第五篇 信息照着那灵的引导、作工和说话作一切事;为着主独一的行动,尊重主是基督身体的头;受基督身体的平衡,好蒙保守在其独一的一里

Doing Everything according to the Leading, Working, and Speaking of the Spirit, Honoring the Lord as the Head of the Body for His Unique Move, and Being Balanced by the Body to Be Kept in Its Unique Oneness



壹 凡我们所作的,必须照着那灵的引导、作工并说话;为神所作最好的事,如果与那灵无关,就成了宗教:

I. Everything we do must be according to the leading, working, and speaking of the Spirit; the best thing done for God becomes a religion if it has nothing to do with the Spirit:

一 在使徒行传的开头,那一百二十人没有形成什么、开始什么、发起什么或想要作什么;反之,他们一再祷告十天之久(一14);他们的祷告绝对是在那灵里。─引用经文

A. At the beginning of Acts, the one hundred twenty did not form anything, start anything, initiate anything, or intend to do anything; rather, they prayed again and again for ten days (1:14); their prayer was absolutely in the Spirit.

二 然后,叫他们希奇的是,那灵浇灌在他们身上,他们就成了一班完全在那灵里的人;从那时起,他们无论作什么、说什么、到哪里,都完全是在那灵里的事:

B. Then, to their surprise, the Spirit was poured out upon them, and they became a people wholly in the Spirit; from that time onward, whatever they did, whatever they said, and wherever they went were utterly matters in the Spirit:

1 五旬节那天,当彼得和十一个使徒站起来说话时,他并没有离开那灵说话;反之,他被那灵充溢──二2~4上、14。

1. On the day of Pentecost, when Peter stood up with the eleven and spoke, he did not speak without the Spirit; rather, Peter was filled with the Spirit—2:2-4a, 14.

2 在行传四章,当彼得对宗教领袖说话时,他又一次被圣灵充溢──8节。

2. When Peter spoke to the religious leaders in Acts 4, he was again filled with the Holy Spirit—v. 8.

3 司提反也是一个满有圣灵的人(六5),他凭智慧和那灵说话,无人抵挡得住(10);司提反乃是在那灵里生活、说话、尽职的人。─引用经文

3. Stephen also was a man filled with the Holy Spirit (6:5); no one was able to withstand the wisdom and the Spirit with which he spoke (v. 10); Stephen was a person living, speaking, and ministering in the Spirit.

4 腓利在那灵里传福音,他没有定规要传福音,或定意要这么作;他就是在那灵里生活行动:

4. Philip preached the gospel in the Spirit; he did not determine or make a decision to do this preaching; he was simply living and walking in the Spirit:

a 因此,当那灵吩咐他贴近车子里的埃提阿伯人,腓利就跑上前去──八29~30。

a. Thus, when the Spirit told him to join the Ethiopian in the chariot, Philip ran to him—8:29-30.

b 腓利把福音传给太监并为他施浸以后,并没有打算要离开;然而,那灵“把腓利提了去”──39节。

b. After Philip had preached the gospel to the eunuch and had baptized him, he did not intend to go away; the Spirit, however, "caught Philip away"—v. 39.

c 传福音的腓利要去哪里,不在于他的定意,乃在于那灵的引导;那灵引导腓利传福音给太监,传过福音以后,也是那灵把腓利提去了。

c. Where Philip, an evangelist, was to go did not depend on his decision; instead, it depended upon the leading of the Spirit; the Spirit led Philip to preach the gospel to the eunuch, and it was the Spirit who caught Philip away after he had preached to him.

贰 我们不是在一种运动里,乃是在圣灵活的行动里:

II. We are not in a movement but in the living move of the Holy Spirit:

一 我们大家,尤其是青年人,必须记住:在那灵里,没有运动这样的事;那灵必须领头,那灵必须作工,那灵必须说话,那灵甚至必须作我们的生活:

A. All of us, especially the young people, must be impressed that in the Spirit there is no such thing as a movement; the Spirit must take the lead, the Spirit must do the work, the Spirit must do the speaking, and the Spirit must even do our living:

1 我们这些在召会里的人,必须是完全被那灵浸透,并完全与那灵是一的人;果真如此,凡我们所说的,就是那灵说话;凡我们所作的,就是那灵作的;凡我们所作的工,就是那灵作工。

1. We, the people in the church, must be those who are absolutely saturated with the Spirit and absolutely one with the Spirit; if so, whatever we say is the Spirit's speaking, whatever we do is the Spirit's doing, and whatever we work is the Spirit's working.

