第七篇 在作为天上真帐幕执事之基督的职事下实行召会生活

Practicing the Church Life under the Ministry of Christ as the Minister of the True, the Heavenly, Tabernacle



壹 升天的基督是“圣所,就是真帐幕的执事”─来八2:

I. The ascended Christ is a "Minister of the holy places, even of the true tabernacle"—Heb. 8:2:

一 基督是真帐幕(天上帐幕)的执事,把天(不仅指地方,也指生命的情形)供应到我们里面。

A. Christ, as a Minister of the true (heavenly) tabernacle, ministers heaven (which is not only a place but also a condition of life) into us.

二 现在的基督,现今在诸天之上作我们的执事,供应我们属天的生命、恩典、权柄和能力,并维持我们在地上过属天的生活,正如祂从前在地上一样─一3,四14,七26,九24。

B. The present Christ, who is now in the heavens as our Minister, is ministering to us the heavenly life, grace, authority, and power and sustaining us to live a heavenly life on earth as He did when He was here—1:3; 4:14; 7:26; 9:24.

三 属天的基督在帐幕中尽职,“这帐幕是主所支的,不是人所支的”─八2:

C. The heavenly Christ is ministering in the tabernacle "which the Lord pitched, not man"—8:2:

1 这个帐幕,这个圣所,乃是在第三层天,那里有属天的至圣所。

1. This tabernacle, this sanctuary, is in the third heaven, in which is the heavenly Holy of Holies.

2 基督在天上的至圣所为我们尽职事,这至圣所乃是联于我们的灵─四12。

2. The heavenly Holy of Holies, where Christ is ministering on our behalf, is connected to our spirit—4:12.

3 基督在诸天之上的职事,顾到我们的需要─15节:

3. Christ's ministry in the heavens takes care of our needs—v. 15:

a 基督从诸天之上,以分赐的方式,将祂自己供应给我们作食物,作我们生命的供应。

a. From the heavens Christ ministers Himself to us as food, as our life supply, in the way of dispensing.

b 当祂作我们的执事顾到我们的需要,祂就执行神的经纶─弗一10。

b. As our Minister takes care of our needs, He carries out God's economy—Eph. 1:10.

四 凡基督这属天的执事所执行的,祂都作为那灵应用到我们身上─林前十五45下,林后三17:

D. Whatever Christ carries out as the heavenly Minister, He applies to us as the Spirit—1 Cor. 15:45b; 2 Cor. 3:17:

1 我们所需要的供应来自基督;祂是诸天之上的主,也是我们里面的那灵─徒二36,罗八11。

1. The supply we need comes from the Christ who is both the Lord in the heavens and the Spirit within us—Acts 2:36; Rom. 8:11.

2 现今我们能在祂这升天者的一切功用上经历祂─来一3,九24,十二2。

2. Now we may experience Him in all His functions as the ascended One—Heb. 1:3; 9:24; 12:2.

3 祂这属天的执事,将我们所需要的,从作源头的父神传输到我们灵里,供应并扶持我们。

3. As the heavenly Minister, He transmits what we need from God the Father, who is the source, into our spirit to supply and sustain us.

五 基督在祂天上的职事里是真帐幕的执事,用新遗命的遗赠、祝福服事神的子民─七22,八6,九15:

E. In His heavenly ministry as the Minister of the true tabernacle, Christ is serving God's people with the bequests, the blessings, of the new testament—7:22; 8:6; 9:15:

1 基督是我们天上的执事,带着更超特的职事,在执行更美之约─七22:

1. As our heavenly Minister with a more excellent ministry, Christ is carrying out the better covenant—7:22:

a 祂作这事是借着使新约的事实成为有效的。

a. He does this by making the facts of the new covenant effective.

b 借着这位天上的执事以及祂更超特的职事,新约里的每一事实都成了有效的─九15,八6。

b. Every fact in the new covenant is made effective by the heavenly Minister with His more excellent ministry—9:15; 8:6.

2 凡在新约里的事实,都是新遗命里的遗赠;基督这天上的执事正在执行新遗命里的遗赠─九15~17,十16~18。

2. Whatever is a fact in the new covenant is a bequest in the new testament;Christ, the heavenly Minister, is executing the bequests in the new testament—9:15-17; 10:16-18.

