第八篇 基督─受咒诅并挂在木头上的那一位

Christ——the One Cursed and Hanged on a Tree



壹 申命记二十一章二十二至二十三节预言,基督将是挂在木头上的被咒诅者;在此我们有钉十字架的基督作为被挂在木头上者的预表─彼前二24:

I. In Deuteronomy 21:22-23 there is a prophecy that Christ would be the cursed One hanging on a tree; here we have a type of the crucified Christ as the One who was hanged on a tree—— 1 Pet. 2:24:

一 犯罪的人可以挂在木头上处死;被挂的人是神所咒诅的─申二一22~23。

A. A criminal could be executed by being hanged on a tree; he who was hanged was accursed of God——Deut. 21:22-23.

二 人若犯该死的罪,被处死挂在木头上,他的尸首不可留在木头上过夜,必要当日将他葬埋,因为被挂的人是神所咒诅的─23节。

B. If in a man there was a sin, a cause worthy of death, and he was put to death and was hanged on a tree, his corpse was not to remain overnight on the tree but had to be buried that day, for he who was hanged on a tree was accursed of God——v. 23.

三 主耶稣是被钉十字架,也就是挂在木头(十字架)上而被治死的,并且祂是在祂钉死的当日被埋葬─徒五30,十39,十三29,约十九31。

C. The Lord Jesus was killed by being crucified, that is, by being hanged on a tree, the cross, and He was buried on the day of His crucifixion——Acts 5:30; 10:39; 13:29; John 19:31.

贰 咒诅的起源是人的罪─创三17下,罗五12:

II. The origin of the curse is man's sin——Gen. 3:17b; Rom. 5:12:

一 神在亚当犯罪之后,发出咒诅,说,“地必因你的缘故受咒诅”─创三17下:

A. God brought in the curse after Adam's sin, saying, "Cursed is the ground because of you"——Gen. 3:17b:

1 身为亚当的后裔,所有的罪人都在咒诅之下;亚当把我们众人都带到咒诅之下─17节下,罗五12、17~18。

1. As descendants of Adam, all sinners are under the curse; Adam brought us all under the curse——v. 17b; Rom. 5:12, 17-18.

2 咒诅至终就是死亡;死亡,包括其他一切的苦难,乃是咒诅的终结─12、17节,六16、21、23。

2. Ultimately, the curse is death; death, including all other sufferings, is the consummation of the curse——vv. 12, 17; 6:16, 21, 23.

二 亚当犯罪之后,因着咒诅,地长出荆棘;所以荆棘是被咒诅的记号─创三18,来六8。

B. After Adam sinned, the earth brought forth thorns because of the curse, so thorns are a sign of being cursed——Gen. 3:18; Heb. 6:8.

叁 咒诅是借着律法完成的,因为律法施行咒诅─加三10:

III. The curse is carried out through the law, for the law administers the curse——Gal. 3:10:

一 咒诅是律法赐下之后才正式形成的;如今律法宣告说,亚当所有的后裔都在咒诅之下─罗五13。

A. The curse was not altogether official until the law was given; the law now declares that all the descendants of Adam are under the curse——Rom. 5:13.

二 因此,咒诅与神的律法有关;这是公义之神对罪人的要求。

B. The curse, therefore, is related to the law of God, and it is the demand of the righteousness of God upon sinners——3:19.

三 我们若想要守律法,就落在肉体里,也就自动来到咒诅之下:“凡以行律法为本的,都在咒诅之下,因为经上记着:‘凡不常常照着律法书上所记一切之事去行的,都是被咒诅的。’”─加三10。

C. If we try to keep the law, we will be in the flesh and automatically come under the curse: "As many as are of the works of law are under a curse; for it is written, 'Cursed is everyone who does not continue in all the things written in the book of the law to do them'"——Gal. 3:10.

肆 “基督既为我们成了咒诅,就赎出我们脱离律法的咒诅,因为经上记着:‘凡挂在木头上的,都是被咒诅的’”─13节:

IV. "Christ has redeemed us out of the curse of the law, having become a curse on our behalf; because it is written, 'Cursed is everyone hanging on a tree'"——v. 13:

一 基督在十字架上成就了将我们从律法的咒诅带出来的伟大工作,祂作工担当我们的罪,并除去咒诅─13节,彼前二24。

A. On the cross Christ accomplished the great work of bringing us out from the curse of the law, working to bear our sins and to remove the curse——v. 13; 1 Pet. 2:24.

二 基督“在木头上,在祂的身体里,亲自担当了我们的罪”─24节:

B. Christ Himself "bore up our sins in His body on the tree"——v. 24:

1 彼前二章二十四节里的“木头”,指木头作的十字架,为罗马人处决罪犯的刑具,如申命记二十一章二十三节所预言的;在新约别处,称十字架为木头─徒五30,十39,十三29。

1. The word tree in 1 Peter 2:24 is the cross made of wood, a Roman instrument of capital punishment used for the execution of malefactors, as prophesied in Deuteronomy 21:23; elsewhere in the New Testament the cross is called a tree—— Acts 5:30; 10:39; 13:29.

