第二篇 召会生活——在基督里归一于一个元首之下的生活

The Church Life—a Life of Being Headed Up in Christ



壹 神永远的目的是要将万有在基督里归一于一个元首之下,这基督已被设立作宇宙的头——弗一10、22:

I. God’s eternal intention is to head up all things in Christ, who has been appointed to be the universal Head—Eph. 1:10, 22:

一 神永远的定旨是要在时期满足时的经纶里,将万有在基督里归一于一个元首之下——10节。

A. It is God’s eternal purpose that in the economy of the fullness of the times, He might head up all things in Christ—v. 10.

二 借着神在所有世代中一切的安排,万有要在新天新地中,在基督里归一于一个元首之下;这就是神永远的行政和经纶——启二一1~2。

B. Through the dispensations of God in all the ages, all things will be headed up in Christ in the new heaven and new earth; this will be God’s eternal administration and economy—Rev. 21:1-2.

贰 撒但的目标乃是要败坏神的创造,而造成混乱——罗八19~23:

II. Satan’s goal is to corrupt God’s creation and to cause confusion—Rom. 8:19-23:

一 当撒但将他自己注射到人里面时,撒但对人就成了死亡和黑暗;罪带进死,死带进黑暗,黑暗带进混乱。

A. When Satan injected himself into man, Satan became death and darkness to man; sin brings in death, death brings in darkness, and darkness brings in confusion.

二 整个字宙都因为撒但把他自己作为死的因素,注射到神的创造里,而崩溃混乱——来二14,罗八20~21。

B. The entire universe is a heap of collapse caused by Satan injecting himself as the factor of death into God’s creation—Heb. 2:14; Rom. 8:20-21.

三 神正在作工,要将万有在基督里归一于一个元首之下,使祂的造物从捆绑中得着释放,而得享自由——弗一22、10。

C. God is working to liberate His creation from bondage and to bring it into liberty by heading up all things in Christ—Eph. 1:22, 10.

叁 我们都需要从崩溃的混乱里蒙拯救,并在基督里归一于一个元首之下——西一12~13:

III. We all need to be delivered from the heap of collapse and headed up in Christ—Col. 1:12-13:

一 由撒但的背叛和人的堕落所引起宇宙的崩溃,给神一个大好的机会,来彰显祂的智慧——弗一8,三10,罗十一33。

A. The collapse of the universe caused by the rebellion of Satan and the fall of man gives God an excellent opportunity to manifest His wisdom—Eph. 1:8; 3:10; Rom. 11:33.

二 照着圣经,神的救恩不仅拯救我们脱离堕落、罪恶的光景,也脱离崩溃的混乱——弗二1~8、21~22。

B. According to the Bible, God’s salvation is to save us not only from our fallen, sinful condition but also from the heap of collapse—Eph. 2:1-8, 21-22.

肆 召会生活乃是在基督里归一于一个元首之下的生活——四15,林前十一3:

IV. The church life is a life of being headed up in Christ—4:15; 1 Cor. 11:3:

一 神要借着召会,将万有在基督里归一于一个元首之下,而叫万有服在基督之下——十五20~28。

A. God will subject all things under Christ by heading up all things in Christ through the church—15:20-28.

二 召会是神所拣选的人,以基督作头,归一于一个元首之下——十一3,弗一10,二21~22,四15:

B. The church is the heading up of God’s chosen ones under the headship of Christ—11:3; Eph. 1:10; 2:21-22; 4:15:

1 在正确的召会生活里,我们正在基督里归一于一个元首之下——一10。

1. In the proper church life we are being headed up in Christ—1:10.

2 我们若不认识什么是在基督里归一于一个元首之下,就不会认识召会。

2. If we do not know what it is to be headed up in Christ, we cannot know the church.

3 在召会生活中,我们领先在基督里归一于一个元首之下;为此,我们需要在生命里长大——四15。

3. In the church life, we are taking the lead to be headed up in Christ; for this, we need to grow in life—4:15.

三 神将万有在基督里归一于一个元首之下所采取的第一步,是将祂所拣选的人,祂的众子,从宇宙的崩溃中带出来,将他们摆在基督的元首权柄之下——一22,四15,五23,西一18,二10、19。

C. The first step in the heading up of all things in Christ is for God to bring His chosen ones, His sons, out of the universal collapse and to place them under the headship of Christ—1:22; 4:15; 5:23; Col. 1:18; 2:10, 19.

四 当召会领先在基督里归一于一个元首之下时,神就有路使万有归一于一个元首之下——弗一22~23、10:

D. When the church takes the lead to be headed up in Christ, God has a way to head up all other things—Eph. 1:22-23, 10:

1 召会是神所使用的器皿,以解决祂的问题并完成祂的定旨,这定旨就是祂借着将自己与人调和,而借着人彰显祂自己——三9~11。

1. The church is the vessel used by God to solve His problems and to fulfill His purpose, which is to manifest Himself through man by mingling Himself with man—3:9-11.

