第六篇 人子和耶稣的人性为着神的建造

The Son of Man and the Humanity of Jesus for God’s Building



壹 以西结书中满了人性─结一5、26,四十3、5、8,四一16,四三2、6:

I. Ezekiel is a book full of humanity—Ezek. 1:5, 26; 40:3, 5, 8; 41:16; 43:2, 6:

一 在以西结书中,“人子”这个辞用了九十多次;这指明神多么愿意得着人。

A. In the book of Ezekiel the term son of man is used more than ninety times; this indicates how much God desires to have a man.

二 用于描绘圣殿各部分的六这数字,表征在第六日受造的人─四十5、8。

B. The number six, used to describe parts of the holy temple, signifies man, who was created on the sixth day—40:5, 8.

三 宝座上的那一位看起来象人,却有耶和华的荣耀显出来的样子,指明坐在宝座上的那一位是神又是人─一26、28:

C. The One on the throne looks like a man, yet with Him there is the appearance of the glory of Jehovah, indicating that the One sitting on the throne is both God and man—1:26, 28:

1 这一位就是神人耶稣基督,神与人的调和─路一35,太一18、20~21。

1. This is Jesus Christ, the God-man, the mingling of God and man—Luke 1:35; Matt. 1:18, 20-21.

2 祂是完整的神,成为肉体成了人─约一1、14。

2. He was the complete God, and He was incarnated to be a man—John 1:1, 14.

3 祂有人的性情,以人的身分生活、受死、复活并升天;现今作为在宝座上的一位,祂仍然是人子─六62,徒七56。

3. Having the nature of man, He lived, died, resurrected, and ascended as a man, and now as the One on the throne, He is still the Son of Man—6:62; Acts 7:56.

4 主耶稣升天之后,就有一人在宝座上;在千年国和新天新地里,仍有一人在宝座上─太十九28,启二二1、3。

4. Since the ascension of the Lord Jesus there has been a man on the throne, and in the millennium and in the new heaven and new earth there will still be a man on the throne—Matt. 19:28; Rev. 22:1, 3.

四 四活物算为一个整体,乃是宝座上的那人团体的彰显,指明神的中心思想和祂的安排都与人有关─结一5、26,创一26,诗八4~8。

D. The four living creatures, who are reckoned as one entity, are the corporate expression of the man on the throne, indicating that God’s central thought and arrangement are related to man—Ezek. 1:5, 26; Gen. 1:26; Psa. 8:4-8.

贰 人子是为着神家的建造─约一51,结一26,四十3,四三2、6:

II. The Son of Man is for the building of the house of God—John 1:51; Ezek. 1:26; 40:3; 43:2, 6:

一 在成为肉体里,基督是人子─太十六13:

A. In His incarnation Christ is the Son of Man—Matt. 16:13:

1 在神的一面,主耶稣是神子;在人的一面,祂是人子─约一18、51。

1. On the divine side, the Lord Jesus is the Son of God; on the human side, He is the Son of Man—John 1:18, 51.

2 要成就神的定旨,基督需要成为人;没有人,神的定旨无法在地上成就。

2. In order to accomplish God’s purpose, it was necessary for Christ to be a man; without man, God’s purpose cannot be carried out on earth.

二 主耶稣成了神而人者,但祂也成了人而神者,也就是在人性里的神,那是人子的神─五27,八28。

B. The Lord Jesus became a God-man, but He also became the man-God, the God in humanity, the God who is the Son of Man—5:27; 8:28.

三 神子是为着生命,人子是为着建造─三15,一51:

C. The Son of God is for life, and the Son of Man is for building—3:15; 1:51:

1 如果祂不是人子,祂绝不可能是神建造的素质─14、51节。

1. If He were not the Son of Man, He could not be the essence of the building of God—vv. 14, 51.

2 为着建造神在地上人间的居所,祂是人子;神的建造需要祂的人性─51节。

2. For building God’s habitation on earth among man, He is the Son of Man; God’s building needs His humanity—v. 51.

3 我们借着信入神的儿子接受了永远的生命之后,必须认识这位耶稣,既是神子也是人子;祂的神性对我们是生命,但祂的人性是为着神的建造─三13~15,一51。

3. After we have received eternal life by believing into the Son of God, we need to realize that this Jesus who is the Son of God is also the Son of Man; His divinity is life to us, but His humanity is for the building of God—3:13-15; 1:51.

