2:2:

1 这纯净的奶是在神的话里传输出来,借我们理性心思的领会,且由我们心思机能的吸收,滋养我们里面的人─罗八6,参申十一18。

1. The guileless milk is conveyed in the word of God to nourish our inner man through the understanding of our rational mind and is assimilated by our mental faculties—Rom. 8:6; cf. Deut. 11:18.

2 虽然话奶是经由心思滋养魂的,最终却滋养我们的灵,使我们属灵而不属魂,适合被建造成为神属灵的殿─参林前二15。

2. Although the nourishing milk of the word is for the soul through the mind, it eventually nourishes the spirit, making us not soulish but spiritual, suitable for being built up as a spiritual house of God—cf. 1 Cor. 2:15.

3 我们要享受话奶,在话里尝到神和祂的美善,就必须借着各样的祷告接受祂的话─彼前二3,弗六17~18。

3. In order to enjoy the milk of the word, to taste God with His goodness in the word, we must receive His word by means of all prayer—1 Pet. 2:3; Eph. 6:17-18.

五 我们必须从彼前二章二节里的话奶,往前到希伯来五章十三至十四节里当作干粮之公义的话:─引用经文

E. We need to advance from the milk of the word in 1 Peter 2:2 to the word of righteousness as the solid food in Hebrews 5:13-14:

1 奶主要的是为着婴孩,干粮是为着成熟的人─林前三2,来五13~14。

1. Whereas milk is mainly for infants, solid food is for the mature—1 Cor. 3:2; Heb. 5:13-14.

2 吃公义的话当作干粮,是接受、经历并享受基督很有力的一条路。

2. To eat the word of righteousness as the solid food is a strong way to receive, experience, and enjoy Christ.

3 公义的话具体地说出神在祂的经纶并行政上,对待祂的子民所有公正公义的思想─13节:

3. The word of righteousness embodies the thought of God's justice and righteousness in His dispensational and governmental dealings with His people—v. 13:

a 义是照着神公义并严格的要求,在神面前与人、事、物都是对的─太五20。

a. Righteousness is being right with persons, things, and matters before God according to His righteous and strict requirements—Matt. 5:20.

b 义与神的宝座有关;义是在我们里面与神是对的─诗八九14上,林前十五34上,林后五21。

b. Righteousness is a matter of God's throne and of being right with God in our being—Psa. 89:14a; 1 Cor. 15:34; 2 Cor. 5:21.

c 我们若要吃干粮,公义的话,就需要经历和操练─来五13~14。

c. If we would eat the solid food, the word of righteousness, we need experience and exercise—Heb. 5:13-14.

肆 信徒在日常生活中经历神圣三一的神圣分赐之路,乃是借着从神的话得喂养,而吃、消化并吸收主耶稣作食物─约六35、51~57、63:

IV. The way for the believers to experience the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity in their daily living is to eat, digest, and assimilate the Lord Jesus as food by feeding on the word of God— John 6:35, 51-57, 63:

一 神的经纶乃是要我们吃、消化并吸收基督,而被祂构成,好彰显祂并代表祂─提前一4,约六35、51、57,创一26:

A. God's economy is that we eat, digest, and assimilate Christ to be constituted with Him in order to express Him and represent Him—1 Tim. 1:4; John 6:35, 51, 57; Gen. 1:26:

1 神的经纶不是外面的事,乃是使基督内在地进入我们里面;为此,我们需要吃、消化并吸收基督,借此将祂接受进来─弗三17上,约六57下。

1. God's economy is not a matter of outward things but of Christ coming into us inwardly; for this we need to take Christ by eating, digesting, and assimilating Him—Eph. 3:17a; John 6:57b.

2 神永远的计划乃是将祂自己分赐到我们里面,使祂成为我们里面之人的组成;祂要给我们吃、消化并吸收,使祂能成为我们的构成成分─林后十三14。

2. God's eternal plan is to dispense Himself into us so that He becomes every fiber of our inward being; He wants to be eaten, digested, and assimilated by us so that He can become our constituent—2 Cor. 13:14.

