第九篇 珍赏基督作为赎愆祭的实际

Appreciating Christ as the Reality of the Trespass Offering



壹 “看哪,神的羔羊,除去世人之罪的!”─约一29:

I. “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!”—John 1:29:

一 作为神的羔羊,基督在十字架上受死,以对付罪性和罪行,除去人类的罪。

A. Christ died on the cross as the Lamb of God to deal with sin and sins and to take away sin from the human race.

二 基督这神的羔羊满足了神公义、圣别和荣耀的要求─创三24,罗二5,来十二29,九5。

B. Christ as the Lamb of God fulfilled the requirements of God’s righteousness, holiness, and glory—Gen. 3:24; Rom. 2:5; Heb. 12:29; 9:5.

三 基督作为救赎的羔羊,在创世以前,就是在宇宙被造以前,就预先被神知道,却为我们显现出来─彼前一20。

C. Christ as the redeeming Lamb was foreknown before the foundation of the world, that is, before the creation of the universe, but was manifested for our sake—1 Pet. 1:20.

四 基督是从创世以来,就是从受造之物存在起,就被杀的羔羊─启十三8。

D. Christ is “the Lamb who was slain from the foundation of the world,” from the time creation came into existence—Rev. 13:8.

贰 作为赎愆祭的实际,“基督……为我们的罪死了”─林前十五3:

II. As the reality of the trespass offering, “Christ died for our sins”—1 Cor. 15:3:

一 保罗在福音上传给圣徒的第一件事,乃是基督为我们的罪死了─3节。

A. The first thing Paul delivered to the saints in the gospel was that Christ died for our sins—v. 3.

二 “为”的意思就是,基督替我们死了:

B. The word for indicates that Christ died a vicarious death:

1 我们需要祂为我们死,作我们的代替。

1. We needed Him to die as our Substitute.

2 基督是我们的救主,为我们的罪而代表我们死,好完成救赎─太一21,路二11,徒十三23,提前一15,多二14。

2. As our Savior, He represented us to die for our sins in order to accomplish redemption—Matt. 1:21; Luke 2:11; Acts 13:23; 1 Tim. 1:15; Titus 2:14.

叁 作为赎愆祭的实际,“基督也曾一次为罪受死,就是义的代替不义的,”为要引我们到神面前─彼前三18:

III. As the reality of the trespass offering, “Christ also has suffered once for sins, the Righteous on behalf of the unrighteous,” that He might bring us to God—1 Pet. 3:18:

一 这里的“罪”在原文为复数,指我们在外面行为上所犯的罪─来九28。

A. Sins here refers to the sins we commit in our outward conduct—Heb. 9:28.

二 “代替”指明基督的死不是为殉道,乃是为救赎。

B. On behalf of indicates that Christ’s death was for redemption, not for martyrdom.

三 基督是义的代替我们这些不义的,为公义的神所审判,好除去我们罪的拦阻,引我们到神面前。

C. Christ, the righteous One, was judged on behalf of us, the unrighteous, by the righteous God so that He might remove the barrier of our sins and bring us to God.

四 基督救赎我们脱离罪,归向神,脱离我们不义的品行,归向公义的神。

D. Christ redeemed us from our sins back to God, from our unrighteous manner of life back to the righteous God.

肆 作为赎愆祭的实际,基督“在木头上,在祂的身体里,亲自担当了我们的罪,使我们既然向罪死了,就得以向义活着;因祂受的鞭伤,你们便得了医治”─彼前二24:

IV. As the reality of the trespass offering, Christ “bore up our sins in His body on the tree, in order that we, having died to sins, might live to righteousness; by whose bruise you were healed”—1 Pet. 2:24:

一 按以赛亚五十三章六节,基督在十字架上的时候,神将我们一切的罪都归在祂这神的羔羊身上:─引用经文

A. According to Isaiah 53:6, when Christ was on the cross, God took all our sins and put them upon the Lamb of God:

1 希伯来九章二十八节说,基督“一次被献,担当了多人的罪”。─引用经文

1. Hebrews 9:28 says that Christ has been “offered once to bear the sins of many.”

2 基督一次受死,担当了我们的罪,并且在十字架上为我们受了审判─赛五三5、11。

2. Christ died once to bear our sins, and He suffered the judgment for us on the cross—Isa. 53:5, 11.

二 主在十字架上献上自己作祭物,是在祂的身体里,把我们的罪担上了十字架(成就平息的真祭坛)─来七27。

B. When the Lord offered up Himself as a sacrifice on the cross, He bore up our sins in His body on the cross, the true altar for propitiation—Heb. 7:27.

