第五篇 够资格承受应许之地

Becoming Qualified to Inherit the Promised Land



壹 申命记说到怎样的人才能承受应许之地作美地─一8、21:

I. The book of Deuteronomy speaks of the kind of person who is qualified to inherit the promised land as the good land—— 1:8, 21:

一 神的子民需要与神的所是相配─四20、40,十12~21:

A. God's people need to match what God is——4:20, 40; 10:12-21:

1 承受产业者需要与赐给产业者相配,使祂能在他们的生活并争战中,与他们同在─一8、21,四1~2、5~9。

1. The inheritors need to match the Giver of the inheritance so that He would be with them both in their living and in their fighting——1:8, 21; 4:1-2, 5-9.

2 我们要与赐给产业者相配,就需要像祂那样圣别─利十一44,十九2,二十7,彼前一16。

2. In order to match the Giver of the inheritance, we need to be holy as He is holy——Lev. 11:44; 19:2; 20:7; 1 Pet. 1:16.

二 那些够资格承受美地的人,认识神的心与神的行政、爱神、信靠神、敬畏神、服从神的管治、顾到神柔细的感觉并且活在神面前─申十12,六5,林后十13,路六36,腓一8。

B. Those who are qualified to inherit the good land know God's heart and God's government, love God, trust in God, fear God, subject themselves to God's ruling, mind the tender feelings of God, and live in the presence of God——Deut. 10:12; 6:5; 2 Cor. 10:13; Luke 6:36; Phil. 1:8.

三 基督就是那供应我们,维持我们,使我们爱神、信靠神、敬畏神、服从神的管治、顾到神柔细的感觉并且活在神面前的一位─太八9,路七13,约六57,十四6,约壹三2。

C. Christ is the One who supplies us, sustains us, and makes us those who love God, trust in God, fear God, subject ourselves to God's ruling, mind the tender feelings of God, and live in God's presence——Matt. 8:9; Luke 7:13; John 6:57; 14:6; 1 John 3:2.

贰 神在祂的经纶里,计划要我们作祂所要求于我们的一切─太五18,七21,十二50:

II. In His economy God has planned that we should do everything God requires of us——Matt. 5:18; 7:21; 12:50:

一 我们凭自己不可能为神作任何事;我们需要另一个生命─神圣的生命,就是神的生命─十九26,约三15,约壹五13。

A. It is impossible for us to do anything for God by ourselves; we need another life——the divine life, the life of God——19:26; John 3:15; 1 John 5:13.

二 神不要我们凭自己,乃要我们在基督里、凭着基督、同着基督、借着基督并与基督是一来作这一切─约六57,十四19,腓四13。

B. God wants us to do all of this not by ourselves but in Christ, by Christ, with Christ, through Christ, and by being one with Christ—— John 6:57; 14:19; Phil. 4:13.

三 这意思是说,我们需要与基督有属灵的联结,生机的联结─约十五4~5,罗十二5:

C. This means that we need to have a spiritual union, an organic union, with Christ—— John 15:4-5; Rom. 12:5:

1 为要使我们进入与基督这样的联结,神要我们不仅相信基督,更信入基督─约三15~16、18。

1. In order that we may enter into such a union with Christ, God wants us not only to believe in Christ but also to believe into Christ—— John 3:15-16, 18.

2 信入基督就是与基督有生机的联结,与祂成为一灵─林前六17。

2. To believe into Christ is to have an organic union with Christ, becoming one spirit with Him——1 Cor. 6:17.

3 在这联结里,我们联于基督,与祂是一,且在祂里面─约十五4~5。

3. In this union we are joined to Christ, we are one with Him, and we are in Him—— John 15:4-5.

4 我们如今既与祂是一且在祂里面,就需要凭着基督并借着基督,作神所要求的一切事─腓四13。

4. Now as those who are one with Him and in Him, we need to do all that God requires by Christ and through Christ——Phil. 4:13.

5 我们不该再凭自己活着,或凭自己作事;乃要凭基督活着,并凭基督作一切─约六57,十四19。

5. No longer should we live by ourselves and do things by ourselves, but we should live by Christ and do everything by Christ—— John 6:57; 14:19.

四 我们需要看见一件要紧的事,就是神要我们在基督里、凭着基督、同着基督、借着基督并与基督是一,而生活、行动、行事、工作并为人─加二20,约十五4~5、7。

D. The crucial matter we need to realize is that God wants us to live, act, behave, work, and have our being in Christ, by Christ, with Christ, through Christ, and in oneness with Christ——Gal. 2:20; John 15:4-5, 7.

五 在履行神所要求的事上,我们不该信靠自己;反之,我们该学习以神的心愿为我们的心愿,并以祂为我们的生命和生命的供应─弗四20~21,约十一25,六57。

E. In fulfilling God's requirements, we should not have any trust in ourselves; rather, we should learn to take God's desire as our desire and take Him as our life and life supply——Eph. 4:20-21; John 11:25; 6:57.