2 基督在十字架上的时候,神将我们一切的罪都归在神的羔羊身上─赛五三6,约一29。

2. When Christ was on the cross, God took all our sins and put them on the Lamb of God——Isa. 53:6; John 1:29.

3 基督一次受死,担当了我们的罪,并且在十字架上为我们受了审判─来九28,赛五三5、11。

3. Christ died once to bear our sins, and He suffered the judgment for us on the cross——Heb. 9:28; Isa. 53:5, 11.

4 在基督的死里,我们已经向罪死了,使我们得以向义活着─罗六8、10~11、18,彼前二24。

4. In the death of Christ we have died to sins so that we might live to righteousness——Rom. 6:8, 10-11, 18; 1 Pet. 2:24.

三 当基督担当我们的罪时,祂也担受我们的咒诅─约一29,加三13:

C. When Christ bore our sins, He also took our curse—— John 1:29; Gal. 3:13:

1 荆棘冠冕指明这点;荆棘既是咒诅的记号,基督戴荆棘冠冕,就指明祂在十字架上担受我们的咒诅─约十九2、5。

1. The crown of thorns indicates this; since thorns are a sign of the curse, Christ's wearing a crown of thorns indicates that He took our curse on the cross—— John 19:2, 5.

2 因为基督代替我们受咒诅,律法的要求得着了满足,祂就能赎出我们脱离律法的咒诅─加三10。

2. Because Christ was cursed in our place, the demand of the law was fulfilled, and He could redeem us out of the curse of the law——Gal. 3:10.

3 律法定罪我们,并使咒诅成为正式的,但基督借着祂的钉十字架,赎出我们脱离律法的咒诅─13节。

3. Whereas the law condemns us and makes the curse official, Christ through His crucifixion has redeemed us out of the curse of the law——v. 13.

4 那借着亚当的堕落而进来的咒诅,已借着基督的救赎解决了─13节。

4. The curse that came in through Adam's fall has been dealt with by Christ's redemption——v. 13.

四 基督不仅赎出我们脱离咒诅,祂甚至替我们成为咒诅;这指明祂完全为神所离弃─13节,可十五33~34:

D. Not only did Christ redeem us out of the curse; He even became a curse on our behalf; this indicates that He was absolutely abandoned by God——v. 13; Mark 15:33-34:

1 主耶稣是为完成救赎,受神审判;神算祂为我们的罪,替我们受痛苦─赛五三10上。

1. The Lord Jesus was judged by God for the accomplishment of redemption, and God counted Him as our suffering Substitute for sin——Isa. 53:10a.

2 我们的罪性、罪行和一切消极的事物,都在十字架上受了对付;神也因着我们的罪弃绝了奴仆救主─可十五33~34:

2. Our sin and sins and all negative things were dealt with on the cross, and God forsook the Slave-Savior because of our sin—— Mark 15:33-34:

a 神弃绝十字架上的基督,因为祂取了罪人的地位,担当我们的罪,并且替我们成为罪─彼前三18,二24,赛五三6,林后五21。

a. God forsook Christ on the cross because He took the place of sinners, bearing our sins and being made sin for us—— 1 Pet. 3:18; 2:24; Isa. 53:6; 2 Cor. 5:21.

b 在神眼中,基督成了大罪人;神将祂当作我们的代替,为我们的罪审判了祂─约三14,罗八3。

b. In the sight of God, Christ became a great sinner, and God judged Him as our Substitute for our sins—— John 3:14; Rom. 8:3.

c 基督是我们的代替,甚至在神眼中成为罪;因此,神审判祂,甚至弃绝祂。

c. Christ was our Substitute and was even sin in the sight of God; therefore, God judged Him and even forsook Him.

3 因着基督担当我们的罪,并替我们成为罪,神审判祂这位作我们代替者,就在经纶一面弃绝祂─可十五33~34:

3. Because Christ bore our sins and was made sin for us, God, in judging Him as our Substitute, forsook Him economically—— Mark 15:33-34:

a 主耶稣由生育的灵作神圣的素质而生,这灵在素质上从未离开祂─路一35。

a. The Lord Jesus was born of the begetting Spirit as the divine essence, who never left Him essentially——Luke 1:35.

b 主耶稣这位神人在神的审判之下,在十字架上受死时,祂在素质上仍有神在祂里面,作祂神圣的所是;然而,祂在经纶上却被公义并审判的神所弃绝─太一18、20,二七46:

b. When the Lord Jesus, the God-man, died on the cross under God's judgment, He had God within Him essentially as His divine being; nevertheless, He was forsaken by the righteous and judging God economically——Matt. 1:18, 20; 27:46:

一 因为主耶稣由圣灵成孕,从神而生且生来就有神,所以祂有圣灵作祂神圣所是的内在素质;因此,神不可能在素质一面弃绝祂─一18、20。

1) Because the Lord Jesus was conceived of the Holy Spirit and was born of God and with God, He had the Holy Spirit as the intrinsic essence of His divine being; thus, it was not possible for God to forsake Him essentially——1:18, 20.