三 在基督的死里,我们已经向罪死了,就得以向义活着;这向义活着乃是在基督的复活里活着─彼前二24,罗六8、10~11、18,弗二6,约十四19,提后二11:

C. In the death of Christ, we died to sins so that we might live to righteousness; this living to righteousness is in the resurrection of Christ—1 Pet. 2:24; Rom. 6:8, 10-11, 18; Eph. 2:6; John 14:19; 2 Tim. 2:11:

1 义是神行政的事─诗八九14。

1. Righteousness is a matter of God’s government—Psa. 89:14.

2 我们已经得救,好使我们在神的行政下过正确的生活,就是过一种与神行政中义的要求相合的生活。

2. We were saved so that we might live rightly under the government of God, that is, in a way that matches the righteous requirement of His government.

四 “因祂受的鞭伤,你们便得了医治”─彼前二24下:

D. “By whose bruise you were healed”—1 Pet. 2:24b:

1 一面,基督的鞭伤医治我们,使我们借着祂的死脱离罪。

1. On the one hand, Christ’s bruise that heals us keeps us away from sins by His death.

2 另一面,这个医治点活我们,使我们得以向义活着。

2. On the other hand, this healing enlivens us so that we may live to righteousness.

伍 作为赎愆祭的实际,基督“为我们的罪,作了平息的祭物”─约壹二2:

V. As the reality of the trespass offering, Christ “Himself is the propitiation for our sins”—1 John 2:2:

一 “不是我们爱神,乃是神爱我们,差祂的儿子,为我们的罪作了平息的祭物,在此就是爱了”─四10。

A. “Herein is love, not that we loved God but that He loved us and sent His Son as a propitiation for our sins”—4:10.

二 主耶稣为我们的罪作了平息的祭物:

B. The Lord Jesus is the propitiatory sacrifice for our sins:

1 基督为我们的罪,将自己当作祭物献给神,不仅为着救赎我们,更为着满足神─来九28。

1. Christ offered Himself to God as a sacrifice for our sins not only for our redemption but also for God’s satisfaction—Heb. 9:28.

2 借着基督的代死,并在祂这代替我们者里面,神得着满足且得着平息;因此,基督是神与我们之间平息的祭物。

2. Through Christ’s vicarious death and in Him as our Substitute, God is satisfied and appeased; hence, Christ is the propitiation between God and us.

三 希伯来二章十七节启示,基督为我们的罪成就平息:─引用经文

C. Hebrews 2:17 reveals that Christ has made propitiation for our sins:

1 主耶稣为我们的罪成就了平息,满足了神对我们公义的要求,使我们与神和好。

1. The Lord Jesus made propitiation for our sins to reconcile us to God by satisfying God’s righteous demands on us.

2 基督借着祂在十字架上的工作,为我们的罪成就平息;这就是说,祂为我们使神平息。

2. Through His work on the cross Christ made propitiation for our sins; this means that He appeased God for us.

3 基督借着平息神的公义以及祂在我们身上一切的要求,解决了我们与神之间一切的问题。

3. By appeasing God’s righteousness and all His requirements on us, Christ has settled every problem between us and God.

陆 作为赎愆祭的实际,基督“照着我们神与父的旨意,为我们的罪舍了自己,要把我们从现今这邪恶的世代救出来”─加一4:

VI. As the reality of the trespass offering, Christ “gave Himself for our sins that He might rescue us out of the present evil age according to the will of our God and Father”—Gal. 1:4:

一 基督虽然是为我们的罪钉十字架,但祂钉十字架的目的乃是要把我们从现今这邪恶的世代救出来:

A. Although Christ was crucified for our sins, the goal of His crucifixion was to rescue us out of the present evil age:

1 世代是世界这撒但系统的一部分。

1. An age is a part of the world as the satanic system.

2 世代是指撒但系统的片段、方面以及现今时髦的表现,为撒但所利用,篡夺并霸占人,使人远离神和神的定旨。

2. An age refers to a section, an aspect, the present or modern appearance, of the system of Satan, which is used by him to usurp and occupy people and to keep them away from God and His purpose.

3 现今的世代乃是撒但世界系统现今的部分─约壹二15。

3. The present age is the present section of Satan’s cosmos, his world system—1 John 2:15.

4 罪是属魔鬼的,现今的世代是属撒但的─罗十二2。

4. Whereas sins are devilish, the present age is satanic—Rom. 12:2.

二 没有基督的钉十字架,我们无法对付魔鬼所藏于其后的罪,或撒但所藏于其后的邪恶世代─加一4:

B. Apart from the crucifixion of Christ, we have no way to deal with sins, behind which the devil hides, or the evil age, behind which Satan hides—Gal. 1:4:

1 基督为我们的罪被钉十字架,要拯救我们脱离这邪恶的世代。

1. Christ was crucified for our sins so that we might be delivered from the present evil age.

2 我们若要蒙拯救脱离现今这邪恶的世代,我们的罪必须受对付。

2. If we would be delivered from the present evil age, sins must be dealt with.

三 按加拉太书的全文看,一章四节所说现今这邪恶的世代,是指宗教世界,世界的宗教系:─引用经文

C. According to the context of the book of Galatians, the present evil age in 1:4 refers to the religious world, the religious course of the world:

1 这由六章十四至十五节得着证实,那里把割礼看作世界(宗教世界)的一部分;对使徒保罗,这世界已经钉了十字架。─引用经文

1. This is confirmed by 6:14-15, where circumcision is considered part of the world—the religious world to which Paul was crucified.