贰 希伯来书中所启示召会的各方面:

II. In the Epistle to the Hebrews, various aspects of the church are revealed:

一 召会乃是神许多儿子活的组合,他们是在基督复活里所生出来的许多弟兄─二10~12,罗八29,约二十17,来一5,五5,徒十三33,彼前一3:

A. The church is a living composition of the many sons of God, who are the many brothers of Christ brought forth in His resurrection—2:10-12; Rom. 8:29; John 20:17; Heb. 1:5; 5:5; Acts 13:33; 1 Pet. 1:3:

1 神是我们神圣的父,我们是由祂神圣生命所生的神圣儿子,有祂神圣的性情─约二十17,弗一5,加三26,约一12~13,彼后一4。

1. God is our divine Father, and we are His divine sons born of His divine life with His divine nature—John 20:17; Eph. 1:5; Gal. 3:26; John 1:12-13; 2 Pet. 1:4.

2 我们是基督许多的弟兄,和长子一样一式;祂是神而人者,我们是人而神者─来二11,一6,罗八29。

2. As the many brothers of Christ, we are the same as the firstborn Son; He is divine and human, and we are human and divine—Heb. 2:11; 1:6; Rom. 8:29.

3 召会是一个有两种生命和两种性情结合并调和在一起的生机体─利二1~16:

3. The church is an organism with two lives and two natures combined and mingled together—Lev. 2:1-16:

a 召会完全是生命的事─神圣的生命以及被拔高、复活的人性生命─罗一3~4。

a. The church is altogether a matter of life—the divine life and the uplifted, resurrected human life—Rom. 1:3-4.

b 召会有两种性情─人的性情和神的性情;因此召会是神人二性的─来二14、11。

b. The church has two natures—the human nature and the divine nature; thus, the church is both human and divine—Heb. 2:14, 11.

二 召会是基督团体的同伙─三15,一9:

B. The church is a corporate partnership with Christ—3:14; 1:9:

1 神在宇宙中经营的目标,乃是要完成祂自己荣耀的彰显─二10,约十七1、5、22、24,启二一10~11。

1. The goal of God's operation in the universe is to accomplish a glorious expression of Himself—2:10; John 17:1, 5, 22, 24; Rev. 21:10-11.

2 长子是神所立的后嗣,我们众子已蒙拯救,和祂同作后嗣,不仅承受救恩,也要与祂一同承受万有─来一14,罗八17,加四7,弗三6,多三7。

2. The firstborn Son is God's appointed Heir, and we, the many sons, have been saved to be His joint heirs, inheriting not only salvation but also all things with Him—Heb. 1:14; Rom. 8:17; Gal. 4:7; Eph. 3:6; Titus 3:7.

3 神的长子基督是神所立的后嗣,而我们这些神的众子是与祂同作后嗣;因此,我们是基督的同伙─来一9,三15。

3. Since Christ as the firstborn Son of God is God's appointed Heir and we as the many sons of God are His joint heirs, we are Christ's partners—Heb. 1:9; 3:14.

4 作为基督的同伙,我们有分于祂的受膏,并在祂的经营里与祂合作,以达到神经纶的目标,就是神圣者荣耀的彰显─一9,林后一21,启二一10~11。

4. As Christ's partners, we share in His anointing and cooperate with Him in His operation to reach the goal of God's economy—the glorious expression of the Divine Being—1:9; 2 Cor. 1:21; Rev. 21:10-11.

三 召会,基督的扩大,乃是安息日的安息─约二19、21,三29上、30,林前十二12,来三6,四9:

C. The church, the enlargement of Christ, is the Sabbath rest—John 2:19, 21; 3:29a, 30; 1 Cor. 12:12; Heb. 3:6; 4:9:

1 个人的基督是神的安息日(太十一28~29),而召会是基督的扩大;因此,召会也是神安息日的安息。─引用经文

1. The individual Christ is God's Sabbath (Matt. 11:28-29), and the church is the enlargement of Christ; therefore, the church is also God's Sabbath rest.

2 召会是神的满足与安息,因为神在召会中得着祂的居所,使祂得着彰显与代表─弗二22。

2. The church is God's satisfaction and rest because in the church God has His habitation for His expression and representation—Eph. 2:22.