2 在使徒行传里,我们没有看见什么运动;反之,我们看见那灵的引导、作工和说话。

2. In the book of Acts we do not see any kind of movement; instead, we see the leading, working, and speaking of the Spirit.

3 在使徒行传里每件事的进行都是根据活的灵;没有一件事是照着人为的定规进行的。

3. Everything that took place in the book of Acts was according to the living Spirit; nothing took place according to man-made decisions.

二 在行传十三章,申言者和教师没有召开会议来讨论并定规事情;反之,他们事奉主,禁食的时候,圣灵说,“要为我分别巴拿巴和扫罗,去作我召他们所作的工”──1~4节上:

B. In Acts 13 the prophets and teachers did not call a conference to discuss and decide matters; instead, as they were ministering to the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, "Set apart for Me now Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them"—1-4a:

1 这完全是借着基督身体上那些忠信并寻求主的肢体,在地上与诸天之上的元首配合,凭着那灵、在那灵里并同着那灵的行动。

1. This was absolutely a move by the Spirit, in the Spirit, and with the Spirit through the coordination of the faithful and seeking members of the Body of Christ on the earth with the Head in the heavens.

2 因此,这不是人所安排的宗教运动;这是由基督身体上一些肢体发起的,他们借着事奉和禁食,给身体的元首一个机会,使元首,就是那灵,能将他们其中二人分别出来,完成祂伟大的使命,开展祂的国度,好借着福音的传扬,在外邦世界建立祂的召会。

2. Hence, this was not a religious movement with a human schedule; it was initiated by a group of members of the Body of Christ, who gave the Head of the Body an opportunity through their ministering and fasting, that He, as the Spirit, might set two of them apart to carry out His great commission to spread His kingdom for the establishing of His church in the Gentile world through the preaching of the gospel.

三 使徒行传里没有运动;只有耶稣活的人位活的行动,这活的人位就是圣灵:

C. In the book of Acts there is nothing of a movement; there is just the living move of the living person of Jesus, and this living person is the Holy Spirit:

1 当巴拿巴和扫罗(保罗)遇见一个行法术的假申言者,圣经告诉我们,保罗被圣灵充溢,开始对他说话──十三9~10。

1. When Barnabas and Saul (Paul) were confronting a sorcerer, a false prophet, we are told that Paul was filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak to him—13:9-10.

2 行传十三章二节先提巴拿巴,后提扫罗;然而,领头说话的却是保罗;巴拿巴和保罗没有召开会议,巴拿巴也没有在会议里说,“从现在起你作出口,而我当助手。”─引用经文

2. Acts 13:2 mentions Barnabas before Saul; however, it was Paul who took the lead to speak; Barnabas and Paul did not hold a conference in which Barnabas said, "From now on you will be the speaker, and I will be the helper."

3 没有人的讨论或定规,却有圣灵这活人位的运行;是被那灵充溢的那一位说话──9节。

3. There was no human discussion or decision; rather, there was the move of the living person, the Holy Spirit; the one who was filled with the Spirit did the speaking—v. 9.

四 使徒行传唯一的一次会议是在十五章;使徒和长老聚集来处理一件事情,二十八节说,“因为圣灵和我们,认为……”:─引用经文

D. The only conference in the book of Acts took place in chapter 15; the apostles and elders came together to take care of a certain matter, and verse 28 says, "It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us":

1 会中没有主席,主持者乃是圣灵,就是那是灵的基督,召会的头(西一18),万人的主(徒十36)。─引用经文

1. The conference had no chairman; the presiding One was the Spirit, who is the pneumatic Christ, the Head of the church (Col. 1:18) and the Lord of all (Acts 10:36).

2 保罗、巴拿巴和其他几个人到耶路撒冷,乃是因为耶路撒冷是割礼这异端教训的源头(十五1~2、5~6);按照神新约的经纶,神在地上的行动没有总机构,也没有控制别地召会的总会。─引用经文

2. Paul, Barnabas, and certain others went to Jerusalem, because Jerusalem was the source from which the heretical teaching concerning circumcision came (15:1-2, 5-6); according to God's New Testament economy, there is no headquarters for God's move on earth and no head church that controls other churches.

3 在神新约的经纶里,神行动的总机构是在诸天之上(启四2~3,五1,但四26),并且管治众召会的,乃是召会的元首基督(西一18,启二1)。─引用经文

3. The headquarters of God's move in His New Testament economy is in the heavens (Rev. 4:2-3; 5:1; Dan. 4:26), and the One who rules over all the churches is Christ, the Head of the church (Col. 1:18; Rev. 2:1).

