第九篇 在一的立场上与神同享基督

Enjoying Christ with God on the Ground of Oneness



壹 申命记十二章启示在神所选择独一的地方与神同享基督,为着保守神子民的一─5~8、11~14、17~18、21、26~27节,十四22~23,十六16,参林前十6、11,罗十五4:

I. Deuteronomy 12 reveals the enjoyment of Christ with God at the unique place of God's choice for the keeping of the oneness of God's people——vv. 5-8, 11-14, 17-18, 21, 26-27; 14:22-23; 16:16; cf. 1 Cor. 10:6, 11; Rom. 15:4:

一 以色列人不可在他们所选择的地方敬拜神,享受他们献给神的供物(申十二8、13、17);他们要到神所选择立祂名的地方,就是到祂的居所和祂的祭坛那里敬拜神(5~6),将他们的十分取一之物、供物和祭物带到那里给神(5、11、14、18、21、26~27,十四22~23,十五19~20,十六16)。─引用经文

A. The children of Israel were not allowed to worship God and enjoy the offerings they presented to God in the place of their choice (Deut. 12:8, 13, 17); they were to worship God in the place of His choice, the place where His name, His habitation, and His altar were (vv. 5-6), by bringing their tithes, offerings, and sacrifices to Him there (vv. 5, 11, 14, 18, 21, 26-27; 14:22-23; 15:19-20; 16:16).

二 申命记十二章中神所选择唯一敬拜祂的地方,表征我们在地方立场上的聚集,为着在实行一面有一个身体的彰显(由耶路撒冷所表征),并在现实一面有一个身体的实际(由耶路撒冷内的锡安所表征)─诗四八2,五十2,启一11,二7。

B. The place of God's unique choice for His worship in Deuteronomy 12 signifies our meeting on the ground of locality for the expression of the one Body in practicality (signified by Jerusalem) and for the reality of the one Body in actuality (signified by Zion within Jerusalem)——Psa. 48:2; 50:2; Rev. 1:11; 2:7.

三 新约中关于敬拜神这事的启示,在以下各面与申命记十二章的启示相符:

C. The revelation in the New Testament concerning the worship of God corresponds to the revelation in Deuteronomy 12 in the following ways:

1 神的子民总该是一;他们中间不该有分裂─诗一三三,约十七11、21~23,林前一10,弗四3。

1. The people of God should always be one; there should be no divisions among them——Psa. 133; John 17:11, 21-23; 1 Cor. 1:10; Eph. 4:3.

2 神的子民该聚集到独一的名里,这名就是主耶稣基督的名,其实际乃是那灵;用任何别的名称,乃是宗派的、分裂的;这是属灵的淫乱─太十八20,林前一12,十二3,启三8。

2. The unique name into which God's people should gather is the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the reality of which name is the Spirit; to be designated by any other name is to be denominated, divided; this is spiritual fornication——Matt. 18:20; 1 Cor. 1:12; 12:3; Rev. 3:8.

3 在新约里神的住处,神的居所,乃是特别设在我们调和的灵里,在我们蒙重生、由神圣的灵所内住之人的灵里;我们在敬拜神的聚会里,必须操练我们的灵,并在我们的灵里作一切事─弗二22,约四21~24,林前十四15。

3. In the New Testament God's habitation, His dwelling place, is particularly located in our mingled spirit, our human spirit regenerated and indwelt by the divine Spirit; in our meeting for the worship of God, we must exercise our spirit and do everything in our spirit——Eph. 2:22; John 4:21-24; 1 Cor. 14:15.

4 我们敬拜神时,必须真实地应用祭坛所表征之基督的十字架,拒绝肉体、己和天然生命,并单单凭基督来敬拜神─诗四三4上,太十六24,加二20。

4. In our worship of God we must have the genuine application of the cross of Christ, signified by the altar, by rejecting the flesh, the self, and the natural life and worshipping God with Christ and Christ alone——Psa. 43:4a; Matt. 16:24; Gal. 2:20.

5 神所选择为着敬拜祂的地方,乃是满了对基督之丰富的享受,并满了喜乐之处─申十二7、12、18,十四23,弗三8,腓四4,林前十四3、4下、26、31。

5. The place that God has chosen for His worship is a place full of the enjoyment of the riches of Christ and a place full of rejoicing——Deut. 12:7, 12, 18; 14:23; Eph. 3:8; Phil. 4:4; 1 Cor. 14:3, 4b, 26, 31.

