第二篇 生命的认识

The Knowledge of Life



壹 基督作为生命乃是生命树的实际,生命树是宇宙的中心─创二9,约一4,十10,十四6,十五1,六35、63,林前十五45下:

I. Christ as life is the reality of the tree of life, which is the center of the universe—Gen. 2:9; John 1:4; 10:10; 14:6; 15:1; 6:35, 63; 1 Cor. 15:45b:

一 生命乃是神创造的目标─创一26~28、31,二7~9。

A. Life is the goal of God's creation—Gen. 1:26-28, 31; 2:7-9.

二 神生机的救恩,就是在基督的生命里得救,乃是神法理救赎过程的目标─约十九34,罗五10,西三3~4,启二二1~2。

B. God's organic salvation, being saved in Christ's life, is the goal of the process of God's judicial redemption—John 19:34; Rom. 5:10; Col. 3:3-4; Rev. 22:1-2.

三 生命是神自己在基督里作为那灵的流出,为着给人享受,使人喜悦满足─诗三六7~9,启二二1,耶二13。

C. Life is God Himself in Christ as the Spirit flowing out to be enjoyed by man and to please and satisfy man—Psa. 36:7-9; Rev. 22:1; Jer. 2:13.

四 神在基督里,基督就是那灵,那灵就是生命─约十四9~10、17~19,六63,罗八2。

D. God is in Christ, Christ is the Spirit, and the Spirit is life—John 14:9-10, 17-19; 6:63; Rom. 8:2.

五 生命是主自己作为给我们吃的生命之饼─约六35、57、63,太十五22~27。

E. Life is the Lord Himself as the bread of life for us to eat—John 6:35, 57, 63; Matt. 15:22-27.

六 生命就是光,光胜过黑暗,光在神的话里─约一4~5,诗三六8~9,约六63:

F. Life is the light, light overcomes darkness, and light is in God's word—John 1:4-5; Psa. 36:8-9; John 6:63:

1 我们要摸着生命,必须借着话,借着那灵在我们里面所给的感觉;那个感觉就是神活的话─63节,撒上三19~21。

1. If we want to touch life, we need the word, the inner feeling given to us by the Spirit; such a feeling is the living word of God—v. 63; 1 Sam. 3:19-21.

2 若是那灵在我们里面,给我们一句话、一个感觉,要我们开口赞美主,我们就应该接受这话,开口赞美主;这样,我们里面就会有光,这光就是生命,就是那灵,就是基督,就是神。

2. If the Spirit in us gives us a word or a feeling to open our mouth and praise the Lord, we should receive this word and open our mouth to praise the Lord; thus, we will have light within, and this light is life, the Spirit, Christ, and God.

3 当我们接受这个感觉,向主有一个赞美的祷告后,我们会觉得生命的饱足、基督的甘美、神的同在并那灵的运行。

3. When we respond to this feeling and offer a prayer of praise to the Lord, we sense the satisfaction of life, the sweetness of Christ, the presence of God, and the moving of the Spirit.

七 召会所有的美丽、能力、光明,以及召会能作出许多的事,都是因为里面有这位是生命的基督作内容;召会是生命的结果,生命是召会的内容─创二22,约十九34,十二24,林前十17。

G. All the beauty, power, brightness, and ability of the church come from the fact that Christ as life is her inward content; the church is the result of life, and life is the content of the church—Gen. 2:22; John 19:34; 12:24; 1 Cor. 10:17.

贰 我们需要看见神的生命在人里面所遇到的难处:

II. We need to see the obstacles that God's life encounters in man:

一 神的生命在我们里面所遇到的第一个难处,就是我们不认识我们人的观念乃是黑暗的:

A. The first problem that God's life encounters in us is that we do not realize the darkness of our human concepts:

1 我们需要看见,活的基督在我们里面,我们怎样对待祂,是基督徒生活中唯一值得关切的事─加一16,二20,四19,腓一19~21,弗四13,林后三18。

1. We need to see that the only thing that matters in the Christian life is how we take care of the living Christ in us—Gal. 1:16; 2:20; 4:19; Phil. 1:19-21; Eph. 4:13; 2 Cor. 3:18.

2 作基督徒就是不以基督以外的任何事物为标的;许多人得救后,所以有属灵生命上的难处,都是因为他们不认识生命的道路,不以基督作生命。

2. Being a Christian means not taking anything other than Christ as our aim; many people have difficulty in their spiritual life after they are saved, because they do not know the pathway of life, and they do not take Christ as their life.

