第三篇 为着一个新人的团体生活,在一切事上长到基督里面,并照着那在耶稣身上是实际者学基督

Growing Up into Christ in All Things and Learning Christ as the Reality Is in Jesus for the Corporate Living of the One New Man



壹 为着一个新人的团体生活,我们需要在一切事上长到基督里面─弗四14~16、24:

I. For the corporate living of the one new man, we need to grow up into Christ in all things—Eph. 4:14-16, 24:

一 在一切事上长到基督里面,就是在一切事上得着基督加增到我们里面,直到我们达到长成的人─13~15节。

A. To grow up into Christ is to have Christ increase in us in all things until we arrive at a full-grown man—vv. 13-15.

二 我们都需要在一切事,就是每一件事,无论大事、小事上,长到基督里面─15节:

B. We all need to grow up into Christ in all things, that is, in every single thing, whether big or small—v. 15:

1 我们在好些事上还没有长到基督里面;在这些事上,我们不在基督里面,乃在基督之外。

1. There are still many things in which we have not grown up into Christ; in these things we are not in Christ but are outside of Christ.

2 当我们都在一切事上长到基督里面,我们大家在基督里就是一个了;这就是宇宙的一个新人─24节。

2. When we all grow up into Christ in all things, we all will be one in Christ; this is the universal one new man—v. 24.

3 在一切事上长到基督里面,乃是为着宇宙的一个新人实际地出现─24节。

3. Growing up into Christ in all things is for the practical existence of the universal one new man—v. 24.

4 十五节的长到基督里面,等于二十四节的穿上新人。─引用经文

4. The growth into Christ in verse 15 equals the putting on of the new man in verse 24.

5 十三节的长成的人是指二十四节的已经长成了的一个新人。─引用经文

5. The full-grown man in verse 13 refers to the one new man in verse 24, who has become full-grown.

三 以弗所四章说到借着生命的长大成全新人;基督所创造的一个新人必须被成全好尽功用:─引用经文

C. Ephesians 4 speaks of the perfecting of the new man through the growth of life; the one new man created by Christ must be perfected in order to function:

1 在以弗所二章十五节,我们看见新人生机的创造;在四章十三至十六节,我们看见新人功用的成全。─引用经文

1. In Ephesians 2:15 we see the creation of the new man organically; in 4:13-16 we see the perfecting of the new man in relation to his function.

2 那在生机上完全的一个新人,需要借着生命的长大得成全,好能正确地尽功用─12~15节:

2. The organically perfect one new man needs to be perfected through the growth of life in order to function in a proper way—vv. 12-15:

a 唯有得着正确的滋养,一个新人才能在功用上得以完全;这是整卷以弗所书最深奥的观念。

a. The one new man can become perfect in relation to his function only through receiving the proper nourishment; this is one of the deepest concepts in the book of Ephesians.

b 我们必须履行我们的责任,借着保养和顾惜来成全新人─五29。

b. We need to fulfill our responsibility to perfect the one new man through nourishing and cherishing—5:29.

c 一个新人越多借着接受正确的喂养而长大,就越正常地尽功用。

c. The more the one new man grows through receiving the proper nourishment, the more he will function normally.

3 为使团体的新人长大,我们需要经历钉死、复活、升天又降下的基督,使包罗万有的基督作到我们里面,成为我们的一切;然后,在生机上完全的新人,就要在功用上成为完全─三16~17上,四13、24。

3. For the growth of the corporate new man, we need to experience the crucified, resurrected, ascended, and descending Christ so that the all-inclusive Christ is wrought into us to be our everything; then the organically perfect new man will become perfect functionally—3:16-17a; 4:13, 24.

贰 为着一个新人的团体生活,我们需要照着那在耶稣身上是实际者学基督─20~21节:

II. For the corporate living of the one new man, we need to learn Christ as the reality is in Jesus—vv. 20-21:

一 保罗在二十节说到学了基督:─引用经文

A. In verse 20 Paul speaks of learning Christ:

1 基督对我们不仅是生命,也是榜样;在主耶稣地上的生活中,祂设立了一个榜样,模型─约十三15,彼前二21。

1. Christ is not only life to us but also an example; in His life on earth the Lord Jesus set up a pattern, a mold—John 13:15; 1 Pet. 2:21.

