第四篇 过合乎神的心和旨意的生活

Living a Life according to God's Heart and Will



壹 旧约有一幅大卫的图画,他是合乎神心的人,他实行神的旨意,并在神的旨意中服事了他那一代的人(徒十三22、36);大卫心中有意要为耶和华以色列之神的名建造殿宇;今天神在每一面都祝福我们,为着成就祂的经纶,就是要建造基督的身体(撒上十三14上,王上八17,代上二二7,二八2,太十六18,弗二20~22,四16)。─引用经文

I. The Old Testament contains a portrait of David—a man according to God's heart, who did the will of God and served his own generation by the counsel of God (Acts 13:22, 36); it was in David's heart to build a house for the name of Jehovah the God of Israel; today God is blessing us in every way for the fulfillment of His economy to build up the Body of Christ (1 Sam. 13:14a; 1 Kings 8:17; 1 Chron. 22:7; 28:2; Matt. 16:18; Eph. 2:20-22; 4:16).

贰 神在祂新约经纶里伟大的旨意、祂的喜悦、祂意愿所决议的和祂的定旨,是要得着一个身体,作基督(经过过程之三一神的具体化身)的扩大和彰显─一9~11、22~23,三9~11:

II. God's great will in His New Testament economy, God's good pleasure, the counsel of His will, and His purpose are to have a Body for the enlargement and expression of Christ, the embodiment of the processed Triune God— 1:9-11, 22-23; 3:9-11:

一 天是为着地,地是为着人,而人是为着产生召会,召会乃是经过过程之三一神的扩大和彰显;神伟大的旨意是要得着一个由重生、圣别、更新并变化成为经过过程之三一神形像的人所组成的身体─亚十二1,约一12~13,弗五26,林后四16,三18。

A. The heavens are for the earth, the earth is for man, man is for the producing of the church, and the church is the enlargement and expression of the processed Triune God; God's great will is to have a Body composed of human beings who are regenerated, sanctified, renewed, and transformed into the image of the processed Triune God—Zech. 12:1; John 1:12-13; Eph. 5:26; 2 Cor. 4:16; 3:18.

二 神伟大的旨意也是要得着召会成为基督生机的身体,以显明祂万般的智慧─弗三9~10。

B. God's great will is also to have a church to be the organic Body of Christ for the manifestation of His multifarious wisdom—Eph. 3:9-10.

三 以弗所书的每一章都从特别的观点,揭示神旨意的奥秘(一9),就是基督的身体这三一神生机体的奥秘:─引用经文

C. Each chapter of the book of Ephesians unveils the mystery of God's will (1:9), the mystery of the Body of Christ as the organism of the Triune God, from a particular point of view:

1 一章启示,基督的身体乃是经过过程的神圣三一之分赐与超越基督之输供的结果。

1. Ephesians 1 reveals that the Body of Christ is the issue of the dispensing of the processed Trinity and the transmitting of the transcending Christ.

2 二章启示,基督的身体乃是三一神的杰作,就是一个新人─10、15~16节。

2. Ephesians 2 reveals that the Body of Christ is the masterpiece of the Triune God as the new man—vv. 10, 15-16.

3 三章启示,基督的身体成了三一神的丰满,是借着我们得了基督丰富的供应,并借着基督安家在我们心里─8、14~19节。

3. Ephesians 3 reveals that the Body of Christ is the fullness of the Triune God by our being supplied with the riches of Christ and by Christ's making His home in our hearts—vv. 8, 14-19.

4 四章启示,基督的身体乃是经过过程的三一神与重生信徒的调和,并且这一个身体是由一个职事建造起来的─4~6、11~16节。

4. Ephesians 4 reveals that the Body of Christ is the mingling of the processed Triune God with the regenerated believers and that this one Body is built up by the one ministry—vv. 4-6, 11-16.

5 五章启示,基督的身体是由光的儿女所组成,作基督的新妇,使基督得满足─8~9、25~27节。

5. Ephesians 5 reveals that the Body of Christ is composed of the children of light to be the bride of Christ for the satisfaction of Christ—vv. 8-9, 25-27.