二 生命在我们里面所遇到的第二个难处,就是假冒─太六2、5,七5,二三13~29:

B. The second problem that life encounters in us is hypocrisy—Matt. 6:2, 5; 7:5; 23:13-29:

1 一个人是否属灵,不在于外面的表现,乃在于他如何对待内住的基督。

1. A person's spirituality is not determined by outward appearance but by how he takes care of the indwelling Christ.

2 我们天然的良善乃是假冒的属灵,这是生命的一个大难处;生命的彰显就是不理睬我们的天性,不管我们的爱好,简单地让基督在我们里面运行,破碎我们。

2. Our natural goodness is false spirituality and is actually a great hindrance to life; the expression of life involves rejecting our natural disposition and preference and simply allowing Christ to operate in us and break us.

3 若是我们凡事都凭天性、天然去作,其结果无论是什么都是假冒。

3. If we always do things according to our disposition and natural being, the outcome will always be hypocrisy.

三 生命在我们里面所遇到的第三个难处,就是悖逆:

C. The third problem that life encounters in us is rebellion:

1 基督在我们里面运行,给我们感动,叫我们明明知道祂要我们作什么,向我们要求什么,要带领我们什么,对付我们什么。

1. Christ operates and moves in us in order to make us clear about His will and requirements for us and about His leading and dealing with us.

2 然而我们若不顺服,一味地违反我们里面的感觉,不接受祂的带领,也不肯出代价,这样的反叛、顶撞,就是悖逆。

2. However, if we do not obey but go against the feeling within, not accepting His leading or paying the price, this unwillingness and opposition are rebellion.

3 我们所犯的罪,最多、最厉害的,还不是外面看得见的罪行,乃是里面那些违背基督所给我们感觉的罪恶;基督活在我们里面,祂一直给我们里面生命的感觉─罗八6,约壹二27,参弗三1,四1,六20,林后二12~14。

3. The sin that we commit the most frequently and most severely is not outward and visible; rather, it is the sin of disobeying the sense of Christ in us; Christ is living in us, and He is constantly giving us an inward sense of life—Rom. 8:6; 1 John 2:27; cf. Eph. 3:1; 4:1; 6:20; 2 Cor. 2:12-14.

四 生命在我们里面所遇到的第四个难处,就是我们天然的干才:

D. The fourth problem that life encounters in us is our natural capability:

1 许多弟兄姊妹都非常爱主,也为主热心,实在是敬虔的;然而,他们身上最厉害的难处,就是他们的干才太大,本事太高,使得基督在他们身上没有地位,没有出路。

1. Many brothers and sisters truly love the Lord, are zealous for the Lord, and are very godly; nevertheless, their greatest problem is the strength and greatness of their capabilities and abilities; consequently, Christ has no ground or way in them.

2 我们可能有干才,有本能,却认为这不是罪恶,不是污秽;我们没有轻看这些天然的干才,反而宝贝这些干才;这在我们身上若是一直牢不可破,就会成为基督生命的难处。

2. We may be capable and talented, but we do not consider these things as sin or filthiness; instead of despising our natural capabilities, we treasure them; if they remain unbroken in us, they will become a problem to Christ's life.

五 这些难处在我们身上,只有一个解决办法,就是我们必须经过十字架,让十字架来破碎;我们要基督的生命在我们里面不受限制,就必须经历十字架的破碎,让这些难处受到对付并被除掉─太十六24~25。

E. There is one solution to all these obstacles in us—we must pass through the cross and let the cross break us; if we want Christ's life to be unhindered in us, we must experience the breaking of the cross and allow these obstacles to be dealt with and removed—Matt. 16:24-25.

叁 我们需要看见神的生命在我们身上所遇到主观的难处:

III. We need to see the subjective obstacles encountered by God's life in us:

一 一个正常的基督徒,他的心思、意志、情感,和他的灵完全配合得来;一个反常的基督徒,他的心思、意志、情感,和他的灵配不起来,甚至是相反的,所以他是隔着幔子生活的。

A. A proper Christian is one whose mind, will, and emotion cooperate with his spirit; an abnormal Christian is one whose mind, will, and emotion cannot cooperate with, and even contradict, his spirit; thus, he lives under a veil.