叁 为着主独一的行动,我们必须尊重主是基督身体的头:

III. We must honor the Lord as the Head of the Body for His unique move:

一 我们必须从使徒行传这卷书,以及行传十五章使徒和长老的经历有所学习,绝不要凭自己定规;此外,我们也不该给别人建议或指示;我们没有一个人够资格这么作。

A. We must learn from the book of Acts and from the experience of the apostles and elders in Acts 15 never to make decisions on our own; furthermore, we should not make suggestions to others or give instructions to them; none of us is qualified to do this.

二 我们不是主,不是主人,也不是庄稼的主(路十2,约四35);唯有主耶稣才是庄稼的主;祂是主人和基督身体的头;我们必须尊重祂,而不凭自己下断案。─引用经文

B. We are not the Lord or the Master, and we are not the Lord of the harvest (Luke 10:2; John 4:35); only the Lord Jesus is the Lord of the harvest; He is the Master and the Head of the Body, and we must honor Him by not making decisions in ourselves.

三 许多时候我们替别人有所定规,也给人指示;我们不可以这么作,我们必须祷告、禁食、等候主。

C. Many times we have made decisions for others and have given instructions to them, but instead of doing this, we must pray, fast, and wait on the Lord.

四 我们应当对祂说,“主啊,你是我的主人和基督身体的头;我没有资格,也没有地位和权柄作决定或吩咐别人;主,我等候你;我要知道你的旨意和心意;主,我要晓得你要我作什么,要我的同工作什么;主,我求问你:你要众召会作什么?”

D. We should say to Him, "Lord, You are my Master and the Head of the Body; I am neither qualified nor do I have the position and the authority to make decisions or give orders to others; Lord, I am waiting on You; I want to know Your will and Your heart; Lord, I want to know what You want me to do and what You want my fellow workers to do; Lord, I ask You what You want the churches to do."

五 我们都必须有这种态度;否则,我们就会侮辱主,至终祂会把我们放弃;元首权柄单单归与基督;只有祂有元首权柄;唯有祂是独一的领头者──弗一10、22,西二10,林前十一3,太二三8~12。

E. We all must have this attitude; otherwise, we will insult the Lord, and eventually, He will give us up; the headship is assigned solely to Christ; only He has the headship, and only He is the unique Leader—Eph. 1:10, 22; Col. 2:10; 1 Cor. 11:3; Matt. 23:8-12.

六 传统的基督教失去主的同在,因为在基督教里,许多人自居庄稼的主,自居工头;我们不可重演这悲剧──参林后二12~17。

F. Traditional Christianity has lost the Lord's presence because many of those in Christianity have made themselves the Lord of the harvest, the masters of the work; we must not repeat this tragedy—cf. 2 Cor. 2:12-17.

七 虽然主使我们有负担出去,将国度的福音传到整个居人之地(太二四14),但我们不该使这件事成为一种运动:─引用经文

G. Although the Lord has burdened us to go out to preach the gospel of the kingdom to the whole inhabited earth (Matt. 24:14), we must not turn this into a movement:

1 我们凭自己替别人定规任何事,这对那灵都是一种侮辱;倘若我们这么作,我们就必须悔改;如果必要的话,还要求别人赦免我们,因为我们指示他们该作什么。

1. Any decisions that we make by ourselves for others are an insult to the Spirit; if we have done this, we must repent and, if necessary, ask the others to forgive us because we gave them instructions about what they should do.

2 我们没有一个人应当告诉别人该去哪里;这对主是何等的侮辱!

2. None of us should ever tell others where they should go; what an insult this is to the Lord!

3 倘若我们这么作,别人就不需要祷告;他们只要照我们的话行动;这样作就篡夺了主的地位,把自己当作主;这对主是最大的侮辱。

3. If we were to do this, there would be no need for the others to pray; instead, they would simply act on our word; to do this is to usurp the position of the Lord and to make ourselves the Lord; this is the greatest insult to the Lord.

4 我们需要帮助别人接触主;青年弟兄姊妹们,我们需要祷告;人可以受感动加入运动,却与主没有任何个人的接触。

4. We need to help the others to contact the Lord; young brothers and sisters, you need to pray; a person can be moved to join a movement and not have any personal contact with the Lord.

5 主给我们负担,也引导我们去校园作工,但青年人必须把这件事带到主面前祷告,并重新把自己献给主,说,“主,我要和你一同往前;主,你要我去哪里?”