6 六章启示,基督的身体是三一神团体的战士,为着击败神的仇敌─10~20节。

6. Ephesians 6 reveals that the Body of Christ is the corporate warrior of the Triune God for the defeating of God's enemy—vv. 10-20.

四 神已经将身体调和在一起(林前十二24);“调和”这辞的意思也是调整、使之和谐、调节并调在一起:─引用经文

D. God has blended the Body together (1 Cor. 12:24); the word blended also means "adjusted," "harmonized," "tempered," and "mingled":

1 要在身体的生活里调和,我们就必须经过十字架,凭着那灵,为着基督身体的缘故,将基督分赐给别人。

1. In order to be blended in the Body life, we have to go through the cross and be by the Spirit, dispensing Christ to others for the sake of the Body of Christ.

2 调和的意思是,我们要作什么的时候,总是停下来与别人交通。

2. Blending means that when we are about to do something, we always stop to fellowship with others.

3 调和是为着建造基督宇宙的身体(弗一23),好照着神的喜悦,完成那作神经纶最终目标的新耶路撒冷(三8~10,一9~10,启二一2)。─引用经文

3. The blending is for the building up of the universal Body of Christ (Eph. 1:23) to consummate the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:2) as the final goal of God's economy according to His good pleasure (Eph. 3:8-10; 1:9-10).

叁 神伟大的旨意是要得着基督作一切旧约祭物和供物的顶替,使我们享受祂作我们一切的一切一来十5~10,诗四十6~8:─引用经文

III. God's great will is to have Christ as the replacement for all the sacrifices and offerings in the Old Testament so that we may enjoy Him as our all in all—Heb. 10:5-10; Psa. 40:6-8:

一 基督作新约唯一的祭物,乃是立定神新约经纶的因素(太二六28),使祂成为新约经纶的中心与普及,好产生并建造召会作祂生机的身体,终极完成于新耶路撒冷。─引用经文

A. As the unique sacrifice of the new covenant, Christ is the factor that enacts God's New Testament economy (Matt. 26:28) so that He may be its centrality and universality for the producing and building up of the church as His organic Body, which will consummate in the New Jerusalem.

二 基督来顶替旧约一切的祭物和供物,除去旧约一切的预表并立定祂自己作我们的一切,这就是神伟大的旨意;因此,为着从神的旧造中完成神的新造,基督转换了时代(林后五17,加六15);祂的转换时代,比创世记一章所提的创造宇宙更重大:─引用经文

B. Christ's replacing of all the Old Testament offerings, taking away all the Old Testament types and establishing Himself as everything to us, is God's great will; hence, Christ has changed the age for the consummating of God's new creation out of God's old creation (2 Cor. 5:17; Gal. 6:15); His changing the age is greater than the creation of the universe mentioned in Genesis 1:

1 旧约在以赛亚五十三章预言基督要来,成了为着罪的祭,是要顶替并了结利未祭司体系的祭物(6、11~12);神为基督预备了身体,使祂能将自己献给神,顶替一切的供物(来十5)。─引用经文

1. The Old Testament predicted in Isaiah 53 that Christ would come to be the sacrifice for sin in order to replace and terminate the Levitical sacrifices (vv. 6, 11-12); God prepared a body for Christ so that He could offer Himself to God to replace all the offerings (Heb. 10:5).

2 基督除去“那先有的”─旧约的祭物,为要立定自己作“那后来的”─新约的祭物─9节:

2. Christ took away "the first," the sacrifices of the old covenant, that He might establish Himself as "the second," the sacrifice of the new covenant—v. 9:

a 基督这“后来的”,乃是一切─9节。

a. As "the second," Christ is everything—v. 9.

b 我们凭这旨意,借基督一次永远地献上身体,就得以圣别,享受并有分于祂作我们的一切─10节。

b. By this will we have been sanctified through the offering of Christ's body once for all so that we may enjoy and partake of Him as our everything— v. 10.

