第十一篇 在神行政之下召会生活的各面

Aspects of the Church Life under the Government of God



壹 以色列人的历史乃是召会的预表─林前十6、11:

I. The history of the children of Israel is a type of the church—— 1 Cor. 10:6, 11:

一 在神行政的安排里,神拣选了亚伯拉罕的后裔,以色列人,使他们成为祂的子民,作召会的预表─罗九11~13,徒七38:

A. In His administrative arrangement God chose the children of Israel, the descendants of Abraham, and made them His people as a type of the church——Rom. 9:11-13; Acts 7:38:

1 在旧约里,没有明言提起召会,但有描绘召会的预表─创二21~24,代上二八11~19。

1. In the Old Testament the church is not mentioned in plain words, but there are types that portray the church——Gen. 2:21-24; 1 Chron. 28:11-19.

2 作神选民的以色列人,是召会最大、集体的预表,在其中我们能看见召会蒙神拣选并救赎,享受基督与那灵作生命的供应,建造神的居所,承受基督作她的分,堕落且被掳,却得恢复,并等候基督的来临。

2. The children of Israel, as the chosen people of God, are the greatest collective type of the church, in which we see that the church is chosen and redeemed by God, enjoys Christ and the Spirit as the life supply, builds God's habitation, inherits Christ as its portion, degrades and is captured, is recovered, and awaits Christ's coming.

3 保罗将以色列人的历史应用到新约的召会生活─林前五7~8,十1~13:

3. Paul applies the history of the children of Israel to the New Testament church life——1 Cor. 5:7-8; 10:1-13:

a 在希伯来书和哥林多前书,保罗清楚指出,发生在以色列人身上的事,乃是信徒的预表─十6。

a. In Hebrews and 1 Corinthians Paul points out clearly that what happened to the children of Israel is a type of the believers——10:6.

b 以色列人的整个历史,都是召会的故事。

b. The entire history of Israel is a story of the church.

二 圣经包含两种历史─以色列的历史和召会的历史─徒七1~53,启二~三:

B. The Bible contains two histories——the history of Israel and the history of the church——Acts 7:1-53; Rev. 2——3:

1 以色列人的历史是预表,召会的历史是预表的应验。

1. The history of the children of Israel is a type, and the history of the church is the fulfillment of the type.

2 在旧约里,有神关于召会之经纶的预表、图画,而在新约里,神关于召会的经纶得着了应验─提前一4,弗一10,三9~11。

2. In the Old Testament we have a type, a picture, of God's economy concerning the church, and in the New Testament God's economy concerning the church is fulfilled——1 Tim. 1:4; Eph. 1:10; 3:9-11.

贰 神在宇宙中有行政,神在召会里也有行政─启四2,五6,徒十四23,多一5:

II. God has a government in the universe, and there is also a government in the church——Rev. 4:2; 5:6; Acts 14:23; Titus 1:5:

一 神要把祂在宇宙中的行政通到召会里来─弗一10、22~23。

A. God desires to execute His government in the universe through the church——Eph. 1:10, 22-23.

二 在以色列人中间,满有神的行政管理;在出埃及记和民数记中的配搭建造乃是在神的行政管理之下。

B. Among the children of Israel there was a situation full of God's government and administration; the coordination and building in Exodus and Numbers were under God's administration and government.

三 神百姓中间的神圣行政乃是神治─启四2,五6:

C. The divine government among God's people is a theocracy——Rev. 4:2; 5:6:

1 神治乃是按着神的所是由神管理─诗八九14。

1. Theocracy is government by God according to what He is—— Psa. 89:14.

2 神在以色列人中间的行政乃是神治,意思是神亲自来管理、管治、治理祂的百姓,是直接的,不过是借着一些代理人;这些代理人就是那为神的神治效力的祭司和长老─申一9~18。

2. God's administration among the children of Israel was a theocracy, meaning that God Himself came to govern, to rule, to administrate, the people directly yet through some agents; the agents were the priests and the elders working together for God's theocracy——Deut. 1:9-18.

3 在以色列人中间的神治,乃是照着神写在律法上常时的说话,以及神借着大祭司的胸牌,用乌陵和土明所启示即时的说话而有的行政─出二八30.利八8,民二七21,申三三8。

3. The theocracy among the children of Israel was a government according to God's constant speaking, as written in the law, and God's instant speaking, through the breastplate of the high priest by means of the Urim and the Thummim——Exo. 28:30; Lev. 8:8; Num. 27:21; Deut. 33:8.