二 第一个主观的难处是我们心思的难处:

B. The first subjective problem is the problem of our mind:

1 我们所想作的事,若是出于我们的头脑,即使作成功了,也不过是宗教的活动而已,并不是基督从我们灵里活出来的见证─参腓二5,林前二16,弗四23,罗十二2。

1. If the things we want to do originate from our thoughts, then these things will be nothing more than religious activities, even if they are successful; they are not a testimony of Christ lived out from our spirit—cf. Phil. 2:5; 1 Cor. 2:16; Eph. 4:23; Rom. 12:2.

2 虽然我们里面有基督的生命,但因着我们的思想、行事,没有与基督的生命配合,这生命就活不出来了。

2. Although we have the life of Christ within, we do not cooperate with Christ's life in our thoughts and actions, and so this life cannot be lived out from us.

3 我们的心思若置于灵,我们外面的行事就与里面的人一致,我们与神之间也就没有不合;我们与神有和平,不为仇;结果我们里面就有平安的感觉─八6。

3. When our mind is set on the spirit, our outward actions are in agreement with our inner man, and there is no discrepancy between us and God; He and we are at peace, not at enmity; the result is that we feel peaceful within—8:6.

三 第二个主观的难处是我们意志的难处:

C. The second subjective problem is the problem of our will:

1 许多时候,我们的心思领会灵里的意思,也明白神的旨意,但我们的意志不肯降服,不肯服下来。

1. Even though our mind often understands the intention in our spirit, and we know the will of God, we are unwilling to submit and obey.

2 我们也许懂得、明白、也领会了,我们深深感觉到,主要我们作一件事,但我们的意志不肯折服,不肯降服,于是失去了主的同在。

2. We may understand, know, apprehend, and deeply sense that the Lord wants us to do a certain thing, but our will refuses to submit and surrender, and we lose the Lord's presence.

3 在实行主旨意的事上,人的意志无论硬或软,都是神生命的难处;一个受过对付的意志,乃是刚柔相济的,这样的意志为主所折服,也为主所复活;一个能与神配合的意志,是何等的重要─腓二13。

3. Both a strong will and a weak will to carry out the Lord's will are hindrances to God's life; a will that has been dealt with is both strong and pliable by being subdued and resurrected by the Lord; having a will that can cooperate with God is a great matter—Phil. 2:13.

四 第三个主观的难处是我们情感的难处:

D. The third subjective problem is the problem of our emotion:

1 我们的情感必须有神的情感,必须完全进到神的情感里─帖后三5,腓一8。

1. Our emotion needs to have God's emotion, and we need to fully enter into God's emotion—2 Thes. 3:5; Phil. 1:8.

2 神爱什么,我们也爱什么;神喜欢什么,我们也喜欢什么;神所厌恶的,我们也厌恶;我们的情感和祂的情感,应当成为一个情感─弗五25,林后十二15,林前十六24,启二6。

2. We should love whatever God loves, like whatever God likes, and hate whatever God hates; our emotion and His emotion should become one emotion—Eph. 5:25; 2 Cor. 12:15; 1 Cor. 16:24; Rev. 2:6.

五 由此我们可以看见,神的生命从我们身上活不出来,就因我们这个人是难处;所以我们需要被破碎,需要天天得以加强到里面的人里,使基督安家在我们心里;心的主要部分就是心思、意志、情感─弗三16~17。

E. From all this we can see that our person is truly an obstacle for the living out of God's life; this is why we need to be broken and why we daily need to be strengthened into the inner man so that Christ can make His home in our heart, the main parts of which are the mind, will, and emotion—Eph. 3:16-17.

肆 我们需要看见生命的道路─太七13~14:

IV. We need to see the pathway of life—Matt. 7:13-14:

一 在神的救法里,祂有一部分的工作,是要为祂的生命在我们里面打出一条通路;这工作是借着十字架的死所作成功的─腓三10。

A. A part of God's work in His salvation is to pave a clear way for His life in us; this work is accomplished through the death of the cross—Phil. 3:10.

二 一粒麦子里面有生命,麦子若不落到地里死了,里面的生命就不能释放出来─约十二24~26。

B. There is life in a grain of wheat, but unless the grain falls into the ground and dies, the life within the grain will not be released—John 12:24-26.

三 生命的道路就是死路;什么时候基督的死在我们里面运行,基督的生命在我们身上就有出路─林后四10,腓三10,加二20。

C. The way of life is the way of death; when there is the death of Christ operating in us, there is a way for the life of Christ to come out of us—2 Cor. 4:10; Phil. 3:10; Gal. 2:20.