5. We may be burdened and led of the Lord to work on the campuses, but the young people must bring this matter to the Lord, pray, and offer themselves to the Lord once again, saying, "Lord, I want to go on with You; Lord, where do You want me to go?"

6 每一个人都必须祷告,直到清楚主的引导;每一个人都必须被带到主的面光中来接触祂。

6. Everyone must pray until he is clear about the Lord's leading; everyone must be brought into the presence of the Lord to contact Him.

7 主的行动是往校园去,祂也引导许多人去,但也许在祂的主宰权柄里,祂不许可你去;这证明我们中间所进行的不是一种运动,而完全是主的引导。

7. The Lord may be moving to the campuses, and He may lead many to go, but perhaps in His sovereignty He will not allow you to go; this will be a proof that what is taking place among us is not a movement but absolutely a matter of the Lord's leading.

8 我们都必须进到主的面光中,祷告一段时间;我们不是在任何一种运动里;每一件事都必须带到主的面光中。

8. We all must go into the presence of the Lord and pray for some time; we are not in any kind of movement; everything must be brought into the presence of the Lord.

9 我们都必须学习这个功课,没有一个人能够替别人到主面前去;那是圣品阶级制度;甚至我们中间最新近得救的,仍然必须亲自到主面前去。

9. We all must learn this lesson that no one can go to the Lord for someone else; this is the clergy-laity hierarchy; even the newest one among us must still go to the Lord himself.

10 最终我们都必须能够说,“我要去这个地方,因为我求问过主,祂引导我到那里去”;但我们绝不可因着某某弟兄鼓励我们,就到某个地方。

10. Eventually, we all should be able to say, "I am going to this place because I have inquired of the Lord, and He has led me to go there"; but we must never go somewhere because a certain brother has encouraged us to do so.

11 我们绝不可告诉任何人该去哪里;反之,我们必须有把握,主一直在引导;不然,我们就是在一种运动里,我们所作的也没有属灵的价值;每当我们遵照主的引导行动时,我们绝不后悔。

11. Never tell anyone where he should go; instead, we must have the assurance that the Lord is leading; otherwise, we will be in a movement, and there will be no spiritual value in what we do; whenever we act on the leading of the Lord, we never regret it.

12 神新约的经纶乃是那灵的事:

12. God's New Testament economy is a matter of the Spirit:

a 行传十六章六节说,圣灵禁止保罗和那些同他一起的人在亚西亚讲道;他们想要往庇推尼去,“耶稣的灵却不许”(7)。─引用经文

a. Acts 16:6 says that Paul and those with him were "forbidden by the Holy Spirit to speak the word in Asia"; when they were trying to go into Bithynia, "the Spirit of Jesus did not allow them" (v. 7).

b 至终,在夜间有异象现与保罗:有一个马其顿人站着求他说,“请你过到马其顿来帮助我们”(9)。─引用经文

b. Eventually, a vision appeared to Paul during the night, and a certain man, a Macedonian, was standing and entreating him, saying, "Come over into Macedonia and help us" (v. 9).

c 由此可见,使徒们不是照着自己的定意来行动、作工,乃是单单照着主的引导;我们若自己定意了就去作,就是高举自己为主。

c. By this we see that the apostles walked and worked not according to their own decisions but only according to the Lord's leading; if we work according to our own decision, we exalt ourselves to be the Lord.

d 每一位在主恢复里的人,都必须直接到主面前去祷告;不要问别人你该作什么;我们没有一个人是主,唯有耶稣基督是主,我们都必须求问祂说,“主啊,我该去哪里?”

d. Everyone in the Lord's recovery must go directly to the Lord and pray; do not ask someone else what you must do; none of us is the Lord; only Jesus Christ is the Lord, and we all must inquire of Him: "Lord, where should I go?"

e 不要仅仅像喊口号一样说,“我跟随水流”;真实的水流乃是主自己;鼓动一种运动真是何等的错误──那样作是侮辱主!

e. Do not say as a mere slogan, "I am following the flow"; the real flow is the Lord Himself; how wrong it is to stir up a movement—that is an insult to the Lord!

f 关于我们在主恢复里的任何行动,我们必须直接到主面前去祷告;我们必须有把握是主差遣我们;我们没有一个人该给别人任何指示,或为别人作决定。

f. Concerning any move we make in the Lord's recovery, we must go directly to the Lord Himself and pray; we must have the assurance that the Lord is sending us; none of us should give instructions to others or make decisions for others.

