第三篇 得胜的基督

The Victorious Christ



壹 得胜的基督在祂地上的职事里击败魔鬼并消除魔鬼的作为─太四1~11,约壹三8:

I. In His earthly ministry the victorious Christ defeated the devil and destroyed his works—Matt. 4:1-11; 1 John 3:8:

一 主耶稣要为着诸天的国完成祂的职事,就必须击败神的仇敌,就是魔鬼撒但─太四1,11:

A. For Him to accomplish His ministry for the kingdom of the heavens, the Lord Jesus had to defeat God's enemy, the devil, Satan—Matt. 4:1, 11:

1 祂必须以人的身分作这事,因此,祂站在人的地位上,面对神的仇敌─3~4、6~7节。

1. This He had to do as a man; hence, He stood as a man to confront the enemy of God—vv. 3-4, 6-7.

2 魔鬼对头一个人亚当的试诱虽然成功了,但他对第二个人基督的试诱,却完全失败了─11节。

2. The devil's temptation of the first man, Adam, was a success; his temptation of the second man, Christ, was an absolute failure—v. 11.

二 主耶稣在祂地上的职事里,消除了魔鬼的作为─约壹三8:

B. In His ministry on earth, the Lord Jesus destroyed the works of the devil—1 John 3:8:

1 在约壹三章八节,按原文,“消除”也可译为“解除”或“毁坏”。─引用经文

1. In 1 John 3:8 the Greek word translated "destroy" may also be translated "undo, " or "dissolve. "

2 为这缘故,神的儿子显现出来,要解除并毁坏魔鬼罪恶的作为,就是借十字架上的死,在肉体中定罪那恶者所起始的罪;毁坏罪的权势,就是魔鬼罪恶的性情;并且除去罪与诸罪─罗八3,来二14,约一29。

2. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might undo and destroy the sinful deeds of the devil, that is, condemn, through His death on the cross in the flesh, sin initiated by him, the evil one; destroy the power of sin, the sinful nature of the devil; and take away both sin and sins—Rom. 8:3; Heb. 2:14; John 1:29.

贰 得胜的基督在祂钉十字架时,赶出这世界的王,废除魔鬼,使执政的和掌权的被脱下,并把死废掉─十二31,太二七51,来二14,西二15,提后一10:

II. In His crucifixion the victorious Christ cast out the ruler of this world, destroyed the devil, caused the rulers and authorities to be stripped off, and nullified death—12:31; Matt. 27:51; Heb. 2:14; Col. 2:15; 2 Tim. 1:10:

一 基督在十字架的工作里,赶出这世界的王,并审判世界─约十二31:

A. In His work on the cross, Christ cast out the ruler of this world and judged the world—John 12:31:

1 撒但因着基督在祂死里的工作被赶出去时,这世界的王就被赶出去。

1. The ruler of this world was cast out when Satan was cast out by Christ's work in His death.

2 同时,与撒但有关的世界系统就受了审判─约壹五19。

2. Simultaneously, the world system related to Satan was judged—1 John 5:19.

3 撒但背叛的根基动摇了,并且撒但属地之国的营垒崩溃了─太二七51。

3. The base of Satan's rebellion was shaken, and the strongholds of Satan's earthly kingdom were shaken—Matt. 27:51.

二 基督在钉十字架时,废除了魔鬼─来二14:

B. In His crucifixion Christ destroyed the devil—Heb. 2:14:

1 在十四节里,“废除”这辞原文也可译为,使之归于无有,使之失效,废掉,消除,取消,弃绝。─引用经文

1. In verse 14 the Greek word translated "destroy" can also be rendered as "bring to nought, make of none effect, do away with, abolish, annul, discard. "

2 基督在祂的人性里,借着祂在十字架上的工作,废除了魔鬼─约三14。

2. In His humanity and through His work on the cross, Christ has destroyed the devil—John 3:14.

三 基督在祂十字架的工作里,使神得以将执政的和掌权的天使脱下,把他们公然示众,并仗着十字架在凯旋中向他们夸胜─西二15:

C. In His work on the cross, Christ caused the angelic rulers and authorities to be stripped off, to be made a display of openly, and to be triumphed over in the cross by God—Col. 2:15:

1 歌罗西二章十五节描绘在基督钉十字架的时候所进行的争战。─引用经文

1. Colossians 2:15 portrays the warfare that took place at the time of Christ's crucifixion.

2 在十字架上,神公开羞辱执政的和掌权的邪恶天使,并仗着十字架在凯旋中向他们夸胜─15节。

2. God openly shamed the evil angelic rulers and authorities on the cross and triumphed over them in it—v. 15.

四 基督借着祂废除魔鬼的死,把死废掉,使其失效─提后一10。

D. Through His devil-destroying death, Christ nullified death, making it of none effect—2 Tim. 1:10.

叁 得胜基督的复活宣告祂胜过了死─二8:

III. The resurrection of the victorious Christ declares that He is victorious over death—2:8:

一 主不能被死拘禁─徒二24:

A. It was not possible for the Lord to be held by death—Acts 2:24:

1 主耶稣是神,也是复活,有不能毁坏的生命;死不能拘禁祂─约十一25,来七16。

1. The Lord Jesus is both God and resurrection, possessing an indestructible life; death cannot hold Him—John 11:25; Heb. 7:16.