四 “你们将要看见天开了,神的使者上去下来在人子身上”─51节:

D. “You shall see heaven opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man”—v. 51:

1 这是创世记二十八章十一至二十二节雅各之梦的应验。─引用经文

1. This is the fulfillment of Jacob’s dream in Genesis 28:11-22.

2 基督这位人子,带着祂的人性,乃是为着神的家─伯特利─立在地上通天的梯子,使天向地开启,且把地联于天。

2. Christ as the Son of Man, with His humanity, is the ladder set up on the earth and leading to heaven, keeping heaven open to earth and joining earth to heaven for the house of God, Bethel.

3 无论哪里有基督在祂的人性里,哪里就有天的门,就有伯特利,就是用变化过的人所建造的神的家─17~18节,约一42、51。

3. Wherever Christ is in His humanity, there is the gate of heaven and there is Bethel, the building of God’s house with transformed persons—vv. 17-18; John 1:42, 51.

叁 为着神的建造,我们需要耶稣的人性─结一5、26,四一16,林后四10~11,腓二5~8,罗一4,八29,太十六18,弗二5~6、21~22:

III. For God’s building we need the humanity of Jesus—Ezek. 1:5, 26; 41:16; 2 Cor. 4:10-11; Phil. 2:5-8; Rom. 1:4; 8:29; Matt. 16:18; Eph. 2:5-6, 21-22:

一 耶稣的人性乃是祂在复活中的人性生命─腓二7~8,约十一25:

A. The humanity of Jesus is His human life in resurrection—Phil. 2:7-8; John 11:25:

1 在四福音里,关于耶稣的主要的异象乃是:祂所过的生活是在复活中的人性生活。

1. The main vision of Jesus in the Gospels is that He lived a life that was human but in resurrection.

2 耶稣虽然是在人性里生活,但祂不活祂人性的生命,祂所活的乃是在复活里的人性─五19、30。

2. Jesus lived in His humanity, but He did not live a life of His humanity; rather, His living was a humanity in resurrection—John 5:19, 30.

二 以西结书中所启示神圣别建造里的木头,表征耶稣那拔高、被神性所丰富的人性─四一16。

B. The wood in the holy building of God revealed in Ezekiel signifies the uplifted, divinely enriched humanity of Jesus—41:16.

三 为着神的建造,我们作人不要凭我们天然的人性,乃要凭耶稣的人性─腓二5~8:

C. For God’s building we need to be human not by our natural humanity but by the humanity of Jesus—Phil. 2:5-8:

1 我们受造是人,却因着堕落被败坏、毒化并破坏;所以,我们需要主的救赎─多二14,弗一7:

1. We were created as man, but we were corrupted, poisoned, and damaged by the fall; therefore, we need the Lord’s redemption—Titus 2:14; Eph. 1:7:

a 借着基督的救赎,我们被带回正确的人性─拔高、复活的人性─彼前一18,西一14:

a. Through Christ’s redemption we are brought back to the proper humanity—an uplifted, resurrected humanity—1 Pet. 1:18; Col. 1:14:

㈠ 基督在十字架上所了结的,是我们的旧人,我们堕落的人性,但神所造的人性仍需复活─罗六6,创一26,西二13,弗二5~6。

1) What Christ terminated on the cross was our old man, our fallen humanity, yet the God-created humanity remained to be resurrected—Rom. 6:6; Gen. 1:26; Col. 2:13; Eph. 2:5-6.

㈡ 在基督的复活里,神重生我们那由神所造而蒙救赎的人性,并且神圣的元素拔高了重生的人性─彼前一3,约二十17。

2) In Christ’s resurrection God regenerated our redeemed, God-created humanity, and the divine element uplifted the regenerated humanity—1 Pet. 1:3; John 20:17.

㈢ 我们重生成为新人以后,仍有我们的人性,但这是复活、重生的人性─弗四24。

3) After being regenerated to be a new man, we still have our humanity, but it is a resurrected, regenerated humanity—Eph. 4:24.

b 现今我们为着神建造的人性,乃是耶稣那拔高、复活的人性─罗一4,八29,弗二5~6、21~22。

b. The humanity that we now have for God’s building is the uplifted, resurrected humanity of Jesus—Rom. 1:4; 8:29; Eph. 2:5-6, 21-22.