四 无论我们在哪里,我们都该被聚集到主的名里,在我们的灵里并带着十字架而聚集;我们若都这样作,我们虽然是在不同城市聚集,却都是在同一地方聚会;这一个地方就是独一之一的立场─申十二5~6,耶三二39:

D. Wherever we may be, we should be gathered into the Lord's name, in our spirit, and with the cross; if we all do this, we all will meet in the same place, although we meet in different localities; this one place is the ground of the unique oneness——Deut. 12:5-6; Jer. 32:39:

1 表面上,我们在地理上是分开的,因为我们分别在全世界的各城市,在合乎圣经的地方立场上聚集─实行一个城一个召会,一个城只有一个召会─徒八1,十三1,启一11。

1. Apparently, we are divided by geography, for we meet in separate cities all over the world on the scriptural ground of locality——the practice of having one church for one city, one city with only one church——Acts 8:1; 13:1; Rev. 1:11.

2 实际上,我们虽然在地理上是分隔的,但我们都在同一地方,就是在主耶稣的名里,在我们调和的灵里,并带着十字架而聚集;这就是一,也就是对神正确敬拜的立场:

2. Actually, in spite of geographical separation, we all meet in the same place——in the name of the Lord Jesus, in our mingled spirit, and with the cross; this is the oneness, and this is the ground for the proper worship of God:

a 许多基督徒因着自己的偏好而分裂了;在主的恢复里,我们必须不在意自己的偏好,乃在意主作为实际的灵与我们同在,这灵就是祂名的实际─太十八20,林前一10,出三三14。

a. Many Christians are divided by their preferences; in the Lord's recovery we must not be for our preference but for the Lord's presence as the Spirit of reality, the reality of His name——Matt. 18:20; 1 Cor. 1:10; Exo. 33:14.

b 申命记十二章之预表的应验,不是一个地理上的地方,乃是在我们的灵里─约四21~24。

b. The fulfillment of the type in Deuteronomy 12 is not a matter of a geographical place but a matter of our spirit—— John 4:21-24.

c 在召会的入口有十字架;我们要作为召会而聚集,就必须经历十字架,为着钉死己、攻倒“理论和各样阻挡人认识神而立起的高寨”(林后十5)并单单高举基督,好使祂能成为一切,又在一切之内,为着神的彰显,并为着一的独特见证─太十六24,林前二2,林后十3~5,西一10、18下,三10~11。

c. At the entrance of the church there is the cross, and in order to meet as the church, we must experience the cross for the crucifying of the self, for the overthrowing of "reasonings and every high thing rising up against the knowledge of God" (2 Cor. 10:5), and for the exalting of Christ alone so that He may be all and in all for God's expression and the unique testimony of oneness——Matt. 16:24; 1 Cor. 2:2; 2 Cor. 10:3-5; Col. 1:10, 18b; 3:10-11.

贰 耶路撒冷的独一立场,就是锡安山上建造那作神居所之圣殿的地方,预表神所选择的独一立场,就是一的立场─申十二5,代下六5~6,拉一2~3:

II. The unique ground of Jerusalem, the place where the temple as God's dwelling place was built on Mount Zion, typifies the unique ground of God's choice, the ground of oneness——Deut. 12:5; 2 Chron. 6:5-6; Ezra 1:2-3:

一 古时所有以色列人一年三次到耶路撒冷聚集;唯有借着在耶路撒冷这独一的地方敬拜神,神子民的一才世世代代得蒙保守─申十二5,十六16。

A. In the ancient time all the Israelites came together three times a year at Jerusalem; it was by this unique place of worship to God, Jerusalem, that the oneness of His people was kept for generations——Deut. 12:5; 16:16.

二 新约中神所命定一的正确立场,乃是一地一会的独一立场─启一11:

B. In the New Testament the proper ground of oneness ordained by God is the unique ground of one church for one locality——Rev. 1:11:

1 召会是由宇宙的神所构成的,却存在于地上的许多地方;就性质说,召会在神里面是宇宙性的,但就实行说,召会在一个确定的地方是地方性的,就如“在哥林多神的召会”─林前一2:

1. The church is constituted of the universal God, but it exists on earth in many localities; in nature the church is universal in God, but in practice the church is local in a definite place, such as "the church of God which is in Corinth"——1 Cor. 1:2:

a “神的召会”,意思是召会不仅为神所有,也有神为其性质和素质,这是神圣的、一般的、宇宙的、永远的─2节。

a. The church of God means that the church is not only possessed by God but has God as its nature and essence, which are divine, general, universal, and eternal——v. 2a.

b “在哥林多……的召会”,意指在一个城里的召会,留在确定的地方,为着事务上的行政,以这地方为其地位、立场和治理的界限,这是物质的、专特的、地方的、暂时的─2节。

b. The church…which is in Corinth refers to a church in a city, remaining in a definite locality and taking it as its standing, ground, and jurisdiction for its administration in business affairs, which is physical, particular, local, and temporal in time——v. 2b.

