
第四篇 认识并经历包罗万有、延展无限的基督作一切正面事物的实际

Knowing and Experiencing the All-inclusive, Extensive Christ as the Reality of All Positive Things


读经∶西二16~18上,约十四6上, 17,约壹五6,约十六13

壹 “所以不拘在饮食上、或在节期、月朔、或安息日方面,都不可让人论断你们,这些原是要来之事的影儿,那实体却属于基督。不可让人凭故意卑微,并敬拜天使,所作反对你们的判断,骗取你们的奖赏。”─西二16~18上:

I. "Let no one therefore judge you in eating and in drinking or in respect of a feast or of a new moon or of the Sabbath, which are a shadow of the things to come, but the body is of Christ. Let no one defraud you by judging you unworthy of your prize"—Col. 2:16-18a:

一 二章十七节里的实体,就如人的身体,乃是实质;律法里的仪式是基督的影儿,就如人身体的影儿,基督才是福音的实质和实际;歌罗西书揭示这样一位包罗万有的基督,乃是神经纶的中心点─一17上、18上,三11。

A. As with a man's physical body, the body in 2:17 is the substance, and like the shadow of a man's body, the rituals in the law are the shadow of Christ, who is the substance and reality of the gospel; Colossians unveils such an all-inclusive Christ as the focus of God's economy—1:17a, 18a; 3:11.

二 基督日日、周周、月月、年年都是每一正面事物的实际,含示这位包罗万有的基督宇宙性的广阔:

B. Daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly, Christ is the reality of every positive thing, implying the universal extensiveness of the all-inclusive Christ:

1 基督日日是我们的食物和饮料,作我们的满足和加力─林前十3~4。

1. Daily, Christ is our food and drink for our satisfaction and strengthening—1 Cor. 10:3-4.

2 基督周周是我们的安息日,作我们在祂里面的完成和安息─太十一28~29。

2. Weekly, Christ is our Sabbath for our completion and rest in Him—Matt. 11:28-29.

3 基督月月是我们的月朔,作我们在黑暗中因着光而有的新开始─约一5,八12。

3. Monthly, Christ is our new moon as a new beginning with light in darkness—John 1:5; 8:12.

4 基督年年是我们的节期,作我们的喜乐和享受─林前五8。

4. Yearly, Christ is our feast for our joy and enjoyment—1 Cor. 5:8.

三 包罗万有、延展无限的基督,满了吸引力且富有磁力,乃是圣经的素质─路二四44,约五39~40,太一1,参启二二21。

C. The all-inclusive, extensive Christ, who is full of attractiveness and rich in magnetism, is the essence of the Bible—Luke 24:44; John 5:39-40; Matt. 1:1; cf. Rev. 22:21.

四 按照上下文,歌罗西二章十八节的“奖赏”’乃是对基督作为影儿之实体的享受;我们的奖赏被骗取,就是对基督主观的享受被骗取了─参创十五1,腓三8。

D. According to the context, "the prize" in Colossians 2:18 is the enjoyment of Christ as the body of the shadows; to be defrauded of our prize is to be defrauded of the subjective enjoyment of Christ—cf. Gen. 15:1; Phil. 3:8.

五 我们的需要乃是主观的基督成为我们的享受,在我们里面完成神圣的启示;如果我们缺少对基督的经历和享受,我们也就缺少神的启示─西一25~28。

E. Our need is for the subjective Christ to become our enjoyment to complete the divine revelation within us; if we are short in the experience and enjoyment of Christ, we are also short concerning God's revelation—Col. 1:25-28.

六 我们每天所作的无论是什么,都该提醒我们,基督乃是那件事情的实际;如果我们在日常生活中,操练接受基督作一切物质事物的实际,我们日常的行事为人就会彻底改变且变化,我们也会满了基督─林后四16,腓一19~21上。

F. Whatever we do day by day should remind us of Christ as the reality of that thing; if we follow the practice of taking Christ as the reality of all the material things in our daily life, our daily walk will be revolutionized and transformed, and we will be full of Christ—2 Cor. 4:16; Phil. 1:19-21a.

七 我们需要天天享受基督作我们一切需要的实际:

G. We need to enjoy Christ day by day as the reality of all our necessities:

1 基督是我们的气息─约二十22。

1. Christ is our breath—John 20:22.

2 基督是我们的饮料─四10、14,七37~39上。

2. Christ is our drink—4:10, 14; 7:37-39a.

3 基督是我们的食物─六35、57。

3. Christ is our food—6:35, 57.

4 基督是我们的光─一4,八12。

4. Christ is our light—1:4; 8:12.

5 基督是我们的衣服─加三27。

5. Christ is our clothing—Gal. 3:27.

6 基督是我们的居所─约十五5、7上。

6. Christ is our dwelling place—John 15:5, 7a.

贰 包罗万有、延展无限的基督是宇宙中一切正面事物的实际─参罗一20,弗三18,诗歌三七四首:

II. The all-inclusive, extensive Christ is the reality of all the positive things in the universe—cf. Rom. 1:20; Eph. 3:18; Hymns, #496:

一 因着宇宙并其中之万物和万人被造的目的是为着描述基督,所以祂向祂的门徒启示祂自己时,很容易在任何环境中找到某个东西或人物作为例子说明祂自己─西一15~17,约一51,十9~11,十二24,太十二41~42。

A. Because the universe with the billions of things and persons in it was created for the purpose of describing Christ, He, in revealing Himself to His disciples, could easily find in any environment something or someone to serve as an illustration of Himself—Col. 1:15-17; John 1:51; 10:9-11; 12:24; Matt. 12:41-42.