四 来到召会就是来到新约,来到属天的新耶路撒冷─来十二22~24,八7~13,十一10、16,加四24~26:

D. To come to the church is to come to the new covenant and to the heavenly New Jerusalem—Heb. 12:22-24; 8:7-13; 11:10, 16; Gal. 4:24-26:

1 新约、属天的耶路撒冷和召会乃是一。

1. The new covenant, the heavenly Jerusalem, and the church are one.

2 接受新约就是进入新耶路撒冷,并来到召会:

2. To receive the new covenant is to enter the New Jerusalem and come to the church:

a 希伯来八章指明律法的旧约已经被新约顶替。

a. Hebrews 8 indicates that the old covenant of law has been replaced by the new covenant.

b 希伯来十二章说,我们乃是来到锡安山,来到活神的城,来到新约的中保这里,并来到召会─22~24节。

b. Hebrews 12 says that we have come to Mount Zion, to the city of the living God, to the Mediator of a new covenant, and to the church—vv. 22-24.

五 召会是神那不能震动的国─28节:

E. The church is the unshakable kingdom of God—v. 28:

1 我们所要领受那不能震动的国,就是基督和祂的扩大:

1. The unshakable kingdom that we are receiving is Christ with His enlargement:

a 国度其实就是主自己在我们里面作国度─路十七20~21,可四3、26。

a. The kingdom is actually the Lord Himself as the kingdom within us—Luke 17:20-21; Mark 4:3, 26.

b 召会是基督在生命上的扩增,而国度是基督在行政上的扩增。

b. Whereas the church is Christ's increase in life, the kingdom is Christ's increase in administration.

2 我们在召会中,就是生活在今天神的国里─约三3、5,罗十四17,启一9。

2. In the church, we are living in the kingdom of God today—John 3:3, 5; Rom. 14:17; Rev. 1:9.

叁 希伯来十三章一至十九节说到实行召会生活所需的美德和经历:─引用经文

III. Hebrews 13:1-19 speaks of the virtues and the experiences needed for the practice of the church life:

一 照内容看,本章是为着正当的召会生活而写的;这里提起的每一件事,就如弟兄相爱,接待客旅等等,几乎都是为着召会生活,而不仅是为着基督徒生活─1~7、16~18节。

A. As indicated by its content, this chapter was written with a view to a proper church life; nearly everything mentioned here, such as brotherly love and hospitality, is for the church life, not only for the Christian life—vv. 1-7, 16-18.

二 我们要过真实且稳固的召会生活,就必须持定那昨日、今日、直到永远是一样的基督,不被各样怪异的教训带入歧途─8~9节。

B. For a true and steadfast church life, we must hold on to the Christ who is the same yesterday and today, and even forever, and must not be carried away by various strange teachings—vv. 8-9.

三 我们越在灵里享受天上的基督,就越出到宗教的营外,跟随受苦的耶稣─12~14节。

C. The more we are in our spirit, enjoying the heavenly Christ, the more we will come outside the camp of religion, following the suffering Jesus—vv. 12-14.

四 我们既在召会生活中享受不变的基督作恩典,并且跟从祂出到宗教之外,就该借着祂向神献上赞美的属灵祭物─15节:

D. Since in the church life we enjoy the unchanging Christ as grace and follow Him outside religion, we should offer through Him spiritual sacrifices of praise to God—v. 15:

1 我们在召会中该借着基督,常常向神献上赞美的祭。

1. In the church we should offer up through Christ a sacrifice of praise to God continually.

2 在召会中,基督在我们里面歌颂父神(二12),我们也该借着祂在召会中赞美父神。─引用经文

2. In the church He sings in us hymns of praise unto God the Father (2:12), and in the church we too should praise God the Father through Him.

3 至终,祂与我们,我们与祂,都在召会中,在调和的灵里,一同赞美父─12节,十三15:

3. Eventually, in the church He and we, we and He, praise the Father together in the mingled spirit—v. 12; 13:15:

a 祂是赐生命的灵,在我们的灵里赞美父;我们借着我们的灵,也在祂的灵里赞美父。

a. He, as the life-giving Spirit, praises the Father in our spirit, and we, by our spirit, praise the Father in His Spirit.

b 这是我们借着子基督,献给神最好、最高的祭。

b. This is the best and highest sacrifice that we can offer to God through Christ the Son.

c 这是召会聚会中极其需要的。

c. This is greatly needed in the church meetings.