四 我们乃是借着那灵经历基督的十字架─五16、24,罗八13~14,出三十23~25,腓一19。

D. The cross of Christ is experienced by us through the Spirit—5:16, 24; Rom. 8:13-14; Exo. 30:23-25; Phil. 1:19.

五 圣灵在我们身上的工作,作得越厉害,我们对十字架的经历,也就越厉害;圣灵在哪里工作,哪里就有那灵的治死,复活的生命在我们里面并借着我们就得以显明─林后四11~12。

E. The stronger the Holy Spirit's work in us is, the stronger our experience of the cross will be; wherever the Holy Spirit works, there is a putting to death by the Spirit, and resurrection life can be manifested in and through us—2 Cor. 4:11-12.

六 圣灵的管治也在我们身上执行十字架的工作:

F. The discipline of the Holy Spirit also carries out the work of the cross in us:

1 在属灵的认识上,仅仅认识圣灵还不够,还得认识万事,认识遭遇(罗八28);一个属灵、活在神面前的基督徒,每天要读三个东西;第一要读圣经,第二要读灵里面的感觉,第三要读环境、遭遇,就是读他四围的人、事、物;神安排我们的环境和遭遇,使万人、万事、万物互相效力,叫我们得益处,就是使我们变化并模成神长子的形像─28~29节。

1. For our spiritual understanding, it is not enough only to know the Holy Spirit; we must also know the "all things" in our circumstances (Rom. 8:28); a Christian who is spiritual and lives before God needs to "read" three things every day: first, he needs to read the Bible; second, he needs to read his inward sense of the spirit; third, he needs to read his environment and circumstances, which are the persons, matters, and things around him; God arranges our environment and circumstances to cause all persons, matters, and things to work together for good, that is, for transforming and conforming us to the image of God's firstborn Son—vv. 28-29.

2 主为我们所制造出来的环境,叫我们认识主的恩典,经历主的能力─林后十二9。

2. The environment that the Lord has created for us causes us to know the Lord's grace and experience the Lord's power—2 Cor. 12:9.

伍 我们必须有异象,看见神的生命如何能从我们里面活出来:

V. We need to see a vision of how the life of God can be lived out of us:

一 我们需要领悟并认识神的生命在我们里面─西三4,罗八10。

A. We need to realize and know that the life of God is in us—Col. 3:4; Rom. 8:10.

二 我们需要神开我们的眼睛,看见我们天然的人,就是我们的人位,是神生命的拦阻。

B. We need God to open our eyes to see that our natural man, our very person, is a hindrance to the life of God.

三 我们需要看见自己这个人已经钉在十字架上,并且恨恶自己;我们越看见神、认识神并爱神,就越厌恶自己并否认己─西三3,加二20,罗六6,伯四二5~6,太十六24,路九23,十四26。

C. We need to see that we have been crucified on the cross, and we must hate our self; the more we see God, know God, and love God, the more we abhor ourselves and the more we deny ourselves—Col. 3:3; Gal. 2:20; Rom. 6:6; Job 42:5-6; Matt. 16:24; Luke 9:23; 14:26.

陆 “今天各地召会最需要的,乃是生命的东西。我们一切的工作和活动,都该是出于生命的。……若不是出于生命的,我们的工作,我们的事奉,就不能持久,也不能有多少分量。要我们的工作有丰富而持久的果实,我们就必须在生命里有根底。我们作工,……只该是释放主的生命,将主的生命分给人,供应人。愿主怜悯我们,开我们的眼睛,给我们看见,神在这世代里最中心的工作,就是叫人得着祂的生命,并在祂的生命里长大成熟。唯有出于祂这生命的工作,才能够上祂永远的标准,才能蒙祂悦纳。”(生命的认识,六〇至六一页)

VI. "What every church today needs most is the things of life. All our work and activity must come out of life…Unless it comes out of life, our work and service will neither last nor bear much weight. If we want our work to bear abundant and lasting fruit, we must have a foundation in life…Our work should just be the releasing of the life of the Lord, the imparting and supplying of the Lord's life to others. May the Lord have mercy upon us and open our eyes to see that the central work of God in this age is that man may gain His life and grow and mature in His life. Only the work which comes out of His life can reach His eternal standard and be accepted by Him"—The Knowledge of Life, pp. 57-58.
