第八篇 被神的建造所量度

Being Measured by God’s Building



壹 整本圣经是一本建造的书;圣经的主题乃是神的建造─创二八10~22,出二五8,撒下七12~14上,王上六1~2,太十六18,弗二21,启二一2~3。

I. The entire Bible is a book of building; the main subject of the Bible is the building of God—Gen. 28:10-22; Exo. 25:8; 2 Sam. 7:12-14a; 1 Kings 6:1-2; Matt. 16:18; Eph. 2:21; Rev. 21:2-3.

贰 以西结书开始于主荣耀显现的异象,结束于神那圣别建造的异象;这指明主的荣耀、神的审判和主的恢复,都是为着神那圣别的建造─一1、28,四十1~四八35。

II. The book of Ezekiel begins with a vision of the appearance of the glory of the Lord and ends with a vision of the holy building of God; this indicates that the glory of the Lord, the judgment of God, and the recovery of the Lord are all for the holy building of God—1:1, 28; 40:1—48:35.

叁 按照撒下七章十二至十四节上半之预表的预言,基督既是那建造召会作神的殿者,也是用以建造召会的元素─太十六18,提前三15,弗二21:

III. According to the prophecy in typology in 2 Samuel 7:12-14a, Christ is both the One who builds the church as God’s house and the element with which the church is built—Matt. 16:18; 1 Tim. 3:15; Eph. 2:21:

一 基督是殿,祂的身体,基督也是建造者─约二19~21,林前十二12,撒下七12~13。

A. Christ is the house, His Body, and Christ is also the Builder—John 2:19-21; 1 Cor. 12:12; 2 Sam. 7:12-13.

二 基督建造召会乃是借着将祂自己建造到我们里面,就是借着进到我们灵里,并从我们灵里将祂自己扩展到我们的心思、情感和意志里,以占有我们整个魂─弗三17。

B. Christ builds the church by building Himself into us, that is, by entering into our spirit and spreading Himself from our spirit into our mind, emotion, and will to occupy our entire soul—Eph. 3:17.

三 这建造就是神性与我们蒙救赎、复活并被拔高之人性的调和,成了神的居所和我们的居所─相互的住处─约十四23,十五4。

C. This building, a mingling of God’s divinity with our redeemed, resurrected, and uplifted humanity, becomes God’s habitation and our habitation—a mutual abode—John 14:23; 15:4.

四 至终,这建造将终极完成于新耶路撒冷,直到永远;在新耶路撒冷里,神的赎民是帐幕给神居住,而神自己是殿给祂的赎民居住─启二一3、22。

D. Eventually, this building will consummate in the New Jerusalem for eternity, in which God’s redeemed are the tabernacle for God to dwell in, and God Himself is the temple for His redeemed to dwell in—Rev. 21:3, 22.

肆 主嘱咐以西结将神的殿指示神的百姓,使他们被神的殿所量度,而因自己的罪孽惭愧─结四三10~12:

IV. The Lord instructed Ezekiel to describe God’s house to God’s people so that they would be measured by the house and be ashamed of their iniquities—Ezek. 43:10-12:

一 神的心意是要借着殿,核对以色列人的生活、行为;在以西结书里,神用殿量度祂的百姓:

A. It was God’s intention to check the living and conduct of the people of Israel by the house; in the book of Ezekiel God measured His people by the temple:

1 因为神的殿要作他们的规律,所以神就嘱咐以西结将殿的设计指示他们─11节。

1. Because the house of God was to be their regulation, God charged Ezekiel to show them the design of the house—v. 11.

2 神的殿是规范,百姓若在这规范的光中察验自己,就会知道自己的缺点─10~12节。

2. The temple of God is a pattern, and if the people examine themselves in light of this pattern, they will know their shortcomings—vv. 10-12.

3 百姓的生活必须符合神的殿─林前三16~17。

3. The living of the people must match the temple of God—1 Cor. 3:16-17.

二 我们需要从以西结书看见,内住基督的要求乃是照着祂的殿;每个人都必须照着神殿的尺寸被量度并核对─四三10:

B. We need to see from the book of Ezekiel that the requirements of the indwelling Christ are according to His house; everyone must be measured and checked according to the measurement of God’s house—43:10:

1 我们的行为和举止不但该照着道德规则和属灵原则受察验,也该照着召会,照着神的殿受察验─提前三15~16。

1. Our behavior and conduct should be examined not only according to moral regulations and spiritual principles but also according to the church, the house of God—1 Tim. 3:15-16.