叁 摩西嘱咐以色列人要爱神─申六5,十12:

III. Moses charged the people of Israel to love God——Deut. 6:5; 10:12:

一 “爱”这字含示情爱,那是非常柔细的─12节:

A. The word love implies affection, which is something very tender——v. 12:

1 神自己设立爱的榜样,钟情于祂的百姓─15节。

1. God Himself has set an example of loving by setting His affection on His people——v. 15.

2 我们该爱神,钟情于祂。

2. We should love God by setting our affection on Him.

二 约壹二章五节里“神的爱”是指我们对神的爱,是由祂在我们里面的爱所产生的;神先爱我们,将祂的爱注入我们里面,并且在我们里面产生出爱来,使我们能用这爱爱神并爱众弟兄─四19~21。

B. The love of God in 1 John 2:5 denotes our love toward God, which is generated by His love within us; God first loved us in that He infused us with His love and generated within us the love with which we love Him and the brothers——4:19-21.

三 在申命记十章十二节,摩西说到我们要全心全魂爱神,在六章五节,他吩咐我们要全心、全魂、全力(我们的体力)爱神;我们用全人,就是从我们的心,经过我们的魂,我们的心思,到我们的身体,来爱主我们的神─可十二30。

C. In Deuteronomy 10:12 Moses spoke of loving God with all our heart and all our soul, and in 6:5 he commanded us to love God with all our heart, soul, and might (our physical strength); we love the Lord our God with all our being, that is, from our heart, through our soul, our mind, to our body——Mark 12:30.

四 爱神(林前二9),意思是把我们全人,灵、魂、体,连同我们的心、魂、心思和力量(可十二30),都完全摆在祂身上;这就是说,我们全人都让祂占有,消失在祂里面,以致祂成了我们的一切,我们在日常生活里,实际地与祂是一。─引用经文

D. To love God (1 Cor. 2:9) means to set our entire being——spirit, soul, and body, with the heart, soul, mind, and strength (Mark 12:30)——absolutely on Him, that is, to let our entire being be occupied by Him and lost in Him, so that He becomes everything to us and we are one with Him practically in our daily life.

肆 摩西吩咐以色列人要敬畏神─申十四23,三一13:

IV. Moses commanded the people of Israel to fear God——Deut. 14:23; 31:13:

一 我们都该敬畏神;我们都必须对神有正确的敬畏─箴一7,九10,彼前一17,二17,三2、16,林后七1:

A. We all should fear God; we must have a proper fear of God—— Prov. 1:7; 9:10; 1 Pet. 1:17; 2:17; 3:2, 16; 2 Cor. 7:1:

1 这是一种圣别的敬畏,即健康、认真的谨慎,好叫我们为人圣别─腓二12。

1. This is a holy fear, that is, a healthy, serious caution that leads us to behave holily——Phil. 2:12.

2 我们该敬畏神,并要分别,圣别,归祂作圣别的子民─弗一4,五27,西一22,帖前五23,彼前一16。

2. We should fear God and want to be separated, sanctified, unto Him as a holy people——Eph. 1:4; 5:27; Col. 1:22; 1 Thes. 5:23; 1 Pet. 1:16.

3 敬畏神就是服神的权柄─太二八18。

3. To fear God is to submit to His authority——Matt. 28:18.

4 因为神对背叛的人是严厉的,所以我们要敬畏祂─民十二1~12,十六1~35。

4. Because God is severe toward those who are rebellious, we need to fear Him——Num. 12:1-12; 16:1-35.

二 缺乏对神的敬畏是可怕的,这是各种不法的源头─约壹三4注3。

B. The lack of fearing God is terrible; it is the source of all kinds of lawlessness——1 John 3:4, footnote 2.

三 “落在活神的手里是可怕的”(来十31),并且“我们的神乃是烈火”(十二29):─引用经文

C. "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God" (Heb. 10:31), and "our God is also a consuming fire" (12:29):

1 我们所事奉的活神是嗤慢不得的─加六7。

1. The living God whom we serve is not mocked——Gal. 6:7.

2 召会的历史证明,不敬畏神的基督徒不会有好的结果;这样的基督徒结局将会是悲惨的。

2. The history of the church proves that a Christian who does not fear God will not have a good ending; such a Christian will have a miserable ending.

3 如果一个信徒是敬畏神的,神迟早会出来为他表白;约瑟就是这样的例子,他是敬畏神的人,就被安置在宝座上─创四一38~44。

3. If a believer is God-fearing, sooner or later he will be manifested by God; such was the case with Joseph, who was a God-fearing man and was enthroned——Gen. 41:38-44.

伍 以色列人不仅要遵守神的诫命,也要行祂的道路─申八6,十12~21:

V. The children of Israel were not only to keep God's commandments but also to walk in His ways——Deut. 8:6; 10:12-21:

一 我们敬畏神,就会行祂的道路─八6,出三三13:

A. When we fear God, we will walk in God's ways——8:6; Exo. 33:13:

1 神的道路实际上就是神的所是─诗一〇三7。

1. God's ways are actually what God is——Psa. 103:7.

2 凡神的所是对我们都是道路;例如,神是爱,这爱就成了我们所行在其中的道路─罗八4,加五25,约壹四8、16。

2. Whatever God is, is a way to us; for instance, God is love, and love is a way in which we walk——Rom. 8:4; Gal. 5:25; 1 John 4:8, 16.