2 基督为我们的罪舍了自己,目的要把我们从宗教,就是现今这邪恶的世代救出来;对保罗时代的信徒和今天的我们,原则都是一样的。

2. Christ gave Himself for our sins for the purpose of rescuing us out of religion, the present evil age; this principle is the same with the believers in Paul’s time and with us today.

柒 作为赎愆祭的实际,主耶稣说,“这是我立约的血,为多人流出来,使罪得赦”─太二六28:

VII. As the reality of the trespass offering, the Lord Jesus said, “This is My blood of the covenant, which is being poured out for many for forgiveness of sins”—Matt. 26:28:

一 主的血乃是神的公义所要求的,为使罪得赦免。

A. The Lord’s blood was required by God’s righteousness for the forgiveness of sins.

二 没有流血,就没有赦罪─来九22。

B. Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sins—Heb. 9:22.

三 主的血已经流出,使罪得赦;新约也凭祂的血得以成立─路二二20:

C. The Lord’s blood was poured out for the forgiveness of sins, and the new covenant has been enacted through His blood—Luke 22:20:

1 主耶稣的血为我们成就了完全的救赎,使我们一切的罪都得赦免。

1. The blood of the Lord Jesus has made a complete redemption for us so that all our sins may be forgiven.

2 祂的血满足了神的公义,又救赎我们脱离堕落的光景,回到神面前,并回到神的福分里。

2. His blood satisfied God’s righteousness and redeemed us from our fallen condition back to God and to God’s blessing.

3 基督作为赎愆祭死在十字架上,流出祂的血来,使新约得以成立,信徒的罪也得以赦免─太二六28。

3. In His death on the cross as the trespass offering, Christ poured out His blood so that the new covenant may be enacted and the believers’ sins may be forgiven—Matt. 26:28.

4 “祂儿子耶稣的血也洗净我们一切的罪”,并且神“是信实的,是公义的,必要赦免我们的罪,洗净我们一切的不义”─约壹一7、9。

4. “The blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from every sin,” and God is “faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness”—1 John 1:7, 9.

捌 作为赎愆祭的实际,基督“成就了洗罪的事,就坐在高处至尊至大者的右边”─来一3:

VIII. As the reality of the trespass offering, Christ, “having made purification of sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high”—Heb. 1:3:

一 “这一位既为罪一次献上祭物,就永久在神的右边坐下了”─十12:

A. “This One, having offered one sacrifice for sins, sat down forever on the right hand of God”—10:12:

1 基督为着罪将自己当作祭物献给神,就把罪除掉了。

1. Christ has put away sins by offering Himself to God as the sacrifice for sin.

2 祂永久在神的右边坐下,乃是除罪的事已经成就的标记和证明─12节。

2. His sitting down forever at the right hand of God is a sign and proof that the taking away of sins has been accomplished—v. 12.

二 基督已经“成就了洗罪的事”─一3:

B. Christ has made “purification of sins”—1:3:

1 在三节里,“洗罪”指明我们的罪已被洗去了。─引用经文

1. In verse 3 purification indicates that our sins have been washed away.

2 基督已经一次永远地成就了洗罪的事;祂那一次的流血,成功了永远的洗净。

2. Christ accomplished purification of sins once for all; He shed His blood once and accomplished an eternal cleansing.

3 照利未记十六章的预表看,主耶稣是把祂的血带到天上的至圣所,洒在神面前,为我们的罪成就平息,使我们在神面前“得以洁净,脱尽一切的罪”─30节,来十二22、24。

3. According to the typology in Leviticus 16, the Lord Jesus brought His own blood into the Holy of Holies in the heavens and sprinkled it before God in order to make propitiation for our sins so that we might be cleansed and “from all…sins…be clean” before God—v. 30; Heb. 12:22, 24.

三 基督借着永远的灵,将自己献给神,因此祂献上自己是一次永远的,并且借着祂的死所完成的救赎也是永远的,有永远的功效─七27,九12、14。

C. Because Christ offered Himself to God through the eternal Spirit, His offering of Himself was once for all, and the redemption accomplished through His death is eternal, having an eternal effect—7:27; 9:12, 14.
