
第二篇 身体的一与身体的功用

The Oneness of the Body and the Function of the Body



壹 基督的身体在宇宙中是独一无二的──罗十二4~5,林前十二12~13,弗四4上,二16下:

I. The Body of Christ is uniquely one universally—Rom. 12:4-5; 1 Cor. 12:12-13; Eph. 4:4a; 2:16a:

一 主的恢复是要恢复基督身体的一──四4~6:

A. The Lord's recovery is the recovery of the oneness of the Body of Christ—4:4-6:

1 基督的身体只能在一里存在并生存──诗一三三1。

1. The Body can exist and survive only in oneness—Psa. 133:1.

2 主的负担是要恢复基督身体的一。

2. The Lord is burdened to recover the oneness of the Body of Christ.

3 这个一的实行已经失去了,但我们盼望满足主的心,恢复这个一──约十七21~23。

3. The practice of this oneness has been lost, but we wish to satisfy the Lord's heart to recover this oneness—John 17:21-23.

二 基督身体独一的一,乃是“那灵的一”──弗四3:

B. The unique oneness of the Body of Christ is "the oneness of the Spirit"—Eph. 4:3:

1 那灵就是基督身体的素质;因此,那灵是基督身体一的实际──约壹五6,约十六13。

1. The Spirit is the essence of the Body of Christ; hence, the Spirit is the reality of the oneness of the Body of Christ—1 John 5:6; John 16:13.

2 在基督里的信徒凭着生命的灵,借着基督这生命重生时,这样的一就分赐到他们的灵里──三5~6,罗八2。

2. This oneness was imparted into the spirit of the believers in Christ, in the regeneration by the Spirit of life with Christ as life—3:5-6; Rom. 8:2.

3 我们需要凭变化过的人性美德,以和平的联索,保守那灵的一──弗四1~3。

3. We need to keep the oneness of the Spirit in the uniting bond of peace with the transformed human virtues—Eph. 4:1-3.

4 地方召会的立场,乃是基督身体独一的一,也就是那灵的一──3节。

4. The ground of a local church is the unique oneness of the Body of Christ, that is, the oneness of the Spirit—v. 3.

5 众地方召会都需要蒙保守在基督身体独一的一里──启一11。

5. All the local churches need to be kept in the unique oneness of the Body of Christ—Rev. 1:11.

三 基督身体真正的一,乃是经过过程并终极完成的三一神,祂将祂自己与信徒调和──弗四4~6:

C. The genuine oneness of the Body is the processed and consummated Triune God, who mingles Himself with the believers—Eph. 4:4-6:

1 经过过程并终极完成的三一神将祂自己与祂所拣选并救赎的人,在他们的人性里与他们调和,这调和就是基督身体真正的一。

1. The processed and consummated Triune God mingles Himself with His chosen and redeemed people in their humanity, and this mingling is the genuine oneness of the Body of Christ.

2 因为基督的身体是这样的一个调和,这身体本身就是一。

2. Because the Body is such a mingling, the Body itself is the oneness.

四 基督身体的一,就是神圣三一的一;因此,基督身体的一乃是神圣的三一那扩大的一──约十七21、23。

D. The oneness of the Body of Christ is the oneness of the Divine Trinity; hence, the oneness of the Body of Christ is the enlarged oneness of the Divine Trinity— John 17:21, 23.

五 我们是召会,要成为基督的身体,不是借着组织,乃是借着被我们里面作为一的三一神所点活、重生而活过来──弗一22~23,二4~5。

E. We are the church to be the Body of Christ not by being organized but by being enlivened, regenerated, and made alive with the Triune God as the oneness within us—Eph. 1:22-23; 2:4-5.

六 众地方召会在宇宙一面,在道理上和实际上,都是一个身体,也该是一个身体──林前十二27,一2,四17。

F. All the local churches are and should be one Body universally, doctrinally, and practically—1 Cor. 12:27; 1:2; 4:17.

七 要保守基督宇宙身体的一,相调是最有帮助的──十二24下。

G. Blending is the most helpful thing in keeping the oneness of the universal Body of Christ—12:24b.

八 保守一乃是基督徒行事为人主要的美德──弗四1~3。

H. The keeping of the oneness is the primary virtue of our Christian walk—Eph. 4:1-3.

九 所有的信徒都该在是灵的基督和终极完成的灵这神圣奥秘的范围里,与三一神调和,为着保守一──约十七21~23,弗四3。

I. All the believers should be in the divine and mystical realm of the pneumatic Christ and the consummated Spirit to be mingled with the Triune God for the keeping of the oneness—John 17:21-23; Eph. 4:3.