二 旧约使用六个主要类别的东西作为预表来描述基督─人物、动物、植物、矿物、祭物和食物:

B. The Old Testament uses six major categories of things as types to describe Christ—human beings, animals, plants, minerals, offerings, and foods:

1 人物预表基督,如亚当(罗五14)、麦基洗德(来七1)、以撒(太一1)、约拿(十二41)和所罗门(42)。─引用经文

1. Human beings typify Christ, such as Adam (Rom. 5:14), Melchizedek (Heb. 7:1), Isaac (Matt. 1:1), Jonah (12:41), and Solomon (v. 42).

2 动物预表基督,如羔羊(约一29)、狮子、牛、鹰(结一10)和羚羊(歌二9)。─引用经文

2. Animals typify Christ, such as a lamb (John 1:29), a lion, an ox, an eagle (Ezek. 1:10), and a gazelle (S. S. 2:9).

3 植物预表基督(祂是生命树─创二9),如葡萄树(约十五1)、苹果树(歌二3)、无花果树、石榴树和橄榄树(申八8);树的不同部分也是基督的预表,如根、、嫩条、苗、枝子和果子(赛十一1、10,四2,路一42,启五5)。─引用经文

3. Plants typify Christ (who is the tree of life—Gen. 2:9), such as the vine tree (John 15:1), the apple tree (S. S. 2:3), the fig tree, the pomegranate tree, and the olive tree (Deut. 8:8); the different parts of a tree are also types of Christ, such as the root, the stump, the sprout, the shoot, the branch, and the fruit (Isa. 11:1, 10; 4:2; Luke 1:42; Rev. 5:5).

4 矿物预表基督,如金、银、铜、铁(申八9、13),和不同种类的石头:活石(彼前二4)、磐石(林前十4)、房角石(太二一42)、顶石(亚四7)、基石和宝石(林前三11~12)。─引用经文

4. Minerals typify Christ, such as gold, silver, copper, and iron (Deut. 8:9, 13), and different kinds of stone: the living stone (1 Pet. 2:4), the rock (1 Cor. 10:4), the cornerstone (Matt. 21:42), the topstone (Zech. 4:7), the foundation stone, and precious stones (1 Cor. 3:11-12).

5 祭物预表基督,如赎罪祭、赎愆祭、燔祭、素祭、平安祭、摇祭、举祭和奠祭─利一~七,出二九26~28,民二八7~10,参约四24。

5. Offerings typify Christ, such as the sin offering, trespass offering, burnt offering, meal offering, peace offering, wave offering, heave offering, and drink offering—Lev. 1—7; Exo. 29:26-28; Num. 28:7-10; cf. John 4:24.

6 食物预表基督,如粮(饼)、小麦、大麦、葡萄、无花果、石榴、橄榄、奶和蜜─六35,申八8~9,二六9。

6. Foods typify Christ, such as bread, wheat, barley, grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives, milk, and honey—6:35; Deut. 8:8-9; 26:9.

三 在新约里,基督是实际的灵,使祂所是一切无法追踪的丰富,对我们成为真实的,引导我们进入祂这神圣的实际里─约十四6上,约壹五6,约十四17,十六13。

C. In the New Testament, Christ is the Spirit of reality who makes the untraceable riches of all that He is real to us, guiding us into Himself as the divine reality—John 14:6a; 1 John 5:6; John 14:17; 16:13.

四 一切预表的实际,其元素都在那灵里;那灵借着主的话,将这一切丰富输送并分赐到我们里面─腓一19,约六63,西三16,弗六17~18,启二7。

D. The elements of the reality of all the types are in the Spirit, and the Spirit transfuses and dispenses all these riches into us through the Lord's words—Phil. 1:19; John 6:63; Col. 3:16; Eph. 6:17-18; Rev. 2:7.

叁 这位是一切正面事物实际的基督,乃是身体的元首;因此,持定元首就是享受基督作一切正面事物的实际─西二19:

III. The very Christ who is the reality of all positive things is the One who is the Head of the Body; thus, to hold the Head is simply to enjoy Christ as the reality of all positive things—Col. 2:19:

一 我们所享受作一切的基督既是身体的元首,我们越享受祂,就越对身体有感觉:

A. Since the Christ we enjoy as our everything is the Head of the Body, the more we enjoy Him, the more we become Body-conscious:

1 这指明享受基督不是单独的事,乃是身体的事─参弗三8,四15~16。

1. This indicates that the enjoyment of Christ is not an individualistic matter but a Body matter—cf. Eph. 3:8; 4:15-16.

2 我们越享受基督,就越宝爱身体上别的肢体─西一4、8。

2. The more we enjoy Christ, the more we love the other members of the Body—Col. 1:4, 8.

二 因着基督作元首是在复活里(18),享受基督自然而然就把我们带到复活里,并拯救我们脱离天然的人。─引用经文

B. Because Christ's headship is in resurrection (v. 18), the enjoyment of Christ spontaneously brings us into resurrection and saves us from our natural being.

三 享受基督把我们在升天里带到诸天界里;唯有在我们灵里享受元首基督这赐生命的灵,我们在经历里才能在诸天之上─三1~2,林后三17,提后四22,罗八10、34。

C. The enjoyment of Christ brings us into the heavenlies in ascension; we can be experientially in the heavens only by enjoying Christ, the Head, as the lifegiving Spirit in our spirit—3:1-2; 2 Cor. 3:17; 2 Tim. 4:22; Rom. 8:10, 34.

四 当我们享受基督,并持定祂作元首,我们就吸取那包罗万有、延展无限之基督的丰富;这些丰富在我们里面成为神的扩增,使身体因此而长大,为着身体的建造─西二19、6~7,弗四16。

D. As we enjoy Christ and hold Him as the Head, we absorb the riches of the allinclusive, extensive Christ; these riches become in us the increase of God by which the Body grows for its building up—Col. 2:19, 6-7; Eph. 4:16.
