第二篇 信息神的主宰、人类历史里的神圣历史以及世界局势与神为着开展祂恢复的行动

God's Sovereignty, the Divine History within the Human History, and the World Situation and God's Move to Spread His Recovery



壹 我们要看见神主宰权柄的异象,且对神主宰的权柄有清楚的看见并正确的认识,这是极其重要的──启四2,五1,但四1~3、34~35,罗九19~23:

I. It is crucial that we see a vision of God's sovereignty and have a clear view and proper understanding of God's sovereignty—Rev. 4:2; 5:1; Dan. 4:1-3, 34-35; Rom. 9:19-23:

一 主宰的权柄,乃是指神完全且无限的权利、权柄、能力和地位──启四11,五13。

A. Sovereignty refers to God's absolute and unlimited right, authority, power, and position—Rev. 4:11; 5:13.

二 神是主宰一切者,祂在一切之上,在一切的背后,也在一切之中──王上二二19。

B. As the sovereign One, God is above everything, behind everything, and in everything—1 Kings 22:19.

三 神完全有能力,照着祂的心愿并照着祂永远的经纶,完成祂所要的──弗一4~5、10,但四35。

C. God has the full capacity to carry out what He wants according to the desire of His heart and according to His eternal economy—Eph. 1:4-5, 10; Dan. 4:35.

四 我们要像耶利米一样,改变我们的立场和角度,从自己转向神,并承认神永远的所是和祂永远不变的行政──哀五19。

D. Like Jeremiah, we need to change our position and angle from ourselves to God and recognize God's eternal being and His eternal and unchanging government—Lam. 5:19.

五 启示录这卷书乃是神行政的书,揭示那为着全宇宙中神圣行政之神的宝座──四2,五1,六16,七9,八3,二一5。

E. The book of Revelation is a book of God's administration, unveiling the throne of God for the divine administration throughout the universe—4:2; 5:1; 6:16; 7:9; 8:3; 21:5.

六 罗马九章十九至二十三节说到神的主宰:─引用经文

F. Romans 9:19-23 refers to God's sovereignty:

1 我们需要领悟我们是神的造物,祂是我们的创造者;我们是祂的造物,不该抗拒祂的旨意,或向祂这创造者顶嘴──19节下~21节,耶十八1~6。

1. We need to realize that we are God's creatures, and He is our Creator; as His creatures, we should not resist His purpose or answer back to Him, the Creator—vv. 19b-21; Jer. 18:1-6.

2 罗马九章二十二至二十三节启示,神照着祂的预定,主宰地将我们造成祂的器皿,祂的容器──提后二20~21。

2. Romans 9:22-23 reveals that God sovereignly created us to be His vessels, His containers, according to His predestination—2 Tim. 2:20-21.

3 神在祂的主宰里有权柄,将祂所拣选并呼召的人作成蒙怜悯的器皿,以盛装祂,使祂的荣耀得显明──罗九23。

3. In His sovereignty God has the authority to make the ones whom He has selected and called vessels of mercy to contain Him in order that His glory might be manifested—Rom. 9:23.

贰 圣经启示照着神经纶的宇宙历史──人类历史里的神圣历史──珥一4,三11,但二31~45,弗一3~6,弥五2,启十九7~9,二二17上:

II. The Bible reveals the universal history according to God's economy—the divine history within the human history—Joel 1:4; 3:11; Dan. 2:31-45; Eph. 1:3-6; Micah 5:2; Rev. 19:7-9; 22:17a:

一 在宇宙中有两个历史:人的历史(属人的历史)和神的历史(神圣的历史);前者如同外壳,后者如同外壳里面的核仁。

A. In this universe there are two histories: the history of man, the human history, and the history of God, the divine history; the former is like an outward shell, and the latter, like the kernel within the shell.

二 神在人中间的行动,与人类历史的演进息息相关。

B. God's move among men is wrapped up with the course of human history.

三 在小申言者书中,属人的历史由约珥书一章四节所提的四种煌虫所说明并表征;而神圣的历史见于三章十一节基督和祂的大能者,得胜者。─引用经文

C. In the Minor Prophets the human history is defined and signified by the four kinds of locusts in Joel 1:4, and the divine history is with Christ and His mighty ones, the overcomers, in 3:11.

四 圣经相当详细地启示了在属人历史里的神圣历史──弗三9~10,一10,徒二23,帖后二2~8,但二35、44,七22、27,启十一15。

D. The divine history within the human history is revealed in the Bible in considerable detail—Eph. 3:9-10; 1:10; Acts 2:23; 2 Thes. 2:2-8; Dan. 2:35, 44; 7:22, 27; Rev. 11:15.

