第三篇 “知道我是耶和华”

“Know That I Am Jehovah”



壹 “伊罗欣”是神在与造物之关系上的名,而“耶和华”是神在与人之关系上的名─创一1,二4,赛一2、4:

I. Elohim is the name of God in relation to creation; Jehovah is the name of God in relation to man—Gen. 1:1; 2:4; Isa. 1:2, 4:

一 神─“伊罗欣”─这名意即“那强有力者”;这名是指神与造物的关系说的。

A. The name God—Elohim—means “the strong and mighty One”; this name refers to God’s relationship with creation.

二 “神”含示神的能力,以及祂与受造之物的关系;“耶和华神”表明神和人发生关系:

B. God implies God’s power and His relationship with creatures; Jehovah God denotes God having a relationship with man:

1 “神”是普通的名字,“耶和华”是亲密和爱的名字。

1. God is the common name, and Jehovah is the name of intimacy and love.

2 耶和华神不只是有能力的,且是和人亲近的─创二4、8、15~16、18~19、21~22。

2. Jehovah God is not only the One who is powerful but also the One who draws near to man—Gen. 2:4, 8, 15-16, 18-19, 21-22.

贰 “耶和华”的意思是“我是那我是”,指明耶和华是自有永有的永远者,就是那昔是今是以后永是者─出三14,启一4:

II. Jehovah means “I am who I am,” indicating that Jehovah is the self-existing and ever-existing eternal One, the One who was in the past, who is in the present, and who will be in the future forever—Exo. 3:14; Rev. 1:4:

一 “我是”这神圣的名称,指神是自有永有的一位,祂不倚靠自己以外的任何事物─出三14:

A. The divine title I Am indicates that, as the self-existing One, God depends on nothing apart from Himself—Exo. 3:14:

1 “自有”这辞是指一样东西是自己存在的,是没有开始的。

1. The term self-existing refers to something that exists of or by itself without beginning.

2 那我是的神,是自有的,是无始的。

2. God, the I Am, is self-existing, having no beginning.

二 “永有”这辞是指一样东西是永存的;神永远存在,直到永远,是无终的。

B. The term ever-existing refers to something that exists forever; God exists forever, eternally, without ending.

三 唯有耶和华是那是的一位─来十一6:

C. Jehovah is the only One who is—Heb. 11:6:

1 唯有祂是存在的那一位,是伟大的“是”;动词“是”只适用于神,不适用于我们。

1. This unique One who has being is the great “To Be”; the verb to be can be applied only to God and not to us.

2 一切都将不再是,唯独神要一直的是;祂,那我是,乃是伟大的“是”。

2. Everything will cease to be, but God will ever continue to be; He, the I Am, is the great To Be.

3 神是宇宙的“是”,是真正存在的;只有神是“我是”─唯有祂是存在的。

3. God is the universal To Be, the genuine being; only God is I Am—only He has being.

叁 就着供应和应许来说,“伊勒沙代”是神的名;就着存在和成就应许来说,“耶和华”是神的名─创十七1,二八3,三五11,出三14,六6~8:

III. El Shaddai is God’s name for supply and promise; Jehovah is God’s name for existence and fulfillment—Gen. 17:1; 28:3; 35:11; Exo. 3:14; 6:6-8:

一 亚伯拉罕、以撒和雅各经历神是伊勒沙代,却没有经历祂是耶和华,因为他们存着信心死了,并没有得着神关于美地之应许的成就─来十一13,参创十五13~16。

A. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob experienced God as El Shaddai, but they did not experience Him as Jehovah, for they died in faith without receiving the fulfillment of God’s promise regarding the good land—Heb. 11:13; cf. Gen. 15:13-16.

二 在出埃及六章六至八节,神不是来应许摩西,祂乃是来成就祂从前给亚伯拉罕、以撒和雅各的应许;因此,祂临到摩西不是作伊勒沙代,乃是作耶和华,就是那我是,并要成就祂一切应许的一位。─引用经文

B. In Exodus 6:6-8 God came not to promise something to Moses but to fulfill the promise that He had made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; thus, He came to Moses not as El Shaddai but as Jehovah, the One who is and who will fulfill all that He has promised.