2 缺了宇宙的一面,召会就没有内容;缺了地方的一面,召会就不可能有出现和实行;关于召会在各地的建立,整本新约的记载是一致的─徒八1,十三1,十四23,罗十六1,林前一2,林后八1,加一2,启一4、11。

2. Without the universal aspect, the church is void of content; without the local aspect, it is impossible for the church to have any expression and practice; the record concerning the establishment of the church in its locality is consistent throughout the New Testament——Acts 8:1; 13:1; 14:23; Rom. 16:1; 1 Cor. 1:2; 2 Cor. 8:1; Gal. 1:2; Rev. 1:4, 11.

叁 在一的立场上的召会生活,乃是今日的耶路撒冷;在召会生活里必须有一班得胜者,这些得胜者乃是今日的锡安─诗四八2、11~12:

III. The church life on the ground of oneness is today's Jerusalem; within the church life there must be a group of overcomers, and these overcomers are today's Zion——Psa. 48:2, 11-12:

一 锡安作为圣城耶路撒冷的高峰和美丽,预表得胜者是召会的高峰、中心、拔高、加强、丰富、美丽和实际─二十2,五三6上,八七2。

A. As the highlight and beauty of the holy city Jerusalem, Zion typifies the overcomers as the high peak, the center, the uplifting, the strengthening, the enriching, the beauty, and the reality of the church——20:2; 53:6a; 87:2.

二 得胜者作为锡安,乃是基督身体的实际,并且终极完成众地方召会中身体的建造,带进永世里终极完成的圣城新耶路撒冷,就是作神居所的至圣所─启二一1~3、16、22。

B. The overcomers as Zion are the reality of the Body of Christ and consummate the building up of the Body in the local churches to bring in the consummated holy city, New Jerusalem, the Holy of Holies as God's dwelling place, in eternity——Rev. 21:1-3, 16, 22.

三 召会生活是我们作得胜者正确的地方,但这不是说,只要我们在召会生活中,我们就是得胜者;在召会生活中是一回事,作得胜者是另一回事─二7、11、17、26~28,三5、12、20~21。

C. The church life is the right place for us to be an overcomer, but this does not mean that as long as we are in the church life, we are an overcomer; it is one thing to be in the church life, but it is another thing to be an overcomer——2:7, 11, 17, 26-28; 3:5, 12, 20-21.

肆 我们要作今日的得胜者,就必须在一的立场上与神同享基督,好展览基督,建造召会,并预备基督的新妇─太十六18,启十九7:

IV. In order to be today's overcomers, we must enjoy Christ with God on the ground of oneness for the exhibition of Christ, the building of the church, and the preparation of Christ's bride—— Matt. 16:18; Rev. 19:7:

一 以色列人可以用两种方式享受美地的丰富出产:

A. The children of Israel could enjoy the rich produce of the good land in two ways:

1 普通、个人的方式,是随时随处都可与任何人一同享受一般的分─申十二15。

1. The common, private way was to enjoy it as a common portion at any time, in any place, and with anyone——Deut. 12:15.

2 特别、团体的方式,是与所有以色列人在指定的节期并在神所选择独一的地方,享受上好的分,就是初熟之物和头生的─5、8、11、13~14、17~18、21、26~27节,十四22~23,十五19~20,十六16~17。

2. The special, corporate way was to enjoy the top portion, the firstfruits and the firstlings, with all the Israelites at the appointed feasts and in the unique place chosen by God—— vv. 5, 8, 11, 13-14, 17-18, 21, 26-27; 14:22-23; 15:19-20; 16:16-17.

二 照样,基督的信徒享受基督也有两面:

B. Likewise, the enjoyment of Christ by His believers is of two aspects:

1 普通、个人的一面,随时随处都可以享受基督作神所分给我们的分─西一12,林前一2、9,弗六18,帖前五16~18,罗十12~13。

1. The common, private aspect is to enjoy Christ as our God-allotted portion at every time and in every place——Col. 1:12; 1 Cor. 1:2, 9; Eph. 6:18; 1 Thes. 5:16-18; Rom. 10:12-13.

2 特别、团体的一面,乃是在神所选择的地方─一的独一立场上,在正确召会生活的聚会里,享受基督上好的分─林前十四3、4下、26、31。

2. The special, corporate aspect is to enjoy the top portion of Christ in the meetings of the proper church life on the unique ground of oneness, the place chosen by God——1 Cor. 14:3, 4b, 26, 31.

