第五篇 站在召会独一的立场上,受基督身体的限制,在同心合意里有身体的感觉

Standing on the Unique Ground of the Church, Being under the Limitation of the Body of Christ, and Being Body-conscious in One Accord



壹 我们必须站在召会独一的立场,就是一的真正立场上:

I. We must stand on the unique ground of the church, the genuine ground of oneness:

一 林前一章二节说到在哥林多的召会─这表明哥林多这个地方,是为着召会的存在、出现和实行;这样的地方,成了众地方召会个别的建造在其上的地方立场;因此,在哥林多的召会是建造在哥林多城的立场上。

A. First Corinthians 1:2 speaks of the church at Corinth—this shows the locality of Corinth for the existence, expression, and practice of the church; such a locality becomes the local ground of the local churches on which they are built respectively; thus, the church in Corinth was built on the ground of the city of Corinth.

二 早期召会生活的实行,乃是一个城一个召会,一个城只有一个召会;没有一个城有一个以上的召会─徒八1,十三1,启一11:

B. The practice of the church life in the early days was the practice of having one church for one city, one city with only one church; in no city was there more than one church—Acts 8:1; 13:1; Rev. 1:11:

1 这就是地方召会,是以城为单位,不是以街道或区域为单位。

1. This is the local church with the city, not the street or area, as the unit.

2 地方召会行政的区域,应当包括该召会所在的整个城市,而不该大于或小于该城的界限。

2. The jurisdiction of a local church should cover the whole city in which the church is located; it should not be greater or lesser than the boundary of the city.

3 所有在这界限内的信徒,应当构成该城内唯一的地方召会。

3. All the believers within that boundary should constitute the one unique local church within that city.

4 在一的真正立场,就是在神所选择的地方上聚会,有四个特征─参申十二5:

4. There are four characteristics of our meeting on the genuine ground of oneness, the place that God has chosen—cf. Deut. 12:5:

a 首先,神的子民总该是一,他们中间不该有分裂─诗一三三,约十七11、21~23,林前一10,弗四3~4上。

a. First, the people of God should always be one; there should be no divisions among them—Psa. 133; John 17:11, 21-23; 1 Cor. 1:10; Eph. 4:3-4a.

b 第二,神的子民该聚集到独一的名里,这名就是主耶稣基督的名,其实际乃是那灵;用任何别的名称,乃是宗派的、分裂的;这是属灵的淫乱─太十八20,林前一12,十二3下。

b. Second, the unique name into which God's people should gather is the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the reality of which name is the Spirit; to be designated by any other name is to be denominated, divided; this is spiritual fornication—Matt. 18:20; 1 Cor. 1:12; 12:3b.

c 第三,在新约里神的住处,神的居所,乃是特别设在我们的灵里,也就是在我们调和的灵里,在我们蒙重生、由神圣的灵所内住之人的灵里;我们在敬拜神的聚会里,必须操练我们的灵,并在我们的灵里作一切事─约三6下,罗八16,提后四22,弗二22,约四24,林前十四15。

c. Third, in the New Testament God's habitation, His dwelling place, is particularly located in our spirit, that is, in our mingled spirit, our human spirit regenerated and indwelt by the divine Spirit; in our meeting for the worship of God, we must exercise our spirit and do everything in the spirit—John 3:6b; Rom. 8:16; 2 Tim. 4:22; Eph. 2:22; John 4:24; 1 Cor. 14:15.

d 第四,我们敬拜神时,必须真实地应用祭坛所表征之基督的十字架(申十二5~6、27),拒绝肉体、己和天然生命,并单单凭基督来敬拜神(太十六24,加二20)。─引用经文

d. Fourth, in our worship of God we must have a genuine application of the cross of Christ, signified by the altar (Deut. 12:5-6, 27), by rejecting the flesh, the self, and the natural life and by worshipping God with Christ and Christ alone (Matt. 16:24; Gal. 2:20).