三 因耶和华永远长存,而且祂是动词“是”的实际,凡祂所说的祂必成就。

C. Because Jehovah exists eternally and because He is the reality of the verb to be, He will fulfill whatever He has spoken.

四 今天在主的恢复里,我们不是在应许的阶段,乃是在应验的阶段;我们经历的神不仅是伊勒沙代,更是耶和华,那伟大的我是。

D. In the Lord’s recovery today, we are not in the stage of promise but in the stage of fulfillment; we are experiencing God not only as El Shaddai but also as Jehovah, the great I Am.

肆 耶和华─自有永有者─乃是三一神;祂是独一的神,却又是三一的─三6、14~16,玛二10,林前八4、6,林后十三14,太二八19:

IV. Jehovah—the self-existing and ever-existing One—is the Triune God; He is the unique God, yet He is triune—3:6, 14-16; Mal. 2:10; 1 Cor. 8:4, 6; 2 Cor. 13:14; Matt. 28:19:

一 耶和华是三个人─亚伯拉罕、以撒、雅各─的神;这含示祂是三一神─出三14~16。

A. Jehovah is the God of three persons—Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; this implies that He is the Triune God—Exo. 3:14-16.

二 “亚伯拉罕的神,以撒的神,雅各的神”是耶和华伊罗欣,三一神─父、子、灵─15节,太二八19:

B. “The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob” is Jehovah Elohim, the Triune God—the Father, the Son, and the Spirit—v. 15; Matt. 28:19:

1 亚伯拉罕的神表征父神呼召人、称义人、装备人,使人凭信而活,且活在与祂的交通里─创十二1,十五6,十七~十八,十九29,二一1~13,二二1~18。

1. The God of Abraham signifies God the Father who calls man, justifies man, and equips man to live by faith and to live in fellowship with Him—Gen. 12:1; 15:6; chs. 17—18; 19:29; 21:1-13; 22:1-18.

2 以撒的神表征子神祝福人,使人承受祂一切的丰富,过享受祂丰盛的生活,并活在平安中─二五5,二六3~4、12~33。

2. The God of Isaac signifies God the Son who blesses man with the inheritance of all His riches, with a life of the enjoyment of His abundance, and with a life in peace—25:5; 26:3-4, 12-33.

3 雅各的神表征灵神使万有互相效力,叫爱祂的人得益处,变化人,并使人在神圣的生命里成熟─二七41,二八1~三五10。

3. The God of Jacob signifies God the Spirit who works in all things for the good of His lovers, transforms man, and makes man mature in the divine life—27:41; 28:1—35:10.

三 耶和华─亚伯拉罕、以撒和雅各的神─乃是复活的神,就是使人复活的三一神─出四5,太二二31~32。

C. Jehovah—the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob—is the God of resurrection, the resurrecting Triune God—Exo. 4:5; Matt. 22:31-32.

伍 约翰福音启示,耶稣乃是那伟大的我是─八24、28、58,十八4~8:

V. The Gospel of John reveals that Jesus is the great I Am—8:24, 28, 58; 18:4-8:

一 耶稣不仅是人─祂是那我是─八24。

A. Jesus is not merely a man—He is I Am—8:24.

二 “耶稣”这名的意思是“耶和华救主”,或“耶和华救恩”─太一21:

B. The name Jesus means “Jehovah the Savior” or “the salvation of Jehovah”—Matt. 1:21:

1 “耶稣”这名包括“耶和华”这名,意思是“我是那我是”─出三14。

1. The name Jesus includes the name Jehovah, which means “I am who I am”—Exo. 3:14.

2 耶稣是耶和华成为我们的救主和我们的救恩─罗十12~13,五10,参腓一19。

2. Jesus is Jehovah becoming our Savior and our salvation—Rom. 10:12-13; 5:10; cf. Phil. 1:19.

三 耶稣是伟大的我是,这含示祂是永远的一位─约八58:

C. The fact that Jesus is the great I Am implies that He is the eternal One—John 8:58:

1 耶稣就是耶和华,那我是;祂的名字是“我是”─24、28节。

1. Jesus is Jehovah, the I Am; His name is I Am—vv. 24, 28.

2 在园子里被捉拿的那一位不仅仅是个拿撒勒人;这一位乃是伟大的我是,是无限、永远的神;被捉拿的那一位就是耶和华神─十八4~8。

2. The One who was arrested in the garden was not merely a Nazarene; this One was the great I Am, the infinite, eternal God; the One who was arrested was Jehovah God—18:4-8.