三 我们需要过一种生活,个人经营基督并享受基督,使我们能集体地一同享受祂,好建造基督的身体作神的家,使神得着彰显,并作神的国,使神得以掌权─三16,提前三15,罗十四17~18:

C. We need to live a life of laboring upon Christ, a life of enjoying Christ personally so that we may enjoy Him together collectively for the building up of the Body of Christ as the house of God for God's expression and as the kingdom of God for God's dominion—— 3:16; 1 Tim. 3:15; Rom. 14:17-18:

1 神的旨意是要我们享受基督;我们必须寻求在各种处境中享受基督并经历基督─来十5~10,腓三7~14,四5~8。

1. God's will is for us to enjoy Christ; we must seek to enjoy Christ and experience Him in every situation——Heb. 10:5-10; Phil. 3:7-14; 4:5-8.

2 基督是无限量的丰富,但是今日的召会却是在贫穷中过日子,因为主的儿女都是懒惰的─箴六6~11,二四30~34,二六14,太二五26、30,参林前十五58。

2. Christ is rich beyond measure, but the church today is groveling in poverty because the Lord's children are indolent——Prov. 6:6-11; 24:30-34; 26:14; Matt. 25:26, 30; cf. 1 Cor. 15:58.

3 我们必须经营基督,就是我们的美地,使我们从祂的丰富收获出产,带到召会的聚会中献上;这样,聚会就是展览基督的丰富,也是全体与会者在神面前并同着神,彼此分享基督,使众圣徒与召会得着建造─西二6~7,林前一9,十四3、31。

3. We must labor on Christ, our good land, so that we may reap some produce of His riches to bring to the church meeting and offer; thus, the meeting will be an exhibition of Christ in His riches and will be a mutual enjoyment of Christ shared by all the attendants before God and with God for the building up of the saints and the church——Col. 2:6-7; 1 Cor. 1:9; 14:3, 31.

4 每逢我们来到聚会中敬拜主,我们不该空手而来;我们来的时候,必须双手满带着基督的出产─26节,申十六15~17。

4. Whenever we come to the meetings to worship the Lord, we should not come with our hands empty; we must come with our hands full of the produce of Christ——v. 26; Deut. 16:15-17.

5 我们聚集一起来展览基督,乃是展览我们所经营的基督,我们所享受、所经历的基督─十四22~23。

5. We meet together to have an exhibition of the Christ upon whom we have labored, the Christ whom we have experienced and enjoyed——14:22-23.

伍 我们要作今日的得胜者,就必须维持一的立场,就是神独一的选择,不高抬任何基督以外的事物;在主的恢复中,我们单单高举基督─西一18下,启二4,林后四5.十5:

V. In order to be today's overcomers, we must maintain the ground of oneness, God's unique choice, without elevating anything other than Christ; in the Lord's recovery we elevate Christ and Christ alone——Col. 1:18b; Rev. 2:4; 2 Cor. 4:5; 10:5:

一 以色列人能对美地的丰富有完全的享受之前,必须彻底毁坏“在高山上,在小山上,在各青翠树下”(申十二2)异教敬拜的地方、偶像以及偶像的名;高山与小山表征高举一些基督以外的东西,青翠树表征一些美丽、有吸引力的东西─1~3、5节,王上十一7~8,十二26~31,民三三52。

A. Before the children of Israel could have the full enjoyment of the riches of the good land, they had to utterly destroy the heathen places of worship, the idols, and the names of the idols "on the high mountains and on the hills and under every flourishing tree" (Deut. 12:2); the high mountains and hills signify the exaltation of something other than Christ, and the flourishing trees signify things that are beautiful and attractive——vv. 1-3, 5; 1 Kings 11:7-8; 12:26-31; Num. 33:52.

二 神百姓荒凉和堕落的内在原因,乃是基督没有被他们高举;他们没有在凡事上让祂居首位,居第一位─诗八十1、3、7、15~19,七四1。

B. The intrinsic reason for the desolation and degradation of God's people is that Christ is not exalted by them; they do not give Him the preeminence, the first place, in everything——Psa. 80:1, 3, 7, 15-19; 74:1.

三 从荒凉得复兴的路,就是高举基督;在一的立场上与神同享基督,唯有借着神百姓正确的珍赏并高举基督,才得以维持并保守。

C. The way to be restored from desolation is to exalt Christ; the enjoyment of Christ with God on the ground of oneness can be maintained and preserved only when Christ is properly appreciated and exalted by God's people.