贰 身体的功用乃是彰显基督──一22~23,三17:

II. The function of the Body is to express Christ—1:22-23; 3:17:

一 如宇宙一般大的基督,需要一个身体作祂的丰满,祂的彰显──一22~23:

A. The universally great Christ needs a Body to be His fullness, His expression— 1:22-23:

1 基督的丰满是由享受基督的丰富所产生的──三8。

1. The fullness of Christ issues from the enjoyment of the riches of Christ—3:8.

2 我们借着享受基督的丰富,就成为祂的丰满而彰显祂──一22~23:

2. Through the enjoyment of Christ's riches, we become His fullness to express Him—1:22-23:

a 基督的丰满,乃是我们所经历并构成到我们里面的基督──三8、19。

a. The fullness of Christ is Christ experienced by us and constituted into us—3:8, 19.

b 客观的丰富成了主观的丰满,而这丰满就是基督的身体。

b. The objective riches become the subjective fullness, and this fullness is the Body of Christ.

二 基督的身体乃是基督在地上的延展和继续──徒九4,林前十二12。

B. The Body of Christ is the extension and continuation of Christ on earth—Acts 9:4; 1 Cor. 12:12.

三 我们信徒在基督身体里彼此互为肢体的目的,乃是叫我们活基督,并在一起彰显祂──罗十二5。

C. The purpose of us believers being members one of another in the Body of Christ is that we would live Christ and express Him together—Rom. 12:5.

四 基督的身体既然就是基督,我们若要在身体里,就必须被作成基督──林前十二12,西三10~11:

D. The Body of Christ is Christ; if we would be in the Body, we must be made Christ—1 Cor. 12:12; Col. 3:10-11:

1 我们在基督里是一个身体,与祂有生机的联结──罗十二5。

1. We are one Body in Christ, having an organic union with Him—Rom. 12:5.

2 在身体里,基督是一切又在一切之内──西三10~11。

2. In the Body Christ is all and in all—Col. 3:10-11.

3 召会作基督的身体,乃是出于基督并与基督是一──创二22~23,弗五23~32。

3. The church as the Body of Christ comes out of Christ and is one with Christ— Gen. 2:22-23; Eph. 5:23-32.

4 在信徒里面只有一样东西能形成基督身体的一部分,那就是基督。

4. There is only one thing in a believer that forms a part of the Body of Christ— Christ.

5 神正在以基督构成我们,使我们能在实际上并在实行上成为基督的身体。

5. God is constituting us with Christ so that we can become the Body of Christ in reality and practicality.

五 基督的身体乃是团体的基督──林前十二12~13:

E. The Body of Christ is the corporate Christ—1 Cor. 12:12-13:

1 十二节的“那基督”(直译),不是指个人的基督,乃是指团体的基督,身体基督。─引用经文

1. In verse 12 the Christ refers not to the individual Christ but to the corporate Christ, the Body-Christ.

2 团体的基督是由基督自己作头,召会作祂的身体,连同所有信徒作肢体所组成的。

2. The corporate Christ is composed of Christ Himself as the Head and the church as His Body with all the believers as His members.

3 所有在基督里的信徒,都与祂有生机的联结(罗十二4~5),并且都是用祂的生命和元素所构成的(西三4、11),成为祂的身体这生机体,以彰显祂;因此,基督不仅是头,也是身体。─引用经文

3. All the believers in Christ are organically united with Him (Rom. 12:4-5) and constituted with His life and element (Col. 3:4, 11) and have thus become His Body, an organism to express Him; hence, Christ is not only the Head but also the Body.

4 圣经把基督与召会看作是一个奥秘的基督;基督是这奥秘基督的头,召会是这奥秘基督的身体──徒九4~5,弗五32。

4. The Bible considers Christ and the church as one mysterious Christ; Christ is the Head of this mysterious Christ, and the church is the Body of this mysterious Christ—Acts 9:4-5; Eph. 5:32.
