
第五篇 为着基督身体的实际而活基督

Living Christ for the Reality of the Body of Christ



壹 召会作为基督的身体,乃是出自基督的纯产物﹔只有出于基督,有祂复活生命的,才能作祂的补满和配偶,就是基督的身体──创二22~23,弗五28~30:

I. The church as the Body of Christ is a pure product out of Christ; only that which comes out of Christ with His resurrection life can be His complement and counterpart, the Body of Christ—Gen. 2:22-23; Eph. 5:28-30:

一 身体的头是基督,头的身体也是基督,所以基督的身体连同作头的基督乃是“那基督”,就是团体的基督──西一18,林前十二12,西三10~11。

A. The Head of the Body is Christ, and the Body of the Head is Christ, so the Body of Christ with Christ as the Head is "the Christ," the corporate Christ— Col. 1:18; 1 Cor. 12:12; Col. 3:10-11.

二 基督之外的任何东西,都不是基督的身体,而基督之外的任何东西,乃是基督身体里外来的元素;因此,我们必须象保罗一样,迫切地要活基督,为着基督身体的实际──腓一19~21上,三8~14。

B. Anything other than Christ is not the Body of Christ, and anything other than Christ is a foreign element in the Body of Christ; thus, we must be desperate as Paul was to live Christ for the reality of the Body—Phil. 1:19-21a; 3:8-14.

三 这异象排除了基督纯元素以外一切的事物﹔这异象使我们“无能为力”,不敢运用我们天然人的东西──3节。

C. All things other than the pure element of Christ are ruled out by this vision; this vision "paralyzes" us from exercising anything of our natural man—v. 3.

贰 为着基督身体的实际而活基督,乃是被监禁在我们的灵里,作“基督耶稣的囚犯”,“在主里的囚犯”,“带锁链的大使”──弗三1,四1,六20,林后五20,参4、9、14、16节:

II. To live Christ for the reality of the Body of Christ is to be imprisoned in our spirit as a "prisoner of Christ Jesus," a "prisoner in the Lord," and an "ambassador in a chain"—Eph. 3:1; 4:1; 6:20; 2 Cor. 5:20, cf. vv. 4, 9, 14, 16:

一 当我们被监禁在基督里,我们就得着祂的启示,在祂无限的度量里,经历祂是爱召会的基督,创造新人的基督,将万有归一于一个元首之下的基督,作成恩赐并赐给恩赐的基督,以及安家的基督,为着建造基督的身体──弗三18,五25~27,二15~16,一20~23,四7~8、11~12,三17上。

A. hen we are imprisoned in Christ, we receive a revelation of Him to experience Him in His unlimited dimensions as the church-loving Christ, the new-man-creating Christ, the all-things-heading-up Christ, the gift-making and gift-giving Christ, and the home-making Christ for the building up of the Body of Christ—Eph. 3:18; 5:25-27; 2:15-16; 1:20-23; 4:7-8, 11-12; 3:17a.

二 一个活基督、作基督大使的人,不再有自己的自由,不再随自己的方便行事﹔他去哪里,他作什么,不是随着他的挑选,乃是在神带领管治之下,随着神带领管治的手──结一1~3,约七6、8。

B.  person who lives Christ as an ambassador of Christ no longer has his own freedom and can no longer do things according to his own convenience; where he goes and what he does are not according to his choice but are under and according to the leading and directing hand of God—Ezek. 1:1-3; John 7:6, 8.

三 为着基督身体的实际而活基督,乃是成为基督凯旋行列中的俘虏,在我们灵里、在基督的人位里作一切事,以庆祝祂职事工作中的得胜,而在基督里讲说,为着基督身体的实际──林后二13~17。

C. o live Christ for the reality of the Body of Christ is to be a captive of Christ in His triumphal procession, doing everything in the person of Christ in our spirit for the celebration of His victory in the work of the ministry to speak in Christ for the reality of the Body of Christ—2 Cor. 2:13-17.

叁 基督的身体是经历基督的结果,所以我们需要迫切祷告,使我们活基督,好使基督的身体成为实际﹔为着基督身体的实际而活基督,其秘诀是在罗马八章,其中解释、描述、说明并陈明了生命之灵的律──2节:

III. The Body of Christ is the issue of the experience of Christ, so we need to pray desperately that we would live Christ for the Body of Christ to be a reality; the secret of how to live Christ for the reality of the Body of Christ is in Romans 8, which is a definition, description, explanation, and presentation of the law of the Spirit of life—v. 2:

一 罗马八章用“生命之灵的律”这辞,描述三一神如何在经过过程并终极完成之后,成了赐生命的灵,装置在我们的灵里,成为在我们里面的一个律,一个自发、自动的原则和能力﹔这是在神经纶里最大的发现,甚至是最大的恢复之一──2~3、11、16节。

A. Romans 8 uses this term—the law of the Spirit of life—to describe how the Triune God, after having been processed and consummated to become the life-giving Spirit, has been installed into our spirit as a law, a spontaneous, automatic principle and power within us; this is one of the biggest discoveries, even recoveries, in God's economy—vv. 2-3, 11, 16.