四 神在召会中的行政管理,不是专制,也不是民主;专制是一种独裁,民主是按着人意的管理─徒十四23,多一5:

D. God's government in the administration of the church is neither autocracy nor democracy; autocracy is a kind of dictatorship, and democracy is government by the people according to the opinion of the people——Acts 14:23; Titus 1:5:

1 在召会生活中,我们尊重神的权柄作为我们的管理,因此,召会中的管理乃是神治─弗一10、22~23,西二19。

1. In the church life we honor God's authority as our government; thus, the government in the church is a theocracy—— Eph. 1:10, 22-23; Col. 2:19.

2 今天神治理我们,是有圣经在外面作根据,并且有圣灵在里面作依据─提后三16~17,罗八5、14。

2. Today God's rule is based on the Bible outside of us and on the Holy Spirit within us——2 Tim. 3:16-17; Rom. 8:5, 14.

3 长老们随着圣灵议事,不是专制,也非民主,乃是神治,是神在治理。

3. When the elders follow the Holy Spirit in discussing matters, there is neither an autocracy nor a democracy but a theocracy, the rule of God.

五 以色列人中间正确的王,乃是受神的话教导、管制、规律并支配的─申十七14~20:

E. A proper king among the children of Israel was one who was instructed, governed, ruled, and controlled by the word of God—— Deut. 17:14-20:

1 今天在召会中,原则也该一样─徒十三1~4上。

1. The principle should be the same in the churches today—— Acts 13:1-4a.

2 长老们要治理召会,就必须被神的话构成─西三16:

2. In order to administrate the church, the elders must be constituted with the word of God——Col. 3:16:

a 结果,他们就在神的管理、神的规律和支配之下。

a. As a result, they will be under God's government, under God's rule and control.

b 他们的决断自然会有神在其中,长老们就代表神治理召会的事务;这种治理乃是神治。

b. Spontaneously, God will be in their decisions, and the elders will represent God to manage the affairs of the church; this kind of management is theocracy.

叁 神借着摩西所说的话描述在神行政之下召会生活的各面─申一1:

III. God's word spoken through Moses describes aspects of the church life under the government of God——Deut. 1:1:

一 神在施行祂的行政时,要求以色列人在耶路撒冷这独一的地方,就是祂所拣选的敬拜中心敬拜祂;他们没有权利按照自己的观念选择地方─十二1~12:

A. In exercising His government, God required the children of Israel to worship Him in the unique place—— Jerusalem——the worship center chosen by Him; they did not have the right to select a place according to their concept——12:1-12:

1 只有神所立祂名的地方,才是祂子民的敬拜中心─5节。

1. Only the place where God put His name could be the worship center of His people——v. 5.

2 神的子民应该来到锡安山,就是神所选择作团体敬拜独一的地方。

2. God's people were to come to Mount Zion, the unique place chosen by God for corporate worship.

3 神拣选独一敬拜的地方,目的是要保守神百姓的一─诗一三三1。

3. God chose the unique place of worship for the purpose of keeping the oneness of His people——Psa. 133:1.

二 神顾到一切有分于作祂彰显之人的需要─申十二19,十四27~29:

B. God takes care of the needs of all those who are part of His expression——Deut. 12:19; 14:27-29:

1 用新约的说法,这就是说,基督顾到祂身体的每一个肢体─林前十二14~27,腓四14~20。

1. In New Testament terms, this means that Christ takes care of every member of His Body——1 Cor. 12:14-27; Phil. 4:14-20.

2 在召会生活中,我们应当爱主耶稣,应当爱祂的身体,也应当顾到一切肢体的需要─林后八1~15。

2. In the church life we should love the Lord Jesus, love His Body, and take care of the needs of all the members——2 Cor. 8:1-15.

三 神的子民若给穷人,神就要在他们一切所行的并他们手所办的事上,赐福与他们─申十五10:

C. If God's people would give to the poor, God would bless them in all their work and in all their undertakings——Deut. 15:10:

1 今天在召会生活中,我们给穷人的时候该高兴,知道神必赐福与我们─林后九1~12。

1. In the church life today we should be happy when giving to the poor, knowing that God will bless us——2 Cor. 9:1-12.

2 对付玛门与奉献财物,都与在复活里神在众召会中的行政有关─林前十六1~3:

2. The dealing with mammon and the offering of material possessions are related to God's administration among the churches in resurrection——1 Cor. 16:1-3:

a 在七日的第一日奉献财物,指明财物的奉献该在复活里,不该在我们天然的生命里─1~2节,太六1~4。

a. The fact that material things are offered on the first day of the week indicates that they should be offered in resurrection, not in our natural life——vv. 1-2; Matt. 6:1-4.

b 我们若认识复活的生命和复活的大能,就会胜过金钱和财物;我们所有的都会为着神在众召会中的行政所使用─林前十六1~2,徒二44~45,四32~35,罗十五26。

b. If we know resurrection life and the resurrection power, we will overcome money and material possessions, and what we have will be used for God's administration among the churches——1 Cor. 16:1-2; Acts 2:44-45; 4:32-35; Rom. 15:26.