2 得救乃是被神放在基督里─林前一30。

2. To be saved is to be put into Christ by God—1 Cor. 1:30.

3 借着浸,神把我们放在作为模型的基督里;受浸就是被放在作为模子的基督里─罗六3,加三27。

3. By means of baptism God put us into Christ, who is the pattern; to be baptized is to be placed into Christ as the mold—Rom. 6:3; Gal. 3:27.

4 借着被放在模子里,我们脱去了旧人并穿上了新人─弗四22、24。

4. By being placed into the mold, we have put off the old man and have put on the new man—Eph. 4:22, 24.

5 我们乃是照着耶稣生活的模子学基督;耶稣生活的模子就是实际─20~21节。

5. We learn Christ according to the mold of the life of Jesus, which is reality—vv. 20-21.

6 学基督就是被放在作为模子的基督里,就是模成主在地上年日中所设立的模型─20节。

6. To learn Christ is to be put into Christ as the mold; it is to be molded into the pattern set up by Him during His years on earth—v. 20.

二 "那在耶稣身上是实际者"这个发表,是指耶稣生活实际的光景,如四福音书所记载的;耶稣的生活乃是实际的生活─21节:

B. The expression the reality is in Jesus refers to the actual condition of the life of Jesus as recorded in the four Gospels; the life of Jesus was a life of reality—v. 21:

1 在十七和二十一节我们看见,心思的虚妄与那在耶稣身上是实际者相对。─引用经文

1. In verses 17 and 21 we see a contrast between the vanity of the mind and the reality in Jesus.

2 实际就是光的照耀;光是源头,实际是彰显─约八12:

2. Reality is the shining of light; light is the source, and reality is the expression—John 8:12:

a 主耶稣乃是那是光之神的照耀─来一3,约壹一5。

a. The Lord Jesus is the shining of God, who is light—Heb. 1:3; 1 John 1:5.

b 因着主在地上生活的每一面都有光的照耀,所以祂的生活乃是实际的生活,就是那照耀之神自己的生活;这实际的生活就是神的彰显─约八12,十四6。

b. Because in every aspect of the Lord's living on earth there was the shining of light, His life was a life of reality, a life of the shining God Himself; that life of reality was the expression of God—John 8:12; 14:6.

三 一个新人的生活该与耶稣的生活一模一样─弗四20:

C. The living of the one new man should be exactly the same as the living of Jesus—Eph. 4:20:

1 主耶稣在地上生活的方式,乃是今天新人所该生活的方式─太十一28~30,约六57,四34,五17、19、30,六38,十七4。

1. The way that the Lord Jesus lived on earth is the way that the new man should live today—Matt. 11:28-30; John 6:57; 4:34; 5:17, 19, 30; 6:38; 17:4.

2 我们生活的标准必须是照着那在耶稣身上是实际者─弗四20:

2. Our standard of living must be according to the reality in Jesus—Eph. 4:20:

a 祂与神是一,祂过一种在神里面、同着神并为着神作一切事的生活。

a. He was one with God, and He lived a life in which He did everything in God, with God, and for God.

b 耶稣的人性生活是照着实际,就是照着神自己,满了义和圣─24节。

b. The human living of Jesus was according to the reality, that is, according to God Himself, full of righteousness and holiness—v. 24.

3 我们需要学基督,并在祂里面受教导,过实际的生活─20~21节,约贰1,约四23~24。

3. We need to learn Christ and be taught in Him to live a life of reality—vv. 20-21; 2 John 1; John 4:23-24.

4 一个新人是团体人,该过一种实际的生活,如同那在耶稣身上是实际者,也就是彰显神的生活─弗四21。

4. As a corporate person, the one new man should live a life of reality, as the reality is in Jesus, which is a life of expressing God—Eph. 4:21.

5 我们若照着心思的灵生活,就会有团体新人的生活─与那在耶稣身上是实际者相符的生活─23节。

5. If we live according to the spirit of our mind, we will have the living of the corporate new man—a living that corresponds to the reality in Jesus—v. 23.

四 召会生活乃是一个团体新人的日常行事为人,也就是在性情上和样式上绝对更新的行事为人;与一个新人有关的一切全都是新的─17~32节。

D. The church life is the daily walk of the corporate one new man, a walk that is absolutely new in nature and in manner; everything related to the one new man is new—vv. 17-32.

五 这一个新人既是照着神自己,有神的生命与性情,就必定有神圣的生命;这样的生命乃是团体的,不是单独的─24节。

E. Since the one new man is according to God Himself, with God's life and nature, the one new man must have the life that is divine; such a life will be corporate, not individualistic—v. 24.
