第五篇 对升天的基督作为怜悯、忠信、尊大之大祭司的启示、经历与享受

The Revelation, Experience, and Enjoyment of the Ascended Christ as a Merciful, Faithful, and Great High Priest



壹 在圣经里,祭司的基本意义不是祭司事奉神,而是祭司将神供应人:

I. The basic significance of a priest in the Bible is not that a priest serves God but that a priest ministers God to man:

一 在圣经里头一次提到祭司,确立了祭司的原则。

A. The first mention of a priest in the Scriptures establishes the principle of a priest.

二 圣经第一次用祭司这辞,是说到麦基洗德─创十四18~20:

B. The first time the word priest is used in the Bible is with Melchizedek—Gen. 14:18-20:

1 圣经中说到祭司职分基本的故事,乃是说到一个祭司从神而来,把神的一些东西供应给神的子民:

1. The foundational story of the priesthood in the Bible is that of a priest coming from God and ministering something of God to God's people:

a 亚伯拉罕得着胜利后,预表基督是君尊大祭司的麦基洗德出现了;亚伯拉罕能杀败四王,得回罗得,而得着胜利,必是借着麦基洗德的代求─1~3、12~20节,来七1~3。

a. After Abraham gained the victory, Melchizedek, a type of Christ as the kingly High Priest, appeared; it must have been through his intercession that Abraham was able to slaughter the four kings, recover Lot, and gain the victory—vv. 1-3, 12-20; Heb. 7:1-3.

b 今天我们的大祭司基督,正以隐藏的方式为我们代求(罗八34,来七25),使我们成为祂的得胜者,击败神的仇敌,好使基督借着我们的得胜,能在祂第二次来时公开地显现。─引用经文

b. Today Christ, our High Priest, is interceding for us in a hidden way (Rom. 8:34; Heb. 7:25) that we may be His overcomers to defeat God's enemies so that through our victory Christ can be manifested openly in His second coming.

c 麦基洗德从神那里来,把神的一些东西供应给亚伯拉罕;饼和酒表征神供应给我们,使我们得着滋养、复苏、维持、安慰和加强─创十四18。

c. Melchizedek came from God and ministered something of God to Abraham; the bread and wine signify God being ministered to us to nourish, refresh, sustain, comfort, and strengthen us—Gen. 14:18.

2 基督在天上的职事里,乃是照着麦基洗德的等次标出为大祭司(来五6、10),不是为着罪献祭,如亚伦所作的,乃是将那经过成为肉体、人性生活、钉十字架和复活之过程的神(由饼和酒所表征─太二六26~28)服事给我们。─引用经文

2. In His heavenly ministry Christ was designated a High Priest according to the order of Melchizedek (Heb. 5:6, 10), not to offer sacrifices for sin as Aaron did but to minister to us the very God who was processed through incarnation, human living, crucifixion, and resurrection, signified by the bread and wine (Matt. 26:26-28).

3 关于基督是大祭司,主要的点乃是祂将神供应到我们里面─来八2。

3. The main point with respect to Christ as the High Priest is that He ministers God into us—Heb. 8:2.

贰 希伯来书是一卷论到祭司职分三方面的书─二17,五6,七16、25:

II. Hebrews is a book on the priesthood in its three aspects—2:17; 5:6; 7:16, 25:

一 第一面是亚伦的祭司职分,为我们的罪献祭给神─十12:

A. The first aspect—the aspect of the Aaronic priesthood—is for offering sacrifices to God for our sins—10:12:

1 亚伦的祭司职分解决了罪的问题─七27,九12、28。

1. The Aaronic priesthood solves the problem of sin—7:27; 9:12, 28.

2 基督为着罪,借着一次向神献上自己为祭,就把罪除掉─26节,十10~12。

2. Christ put away sin by offering Himself to God as the one sacrifice for sins—v. 26; 10:10-12.

3 亚伦的祭司职分不是神原初心意的一部分,乃是因着罪的问题,后来加上的─一3,约一29,罗八3。

3. The Aaronic priesthood was not part of God's initial intention but was added later because of the problem of sin—1:3; John 1:29; Rom. 8:3.

