第七篇 召会的身分——基督的身体

The Status of the Church—the Body of Christ

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读经∶ 弗一22~23,四16,罗十二4~5,林前十二12~13,十四26

壹 以弗所一章二十二至二十三节启示召会是基督的身体:—— 引用经文

I. Ephesians 1:22 and 23 reveal that the church is the Body of Christ:

一 召会不是组织,乃是生机的身体,由所有得蒙重生、有神生命的信徒所构成,为使头得彰显—— 约三3、5~6、15,一12~13,约壹五11~12。

A. The church is not an organization but an organic Body constituted of all the believers, who have been regenerated and have God's life, for the expression of the Head—John 3:3, 5-6, 15; 1:12-13; 1 John 5:11-12.

二 身体乃是头的丰满,这丰满就是头的彰显—— 弗一22~23。

B. The Body is the fullness of the Head, and the fullness is the expression of the Head—Eph. 1:22-23.

三 基督是那在万有中充满万有者,需要身体作祂的丰满;这身体就是召会作祂的丰满—— 三10,一22~23,四10。

C. Christ, as the One who fills all in all, needs the Body to be His fullness; this Body is the church to be His fullness—3:10; 1:22-23; 4:10.

四 召会是基督的身体,基督是召会的头(西一18,二19);因此,召会和基督乃是一个身体,就是那奥秘、宇宙的大人(三10~11,弗二15,四24),有同样的生命和性情:—— 引用经文

D. The church is the Body of Christ, and Christ is the Head of the church (Col. 1:18; 2:19); hence, the church and Christ are one Body, the mysterious, univer-sal great man (3:10-11; Eph. 2:15; 4:24), having the same life and nature:

1 基督是身体的生命和内容,身体是基督的生机体和彰显—— 西三4,一18,二19,罗十二4~5。

1. Christ is the life and content of the Body, and the Body is the organism and expression of Christ—Col. 3:4; 1:18; 2:19; Rom. 12:4-5.

2 召会作为身体,从基督接受了一切;所以基督的一切都借着召会得彰显—— 弗一22~23,三8、10。

2. As the Body, the church receives everything from Christ; therefore, every-thing of Christ is expressed through the church—Eph. 1:22-23; 3:8, 10.

3 基督与作祂身体的召会,二者调和并联结为一,以基督为里面的内容,召会为外面的彰显—— 16~21节。

3. The two, Christ and the church as His Body, are mingled and joined as one, with Christ being the inward content and the church being the outward ex-pression—vv. 16-21.

贰 我们需要清楚看见基督的身体是如何形成的:

II. We need to see clearly how the Body of Christ has been formed:

一 在基督的复活里,经过过程并终极完成的三一神已经作到祂所拣选的人里面—— 约二十22,林前十五45下,六17,彼前一3。

A. In Christ's resurrection the processed and consummated Triune God has been wrought into His chosen people—John 20:22; 1 Cor. 15:45b; 6:17; 1 Pet. 1:3.

二 在基督的升天里,包罗万有复合的灵作为经过过程之三一神的终极完成,降在祂所拣选的人身上—— 路二四49,徒一8,二4、32~33。

B. In Christ's ascension the all-inclusive, compound Spirit, as the consummation of the processed Triune God, descended upon His chosen people—Luke 24:49; Acts 1:8; 2:4, 32-33.

三 神所拣选、救赎并重生的人里面有基督这经过过程并终极完成之三一神的具体化身,在他们身上有终极完成的灵—— 约二十22,路二四49。

C. Within them God's chosen, redeemed, and regenerated people have Christ as the embodiment of the processed and consummated Triune God, and upon them they have the consummated Spirit—John 20:22; Luke 24:49.

四 如此,在基督里的信徒就成为基督的身体,就是由经过过程并终极完成之三一神与经过变化之三部分人调和,所产生的生机体—— 林前十二13、27,弗五30。

D. In this way the believers in Christ become the Body of Christ, an organism produced through the mingling of the processed and consummated Triune God with the transformed tripartite man—1 Cor. 12:13, 27; Eph. 5:30.