2 我们主要的关切不该在于循规蹈矩,或成为属灵的,乃该在于符合神的殿─林前十四12:

2. Our main concern should not be with behaving ourselves or with becoming spiritual but with fitting into God’s house—1 Cor. 14:12:

a 我们也许没有“严紧的窗棂”;这些窗棂表征赐生命之灵的交通,使神圣的相交一直敞开,又防止一切消极事物的侵入─结四十16。

a. We may not have “latticed windows,” which signify the fellowship of the life-giving Spirit keeping the opening for the divine communication and protecting from the invasion of all negative matters—Ezek. 40:16.

b 我们需要用建造来核对我们的人性,并接受耶稣的人性作我们的人性─腓二5~8。

b. We need to check our humanity by the building and take the humanity of Jesus as our humanity—Phil. 2:5-8.

c 我们也许领悟我们仍是“光滑的木头”,还没有经历过神的“雕刻”,因此没有那雕刻在墙上的基路伯和棕树所表征基督荣耀形像和得胜的彰显─结四一18。

c. We may realize that we are still “smooth wood” that has not experienced God’s “carving” and thus does not have the expression of Christ’s glorious image and glorious victory, signified by the cherubim and palm trees carved into the walls—Ezek. 41:18.

d 我们需要被量度,看看我们是否有适当尺寸的“木头”,并且不是独立的,而是被建造进来的。

d. We need to be measured to see if we are “wood” of an appropriate measure and are not independent but built in.

3 我们所是和所作的若不能符合神的建造,在神看来就算不得什么─弗四16,林前八1下,十二28~十三3,十六14。

3. If what we are and what we do cannot match God’s building, it amounts to nothing in the sight of God—Eph. 4:16; 1 Cor. 8:1b; 12:28—13:3; 16:14.

三 “以下是殿的法则:殿在山顶四围的全界,乃为至圣。这就是殿的法则”─结四三12:

C. “This is the law of the house: Its entire area on the top of and all around the mountain shall be most holy. Indeed this is the law of the house”—Ezek. 43:12:

1 在山上就是在复活里,并在升天的地位上;这指明召会生活必须是高的,在山顶上─弗二5~6。

1. To be on the mountain is to be in resurrection and in the position of ascension; this indicates that the church must be high, on the top of the mountain—Eph. 2:5-6.

2 召会也必须是圣的,从一切属世的事物分别并圣别出来─林前三17。

2. The church must also be holy, separated and sanctified from anything worldly—1 Cor. 3:17.

3 神殿的法则与神的特性有关:

3. The law of God’s house is related to God’s character:

a 神是高的神,就是在复活并升天里;祂也是圣的神。

a. God is a God of height, that is, in resurrection and ascension, and He is a God who is holy.

b 照样,在地位上召会是高的;在性质上召会是至圣的。

b. Likewise, in position the church is high, and in nature the church is most holy.

c 在召会生活里,我们若在复活里,并在升天的地位上,并且我们若是至圣的,那么我们就能作神的住处。

c. If in our church life we are in resurrection and in the position of ascension and if we are most holy, then we can be God’s habitation.

四 今天大多数信徒觉得,道德的规律和属灵的原则足以作行为和举止的规则;很少人领悟,我们的行为和举止不但该照着道德规则和属灵原则受察验,也该照着召会,照着神的殿受察验─十四4~5、12、26,罗十四19,十五2。

D. Most believers today feel that moral regulations and spiritual principles are sufficient as rules of behavior and conduct; few realize that our behavior and conduct should be examined not only according to moral regulations and spiritual principles but also according to the church, the house of God—14:4-5, 12, 26; Rom. 14:19; 15:2.

五 今天主所关切的不是律法,乃是殿;祂所关切的不是属灵,乃是召会─太十六18,弗四12、16:

E. Today the Lord’s concern is not the law—it is the house; His concern is not spirituality—it is the church—Matt. 16:18; Eph. 4:12, 16:

1 主在意召会,就是祂宝座之处,祂脚掌所踏之处,祂能居住,得着安息和满足的地方─结四三7。

1. The Lord cares for the church—the place of His throne, the place of the soles of His feet, and the place where He can dwell for rest and satisfaction—Ezek. 43:7.

2 因为主这么在意召会,祂的殿,我们也该在意召会作祂的殿,并且使自己与殿符合─弗二21~22。

2. Because the Lord cares so much for the church, His house, we also should care for the church as His house and fashion ourselves according to it—Eph. 2:21-22.