贰 我们作为基督身体的肢体,站在一的真正立场上,必须受其他肢体的限制,不越过我们的度量:

II. As members of the Body of Christ standing on the genuine ground of oneness, we must be limited by the other members, not going beyond our measure:

一 神照着自己的意思,把身体所有的肢体俱各安置在身体上─林前十二18:

A. God has placed all the members of the Body, even as He willed—1 Cor. 12:18:

1 元首把我们安排在身体的特别地位上,也指派我们特别的功用─罗十二4,林前十二15~17。

1. The Head sets us in our special place in the Body and points us to our special function—Rom. 12:4; 1 Cor. 12:15-17.

2 我们每一个肢体,在基督的身体里都有自己的一个位置,是神所量给各人的,也是我们所该接受的。

2. Each one of us members has our own place in the Body of Christ; it is assigned by God and should be accepted by us.

3 既然这件事是照着神的意思,就每一个肢体都是不可少的─19~22节。

3. Since such an assignment is according to God's will, every member is necessary—vv. 19-22.

4 每一个肢体都有他一定的位置,有一定的安排,有他的那一分来服事基督的身体。

4. Every member has a definite place, a definite assignment, and a particular portion with which he serves the Body of Christ.

5 每一个肢体都有他的特点,都有他所能的,那就是他的位置,就是他的地位,也就是他的职事─罗十二4~8,提后四5。

5. Each member has his own characteristics, and each has his own capability; these characteristics constitute the place, position, or ministry of each member—Rom. 12:4-8; 2 Tim. 4:5.

二 身体长大和发展的基本要求,是我们要认清我们的度量,不越过这度量─弗四7、16:

B. A basic requirement for the growth and development of the Body is that we recognize our measure and do not go beyond it—Eph. 4:7, 16:

1 我们要乐意受我们度量的限制─罗十二3、6。

1. We must be willing to be limited by our measure—Rom. 12:3, 6.

2 只要我们越过度量,我们就越过元首的权柄,离开了膏油的涂抹─参诗一三三。

2. As soon as we go beyond our measure, we go beyond the authority of the Head and move out from under the anointing—cf. Psa. 133.

3 当我们越过我们的度量,我们就干涉了身体的等次。

3. When we go beyond our measure, we interfere with the order of the Body.

4 不清明适度,而看自己过于所当看的,就是抹煞身体生活中正确的等次─罗十二3。

4. To think more highly of ourselves than we ought to think without a sober mind is to annul the proper order of the Body life—Rom. 12:3.

三 我们应该像保罗一样,留在神尺度和度量的界限之内,照着神所量给我们有多少而行动并行事─林后十13:

C. Like Paul we should move and act according to how much God has measured to us, staying within the limits of God's ruling, God's measuring—2 Cor. 10:13:

1 当我们说到自己的工作和经历,或对主的享受时,我们必须是在度量之内作见证,也就是说,在一定的限度之内作见证。

1. When we give a testimony about our work, experience, or enjoyment of the Lord, we must testify within measure, that is, within a certain limit.

2 虽然我们期望工作开展,但我们必须学习如何受神的约束;不要期望无限度地开展─13~15节:

2. Although we expect the work to spread, we must learn how to be under God's restriction; we should not expect a spread that is without measure—vv. 13-15:

a 我们若照着那灵而开展工作,就一直有某种限制─参二12~14。

a. If we spread the work according to the Spirit, there will always be a certain limit—cf. 2:12-14.

b 我们里面会感觉到,主扩展祂的工作只是要到某一程度;我们里面也没有平安,越过某种界线去开展工作。

b. Inwardly, we will have the consciousness that the Lord intends to spread the work only to a certain extent; inwardly, we do not have the peace to spread the work beyond a certain point.

c 主会在外面兴起环境来限制工作的开展;环境也不容我们越过界限─参罗十五24。

c. Outwardly, in the environment the Lord may cause certain matters to restrict the spread of the work; the environment does not allow us to go beyond a particular boundary line—cf. Rom. 15:24.

3 在召会的事奉上,我们需要看见神只量给我们这么多,我们不该过度伸展自己─十二3~4、6上。

3. In the church service, we need to realize that God has measured out only so much to us, and we should not overstretch ourselves—12:3-4, 6a.

