第三篇 常献的燔祭─活祭

The Continual Burnt Offering—a Living Sacrifice



壹 燔祭预表基督,主要的不是在于救赎人脱离罪,乃是在于过一种完全且绝对为着神的生活,并在于祂是使神子民能过这样一种生活的生命─利一3,约五19、30,六38,七18,林后五15,加二19~20:

I. The burnt offering typifies Christ not mainly in His redeeming man from sin but in His living a life that is absolutely for God and in His being the life that enables God’s people to have such a living—Lev. 1:3; John 5:19, 30; 6:38; 7:18; 2 Cor. 5:15; Gal. 2:19-20:

一 在利未记里首先提到的祭不是赎罪祭或赎愆祭,而是燔祭─一3:

A. In Leviticus the first offering that is mentioned is not the sin offering or the trespass offering but the burnt offering—1:3:

1 我们第一需要基督作燔祭,因为我们在神面前的第一种光景,第一个问题,不是过犯,乃是不为着神:

1. We need Christ first as our burnt offering because our first situation before God, our first problem related to God, is not a matter of trespasses but of not being for God:

a 神创造我们,是要我们作祂的彰显和代表─创一26。

a. God created us to be His expression and His representation—Gen. 1:26.

b 神创造我们,是要我们为着祂,并不是为着我们自己;但我们堕落的人为自己活,并没有为祂活。

b. God created us that we might be for Him; He did not create us for ourselves, but as fallen human beings, we live for ourselves, not for Him.

2 燔祭的意思是,我们是神所创造的人,为着彰显祂并代表祂,不该为着神以外的事物─27~28节,参诗七三25,可十二30。

2. The burnt offering means that as those who were created by God for the purpose of expressing and representing Him, we should be for nothing other than God—vv. 27-28; cf. Psa. 73:25; Mark 12:30.

3 我们必须领悟我们没有绝对为着神,并且我们在自己里面无法绝对为着神,然后我们需要以基督为我们的燔祭─利一3~4:

3. We need to realize that we are not absolutely for God and that in ourselves we cannot be absolutely for God, and then we need to take Christ as our burnt offering—Lev. 1:3-4:

a 基督作我们的燔祭,是完全、绝对为着神的─约四34,五30,来十8~10。

a. Christ as our burnt offering is completely for God, absolutely for God—John 4:34; 5:30; Heb. 10:8-10.

b 凡主耶稣所是的、所说的、所作的,都是绝对地为着神─约六38,五17、36、43,八28,十25,十二49~50。

b. Whatever the Lord Jesus was, whatever He spoke, and whatever He did was absolutely for God—John 6:38; 5:17, 36, 43; 8:28; 10:25; 12:49-50.

二 约翰七章启示基督完全够资格作燔祭:

B. John 7 reveals that Christ was fully qualified to be the burnt offering:

1 主过着受约束的生活,不为自己行事,祂是寻求神的荣耀,为着神的满足─3~9、18节。

1. As One who lived a restricted life—a life restricted from doing things for the self—the Lord sought the glory of God for God’s satisfaction—vv. 3-9, 18.

2 在十六至十八节我们看见,主耶稣不从自己说什么,因而不寻求自己的荣耀;祂寻求那差祂来者的荣耀。─引用经文

2. In verses 16 through 18 we see that the Lord Jesus did not seek His own glory in that He did not speak from Himself; He sought the glory of the One who sent Him.

3 约翰七章启示主耶稣是受神约束的人,祂属乎神,祂奉神差遣、从神而来,祂不说自己的话,而是讲说神─18节,十二49~50。

3. John 7 reveals that the Lord Jesus was a person restricted by God, that He was of God, that He was sent by God and came from God, and that He did not speak His own words but spoke God—v. 18; 12:49-50.

4 主说神的话,神就借着祂的说话彰显出来;神借着祂的说话从祂里面出来了─七17~18。

4. When the Lord spoke God’s word, God was expressed through His speaking; God came forth from Him through His speaking—7:17-18.

5 在约翰七章,我们看见主耶稣是燔祭的实际,因祂过着受神约束且完全为神的生活。

5. In John 7 we see that the Lord Jesus is the reality of the burnt offering, for He lived a life that was restricted by God and wholly for God.

贰 燔祭的预表里启示了神圣的三一─利一3、8~9:

II. The Divine Trinity is revealed in the type of the burnt offering—Lev. 1:3, 8-9:

一 在三节和八至九节中,启示出神圣三一的几个重要项目:燔祭、会幕、耶和华、祭司、火以及水。─引用经文

A. The crucial items revealing the Divine Trinity in verses 3, 8, and 9 are the burnt offering, the Tent of Meeting, Jehovah, the priest, the fire, and the water.