三 基督是祭物的实际,为使我们在灵和真实里敬拜神;而真实就是神圣的实际成了我们的真实、真诚,为着对神真实的敬拜─约四23~24:

C. Christ is the reality of the offerings so that we may worship God in spirit and truthfulness (the divine reality becoming our genuineness and sincerity for the true worship of God)— John 4:23-24:

1 那完全为着神满足的燔祭,预表基督是神的喜悦和满足,祂在地上的生活绝对为着神─利一3,民二八2~3,约七16~18。

1. The burnt offering, which was wholly for God's satisfaction, typifies Christ as God's pleasure and satisfaction, the One whose living on earth was absolutely for God—Lev. 1:3; Num. 28:2-3; John 7:16-18.

2 素祭预表基督在祂完美的人性里是神的食物,也是那些与神交通并事奉神之人的食物─利二1、4,约七46,十八38,十九4、6。

2. The meal offering typifies Christ in His perfect humanity as food for God and for those who have fellowship with God and serve Him—Lev. 2:1, 4; John 7:46; 18:38; 19:4, 6.

3 平安祭预表基督是成就和平者,祂为我们受死,作了我们与神之间的和平与交通,使我们能与神共同享受基督,在祂里面与神相交,神人同得满足─利三1,弗二14~15,约十二1~3,二十21。

3. The peace offering typifies Christ as the Peacemaker, the One who became the peace and the fellowship between us and God by dying for us, enabling us to enjoy Christ with God and to have fellowship with God in Christ for our mutual satisfaction with God—Lev. 3:1; Eph. 2:14-15; John 12:1-3; 20:21.

4 赎罪祭预表基督是替我们成为罪的那一位,也是死在十字架上,对付我们堕落之人罪性的那一位─利四3,林后五21,罗八3,约一29,三14。

4. The sin offering typifies Christ as the One who was made sin for us and who died on the cross to deal with the sinful nature of our fallen being—Lev. 4:3; 2 Cor. 5:21; Rom. 8:3; John 1:29; 3:14.

5 赎愆祭预表基督是在自己的身体里担当我们诸罪的那一位,祂在十字架上受神审判,对付我们的罪行,使我们罪的行为得着赦免─利五6,彼前一24,三18,赛五三5~6、10~11,约四15~18。

5. The trespass offering typifies Christ as the One who bore our sins in His own body and was judged by God on the cross to deal with our sinful deeds that we might be forgiven in our sinful conduct—Lev. 5:6; 1 Pet. 2:24; 3:18; Isa. 53:5-6, 10-11; John 4:15-18.

6 摇祭预表在爱中复活的基督─利七30,十15。

6. The wave offering typifies Christ as the resurrected One in love—Lev. 7:30; 10:15.

7 举祭预表在升天与高举里有能力的基督─七32,出二九27,弗一21。

7. The heave offering typifies the powerful Christ in ascension and exaltation—7:32; Exo. 29:27; Eph. 1:21.

8 奠祭预表基督是在神前像酒一样倾倒出来,使神得着满足的那一位,也是用自己作属天的酒浸透我们,而被倾倒出来,使神得着享受和满足的那一位─利二三13,出二九40,民二八7~10,赛五三12,腓二17,提后四6,士九13。

8. The drink offering typifies Christ as the One poured out as wine before God for His satisfaction and also as the One who saturates us with Himself as heavenly wine to be poured out for God's enjoyment and satisfaction—Lev. 23:13; Exo. 29:40; Num. 28:7-10; Isa. 53:12; Phil. 2:17; 2 Tim. 4:6; Judg. 9:13.