二 第二面是君尊的祭司职分,为着将神供应到我们里面─来五10,七1~2:

B. The second aspect—the aspect of the kingly priesthood—is for ministering God into us—Heb. 5:10; 7:1-2:

1 基督照着麦基洗德的等次作大祭司,乃是公义王与平安王─赛三二17,九6。

1. As a High Priest according to the order of Melchizedek, Christ is the King of righteousness and the King of peace—Isa. 32:17; 9:6.

2 基督洗净了罪,是由亚伦的工作所预表的,而祂坐在高处至尊至大者的右边,乃是照着麦基洗德的等次─诗一一〇1、4,来一3,八1。

2. Christ's purifying of sins is typified by the work of Aaron, whereas His sitting down on the right hand of the Majesty on high is according to the order of Melchizedek—Psa. 110:1, 4; Heb. 1:3; 8:1.

3 基督是君尊的大祭司,凡我们所需要的,祂都供应我们,把经过过程并终极完成的三一神分赐到我们里面作我们的供应,以完成神永远的定旨。

3. As the kingly High Priest, Christ ministers to us whatever we need, dispensing the processed and consummated Triune God into us as our supply to fulfill God's eternal purpose.

三 第三面是神圣的祭司职分,为着拯救我们到底─七25:

C. The third aspect—the aspect of the divine priesthood—is for saving us to the uttermost—7:25:

1 基督是君尊的,这是身分的事,而基督是神圣的,则是构成成分的事,也就是说,具有必要的元素,使祂构成为神圣的大祭司。

1. For Christ to be kingly is a matter of status, but for Christ to be divine is a matter of constituent, that is, of having the necessary element that constitutes Him a divine High Priest.

2 基督的神性,使祂构成为活的、满了生命的大祭司,而能长远地继续祂的祭司职任─17、24节。

2. Christ's divinity constitutes Him a High Priest who is living, full of life, and able to continue His priesthood perpetually—vv. 17, 24.

3 神圣的祭司职分乃是不能毁坏之生命的拯救大能;因此,神圣的祭司职分乃是带来生命,消除死亡─16节。

3. The divine priesthood is the saving power of the indestructible life; thus, the divine priesthood is the presence of life and the absence of death—v. 16.

叁 基督是怜悯、忠信的大祭司─二17:

III. Christ is a merciful and faithful High Priest—2:17:

一 希伯来一至二章启示,基督完全够资格作我们的大祭司:

A. Hebrews 1 and 2 reveal that Christ is fully qualified to be our High Priest:

1 祂是神的儿子,有神的性情─一8。

1. He is the Son of God with the divine nature—1:8.

2 祂是人的儿子,有人的性情─二6、9。

2. He is the Son of Man with the human nature—2:6, 9.

3 祂成为肉体,与我们一样─14、17节。

3. He was incarnated to be like us—vv. 14, 17.

4 祂被试诱、试验─18节。

4. He was tempted, tried—v. 18.

5 祂受了死的苦─9节。

5. He suffered death—v. 9.

6 祂为我们的罪成就了平息─17节。

6. He made propitiation for our sins—v. 17.

7 祂废除了魔鬼─14节。

7. He destroyed the devil—v. 14.

8 祂释放我们脱离死的奴役─15节。

8. He released us from the slavery of death—v. 15.

9 祂在复活里产生许多弟兄,形成了召会─11~12节。

9. He brought forth many brothers in resurrection to form the church—vv. 11-12.

10 祂被高举,得了荣耀尊贵为冠冕─9节。

10. He was crowned with glory and honor in His exaltation—v. 9.

11 祂是我们救恩的创始者,元帅─10节。

11. He is the Author, Captain, of our salvation—v. 10.

12 祂帮助我们─16节。

12. He helps us—v. 16.

二 基督能成为怜悯忠信的大祭司,因为祂是神的儿子,具有神性,也是人的儿子,具有人性:

B. Christ is able to be a merciful and faithful High Priest because He is both the Son of God with divinity and the Son of Man with humanity:

1 祂是怜悯的,与祂之是人相合。

1. His being merciful corresponds to His being a man.

2 祂是忠信的,与祂之是神相合。

2. His being faithful corresponds to His being God.

3 基督的神性和人性,是由大祭司所穿以弗得上面的金和麻所预表─出二八6~14,三九2~7:

3. Christ's divinity and humanity are typified by the gold and the linen in the ephod worn by the high priest—Exo. 28:6-14; 39:2-7:

a 以弗得上面,金和麻交织在一起,预表在基督里神性与人性的调和。

a. The weaving together of the gold and the linen in the ephod typifies the mingling of divinity and humanity in Christ.

b “在这宇宙中有一种用金线和麻线编织而成的织物,含有金黄、纯白、蓝、紫和朱红这五种颜色。这就是主耶稣今天所穿的以弗得。祂仍然穿着用金和麻作成的衣服,有五种美丽的颜色,彰显祂的神性、人性、属天、君尊和救赎。”(出埃及记生命读经,一五七二页)

b. "There is a fabric in this universe woven with golden and linen thread and containing the five colors of golden yellow, pure white, blue, purple, and scarlet. This is the ephod that the Lord Jesus is wearing today. He is still clad in a garment made of gold and linen and with five beautifulcolors expressing His divinity, humanity, heavenliness, kingliness, and redemption." (Life-study of Exodus, p. 1372).

肆 基督是尊大的大祭司─来四14~15:

IV. Christ is a great High Priest—Heb. 4:14-15:

一 基督作我们的大祭司,在祂的人位、工作和所达到的事上是尊大的─一5、8,二6,一3,二9~10、14~15、17,六20,九24。

A. As our High Priest, Christ is great in His person, in His work, and in His attainment—1:5, 8; 2:6; 1:3; 2:9-10, 14-15, 17; 6:20; 9:24.

二 基督作我们尊大的大祭司,在各方面受过试诱,与我们一样,只是没有罪;祂经过了诸天,且能同情我们的软弱─四14~15。

B. As our great High Priest, Christ was tempted in all respects like us, yet without sin; He has passed through the heavens, and He is touched with the feeling of our weaknesses—4:14-15.

三 基督作我们尊大的大祭司,在至圣所里在神前担负着我们─九24,出二八9~12、15~30:

C. As our great High Priest, Christ bears us before God in the Holy of Holies—9:24; Exo. 28:9-12, 15-30:

1 在旧约里,大祭司预表基督是我们的大祭司。

1. In the Old Testament the high priest typifies Christ as our High Priest.

2 大祭司每次在至圣所里进到神面前时,都要在神面前,在肩上和胸前担着以色列人的名字─9~12、15~30节。

2. Whenever the high priest went into the presence of God in the Holy of Holies, he bore upon his shoulders and upon his breast the names of the children of Israel before God—vv. 9-12, 15-30.

3 基督是我们怜悯、忠信、尊大的大祭司,我们在祂的肩(祂担负的力量)上,也在祂的心(祂的爱)上。

3. Christ is our merciful, faithful, and great High Priest, and we are on His shoulders (His bearing strength) and on His heart (His love).

4 基督在至圣所在神前担负我们,将经过过程并终极完成的三一神供应到我们里面─来八2。

4. As Christ bears us before God in the Holy of Holies, He ministers the processed and consummated Triune God into our being—Heb. 8:2.

