第四篇 交通——召会生活的实际

Fellowship—the Reality of the Church Life



壹 正如人的身体里有血液循环,基督的身体里也有一个循环,这个循环新约称之为交通;这交通就是召会生活的实际——约壹一3、7:

I. Just as there is the circulation of blood in the human body, so there is a circulation in the Body of Christ—a circulation that the New Testament calls fellowship; this fellowship is the reality of the church life—1 John 1:3, 7:

一 交通是一同参与,共同分享;所以,交通乃是团体地参与一件事——腓四14,二1。

A. Fellowship is a common participation, a joint participation; thus, to have fellowship is to have a corporate participation in something—Phil. 4:14; 2:1.

二 交通乃是永远生命的流出,并且实际上,就是信徒里面永远生命的流——约壹一1~3、7。

B. Fellowship is the issue of eternal life and is actually the flow of the eternal life within the believers—1 John 1:1-3, 7.

三 为要有独一的交通,我们必须凭神圣的生命而活,并在神圣的生命里(不在我们天然的生命里)行事为人——罗八2、6、10~11。

C. In order to have the unique fellowship, we must live by and behave in the divine life, not in our natural life—Rom. 8:2, 6, 10-11.

四 在使徒的交通里与三一神有交通,乃是放下我们个人的利益,联于使徒和三一神,为着完成神的定旨——徒二42,约壹一3,提后一9。

D. To have fellowship with the Triune God in the apostles’ fellowship is to put aside our private interests and join with the apostles and the Triune God for the carrying out of God’s purpose—Acts 2:42; 1 John 1:3; 2 Tim. 1:9.

贰 “神是信实的,你们乃是为祂所召,进入了祂儿子我们主耶稣基督的交通”——林前一9:

II. "God is faithful, through whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord"—1 Cor. 1:9:

一 神已经呼召我们进入祂儿子的交通,使我们可以分受基督,有分于祂,并享受祂作神赐给我们的分。

A. God has called us into the fellowship of His Son so that we may partake of Christ, participate in Him, and enjoy Him as our God-given portion.

二 神已经呼召我们进入包罗万有之基督的交通,有分于祂;所有的信徒都当专注于祂,不被任何有恩赐的人、过分强调的道理或特别的作法所岔开。

B. God has called us into the fellowship of, the participation in, the all-inclusive Christ; all believers should be focused on Him, not being distracted by any gifted person, any overstressed doctrine, or any particular practice.

三 基督自己就是神呼召我们进入的交通——9节:

C. Christ Himself is the fellowship into which God has called us—v. 9:

1 基督是我们的分,这位包罗万有之基督的交通,一点不差就是包罗万有之基督那活的人位。

1. The fellowship of the all-inclusive Christ as our portion is nothing less than the living person of the all-inclusive Christ.

2 蒙召进入了耶稣基督的交通,就是蒙召进入了祂里面,因为祂自己就是那个交通——30节。

2. To be called into the fellowship of Jesus Christ is to be called into Him, for He Himself is the fellowship—v. 30.

3 我们蒙召进入了这人位,并进入了祂的交通——蒙召进入了基督,给我们有分并享受。

3. We have been called into this person and into His fellowship—called into Christ for our participation and enjoyment.

4 九节的交通乃是我们有分于基督;那是我们对祂的享受,以及我们对祂的爱好。——引用经文

4. The fellowship in verse 9 is our participation in Christ; it is our enjoyment of Him and our preference for Him.

四 基督的交通——奇妙、绝佳的彼此互相的关系——实际上是由那灵完成的;因此,在我们的经历中,子的交通就是那灵的交通——林后十三14,腓二1。

D. The fellowship of Christ—a wonderful, excellent mutuality—is actually carried on by the Spirit; thus, in our experience the fellowship of the Son is the fellowship of the Spirit—2 Cor. 13:14; Phil. 2:1.