二 我们需要与装置好并运行的生命之灵的律合作,将装置好并自动的神这自发并自动的大能,就是内住之灵这三一神的“电流”的“开关打开”﹔将这律的“开关打开”,乃是一直摸着主并不断接触主,习惯地与祂有交通,并且照着灵而行,受祂不断的灌注──弗六18:

B. We need to cooperate with the installed and operating law of the Spirit of life by "switching on" the spontaneous and automatic power of the installed and automatic God, the indwelling Spirit as the "current" of the Triune God; to "switch on" this law is to remain in touch with the Lord, to stay in constant contact with Him, to have habitual fellowship with Him, and to be under His constant infusion by walking according to the spirit—Eph. 6:18:

1 在调和的灵里,就是在那与我们的灵调和的生命之灵的律里行事、活动、行动并生活,乃是在基督的身体里行事、活动、行动并生活──腓二13。

1. To behave, act, move, and live in the mingled spirit, which is the law of the Spirit of life mingled with our spirit, is to behave, act, move, and live in the Body of Christ—Phil. 2:13.

2 在我们的灵里,我们有神的同在、神的说话与神的相聚,也有神作为生命之灵的律运行,将祂自己分赐到我们里面的各部分──来八10。

2. In our spirit we have the presence of God, the speaking of God, the meeting with God, and the dispensing of God through His operation as the law of the Spirit of life to impart Himself into all our inward parts—Heb. 8:10.

3 照着灵而行,乃是时时在灵里祷告──弗六18:

3. To walk according to the spirit is to pray at every time in spirit—Eph. 6:18:

a 我们不住的、持续的、活的、呼吸的祷告该是:“主,从我活出你的自己”──帖前五17,弗六18,诗歌三〇四首。

a. Our unceasing, continual, living, and breathing prayer should be "Lord, live through me"—1 Thes. 5:17; Eph. 6:18; Hymns, #403.

b 按照以弗所书的启示,我们必须是不住祷告的人,以便有身体生活的实际;我们必须儆醒,完全醒过来,抵挡我们沉睡的天性和沉睡的所是,不仅在肉身上是这样,在心理上、在属灵上也是这样──五14,六17下~18,西四2。

b. According to the revelation of Ephesians, we have to be persons who pray unceasingly in order to have the reality of the Body life; we must be watchful, fully awakened, fighting against our sleeping nature and our sleeping being, not just physically but also psychologically and spiritually—5:14; 6:17b-18; Col. 4:2.

c 我们需要操练我们的灵,起来胜过我们的身体和心理,留意主的话而儆醒祷告,时时在灵里祷告,务要儆醒、警戒,以持守我们祷告的生活──太二六41,弗六18。

c. We need to exercise our spirit to rise up over our body and our psychology, taking heed to the Lord's word to watch and pray, praying at every time in spirit and being watchful, on the alert, for the maintaining of our prayer life—Matt. 26:41; Eph. 6:18.

d 我们必须建立活基督的习惯,为着基督身体的实际,这是借着建立祷告的习惯,就是不住地吸入是灵的基督,呼求祂并与祂交谈的习惯──哀三55~56,诗一〇二标题,诗歌二一〇首。

d. We must build up the habit of living Christ for the reality of the Body of Christ by building up the habit of prayer, the habit of breathing in the pneumatic Christ unceasingly by calling on Him and conversing with Him—Lam. 3:55-56; Psa. 102, title; Hymns, #255.

4 我们照着生命之灵的律,借着被那灵充满,并让基督的话丰丰富富地住在我们里面,就能为着基督身体的实际而活基督──弗五18~20,西三16~17。

4. We can live Christ for the reality of the Body of Christ according to the law of the Spirit of life by being filled with the Spirit and by letting Christ's word dwell in us richly—Eph. 5:18-20; Col. 3:16-17.

5 我们照着生命之灵的律,借着作倒空并敞开的器皿,就能为着基督身体的实际而活基督──太五3,路一53,王下四1~6:

5. We can live Christ for the reality of the Body of Christ according to the law of the Spirit of life by being empty and open vessels—Matt. 5:3; Luke 1:53; 2 Kings 4:1-6:

a 保罗的十四卷书信可以总结为“敞开的器皿”这几个字──罗九21、23,林后四7。

a. Paul's fourteen Epistles may be summarized by two words: open vessel— Rom. 9:21, 23; 2 Cor. 4:7.

b 我们需要爱主到极点,保守我们自己全然、彻底并绝对地向祂敞开,让祂为着祂身体的缘故,成为我们的一切,并在我们里面、借着我们、且为着我们作一切的事──林前一9,二9,参十六22。

b. We need to love the Lord to the uttermost, keeping ourselves entirely, thoroughly, and absolutely open to Him, allowing Him to be everything to us and do everything in us, through us, and for us for the sake of His Body— 1 Cor. 1:9; 2:9; cf. 16:22.

三 生命之灵的律这神圣的性能在我们里面的运行,自然而然地使我们活神,并且在生命、性情上,但不在神格上,成为神──结三六27,罗八2、29,弗一22~23,三19~21。

C. The operating of the law of the Spirit of life as the divine capacity within us spontaneously causes us to live God and become God in life and in nature but not in the Godhead—Ezek. 36:27; Rom. 8:2, 29; Eph. 1:22-23; 3:19-21.

四 生命之灵的律这神圣的性能在我们里面运行,自然而然地将我们构成为基督身体的肢体,有各种的功用,使全身叫身体渐渐长大,以致在爱里把自己建造起来──四11~12、16。

D. The operating of the law of the Spirit of life as the divine capacity within us spontaneously constitutes us to be the members of the Body of Christ with all kinds of functions so that all the Body causes the growth of the Body unto the building up of itself in love—4:11-12, 16.