四 申命记二十五章十三至十六节是关于不同法码和量器的典章:─引用经文

D. Deuteronomy 25:13-16 is the ordinance concerning differing weights and measures:

1 有不同的法码与量器,这不诚实的作法乃是欺骗,必是从撒但来的─约八44。

1. The dishonest practice of having differing weights and measures is a lie and is surely from Satan—— John 8:44.

2 就属灵的应用说,在某件事上定罪别人,却在同样的事上称义自己,指明我们有不同的法码与量器,也就是不同的尺度,一种尺度衡量别人,另一种不同的尺度衡量自己。

2. In spiritual application, to condemn a certain thing in others while justifying the same thing in ourselves indicates that we have different weights and measures, that is, different scales——one scale for measuring others and a different scale for measuring ourselves.

3 在神的家─召会中(提前三15),应当只用一种尺度衡量每个人。─引用经文

3. In the house of God, the church (1 Tim. 3:15), only one scale should be used to weigh everyone.

4 倘若我们只有一种尺度,我们就会像神一样的公平、公义、公正,也会在召会中持守一和同心合意─太七1~5。

4. If we have only one scale, we will be fair, righteous, and just, even as God is, and we will keep the oneness and one accord in the church——Matt. 7:1-5.

五 不可把两样种子种在葡萄园里,可能预表在召会中不可教导不同的事─申二二9,提前一3~4,六3,参路八11:

E. The prohibition against sowing two kinds of seed in one's vineyard may typify the prohibition against teaching differently in the church——Deut. 22:9; 1 Tim. 1:3-4; 6:3; cf. Luke 8:11:

1 召会乃是神的葡萄园,在这葡萄园里,只该种一样的种子,传讲一样的教训─林前三9下,徒二42。

1. The church is God's vineyard, and in this vineyard only one kind of seed, one kind of teaching, should be sown——1 Cor. 3:9b; Acts 2:42.

2 我们若教导不同的事,种一样以上的种子,召会中的“出产”就会丧失。

2. If we teach differently, sowing more than one kind of seed, the "produce" in the church will be forfeited.

3 使徒们在各处,在各召会中,教导众圣徒同样的事─林前四17,七17,十一16,十四34:

3. The apostles taught the same thing to all the saints in all the places and in all the churches——1 Cor. 4:17; 7:17; 11:16; 14:33b-34:

a 我们也必须在全地各国的各召会中,教导同样的事─太二八19~20。

a. We also must teach the same thing in all the churches in every country throughout the earth——Matt. 28:19-20.

b 新约里没有一种思想,以为一种教训适合某一个召会,却不适合别的召会;反而,新约启示众召会在接受教训上该是相同的─多一9。

b. There is no thought in the New Testament that a teaching is good for one church but not for the other churches; rather, the New Testament reveals that all the churches were the same in receiving the teachings——Titus 1:9.

六 唯有凭信,我们才能在神的行政之下过召会生活─弗一22~23,四15,西二19,加二16,三2、5~9、14:

F. Only by faith can we live the church life under the government of God——Eph. 1:22-23; 4:15; Col. 2:19; Gal. 2:16; 3:2, 5-9, 14:

1 神要祂的子民不凭自我的努力,而是凭信,作祂所要求的一切─来十39~十一1、6、9~12,十二2,彼前一7~8。

1. God wants His people to do whatever He requires not by self-effort but by faith——Heb. 10:39——11:1, 6, 9-12; 12:2; 1 Pet. 1:7-8.

2 神的经纶乃是在信仰里,信仰是神完成祂经纶唯一的路─提前一4,加二20,林后五7,四13。

2. God's economy is in faith, and faith is the unique way for God to carry out His economy——1 Tim. 1:4; Gal. 2:20; 2 Cor. 5:7; 4:13.

3 召会是“信仰之家”─加六10:

3. The church is "the household of the faith"——Gal. 6:10:

a 信仰之家是由所有借着信基督耶稣成为神儿子的人所组成─三26。

a. The household of the faith is composed of all who are sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus——3:26.

b 所有在基督里的信徒一同构成宇宙的家庭,神的大家庭─相信神的家庭─六10,来十一6。

b. All the believers in Christ together constitute a universal household, the great family of God——a family that believes in God——6:10; Heb. 11:6.