五 交通的意思是我们与基督已经成为一——林前六17:

E. Fellowship means that we and Christ have become one—1 Cor. 6:17:

1 在我们的经历中,我们与主成为一灵,是在我们蒙神呼召,进入祂儿子的交通之后——一9,六17。

1. In our experience, being one spirit with the Lord follows being called by God into the fellowship of His Son—1:9; 6:17.

2 我们已经蒙召进入一里,在其中我们与祂是一,祂也与我们是一。

2. We have been called into a oneness where we are one with Him and He is one with us.

3 六章十七节的“联合”是一章九节“交通”的同义辞;联合事实上就是交通。——引用经文

3. The word joined in 6:17 is a synonym for fellowship in 1:9; the joining is actually the fellowship.

4 每当我们与主成为一灵,我们就在基督的交通里,我们也经历祂这位包罗万有者。

4. Whenever we are one spirit with the Lord, we are in the fellowship of Christ, and we experience Him as the all-inclusive One.

六 交通是指我们享受基督和祂的一切所是,祂也享受我们和我们的一切所是——腓一18,二17~18、28,三1,四4、10:

F. Fellowship means that we enjoy Christ and all He is and that He enjoys us and all we are—Phil. 1:18; 2:17-18, 28; 3:1; 4:4, 10:

1 我们已经蒙召进入一种彼此互相里,我们在其中享受神儿子的所是,祂也享受我们的所是。

1. We have been called into a mutuality in which we enjoy what the Son of God is and He enjoys what we are.

2 这个交通含示奇妙的、宇宙的、彼此的享受——我们对三一神的享受,三一神对我们的享受,以及信徒彼此之间的享受。

2. This fellowship implies a wonderful, universal, mutual enjoyment—our enjoyment of the Triune God, the Triune God’s enjoyment of us, and the enjoyment that the believers have with one another.

叁 交通与一有关——林前一9,六17,十16~17,十二20:

III. Fellowship is related to oneness—1 Cor. 1:9; 6:17; 10:16-17; 12:20:

一 身体里这个神圣生命的交通、循环,使身体的众肢体成为一——弗四3~6。

A. The fellowship, the circulation, of the divine life in the Body brings all the members of the Body into oneness—Eph. 4:3-6.

二 这个一称为那灵的一(3),也是基督身体的一——4节,林前十二12~13。

B. This oneness is called the oneness of the Spirit (v. 3); it is also the oneness of the Body—v. 4; 1 Cor. 12:12-13.

三 只要我们有神圣的生命在我们里面涌流,我们就在这一里;这一是基督身体的一,也是众圣徒中间的一。

C. As long as we have the divine life flowing within us, we are in this oneness—the oneness of the Body, the oneness among all the saints.

四 这独一的交通乃是基督身体真正的一,作为信徒在基督里蒙保守成为一的唯一立场——弗四3~6。

D. The unique fellowship is the genuine oneness of the Body of Christ as the unique ground for the believers to be kept one in Christ—Eph. 4:3-6.

肆 十字架的经历加深垂直与平面这两面的交通,也使我们认识身体的生命,并活在身体的交通中——罗六6,加二20,太十六24,林前十二27:

IV. The experience of the cross deepens both the vertical and the horizontal fellowship and enables us to know the life of the Body and live in the fellowship of the Body—Rom. 6:6; Gal. 2:20; Matt. 16:24; 1 Cor. 12:27:

一 我们需要经历十字架,好加深我们对神圣交通的经历——一9、23~24,二2:

A. We need the experience of the cross to deepen our experience of the divine fellowship—1:9, 23-24; 2:2:

1 没有十字架,我们的交通是肤浅的;只有十字架能除去神圣交通的许多障碍,并加深我们与主并与彼此的交通——罗六6,加二20,太十六24。

1. Without the cross, our fellowship is superficial; only the cross can remove the many obstacles to the divine fellowship and deepen our fellowship with the Lord and with one another—Rom. 6:6; Gal. 2:20; Matt. 16:24.