2 至终,身体同作头的基督,乃是万有宇宙的头——一22~23。

2. Eventually, the Body with Christ as the Head will be the universal Head over all things—1:22-23.

伍 在神圣的经纶里借着神圣的分赐,我们在召会生活里正在归一于一个元首之下——三15~17,四15,提前一4:

V. In the church life we are being headed up through the divine dispensing in the divine economy—3:15-17; 4:15; 1 Tim. 1:4:

一 神圣的经纶已经进到我们里面——4节:

A. The divine economy has come into us—v. 4:

1 基督就是神圣的经纶;因此,当我们接受基督时,我们就接受神圣的经纶到我们里面——约一12~13。

1. Christ is the divine economy; thus, when we received Christ, we received the divine economy into us—John 1:12-13.

2 神圣的经纶已经进到我们里面,作为一种行政、安排和计划,使一切都有秩有序。

2. The divine economy has come into us as an administration, arrangement, and plan that puts everything in order.

二 神正在借着一个行政,将祂自己作到祂所拣选的人里面,这行政乃是甜美的分赐、亲密的管家职分和令人舒畅的家庭安排——弗一10,三2,提前一4,三15:

B. God is working Himself into His chosen ones through an administration that is a sweet dispensing, an intimate stewardship, a comfortable household arrangement—Eph. 1:10; 3:2; 1 Tim. 1:4; 3:15:

1 万有在基督里归一于一个元首之下,乃是借着亲密的管家职分,令人舒畅的家庭安排——弗三2。

1. The heading up of all things in Christ takes place by an intimate stewardship, by a comfortable household arrangement—Eph. 3:2.

2 在神的家中行事为人的路,乃是有令人愉快的家庭行政,亲密的管家职分,将基督分赐到神所有的家人里面——提前三15,一4。

2. The way to behave in God’s house is to have a pleasant household administration, an intimate stewardship, and to dispense Christ to all the members of God’s household—1 Tim. 3:15; 1:4.

3 神洋溢的恩典要完成将万有在基督里归一于一个元首之下;这洋溢的恩典正在我们身上作工,为使万有在基督里归一于一个元首之下——弗一7~8、10。

3. God’s abounding grace will accomplish the heading up of all things in Christ; this abounding grace is working on us so that all things might be headed up in Christ—Eph. 1:7-8, 10.

4 我们作为神的基业越被那灵这活的印记所浸透,在宇宙中就越有归一于一个元首之下的光景——11、13节。

4. The more we, God’s inheritance, are saturated with the Spirit as a living seal, the more heading up there will be in the universe—vv. 11, 13.

陆 在召会生活中归一于一个元首之下,是借着生命和光而有的——约一4,八12:

VI. The heading up in the church life is by life and light—John 1:4; 8:12:

一 神恢复的路乃是基督与撒但相对,生命与死亡相对,光与黑暗相对,井然有序与混乱相对。

A. God’s way of recovery is Christ versus Satan, life versus death, light versus darkness, and order versus confusion.

二 崩溃来自死这因素;归一于一个元首之下来自生命这因素——结三七4~10。

B. The collapse comes from the factor of death; the heading up comes from the factor of life—Ezek. 37:4-10.

三 神在祂造物中间恢复一的路,乃是将祂自己分赐到我们里面作生命——罗八6、10~11、19~21。

C. God’s way to recover the oneness among His creation is to impart Himself into us as life—Rom. 8:6, 10-11, 19-21.

四 我们要实际地从崩溃的混乱中蒙拯救,就需要在生命里长大;我们越在生命里长大,就越归一于一个元首之下,也越从宇宙性的崩溃中得着拯救——弗四15,西二19。

D. In order to be delivered from the heap of collapse in a practical way, we need to grow in life; the more we grow in life, the more we will be headed up and the more we will be rescued from the universal collapse—Eph. 4:15; Col. 2:19.

五 当神进入我们里面作生命时,生命的光就在我们里面照耀;这生命吞灭死亡,这光驱尽黑暗——约一4,八12,弗五8~9:

E. When God comes into us as life, the light of life shines within us; this life swallows death, and this light dispels the darkness—John 1:4; 8:12; Eph. 5:8-9:

1 当我们满了作生命的基督时,我们就在光底下,受光的大能所管制。

1. When we are full of Christ as life, we are under the light and are controlled by the power of light.

2 神就是光,因此我们这些神的儿女乃是光的儿女,甚至是光本身,因为我们在主里与神是一——约壹一5,约十二36,弗五8,太五14。

2. As God is light, so we, the children of God, are children of light, and we are even light itself because we are one with God in the Lord—1 John 1:5; John 12:36; Eph. 5:8; Matt. 5:14.

3 在生命里,并在光底下,我们就蒙拯救脱离混乱,被带进井然有序、和谐与一里,并在基督里归一于一个元首之下——弗一10。

3. In the life and under the light, we are delivered out of confusion, brought into order, harmony, and oneness, and headed up in Christ—Eph. 1:10.