二 三一神借着生机地进到我们里面,被我们吸收到我们属灵生命的组成里,而成了我们的生命和生命的供应─弗三16~17上,四23。

B. The Triune God becomes our life and life supply by entering into us organically to be assimilated into the fibers of our spiritual being—Eph. 3:16-17a; 4:23.

三 吃主耶稣就是将祂接受到我们里面,为重生的新人以生命的方式所消化并吸收;一天又一天,我们需要吃、消化并吸收耶稣作我们属灵的食物─约六51~57。

C. To eat the Lord Jesus is to receive Him into us so that He may be digested and assimilated by the regenerated new man in the way of life; we need to eat, digest, and assimilate Jesus as our spiritual food day by day— John 6:51-57.

四 我们不只该信入主耶稣并接受祂,也必须吃祂、消化祂、吸收祂,让祂成为我们这人的内容─三15~16,六51~57。

D. We should not only believe into the Lord Jesus and receive Him but also eat Him, digest Him, and assimilate Him, allowing Him to become the content of our being—3:15-16; 6:51-57.

五 我们吃主耶稣时,需要有正确的属灵消化─结二8~三3,耶十五16上,启十9~10:

E. As we eat the Lord Jesus, we need to have proper spiritual digestion—Ezek. 2:8—3:3; Jer. 15:16a; Rev. 10:9-10:

1 我们若有好的消化,食物就能畅通无阻地进入我们里面之人的各部分─弗三16~17上。

1. If we have good digestion, there will be a thoroughfare for the food to get into every part of our inward being—Eph. 3:16-17a.

2 消化不良,意思就是基督这属灵的食物没有路可进入我们内里的部分─来三12~13、15,四2:

2. Indigestion means that there is no way for Christ as the spiritual food to get into our inward parts—Heb. 3:12-13, 15; 4:2:

a 消化不良,意思就是主这属灵的食物无法在我们里面通过。

a. Indigestion means that there is no way for the Lord as the spiritual food to get through in us.

b 当食物没有通畅的管道进入我们内里的部分时,我们就会消化不良。

b. When there is no free course for the food to get into our inward parts, we will have indigestion.

3 我们必须使我们全人同我们里面所有的部分,一直向主敞开,使属灵的食物在我们里面畅通无阻;我们若如此行,就会有正确的消化和吸收,吸取基督作属灵的养分,并且基督会成为我们的构成成分,使神得着彰显─弗三16~17上,西三4、10~11。

3. We need to keep our whole being, with all our inward parts, open to the Lord so that the spiritual food will have a thoroughfare within us; if we do this, we will have proper digestion and assimilation, we will absorb Christ as spiritual nourishment, and Christ will become our constituent for the expression of God—Eph. 3:16-17a; Col. 3:4, 10-11.

4 借着吃,我们有消化;借着消化,我们有吸收;借着吸收,我们得着基督的丰富实际的养分进入我们这人里面;这些丰富会长到我们生机的组织里─弗三8。

4. By eating we have digesting; by digesting we have assimilation; and by assimilation we get the practical nourishment of the riches of Christ into our being, and these riches grow into our organic tissues—Eph. 3:8.

5 任何信徒借着吃、消化并吸收主耶稣,而接受神圣三一的神圣分赐,就要因祂活着─约六57下。

5. Any believer who receives the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity by eating, digesting, and assimilating the Lord Jesus will live because of Him— John 6:57b.

六 因着我们都有分于基督这一个饼,所以我们乃是一个身体,就是团体的基督,身体基督,以执行神的行政,为着完成神永远的定旨─林前十17,十二12,弗三11,五30。

F. Because we all partake of Christ as the one bread, we are one Body—the corporate Christ, the Body-Christ—to carry out God's administration for the fulfillment of His eternal purpose—1 Cor. 10:17; 12:12; Eph. 3:11; 5:30.