2 我们越属灵,我们就越有人性;我们越有基督作我们的生命,我们就越有耶稣的人性─西三4,腓二5~8。

2. The more spiritual we become, the more human we will be; the more we have Christ as our life, the more we will have the humanity of Jesus—Col. 3:4; Phil. 2:5-8.

四 为着神的建造,我们需要成为最有人性的人,有耶稣那样的人性─林后四10~11:

D. For God’s building we need to be the most human of people, those who are “Jesusly” human—2 Cor. 4:10-11:

1 我们需要最高的人性生活,就是照着神所赐给我们的永远生命活出的生活─提前六12。

1. We need to have the highest human life, a life lived out according to the eternal life given to us by God—1 Tim. 6:12.

2 主耶稣在祂复活与升天之间的四十天里,训练祂的门徒过神圣而有人性的生活─徒一3:

2. In the forty days between His resurrection and ascension, the Lord Jesus trained His disciples to live a divinely human life—Acts 1:3:

a 祂训练他们认识祂已成了他们,祂已进到他们里面,并且祂已将他们带到祂里面。

a. He trained them to know that He had become them, that He had entered into them, and that He had brought them into Him.

b 这样的训练是要帮助门徒看见,他们是与三一神调和,他们不再仅仅有人性,乃是有带着神性的人性,甚至有耶稣那样的人性。

b. This kind of training was to help the disciples realize that they were mingled with the Triune God, that they were no longer merely human but divinely human, even “Jesusly” human.

c 他们不再仅仅是人,乃是神人,神圣的人,有三一神作他们内在的素质,成为他们神圣的所是─弗三14~17。

c. They were no longer merely men but God-men, divine men, with the Triune God as their intrinsic essence to become their divine being—Eph. 3:14-17.

d 现今他们能过一种与经过过程并终极完成之三一神是一的生活─林后十三14,林前六17,十五45下。

d. They could now live a life in which they were one with the processed and consummated Triune God—2 Cor. 13:14; 1 Cor. 6:17; 15:45b.

五 我们要有耶稣的人性来为着神的建造,就需要经历耶稣的灵─徒十六7:

E. In order to have the humanity of Jesus for God’s building, we need to experience the Spirit of Jesus—Acts 16:7:

1 “耶稣的灵”是神的灵特别的说法,指成为肉体之救主的灵,这位救主就是在人性里的耶稣,经过了为人的生活和十字架的死。

1. The Spirit of Jesus is a particular expression concerning the Spirit of God and refers to the Spirit of the incarnated Savior who, as Jesus in His humanity, passed through human living and death on the cross.

2 在耶稣的灵里不仅有神的神圣元素,也有耶稣的人性元素,以及祂为人生活和受死的元素─腓二5~8。

2. In the Spirit of Jesus there is not only the divine element of God but also the human element of Jesus and the elements of His human living and His suffering of death as well—Phil. 2:5-8.

3 耶稣拔高、复活的人性乃是在耶稣的灵里─罗一4,徒十六7。

3. The uplifted, resurrected human nature of Jesus is in the Spirit of Jesus—Rom. 1:4; Acts 16:7.

4 为着保守那灵的一所需要之低微、温柔、恒忍的美德,包括在耶稣的灵里─弗四2。

4. The virtues of lowliness, meekness, and long-suffering, which are required for keeping the oneness of the Spirit, are included in the Spirit of Jesus—Eph. 4:2.

5 在复活里,这位在神性里原是神独生子的基督,在人性里由神而生,成为神的长子─徒十三33,罗八29,一4:

5. In resurrection Christ, who was the only begotten Son of God in His divinity, was born of God in His humanity to be the firstborn Son of God—Acts 13:33; Rom. 8:29; 1:4:

a 祂的人性得以“子化”,成为神圣的;这样在复活里的“子化”,使基督在成为肉体时所穿上的人性得着圣别、提高并变化─4节。

a. His humanity was “sonized,” made divine; this “sonizing” in resurrection sanctified, uplifted, and transformed Christ’s humanity, which He put on in incarnation—v. 4.

b 今天这样提高的人性,乃是在耶稣的灵里,也能成为我们的经历,使我们成为耶稣那样的人,有耶稣的人性,为着神的建造─腓二5~8,太十六18,弗二21~22,四16。

b. Now such an uplifted humanity is in the Spirit of Jesus and can become our experience so that we may become “Jesusly” human, having the humanity of Jesus for God’s building—Phil. 2:5-8; Matt. 16:18; Eph. 2:21-22; 4:16.