伍 身体生活是我们属灵最大的试验;我们若不能通过身体生活的试验,我们的属灵就不真实─林前十二23~27:

V. The Body life is the greatest test of our spirituality; if we cannot pass the test of the Body life, our spirituality is not genuine—1 Cor. 12:23-27:

一 属灵是身体的事;我们所有的一切都是在身体里,都是经过身体,也都是为着身体的─弗四16。

A. Spirituality is a Body matter; everything we have is in the Body, through the Body, and for the Body—Eph. 4:16.

二 在身体里不能有独立或个人主义─林前十二21~22、27,罗十二5,弗五30:

B. In the Body there can be no independence or individualism—1 Cor. 12:21-22, 27; Rom. 12:5; Eph. 5:30:

1 在身体生活里,个人主义的想法和行动就除去了。

1. In the Body life, individualistic thought and action are ruled out.

2 个人主义在神眼中是可恨的;身体的仇敌是己,那独立的“我”─太十六21~26。

2. Individualism is hateful in the sight of God; the enemy of the Body is the self—the independent “I”—Matt. 16:21-26.

三 我们必须保守身体的一并实行相调;相调对保守基督身体的一,是最有帮助的─弗四3~4,林前十二24下。

C. We must keep the oneness of the Body and practice blending, which is most helpful in keeping the oneness of the Body of Christ—Eph. 4:3-4; 1 Cor. 12:24b.

四 基督身体的实际,乃是借着基督复活的大能而模成基督之死的一个团体生活─腓三10。

D. The reality of the Body of Christ is a corporate living of conformity to the death of Christ through the power of resurrection—Phil. 3:10.

五 基督身体的实际,乃是在基督复活的生命里;身体要求信徒完全在基督复活的生命里─约十一25,徒二24,启一18,二8,腓三10。

E. The reality of the Body of Christ is in the resurrection life of Christ; the Body requires the believers to be absolutely in the resurrection life of Christ—John 11:25; Acts 2:24; Rev. 1:18; 2:8; Phil. 3:10.

六 唯有基督是身体的头,只有祂有权柄指挥祂身上肢体的行动─西一18,二19,弗四15。

F. Only Christ is the Head of the Body, and only He has the authority to direct the moves of the members of the Body—Col. 1:18; 2:19; Eph. 4:15.

七 我们必须有身体感,顾到身体的感觉和身体的平安─林前十二26~27,罗十二15,西三15,腓一8。

G. We need to be Body-conscious and to care for the feeling of the Body and the peace of the Body—1 Cor. 12:26-27; Rom. 12:15; Col. 3:15; Phil. 1:8.

八 身体长大和发展的基本要求,是我们认清自己的度量,不越过这度量─弗四7、16,林后十13。

H. A basic requirement for the growth and development of the Body is that we recognize our measure and not go beyond it—Eph. 4:7, 16; 2 Cor. 10:13.

九 身体有正确的等次;因此,我们应当承认并尊重身体里的等次─林前十二14~22。

I. The Body has its proper order; thus, we should recognize and honor the order in the Body—1 Cor. 12:14-22.

十 彼此互相是身体的特征;我们在身体里的关系乃是彼此互相、互相倚靠的关系─14~25节。

J. Mutuality is the characteristic of the Body; our relationship in the Body is one of mutuality and interdependence—vv. 14-25.

十一 神圣的交通就是活在基督身体里的实际─约壹一3。

K. The divine fellowship is the reality of living in the Body of Christ—1 John 1:3.

十二 我们需要顾到身体的长大,以及身体在爱里把自己建造起来─弗四15~16。L. We need to care for the growth of the Body and the Body’s building up of itself in love—Eph. 4:15-16.>

十三 我们应当一直考虑到身体、顾到身体、尊重身体,并且作任何事都要对身体最有益处─林前十二23~27。

M. We should always consider the Body, care for the Body, honor the Body, and do what is best for the Body—1 Cor. 12:23-27.

十四 得胜者看见身体、认识身体、顾到身体、尊重身体、作身体的工作;并且他们持守基督身体(就是基督在地上的继续和延展)的每一个原则,使基督得着完满的彰显─弗一22~23,三18~19,四1~6。

N. The overcomers see the Body, know the Body, care for the Body, honor the Body, and do the work of the Body; they keep every principle of the Body of Christ, as the continuation and extension of Christ on earth, for the full expression of Christ—Eph. 1:22-23; 3:18-19; 4:1-6.