叁 基督身体的实际就是三一神实际的灵—— 四4,约十四17,十五26,十六13~14,约壹五6:

III. The reality of the Body of Christ is the Spirit of the reality of the Triune God—4:4; John 14:17; 15:26; 16:13-14; 1 John 5:6:

一 实际是指人事物实际的情形。

A. Reality refers to the real condition of persons and things.

二 基督的身体是召会,其一切实际就是那终极完成之三一神实际的灵—— 弗一22~23,四16,约十六13~14:

B. The Body of Christ is the church, and all its reality is the Spirit of the reality of the consummated Triune God—Eph. 1:22-23; 4:16; John 16:13-14:

1 经过过程之三一神的实际,乃是祂终极完成之实际的灵—— 十四17,十五26,十六13,约壹五6。

1. The reality of the processed Triune God is His consummated Spirit of real-ity—14:17; 15:26; 16:13; 1 John 5:6.

2 三一神之所是、所有并所能,其实际都是这实际的灵—— 约十六13~14。

2. The reality of all that the Triune God is, has, and can do is this Spirit of reality—John 16:13-14.

3 三一神所经过的死与复活,其实际也都在实际的灵里—— 弗二5~6。

3. The reality of the death and resurrection through which the Triune God has passed is also in the Spirit of reality—Eph. 2:5-6.

4 实际的灵使经过过程之三一神的一切,都在基督的身体里成为实际—— 约壹五6,弗四4。

4. The Spirit of reality makes everything of the processed Triune God a reality in the Body of Christ—1 John 5:6; Eph. 4:4.

5 三一神所是的一切,包括公义、圣别、生命、亮光、能力、恩典及一切神圣的属性,都由实际的灵实化为基督身体的实际属性—— 罗十五16下,十四17,弗三16~17上。

5. All that the Triune God is, including righteousness, holiness, life, light, power, grace, and all the divine attributes, are realized by the Spirit of real-ity to be the real attributes of the Body of Christ—Rom. 15:16b; 14:17; Eph. 3:16-17a.

6 那灵在基督的身体里把这些属性都实化到召会里,所以召会就有了神圣属性的实际—— 四24,西三12~15。

6. These attributes have been realized in the church by the Spirit in the Body of Christ; the church therefore possesses the reality of the divine attri-butes—4:24; Col. 3:12-15.

7 三一神在基督里所经历的一切,包括成为肉体、钉死与复活,也都由实际的灵实化为基督身体的实际经历—— 罗六3~6,腓三10。

7. All that the Triune God in Christ experienced, including incarnation, cruci-fixion, and resurrection, are likewise realized by the Spirit of reality to be the real experiences of the Body of Christ—Rom. 6:3-6; Phil. 3:10.

肆 召会作基督的身体乃是团体的基督—— 林前十二12:

IV. The church as the Body of Christ is the corporate Christ—1 Cor. 12:12:

一 在林前十二章十二节,“基督(直译,那基督)”不是个人的基督,乃是团体的基督,身体基督,由基督自己作头,召会作祂的身体,连同所有信徒作肢体所组成的:—— 引用经文

A. In 1 Corinthians 12:12 the Christ is not the individual Christ but the corporate Christ, the Body-Christ, composed of Christ Himself as the Head and the church as His Body, with all the believers as its members:

1 圣经把基督和召会看作一位奥秘的基督;二者联结在一起,成了一位奥秘的基督,身体基督—— 弗五32。

1. The Bible considers Christ and the church as one mysterious Christ; the two have been joined together to become one mysterious Christ, the Body-Christ—Eph. 5:32.

2 所有基督的信徒,都与祂有生机的联结,并都是用祂的生命和元素所构成的,成为祂的身体这个生机体,以彰显祂—— 罗十二4~5,西三4、15。

2. All the believers of Christ are organically united with Him and constituted of His life and element to become His Body, an organism, to express Him— Rom. 12:4-5; Col. 3:4, 15.

二 葡萄树不仅包括茎,也包括枝子,所以团体的基督,身体基督,不仅包括基督自己,也包括基督身体上的肢体,就是基督的众肢体,基督的各部分—— 约十五1、4~5,弗五30,林前十二27,罗十二5:

B. As a vine includes not only the stalk but also the branches, so the corporate Christ, the Body-Christ, includes not only Christ Himself but also the members of Christ's Body, who are the members of Christ, parts of Christ—John 15:1, 4-5; Eph. 5:30; 1 Cor. 12:27; Rom. 12:5:

1 基督乃是那使我们成为祂各部分的元素,因素—— 西三10~11。

1. Christ is the element, the factor, that makes us parts of Him—Col. 3:10-11.

2 要成为基督的各部分,成为祂身体的肢体,我们必须有基督作到我们全人里面—— 加一15~16,二20,四19,弗三16~17。

2. In order to be parts of Christ, members of His Body, we must have Christ wrought into our being—Gal. 1:15-16; 2:20; 4:19; Eph. 3:16-17.