2 主耶稣击败死,就从死里复活了。

2. The Lord Jesus defeated death and rose up from it.

二 复活的基督是“那活着的”,并且拿着“死亡和阴间的钥匙”─启一18:

B. The resurrected Christ is "the living One, " and He has "the keys of death and of Hades"—Rev. 1:18:

1 主是那活着的;祂曾死过,现在“又活了,直活到永永远远”─18节上。

1. As the living One, the Lord became dead, but now He is "living forever and ever"—v. 18a.

2 复活的基督拿着死亡和阴间的钥匙;死亡受祂的支配,阴间也在祂的控制之下─18节下。

2. The resurrected Christ has the keys of death and of Hades; death is subject to Him, and Hades is under His control—v. 18b.

肆 得胜的基督在祂的升天里“掳掠了那些被掳的”─弗四8:

IV. In His ascension the victorious Christ "led captive those taken captive"—Eph. 4:8:

一 扩大本新约圣经(Amplified New Testament)将“祂……掳掠了那些被掳的”译为“祂……帅领了一列被征服的仇敌”:

A. The Amplified New Testament renders He led captive those taken captive as "He led a train of vanquished foes":

1 “被征服的仇敌”可指撒但、撒但的使者以及我们这些罪人。

1. Vanquished foes may refer to Satan, to his angels, and to us the sinners.

2 这指明基督胜过撒但、罪和死的得胜;祂升天时,有一列被征服,成了战俘的仇敌,庆祝基督的得胜─林后二14。

2. This indicates Christ's victory over Satan, sin, and death; in His ascension there was a procession of vanquished foes, led as captives from a war for a celebration of Christ's victory—2 Cor. 2:14.

二 我们在基督里的信徒,现今是在诸天之上,因为基督升到诸天之上时,我们就在祂领到“高处”的那列俘虏中─弗四8:

B. As believers, we are now in the heavens, for when Christ ascended to the heavens, we were in the train of captives led by Him to "the height"—Eph. 4:8:

1 基督已释放我们脱离撒但霸占的手,将我们带到我们现今所坐的诸天之上,不是作俘虏,乃是作神的儿子和基督的肢体─二6。

1. Christ has released us from the usurping hand of Satan and brought us to the heavens where we are now sitting, not as captives but as sons of God and members of Christ—2:6.

2 得胜的基督在祂的升天里,已将我们带到宇宙的至高之处─6节,四8。

2. In His ascension the victorious Christ has brought us to the highest place in the universe—v. 6; 4:8.

伍 得胜的基督要以作战将军的身分,带着祂的军队,前来与敌基督和他以下的诸王,并他们的众军,在哈米吉顿争战─启十九11~21:

V. The victorious Christ will come as the fighting General with His army to fight Antichrist, the kings under him, and their armies at Armageddon—Rev. 19:11-21:

一 基督被“称为忠信真实,祂审判、争战都凭着公义”─11节:

A. Christ is "called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war"—v. 11:

1 基督对神并对那些相信祂的人都是忠信真实的─11节上。

1. Christ is faithful and true both to God and to those who believe in Him—v. 11a.

2 祂凭这忠信击败并毁灭了那些反对神并逼迫信徒的人。

2. In His faithfulness He defeats and destroys those who oppose God and persecute the believers.

3 祂在完成神的经纶并照顾相信祂者的事上,也是真实的。

3. He is also true in carrying out God's economy and in caring for those who believe in Him.

4 祂是公义的;祂要凭着公义击败敌基督,并审判那些跟随他的背叛者─11节下。

4. He is righteous, and in righteousness He will defeat Antichrist and judge the rebels who follow him—v. 11b.

二 作战的将军,战士,乃是话;祂的争战就是说出神的话;主在争战的时候,为神说话并彰显神─13节,帖后二8。

B. The fighting General, the Warrior, is the Word, and His fighting will be the speaking of the word of God; as the Lord fights, He speaks for God and expresses God—v. 13; 2 Thes. 2:8.