二 燔祭预表基督是使神满足的食物─3节。

B. The burnt offering typifies Christ as the food for God’s satisfaction—v. 3.

三 会幕预表子基督是献祭的地方─1、3节:

C. The Tent of Meeting typifies Christ the Son as the place of offering—vv. 1, 3:

1 祭物是在会幕门口献上的;祭要献得合法,就不能献在其他地方。

1. The offerings were offered at the entrance of the Tent of Meeting; in order for an offering to be legitimate, it could not be offered anywhere else.

2 我们要献上任何东西给神,必须以基督作为献祭的立场。

2. In order to offer anything to God, we must take Christ as the ground of our offering.

四 在利未记一章,子基督被献给耶和华,所以耶和华是指父作为悦纳祭物者─3节。

D. In Leviticus 1, because Christ the Son is offered to Jehovah, Jehovah refers to the Father as the Receiver of the offering—v. 3.

五 在八至九节,供职献祭的祭司预表子基督是服事者,就是我们的大祭司,是照着麦基洗德的等次永远为祭司─来四14~15,五5~6,七17。

E. In verses 8 and 9 the priest who served the offering typifies Christ the Son as the serving One—our great High Priest and a Priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek—Heb. 4:14-15; 5:5-6; 7:17.

六 正如燔祭、会幕和祭司所预表的,子基督同时是祭物、献祭之处和献祭的服事者─利一3、8。

F. As typified by the burnt offering, the Tent of Meeting, and the priest, Christ the Son is simultaneously the offering, the place of the offering, and the One who serves the offering—Lev. 1:3, 8.

七 火表征神是悦纳的凭借─8~9节:

G. The fire signifies God as the accepting agent—vv. 8-9:

1 火烧毁并吞没;神是借着焚烧悦纳祭物。

1. Fire consumes and devours; God accepted the offering by burning it.

2 焚烧燔祭的火就是神自己;火就是神的口─来十二29。

2. The fire that burned the burnt offering was God Himself; it was God’s mouth—Heb. 12:29.

3 燔祭的焚烧就是神圣的吃─民二八2。

3. The burning of the burnt offering was the divine eating—Num. 28:2.

八 用来洗燔祭牲内脏与腿的水,表征那灵是洗涤的凭借;基督内里的各部分和祂日常的生活行动,一直为圣灵所洗涤,使祂蒙保守,不因接触属地的事物而被玷污─利一9,约七38~39。

H. The water that washed the inward parts and legs of the burnt offering signifies the Spirit as the washing agent; Christ’s inward parts and His daily walk were continually being washed by the Holy Spirit to keep Him from being defiled by His contact with earthly things—Lev. 1:9; John 7:38-39.

九 在利未记一章三节和八至九节我们看见,整个神圣三一都与燔祭有关。─引用经文

I. In Leviticus 1:3, 8, and 9 we see that the entire Divine Trinity is involved in the burnt offering.

叁 今天在我们的基督徒生活和召会生活中,需要常时不断的燔祭─3~4、8~9节,六9、12上、13:

III. Today in our Christian life and church life, there is a need for the continual burnt offering—vv. 3-4, 8-9; 6:9, 12a, 13:

一 神的百姓必须每天献燔祭,并且早晨献,晚上也得献;每逢安息日、月朔、节期,还得特别地献─民二八3~二九40。

A. God’s people were required to offer the burnt offering every day, not only in the morning but also in the evening; on every Sabbath, at the beginning of every month, and during every festival, special burnt offerings were required—Num. 28:3—29:40.

二 因着对于燔祭这样的要求,铜祭坛被专一地称作“燔祭坛”─出三十28,三八1。

B. Due to the requirements regarding the burnt offering, the bronze altar was specifically called “the altar of burnt offering”—Exo. 30:28; 38:1.

三 燔祭乃是常时不断的祭,燔祭的火不可熄灭,必须日夜烧着─利六9、12上、13:

C. The burnt offering was the continual offering, and the fire for the burnt offering was to burn unceasingly; it had to burn day and night—Lev. 6:9, 12a, 13:

1 “燔祭要整夜在坛上的焚烧处,直到早晨,坛上的火要一直烧着”─9节:

1. “The burnt offering shall be on the hearth on the altar all night until the morning, and the fire of the altar shall be kept burning on it”—v. 9:

a “坛上的火要在其上一直烧着,不可熄灭”─12节上。

a. “The fire on the altar shall be kept burning on it; it must not go out”—v. 12a.

b “火要在坛上一直不断地烧着,不可熄灭”─13节。

b. “Fire shall be kept burning on the altar continually; it shall not go out”—v. 13.

2 “整夜……直到早晨”表征燔祭该留在焚烧的地方,经过这世代的黑夜,直到早晨,就是直到主耶稣再来─9节,彼后一19,玛四2。

2. All night until the morning signifies that a burnt offering should remain in the place of burning through the dark night of this age until the morning, until the Lord Jesus comes again—v. 9; 2 Pet. 1:19; Mal. 4:2.