g 如今乃是我们真实转到主面前的时候了;我们必须说,“主啊,我们不要得罪你或侮辱你;我们要等候你的引导,借以尊重你是我们的头和我们的主。”

g. Now is the time for us to have a genuine turn before the Lord; we must say, "Lord, we don't want to offend You or insult You; we want to honor You as our Head and as our Lord by waiting on You for Your leading."

h 这是主的恢复,不是重复基督教可怜的历史;不要从任何人接受命令,也不要给任何人命令;要到主那里去祷告;这才是正确的路。

h. This is the Lord's recovery, not a repetition of the pitiful history of Christianity; do not take orders from anyone, and do not give orders to anyone; go to the Lord and pray; this is the proper way.

肆 为着主的行动,我们也需要受基督身体的平衡:

IV. For the Lord's move we also need to be balanced by the Body:

一 假设领头的人经过许多祷告以后,对某件事情有真实的负担;那么他们所该作的,就是借着交通把负担传给众圣徒,并请求众圣徒祷告。

A. Suppose the leading ones, after much prayer, are truly burdened about a certain matter; what they should do then is, through fellowship, pass on their burden to the saints and ask the saints to pray.

二 最终,圣徒会从主得着个人的引导,于是有所行动;这样就没有一个人是个人主义的或背叛的。

B. Eventually, the saints will receive a personal leading from the Lord, and they may move accordingly; in this way no one will be individualistic or rebellious.

三 那灵与基督的身体使我们平衡;我们必须核对一下,我们从主所得的引导是不是与基督身体的感觉一致。

C. The Spirit and the Body keep us in balance; we need to check whether or not the leading we have from the Lord corresponds to the feeling of the Body.

四 领头的人也许说,“圣徒们,我们觉得主给我们负担要和你们交通,你们有些人也许需要移民到某个城市,我们请求你们为这件事透彻祷告。”

D. The leading ones may say, "Saints, we feel burdened of the Lord to share with you that some of you may need to move to a certain city; we ask you to please pray thoroughly about this matter."

五 最终,有些人也许会接受主的负担,并受主引导到那个地方去,其他人也许接受负担到不同的地方去。

E. Eventually, some may be burdened by the Lord and led by Him to go to a certain place, and others may be burdened to go to a different place.

六 交通在祷告之后;我们有了祷告和交通以后,就会清楚主的引导。

F. Fellowship follows prayer; after we have had prayer and fellowship, then we will be clear regarding the Lord's leading.

七 如果我们没有祷告,与别人也没有交通,我们就侮辱了主,并篡夺了祂的地位;不仅如此,如果我们没有祷告和交通就移民到某地,当试炼、苦难和逼迫临到的时候,我们就会摇动。

G. If we do not pray and have fellowship with others, we insult the Lord and usurp His position; furthermore, if we move to a place without prayer and fellowship, we will be shaken when the tests, afflictions, and persecutions come.

八 如果我们有祷告并交通,我们就尊崇主是基督身体的头,我们也会有把握是主引导我们;在我们移民到某地去以后,就会有把握是主差遣我们到那里;无论外面的环境如何,我们绝不会后悔──参西二19。

H. If we pray and fellowship, we honor the Lord as the Head of the Body, and we will also have the assurance that it is the Lord who is leading us; then after we move to a certain place, we will have the assurance that the Lord sent us there, and we will never regret our move no matter what the outward situation may be—cf. Col. 2:19.

九 我们会确信我们在那里是主的旨意和引导,我们预备好要死在那里;我们不仅有把握,也会得着加强,得着主的权柄。

I. We will be so assured that our being there is the Lord's will and leading that we will be ready to die there; we will not only have the assurance but also be strengthened and endued with the Lord's authority.

伍 我们在众召会里并与众圣徒在一起时,必须顾到两个元素──那灵与基督的身体──弗四4上:

V. In the churches and with the saints we must care for two elements—the Spirit and the Body—Eph. 4:4a:

一 我们必须问:“这是那灵么?”以及“这是为着基督的身体,还是造成分裂?”

A. We must ask, "Is this the Spirit?" and "Is this for the Body, or does this cause division?"

二 我们必须确定我们所作的是在那灵里,并且顾到基督身体独一的一。

B. We must be certain that what we are doing is in the Spirit and that it takes care of the unique oneness of the Body of Christ.

三 在那灵里并在基督身体独一的一里,就是蒙保守在主的恢复里。

C. To be in the Spirit and in the unique oneness of the Body is to be kept in the Lord's recovery.