叁 为着主在祂恢复里,在地方一面并宇宙一面的行动,我们必须在同心合意里有身体的感觉─徒一14,二46,四24,十五25,罗十五6:

III. For the Lord's move in His recovery both locally and universally, we must be Body-conscious in one accord—Acts 1:14; 2:46; 4:24; 15:25; Rom. 15:6:

一 我们应当一直考虑到身体,顾到身体,尊重身体,并且作任何事都要对身体最有益处─林前十二12~27。

A. We should always consider the Body, care for the Body, honor the Body, and do what is best for the Body—1 Cor. 12:12-27.

二 “关于基督的身体,倪弟兄教导说,凡我们所作的,我们必须考虑众召会有什么感觉。”(召会生活中引起风波的难处,二六页)

B. "When Brother Nee taught about the Body, he said that whatever we do, we have to consider how the churches would feel about it"—The Problems Causing the Turmoils in the Church Life, pp. 28-29.

三 在身体里不能有独立或个人主义,因为我们是肢体,而肢体无法脱离身体而生活─林前十二27,罗十二5,弗五30:

C. In the Body there can be no independence or individualism, for we are members, and members cannot live in detachment from the Body—1 Cor. 12:27; Rom. 12:5; Eph. 5:30:

1 人看见自己是身体的肢体,就宝爱身体,看重其他的肢体,看每一个肢体都是不可少的─林前十二15、21、23~24,罗十二3,腓二29,林前十六18,士九9:

1. Those who see that they are members of the Body treasure the Body and honor the other members, each of whom is indispensable—1 Cor. 12:15, 21, 23-24; Rom. 12:3; Phil. 2:29; 1 Cor. 16:18; Judg. 9:9:

a 我们既是基督身体的肢体,就该对身体有感觉,以头的感觉为自己的感觉─腓一8,林前十二25下~26。

a. Since we are members of the Body of Christ, we should have a feeling for the Body, taking the feeling of the Head as our own feeling—Phil. 1:8; 1 Cor. 12:25b-26.

b 在身体生活里,我们需要同魂,真正关心基督耶稣的事,就是关于召会同众圣徒的事─腓二2、20~21,一8。

b. We need to be like-souled in the Body life, genuinely caring for the things of Christ Jesus, the things concerning the church with all the saints—Phil. 2:2, 20-21; 1:8.

2 哪里有身体的启示,哪里就有身体的感觉;哪里有身体的感觉,哪里个人主义的想法和行动就除去了:

2. Wherever there is Body-revelation, there is Body-consciousness, and wherever there is Body-consciousness, individualistic thought and action are ruled out:

a 我们若要认识身体,就不但要蒙拯救脱离我们犯罪与天然的生命,更要蒙拯救脱离个人的生命。

a. If we want to know the Body, we need deliverance not only from our sinful life and our natural life but also from our individualistic life.

b 父如何与世界相对(约壹二15),那灵如何与肉体相对(加五17),主如何与魔鬼相对(约壹三8),照样,身体也与个人相对。─引用经文

b. Just as the Father is versus the world (1 John 2:15), the Spirit is versus the flesh (Gal. 5:17), and the Lord is versus the devil (1 John 3:8), so also the Body is versus the individual.

c 我们如何不能向头独立,照样也不能向身体独立。

c. Just as we cannot be independent from the Head, we cannot be independent from the Body.

d 个人主义在神眼中是可恨的:

d. Individualism is hateful in the sight of God: ⑴ The enemy of the Body is the self, the independent "I," the independent "me"; if we would be built up in the Body, the self must be condemned, denied, rejected, and renounced—Matt. 16:21-26. ⑵ We should be dependent not only on God but also on the Body, on the brothers and sisters—Exo. 17:11-13; Acts 9:25; 2 Cor. 11:33.

㈠ 身体的仇敌是己,那独立的“我”;我们若要在身体里被建造,己就必须被定罪、否认、拒绝并撇弃─太十六21~26。

e. What I do not know, another member of the Body will know; what I cannot see, another member of the Body will see; what I cannot do, another member of the Body will do—1 Cor. 12:17-22.

㈡ 我们不仅该倚靠神,也该倚靠身体,倚靠弟兄姊妹─出十七11~13,徒九25,林后十一33。

f. If we refuse the help of our fellow members, we are refusing the help of Christ; sooner or later all individualistic Christians will dry up—v. 12.