3 坛上的火要一直烧着,表征神是宇宙中圣别的火,随时预备好接纳(焚烧)所献给祂的食物,也表征神悦纳所献给祂之物的愿望,从不止息─利六9下、12上、13,来十二29。

3. The continual burning of the fire on the altar signifies that God as the holy fire in the universe is always ready to receive (burn) what is offered to Him as food, and that God’s desire to accept what is offered to Him never ceases—Lev. 6:9b, 12a, 13; Heb. 12:29.

四 燔祭的预表给我们看见,我们必须有常时不断之燔祭的生活,有火终日在坛上烧着的生活─利六12上、13。

D. The type of the burnt offering shows us that we need to have a life of the continual burnt offering, a life with fire burning on the altar all day long—Lev. 6:12a, 13.

肆 过常时不断之燔祭的生活,就是成为活祭─罗十二1:

IV. To live a life of the continual burnt offering is to be a living sacrifice—Rom. 12:1:

一 燔祭预表我们的奉献,也就是把自己献给神作活祭;奉献的意义,就是把自己献给神作活祭─利一3~4、8~9,六9、12上、13,罗十二1。

A. The burnt offering is a type of our consecration, of our offering ourselves to God as a living sacrifice; the meaning of consecration is to offer ourselves to God as a living sacrifice—Lev. 1:3-4, 8-9; 6:9, 12a, 13; Rom. 12:1.

二 在旧约里每日献的燔祭,预表在新约里,我们属神的人应当每日将自己献给神─民二八3~8。

B. The daily burnt offering in the Old Testament typifies that, in the New Testament, we who belong to God should offer ourselves daily to God—Num. 28:3-8.

三 罗马十二章一节的祭是活的,因为是复活而有生命的─六4~5:

C. The sacrifice in Romans 12:1 is living because it has life through resurrection—6:4-5:

1 作活祭的意思是,我们一直将自己献给主。

1. To be a living sacrifice means that we constantly offer ourselves to the Lord.

2 我们不断将自己献给主,主就能不断地使用我们。

2. We offer ourselves to the Lord continually, and the Lord can use us continually.

四 这祭是圣别的,因为在地位上,是基督的血,从世界和一切凡俗的人事物,分别出来归与神的;并且在性质上,也是圣灵用神的生命,和神圣别的性情,将天然的生命和旧造,为着神的满足,圣别而变化的,所以能讨神喜悦─十二1。

D. This sacrifice is holy because, positionally, it has been separated to God by the blood of Christ from the world and from all persons, matters, and things that are common; and because, dispositionally, the natural life and the old creation have been sanctified and transformed by the Holy Spirit with God’s life and God’s holy nature for God’s satisfaction; thus, this sacrifice is well pleasing to God—12:1.

五 按一节的原文,身体是复数,祭是单数:

E. In verse 1 the bodies are plural, but the sacrifice is singular:

1 我们所献上的,乃是许多身体,但我们所献成的,却是唯一的祭,这含示我们众人在基督身体里的事奉,不该是许多分开、各不相干、个别的事奉。

1. Although many bodies are presented, they become one sacrifice, implying that, although we are many, our service in the Body of Christ should not be many individual services, separated and unrelated.

2 我们一切的事奉,该是一个整体的事奉,且该是独一无二的,因为是基督一个身体的事奉─4~5节。

2. All our service should constitute one whole service, and this service must be unique because it is the service of the one Body in Christ—vv. 4-5.

3 召会生活整体说来,乃是作神满足的燔祭。

3. The church life as a whole is a burnt offering for the satisfaction of God.

4 信徒将他们的身体献上,当作活祭,而活在基督的身体里;要有身体的生活,我们就需要将我们的身体献给主和祂的身体─1、4~5节。

4. The believers live in the Body of Christ by presenting their bodies as a living sacrifice; to have the Body life we need to present our bodies to the Lord and to His Body—vv. 1, 4-5.

伍 我们对神一切的事奉,都必须根据于燔祭坛上的火─11节,利九24,十六12~13,六13,参十1~2:

V. All our service to God must be based on the fire from the altar of burnt offering—v. 11; Lev. 9:24; 16:12-13; 6:13; cf. 10:1-2:

一 神要以色列人的事奉是根据于这火─六13。

A. God wanted the service of the children of Israel to be based on this fire—6:13.

二 我们在召会生活中对神的事奉,必须源于燔祭坛上的火,并且我们的事奉必须来自神焚烧的火,也是这火的结果─出三2、4、6,罗十二1、11。

B. The service that we render to God in the church life must originate with the fire on the altar of burnt offering, and our service must come out of the burning of God’s fire and be the issue of this fire—Exo. 3:2, 4, 6; Rom. 12:1, 11.