四 我们该对基督的祭司职分有响应,坦然无惧地来到施恩的宝座前,为要受怜悯,得恩典,作应时的帮助─四16:

D. We should respond to Christ's priesthood by coming forward with boldness to the throne of grace to receive mercy and find grace for timely help—4:16:

1 我们的灵今天既是神居所的所在(弗二22),这灵就是天的门(创二八12~17),在这里基督是梯子,把我们在地上的人联于天,并把天带给我们(约一51)。─引用经文

1. Since today our spirit is the place of God's habitation (Eph. 2:22), it is now the gate of heaven (Gen. 28:12-17) where Christ is the ladder that joins us, the people on earth, to heaven, and brings heaven to us (John 1:51).

2 因此,每当我们转到灵里,就能进入天的门,借着基督作天梯,摸着天上施恩的宝座。

2. Hence, whenever we turn to our spirit, we enter through the gate of heaven and touch the throne of grace in heaven through Christ as the heavenly ladder.

伍 虽然基督作大祭司照顾我们,但对于祂该如何照顾我们,我们都有自己的想法和感觉;许多时候我们不知道什么对我们最好,也不知道一些事为什么会发生;只有作大祭司的主知道原因,并且祂照顾我们总是积极的─罗八28~29:

V. Although Christ as the High Priest is taking care of us, we all have our own thought and feeling as to how He should care for us; many times we do not know what is best for us or what the reason is for certain things; only the Lord as the High Priest knows the reason, and His care for us is always positive—Rom. 8:28-29:

一 当使徒保罗祷告主,求主挪开那根刺的时候(林后十二7~8),主说,“我的恩典够你用的,因为我的能力,是在人的软弱上显得完全。”(9)─引用经文

A. When the apostle Paul prayed to the Lord, asking Him to remove the thorn (2 Cor. 12:7-8), the Lord said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is perfected in weakness" (v. 9).

二 主没有挪开那根刺,反将祂自己当作恩典分赐到保罗里面,使保罗认识祂是如何宝贵、全足。

B. Instead of removing the thorn, the Lord imparted Himself into Paul as grace, enabling the apostle to know how precious and sufficient He is.

三 我们这样经历基督是把我们担负在祂肩上和胸前,并把神供应到我们里面的大祭司,就是在至圣所里的经历;我们在至圣所享受神自己和祂一切的丰富;这种对基督作我们大祭司的经历,乃是最高的经历和享受。

C. This experience of Christ as our High Priest, who bears us on His shoulders and breast and ministers God into us, is an experience in the Holy of Holies, where we enjoy God Himself and all His riches; this experience of Christ as our High Priest is the highest experience and enjoyment.

陆 至终,作大祭司的基督顾到神的需要和权益:

VI. Ultimately, Christ as the High Priest is caring for God's need and interests:

一 当我们向神的祷告是向着神经纶里的目标,就是基督、神的国与神的家时,神必垂听我们的祷告─王上八48,但六10。

A. God will listen to our prayer when our prayer to God is toward Christ, the kingdom of God, and the house of God as the goal in God's economy—1 Kings 8:48; Dan. 6:10.

二 不论我们为谁祷告,我们的祷告都该对准神的权益,就是对准基督与召会─神在地上的权益,以完成神的经纶─弗五32,六17~18。

B. No matter for whom we are praying, our prayers should be aimed at the interests of God, that is, at Christ and the church as God's interests on earth, for the fulfilling of God's economy—Eph. 5:32; 6:17-18.

柒 基督在升天里作大祭司的天上职事,终极完成于新耶路撒冷,就是神性与人性的调和,作三一神在人性里的扩展、扩大、扩增和彰显,直到永远,作为神经纶最终的目标─启二一2、9~11。

VII. Christ's heavenly ministry as the High Priest in ascension consummates in the New Jerusalem, which will be the mingling of divinity with humanity to be the very expansion, enlargement, increase, and expression of the Triune God in humanity forever as the ultimate goal of God's economy—Rev. 21:2, 9-11.