2 交通释放我们,借着十字架使我们脱离有罪的己;没有十字架,我们就不会从己得着释放和自由,我们就无法有真正的交通——林前一9、23~24,二2,加二20。

2. Fellowship frees us from our sinful self through the cross; without the cross, there is no release, freedom, or liberty from the self and no genuine fellowship—1 Cor. 1:9, 23-24; 2:2; Gal. 2:20.

3 主在马太十六章二十四节用“他的十字架”这辞,指明我们每个人都有十字架特别的一分,为要除去我们这个人:——引用经文

3. In Matthew 16:24 the Lord used the term his cross, indicating that there is a particular portion of the cross for each one of us in order to cross each one of us out:

a 背十字架就是否认己,把己置于死地,一直将基督的十字架应用于己——路九23~25。

a. To bear the cross is to deny the self, to put the self to death, to apply the cross of Christ to the self all the time—Luke 9:23-25.

b 我们这么容易被人得罪,因为我们对自己很敏感;如果我们没有这么强的己,就不会被别人得罪。

b. We are easily offended by others because we are so sensitive about ourselves; if we did not have such a strong self, we would not be offended by others.

c 如果我们有很强的己,被每一件事和每一个人得罪,我们就无法有真实的交通;为要有平面的交通,我们需要否认自己——太十六24。

c. If we have a strong self and are offended by everything and everyone, we cannot have real fellowship; in order for us to have horizontal fellowship, we need to deny ourselves—Matt. 16:24.

二 十字架的经历带我们进入基督身体的交通——罗六6,八13,十二4~5,林前一18、23~24,二2,十二12~14、27:

B. The experience of the cross brings us into the fellowship of the Body of Christ—Rom. 6:6; 8:13; 12:4-5; 1 Cor. 1:18, 23-24; 2:2; 12:12-14, 27:

1 十字架对付我们的肉体、己和天然生命,使我们得以在实际上认识身体的生命——太十六24~26。

1. The cross deals with our flesh, self, and natural life so that we may know the life of the Body in reality—Matt. 16:24-26.

2 如果我们的肉体、己和天然生命受了十字架的对付,如果我们顺服基督的元首权柄,并活出身体的生命来,我们就会享受身体的交通——加二20,五24,腓三3,西一18,林前十16。

2. If our flesh, self, and natural life are dealt with by the cross and if we submit to the headship of Christ and live the Body life, we will enjoy the fellowship of the Body—Gal. 2:20; 5:24; Phil. 3:3; Col. 1:18; 1 Cor. 10:16.

3 我们和元首的关系是顺服,而我们和身体的关系是交通——西二19,约壹一3,林前十16~17:

3. Our relationship with the Head is that of obedience, whereas our relationship with the Body is that of fellowship—Col. 2:19; 1 John 1:3; 1 Cor. 10:16-17:

a 交通,就是承认我们自己有限,承认我们自己不够;交通,就是甘心乐意接受别人所有的来当作自己所有的。

a. Fellowship implies the fact that we are limited and inadequate and that we are willing to accept what comes from others and take it as our own.

b 交通就是承认我们需要身体——罗十二4~5。

b. Fellowship is to acknowledge that we need the Body—Rom. 12:4-5.

c 乃是我们的肉体、己和天然生命受了对付之后,我们才能活在身体里面,才有身体的交通;否则,我们看不见交通的紧要——加二20,五24,腓三3。

c. We can live in the Body and have fellowship in the Body only when our flesh, self, and natural life have been dealt with; otherwise, we will not see the importance of fellowship—Gal. 2:20; 5:24; Phil. 3:3.

d 神必须把我们带到一个地步,叫我们没有交通就无法往前——林前十二14~27,约十五4~6,帖前三8。

d. God must bring us to the point where we cannot go on without fellowship—1 Cor. 12:14-27; John 15:4-6; 1 Thes. 3:8.