五 神圣的历史,神在人里的历史,是从基督的成为肉体到祂的升天,成为赐生命的灵,然后继续于祂住在我们里面,借着神生机的救恩,使我们成为基督的新妇──约一14,林前十五45下,六17,罗五10,弗五27,启十九7~9,二二17上。

E. The divine history, the history of God in man, was from Christ's incarnation through His ascension to become the life-giving Spirit and then continues with His indwelling us through God's organic salvation to make us the bride of Christ—John 1:14; 1 Cor. 15:45b; 6:17; Rom. 5:10; Eph. 5:27; Rev. 19:7-9; 22:17a.

六 我们都在人类的历史里出生,却在神圣的历史里重生;现在我们要考量:我们是活在神圣的历史里,还是仅仅活在人类的历史里──约三3、5~6,一1~13:

F. We were born in the human history, but we have been reborn, regenerated, in the divine history; now we need to consider whether we are living in the divine history or living merely in the human history—John 3:3, 5-6; 1:1-13:

1 我们的生活若是在世界里,我们就只是活在人类的历史里。

1. If our living is in the world, we are living merely in the human history.

2 我们若活在召会中,就是活在神圣的历史里;因为在召会生活中,神的历史就是我们的历史,因此,我们和神有同一个历史,就是神圣的历史──林前六17,罗六6,加二20。

2. If we are living in the church, we are living in the divine history, for in the church life God's history is our history, and thus we and God have one history, the divine history—1 Cor. 6:17; Rom. 6:6; Gal. 2:20.

叁 世界历史的事件一直是在神主宰的安排下,为的是让神完成祂的定旨──徒十七26,罗八28,提后一9:

III. The events of world history have been sovereignly arranged by God for Him to carry out His purpose—Acts 17:26; Rom. 8:28; 2 Tim. 1:9:

一 我们都需要有清楚的看见,由此来考量世界局势──弗三11。

A. We all need a clear view from which to consider the world situation—Eph. 3:11.

二 世界局势是在神主宰的安排下;神预先定准时期和疆界──徒十七26。

B. The world situation is under God's sovereign arrangement; God determined the appointed seasons and boundaries—Acts 17:26.

三 神为着完成祂的定旨,安排了世界局势;我们看见这事,历史就有意义──弗三9,但二20~21,四2~3、25~26、34~35。

C. For God to carry out His purpose, He has arranged the world situation; history is meaningful when we realize this—Eph. 3:9; Dan. 2:20-21; 4:2-3, 25-26, 34-35.

四 人类历史上一切的大事,都配合神在这地上的行动。

D. All the major events in human history match God's move on earth.

五 召会既是出于人类,我们这些神所拣选的人,就需要对历史有上述的观点;因此,我们要有正确的召会生活,就必须认识世界局势──帖前一1,林前一2。

E. Since the church comes out of mankind, we as God's chosen ones need to have this view of history; in order to have the proper church life, we must therefore know the world situation—1 Thes. 1:1; 1 Cor. 1:2.

六 无论我们说到神的成为肉体、福音的开展、召会生活的兴起或新妇的预备,就着世界局势而言,神行动的这一切方面都需要适当的环境:

F. Whether we speak of God's becoming flesh through incarnation, or of the spreading of the gospel, or of the raising up of the church life, or of the preparation of the bride, all these aspects of God's move require the proper environment as far as the world situation in concerned:

1 为使基督的职事得以完成,需要罗马帝国的建立,以提供环境,使救赎能在其中完成,福音能在其中开展──路二1~7,约十九17~21。

1. For Christ's ministry to be carried out, there was the need for the Roman Empire to be established to provide a situation in which redemption could be accomplished and the gospel could be spread—Luke 2:1-7; John 19:17-21.

2 罗马帝国是为着福音,德国是为着改教,英国是为着福音和真理的开展;现今美国成了主恢复的中心,使主的恢复能从这里开展到各大洲。

2. The Roman Empire was for the gospel; Germany was for the Reformation; Great Britain was for the spreading of the gospel and of the truth; and now the United States has become the center for the recovery, from which it can spread to all the continents.

3 神要用美国开展祂的恢复,使主可以回来──启二二20,十一15。

3. God will use the United States to spread His recovery so that the Lord may return—Rev. 22:20; 11:15.

七 我们若一直留意今天这地上所发生最新的事,就会看见神支配着在美国领导下的整个世界局势,以开展祂的恢复──太二四14,二八18~20。

G. If we keep up to date with what is happening today on earth, we will realize that God is controlling the entire world situation under the leadership of the United States for the spreading of His recovery—Matt. 24:14; 28:18-20.

八 我们需要更警觉神对世界大事的主宰安排,更关切我们所处的关键时刻,也更有负担为着神在当前世界局势中的行动──六33。

H. We need to be more aware of God's sovereign arrangement of the world situation, more concerned about the crucial time in which we live, and more burdened for God's move in the present world situation—6:33.