3 唯有众肢体由基督所构成,有祂的生命和性情时,召会才能作基督的身体,就是团体的基督—— 西三4、10~11。

3. The church can be the Body of Christ, the corporate Christ, only as the members are constituted of Christ, possessing His life and nature—Col. 3:4, 10-11.

三 受浸成了一个身体使我们有地位来喝一位灵,而借着喝那灵,我们就被构成身体,就是团体的基督—— 林前十二13:

C. The baptism into the one Body has positioned us all to drink of the one Spirit, and by drinking of the Spirit, we are constituted to be the Body, the corporate Christ—1 Cor. 12:13:

1 借着喝那灵,我们就经历神圣三一分赐到我们全人里面,并使我们被构成为身体。

1. By drinking the Spirit, we experience the dispensing of the Divine Trinity into our being and are constituted to be the Body.

2 我们越多喝这一位灵,神圣的元素就越多成为我们的构成成分,使我们成为一个身体,就是身体基督—— 12~13节。

2. Themorewedrink theone Spirit, the more thedivineelement becomesour constituenttomakeusthe oneBody, theBody-Christ—vv. 12-13.

伍 为着建造基督的身体,我们需要实行那合乎圣经的聚会与事奉之路—— 林前十四26,来十24~25:

V. For the building up of the Body of Christ, we need to practice the scrip-tural way to meet and to serve—14:26; Heb. 10:24-25:

一 若没有合乎圣经的聚会与事奉之路,就是在新约中所表明的路,主关于建造召会的话就无法得着应验—— 太二四35,十六18,弗四11~16。

A. Without the biblical way for us to meet and to serve, the way that is shown in the New Testament, the Lord's words concerning the building up of the church cannot be fulfilled—Matt. 24:35; 16:18; Eph. 4:11-16.

二 林前十四章二十六节和希伯来十章二十四至二十五节如果不应验,就无法建造召会作基督的身体。—— 引用经文

B. If 1 Corinthians 14:26 and Hebrews 10:24-25 are not fulfilled, there is no way for the building up of the church as the Body of Christ.

三 那合乎圣经的聚会与事奉之路乃是众圣徒作基督身体活的肢体尽功用,这是与那按照圣品阶级与平信徒制度之原则,传统、天然的聚会与事奉之路相对—— 启二6、15:

C. Thescriptural waytomeet andtoserve, withall thesaintsfunctioningas living members of the Body of Christ, is versus the traditional way, the natural way, to meet and to serve, which is in the principle of the clergy-laity system— Rev. 2:6, 15:

1 传统的路适合人天然和堕落的光景,是宗教的,并且迁就死人的口味—— 参太二五23~30。

1. The traditional way fits man's natural and fallen condition, is religious, and accommodates the dead man's taste—cf. Matt. 25:23-30.

2 传统的路捆绑并废除基督活肢体的生机功能,并且扼窒、杀死基督的肢体—— 启二6。

2. The traditional way binds and annuls the organic function of the living members of Christ and chokes and kills the members of Christ—Rev. 2:6.

3 合乎圣经的路是属灵的,适合活而属灵之人的口味,要求人活,并且要求人在灵里—— 约四23~24,徒十三52,加五16,罗八4,提后一6~7。

3. The scriptural way is spiritual, fits the taste of the living and spiritual man, and requires us to be living and in the spirit—John 4:23-24; Acts 13:52; Gal. 5:16; Rom. 8:4; 2 Tim. 1:6-7.

4 合乎圣经的路能发展基督肢体生机的能力与功用,并且能建造基督的身体—— 弗四12~16。

4. The scriptural way is able to develop the organic ability and function of the members of Christ and able to build up the Body of Christ—Eph. 4:12-16.

四 主渴望恢复基督身体生机的建造:

D. The Lord desires to recover the organic building up of the Body of Christ:

1 基督身体生机的建造就是三一神在信徒里的扩增,使他们在基督里长大—— 西二19,弗四15~16。

1. The organic building up of the Body of Christ is the increase of the Triune God in the believers for their growth in Christ—Col. 2:19; Eph. 4:15-16.

2 主渴望恢复彼此互相的召会聚会,众人都申言(为主说话)使召会得建造;申言是将基督的丰富分赐到神的子民里面,好生机建造基督身体超越的路—— 林前十四4下、12、31,参太十六18。

2. The Lord desires to recover the church meetings in mutuality with all prophe-sying (speaking for the Lord) for the building up of the church; prophesying is the excelling way to dispense the riches of Christ into God's people for the organic building up of the Body of Christ—1 Cor. 14:4b, 12, 31; cf. Matt. 16:18.

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