4 肉体、己和天然生命——受十字架的对付,我们就能知道基督身体的生命,我们就能看见交通的紧要,我们没有交通就无法过生活——罗六6,十二4~5,林前一9,二2,十16~17,十二14~27,约壹一3、7。

4. Once the flesh, the self, and the natural life have been dealt with by the cross, we will know the life of the Body, we will see the importance of fellowship, and we will not be able to live apart from this fellowship—Rom. 6:6; 12:4-5; 1 Cor. 1:9; 2:2; 10:16-17; 12:14-27; 1 John 1:3, 7.

伍 众召会中间的交通,乃是基督身体的交通——林前十16:

V. The fellowship among the churches is the fellowship of the Body of Christ—cf. 1 Cor. 10:16:

一 主的恢复是基于这真理:基督只有一个身体,并且这身体彰显为众地方召会——弗一22~23,四4,启一11。

A. The Lord’s recovery is based upon the truth that Christ has only one Body, which is expressed as the local churches—Eph. 1:22-23; 4:4; Rev. 1:11.

二 因着灵是一位,所以只有一个身体,在身体里也只有一个生命的循环;这循环就是基督身体的交通——弗四4,约壹一3、7。

B. Because there is one Spirit, there is only one Body, and there is only one circulation of life in the Body; this circulation is the fellowship of the Body of Christ—Eph. 4:4; 1 John 1:3, 7.

三 基督身体里的交通乃是那灵的循环、流通;当那灵在基督的身体里循环时,神性、人性、基督的身位、基督的死和基督的复活都在循环。

C. The fellowship of the Body of Christ is the circulation, the current, of the Spirit; when the Spirit is circulating within the Body of Christ, divinity, humanity, Christ’s person, Christ’s death, and Christ’s resurrection are all circulating.

四 地方召会乃是基督独一身体的一部分,而在宇宙一面,身体的交通乃是一;在交通中没有分离——启一11,二7上:

D. A local church is a part of the unique Body of Christ, and the fellowship of the Body is universally one; in fellowship there is no separation—Rev. 1:11; 2:7a:

1 任何一个召会或区域都不应该与身体的交通隔离。

1. No church or region should isolate itself from the fellowship of the Body.

2 任何一个召会或区域从基督的身体隔离自己的结果,乃是黑暗、混乱、分裂和死亡。

2. The result of a church or a region isolating itself from the fellowship of the Body of Christ is darkness, confusion, division, and death.

五 每当我们来到主的桌子前,我们是来实行身体的交通——林前十16~17:

E. Whenever we come to the Lord’s table, we come to practice the fellowship of the Body—cf. 1 Cor. 10:16-17:

1 主的桌子是一个见证,说出我们这些属于基督的人乃是一:

1. The Lord’s table is a testimony that we who belong to Christ are one:

a 我们是一个饼,一个身体,因我们都分受这一个饼——17节。

a. We are one bread, one Body, because we all partake of the one bread—v. 17.

b 我们有分于基督,就将我们构成为祂的一个身体。

b. Our partaking of Christ constitutes us into His one Body.

2 我们若与身体的交通隔离,就没有资格有分于主的身体,因为在主的晚餐中,桌上的饼象征整个基督的身体。

2. If we isolate ourselves from the fellowship of the Body, we are not qualified to partake of the Lord’s body, because the loaf on the table in the Lord’s supper signifies the entire Body of Christ.

六 在组成基督一个宇宙身体的众召会中间没有组织,却有基督身体的交通——腓一5。

F. Among all the churches that compose the one universal Body of Christ, there is no organization, but there is the fellowship of the Body of Christ—Phil. 1:5.

七 神圣的交通就是活在基督身体里的实际——林前一9,十二12~13、27。

G. The divine fellowship is the reality of living in the Body of Christ—1 Cor. 1:9; 12:12-13, 27.