二 那灵曾降在基督身上,作经纶的能力使祂得以完成祂的职事(三16);当这灵离开基督时,基督就在经纶一面为神所弃绝;然而,神的素质仍留在祂里面,所以,祂乃是神人在十字架上受死─约壹一7。

2) Christ was forsaken by God economically when the Spirit, who had descended upon Him as the economical power for the carrying out of His ministry (3:16), left Him; however, the essence of God remained in His being, and He therefore died on the cross as the God-man——1 John 1:7.

五 基督作为亚伯拉罕的后裔,在其人性里被钉十字架,并为我们成了咒诅,好赎出我们脱离律法的咒诅─加三13、29:

E. In His humanity as the seed of Abraham, Christ was crucified and became a curse on our behalf to redeem us out of the curse of the law——Gal. 3:13, 29:

1 创世记二十二章十七至十八节上半和二十八章十四节预言亚伯拉罕的后裔要成为全人类极大的祝福,因为万国都必因他的后裔得福。─引用经文

1. Genesis 22:17-18a and 28:14 are a prophecy that Abraham's seed would be a great blessing to all mankind, for all nations would be blessed through his seed.

2 亚伯拉罕的后裔基督将神带给我们,并将我们带给神,使我们享受神的祝福─加三8~12、16。

2. Christ, the seed of Abraham, has brought God to us and us to God for our enjoyment of God's blessing——Gal. 3:8-12, 16.

3 给亚伯拉罕的应许,就是神自己要来作亚伯拉罕的后裔,这后裔借着成为包罗万有的灵给人类接受,就成为万国的祝福─14节,林前十五45下。

3. The promise given to Abraham was that God Himself would come to be the seed of Abraham, and this seed would be a blessing to all the nations by becoming the all-inclusive Spirit for mankind to receive——v. 14; 1 Cor. 15:45b.

伍 基督作为亚伯拉罕的后裔,为我们成了咒诅,“为叫亚伯拉罕的福,在基督耶稣里可以临到外邦人,使我们借着信,可以接受所应许的那灵”─加三14:

V. As the seed of Abraham, Christ was made a curse for us "in order that the blessing of Abraham might come to the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith"——Gal. 3:14:

一 亚伯拉罕的福,就是神为着地上的万国,应许给亚伯拉罕的福─创十二3。

A. The blessing of Abraham is the blessing promised by God to him for all the nations of the earth——Gen. 12:3.

二 这应许已经成就了,这福已经在基督里,借十字架的救赎临到了万国─加三1、13~14。

B. This promise was fulfilled and this blessing has come to the nations in Christ through His redemption by the cross——Gal. 3:1, 13-14.

三 加拉太三章十四节的上下文指明,那灵就是神为着万国所应许亚伯拉罕的福,也是信徒借着相信基督所接受的─2、5节:

C. The context of Galatians 3:14 indicates that the Spirit is the blessing that God promised to Abraham for all the nations and that has been received by the believers through faith in Christ——vv. 2, 5:

1 神应许亚伯拉罕物质方面的福乃是美地,作包罗万有之基督的预表─创十二7,十三15,十七8,二六3~4,西一12。

1. The physical aspect of the blessing that God promised to Abraham was the good land, which was a type of the all-inclusive Christ——Gen. 12:7; 13:15; 17:8; 26:3-4; Col. 1:12.

2 那灵,就是复合的灵,乃是神自己在祂神圣的三一里,经过成为肉体、钉十字架、复活、升天并降下的过程,给我们接受,作我们的生命和一切─腓一19。

2. The Spirit is the compound Spirit, who is God Himself processed in His Trinity through incarnation, crucifixion, resurrection, ascension, and descension for us to receive as our life and our everything——Phil. 1:19.

3 因着基督至终实化为包罗万有赐生命的灵(林前十五45,林后三17),这应许之灵的福,就与应许之地的福相符;实际上,这灵作基督在我们经历中的实化,就是美地。─引用经文

3. Since Christ is realized as the all-inclusive life-giving Spirit (1 Cor. 15:45; 2 Cor. 3:17), the blessing of the promised Spirit equals the blessing of the good land; actually, the Spirit as the realization of Christ in our experience is the good land.

4 我们永世属灵的福,乃是要承受那灵,就是经过过程之三一神的终极完成,作我们的基业─加三14。

4. Our spiritual blessing for eternity will be to inherit the Spirit, the consummation of the processed Triune God as our inheritance——Gal. 3:14.

5 在新天新地的新耶路撒冷里,我们要享受经过过程的三一神,就是那包罗万有、终极完成、赐生命的灵─启二二1,约七37~39。

5. In the new heaven and the new earth in the New Jerusalem, we will enjoy the processed Triune God, who is the all-inclusive, consummated, life-giving Spirit——Rev. 22:1; John 7:37-39.

6 今天,我们的基督徒生活乃是借着信接受那灵的生活─加三2、5、14。

6. Today our Christian life is a life of receiving the Spirit through faith——Gal. 3:2, 5, 14.