3 因此,行神的道路就是活神、彰显神、显明神并显大神─罗二4,十一22,多三4~5,腓一20~21上。

3. To walk in God's ways, therefore, is to live God, express God, manifest God, and magnify God——Rom. 2:4; 11:22; Titus 3:4-5; Phil. 1:20-21a.

4 我们要学习神的道路─神的所是,并祂如何行动作事─出三三13。

4. We need to learn God's ways——what God is and how He acts and behaves——Exo. 33:13.

二 那是我们道路的神就是基督;接受基督作我们的道路,就是活在祂的所是里,而活祂就是彰显祂、显明祂甚至显大祂─约十四6,腓一20~21上。

B. The God who is our way is Christ; to take Christ as our way is to live Him in what He is, and to live Him is to express Him, to manifest Him, and even to magnify Him—— John 14:6; Phil. 1:20-21a.

三 在新耶路撒冷里,生命水的河从神和羔羊的宝座流出来,并在街道当中涌流,指明神是我们的生命,也是我们的道路─启二二1~2。

C. In the New Jerusalem the river of water of life proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb and flowing in the midst of the street indicates that God is both our life and our way——Rev. 22:1-2.

四 我们接受神作我们的生命,祂的生命连同祂的性情就成为我们行在其上的道路─约壹五13,彼后一4。

D. We take God as our life, and His life with His nature then becomes the way on which we walk——1 John 5:13; 2 Pet. 1:4.

陆 以色列人出去与仇敌争战;今天我们也在争战─申二十1~20:

VI. The children of Israel went forth in battle to fight against their enemies; today we also are in a war——Deut. 20:1-20:

一 在这争战中,我们乃是为基督而战,也是为住留在基督里而战。

A. In this war we are fighting for Christ and to remain in Christ.

二 我们若要据有基督并活在作我们土地的基督里,就需要与属灵的仇敌争战─西一12,弗三8,六10~18。

B. If we would possess Christ and live in Christ as our land, we need to fight against the spiritual enemies——Col. 1:12; Eph. 3:8; 6:10-18.

三 我们争战时,需要看见我们是为神所已赐给我们的而战;一旦仇敌被击败,地就要得着清理,给我们承受为业─西一12。

C. As we are fighting, we need to realize that we are fighting for what God has given us; once the enemies have been defeated, the land will be cleared for our inheritance——Col. 1:12.

四 实际上,争战的不是我们,因为神与我们同去,为我们争战─申二十3~4:

D. Actually, we are not the ones fighting, for God goes with us and fights for us——Deut. 20:3-4:

1 争战是我们的责任,但我们无法凭自己履行这责任;我们只能凭着相信主(就是凭着主自己作我们的生命和生命的供应),履行争战的责任。

1. It is our duty to fight, but we cannot fulfill this duty by ourselves; we can fulfill our duty to fight only by faith in the Lord, that is, only by the Lord Himself as our life and life supply.

2 我们要相信,主已命定我们去争战,并且祂要为我们争战─1~4节。

2. We need to believe that the Lord has ordained us to fight and that He will fight for us——vv. 1-4.

3 我们只要接受祂的话,并顺从祂,知道结果是在于祂─一30。

3. We should simply take His word and obey Him, knowing that the outcome depends on Him——1:30.

柒 我们若透彻地研读这一切事,就会更多认识神,也会知道我们该作什么样的人,该有什么样的所是,以及该如何行事为人─四20、40:

VII. If we thoroughly study all these matters, we will know God better and also know what kind of person we should be, what kind of being we should have, and in what kind of way we should walk—— 4:20, 40:

一 我们该在神面前并同着神,按着神的所是行事为人─八6。

A. We should walk before God and with God according to what God is——8:6.

二 因着我们有神的生命,我们就该从祂学习,成为与祂一样的;我们要作神所要求的这一切事,就需要神圣的生命,就是那为着神的百姓,与神一同作工的生命─约三15,约壹五11~13,彼后一4,太五48。

B. Because we have God's life, we should learn of Him to be the same as He is; in order to do all the things that God requires, we need the divine life, the life that works with God for His people—— John 3:15; 1 John 5:11-13; 2 Pet. 1:4; Matt. 5:48.

三 我们要履行主一切的要求,只能凭神圣的生命,永远的生命,就是三一神具体化在基督里(约十四6,约壹五11),实化为赐生命的灵─约十四16~20,林前十五45下。

C. We can fulfill all of the Lord's requirements only by the divine life, the eternal life, which is the Triune God embodied in Christ (John 14:6; 1 John 5:11), who is realized as the life-giving Spirit—— John 14:16-20; 1 Cor. 15:45b.