3 耶稣就是自有永有的神;祂是完整的神,三一神─十四9~10、16~18。

3. Jesus is the self-existing and ever-existing God; He is the complete God, the Triune God—14:9-10, 16-18.

四 基督是那我是,对我们乃是一切,给我们经历并享受;祂是那我是,意思就是“你需要什么,我就是什么”─六35,八12,十11,十一25,十四6:

D. As the I Am, Christ is everything to us for our experience and enjoyment; His being I Am means “I am whatever you need”—6:35; 8:12; 10:11; 11:25; 14:6:

1 耶和华这名的长阔高深,是够包括一切的;我们所需要的无论是什么─一切属灵的实际─都可以凭信心加在“我是”之后。

1. The length, breadth, height, and depth of the name Jehovah are sufficient to include everything; whatever we need—all spiritual realities—can be added in faith to I Am.

2 在出埃及三章十四节,神只说祂是,而不说祂是什么,好让信祂的人自己加上他们所需要的,然后经历祂作那实际─约八32。

2. In Exodus 3:14 God said only that He is, without saying what He is; this allows those who believe in Him to add what they need and then experience Him as that reality—John 8:32.

3 主耶稣就是实际,因为祂是那我是─十四6,八32、36:

3. The Lord Jesus is the reality because He is the I Am—14:6; 8:32, 36:

a 主这“我是”进到我们里面作生命,在我们里面作光来照耀,这光便将这实际的神圣的成分带进我们里面─一4,八12。

a. When the Lord as the I Am comes into us as life, He shines within us as light, and this light brings the divine element of reality into us—1:4; 8:12.

b 叫我们得以自由的实际就是这我是;那永远的“是”叫我们得以自由─32、36、58节。

b. The reality that sets us free is the I Am; the eternal To Be sets us free—vv. 32, 36, 58.

陆 “人非有信,就不能得神的喜悦;因为到神面前来的人,必须信神是”─来十一6(直译):─引用经文

VI. “Without faith it is impossible to be well pleasing to Him, for he who comes forward to God must believe that He is”—Heb. 11:6:

一 神要求我们相信祂是:

A. God requires us to believe that He is:

1 只有神是,其他的一切都不是。

1. Only God is; nothing else is.

2 神是,因为祂是真实的;祂所造的一切,都不是真实的─传一2。

2. God is because He is real; all things created by Him are not real—Eccl. 1:2.

3 除了神以外,其他一切都是虚无;祂是唯一是的那一位,唯一具有存在之实际的那一位─赛四十1~18。

3. Apart from God, all else is nothing; He is the only One who is, the only One who has the reality of being—Isa. 40:1-18.

二 信乃是信神是─来十一6:

B. Faith is to believe that God is—Heb. 11:6:

1 信将我们联于神,就是唯一是的那一位─约十四1。

1. Faith joins us to God, the only One who is—John 14:1.

2 信神是,乃是使神快乐,蒙神喜悦唯一、独一的路─来十一6。

2. To believe that God is, is the only way, the unique way, to make God happy, to be well pleasing to Him—Heb. 11:6.

柒 至终,所有人都要知道神是耶和华─结三六11、23、38,三七6、13~14、28,三八23,三九6~7、22、28:

VII. Eventually, all will know that God is Jehovah—Ezek. 36:11, 23, 38; 37:6, 13-14, 28; 38:23; 39:6-7, 22, 28:

一 “我的民哪,我开你们的坟墓,使你们从坟墓中上来,你们就知道我是耶和华”─三七13。

A. “You will know that I am Jehovah, when I open your graves and bring you up out of your graves, O My people”—37:13.

二 “我要在我民以色列中使人认识我的圣名,也不容我的圣名再被亵渎;列国人就知道我是耶和华以色列中的圣者”─三九7。

B. “I will make known My holy name in the midst of My people Israel, and I will not allow My holy name to be profaned anymore. Then the nations will know that I am Jehovah, the Holy One in Israel”—39:7.

三 “还没有亚伯拉罕,我就是”─约八58。

C. “Before Abraham came into being, I am”—John 8:58.