四 我们必须过一种合乎神的心和旨意的生活,天天享受基督作一切祭物的实际,为着达到三一神的神圣目标,就是把我们众人都带到祂里面,使我们以祂作我们的居所,并让祂以我们作祂的居所,为着祂那神人二性扩大的宇宙合并─约十四23,启二一3、22。

D. We need to live a life according to God's heart and will by daily enjoying Christ as the reality of all the offerings for the divine goal of the Triune God, which is to bring us all into Himself that we may take Him as our dwelling place and allow Him to take us as His dwelling place for His universal, enlarged, divine-human incorporation— John 14:23; Rev. 21:3, 22.

肆 神伟大的旨意是要得着在基督里的信徒实行身体生活,就是要有基督身体的生活─罗十二1~21:

IV. God's great will is to have the believers in Christ practice the Body life, that is, to have the living of the Body of Christ—Rom. 12:1-21:

一 我们“在基督里是一个身体”,与祂有生机的联结;这联结使我们在生命里与祂是一,也与祂身体所有的肢体是一─4~5节:

A. We are "one Body in Christ," having an organic union with Him; this union makes us one in life with Him and with all the other members of His Body—vv. 4-5:

1 罗马十二章五节中有一个辞指明这生机的联结─“在基督里”;“在基督里”总是含示我们与基督生机联结在一起的思想或事实。─引用经文

1. Two words from Romans 12:5 indicate the organic union—in Christ; in Christ always implies the thought or the fact that we are organically one with Christ.

2 身体的实际乃是留在与基督生机的联结里;这就是约翰十五章嘱咐我们要住在祂里面的原因;住在祂里面,意思就是留在与祂生机的联结里。

2. The actuality of the Body is the remaining in the organic union with Christ; this is why John 15 charges us to abide in Him; to abide in Him simply means to remain in the organic union.

二 要实现召会生活,就是基督身体的生活,需要我们的全人;献上的身体、变化的魂和火热的灵,都是过正确的召会生活所不可或缺的─罗十二1~2、11:

B. For the church life, the life of the Body of Christ, to be realized, our entire being is needed; a presented body, a transformed soul, and a burning spirit are indispensable to a proper church life—Rom. 12:1-2, 11:

1 为着召会生活,我们要献上身体作活祭:

1. We need to present our bodies as a living sacrifice for the church life:

a 罗马十二章一节的“身体”是复数,“祭”是单数;这表明我们所献上的,乃是许多身体,但我们所献成的,却是唯一的祭,这含示我们众人在基督身体里的事奉,不该是许多分开、各不相干、个别的事奉。─引用经文

a. Bodies in Romans 12:1 is plural, and sacrifice is singular; this indicates that although many bodies are presented, they become one sacrifice, implying that although we are many, our service in the Body of Christ should not be many individual services, separated and unrelated.

b 我们一切的事奉,该是一个整体的事奉,且该是独一无二的,因为是基督一个身体的事奉。

b. All our service should constitute one whole service, and this service must be unique because it is the service of the one Body of Christ.

2 我们将身体献上以后,还需要心思的更新─2~3节:

2. After presenting our body, we need to have our mind renewed—vv. 2-3:

a 心思的更新,是我们心思置于灵(八6)的结果,是我们魂变化的基础;我们的心思是我们魂主要的部分,我们的心思既被更新,意志与情感也自然随着更新。─引用经文

a. The renewing of the mind, which results from setting the mind on the spirit (8:6), is the base for the transformation of our soul; our mind is the leading part of our soul, and as it is renewed, our will and emotion automatically follow to be renewed also.

b 更新的意思是有新的元素加到我们里面,因而产生新陈代谢的变化,使我们适合基督身体的建造,就是召会生活的实行。

b. To be renewed means that a new element is wrought into our being; this produces an inward metabolic transformation, making us suitable for the building up of the Body of Christ, which is the practice of the church life.

3 我们必须灵里火热,使我们被挑旺并受鼓励而在召会生活中积极向前;死的虚空知识和道理的仪式,会使我们堕落且不冷不热;我们需要为我们的不冷不热悔改而发热心、沸腾、火热,借此重得享受基督的实际─十二11,启三16、19~22。

3. We must be burning in spirit that we may be stirred up and encouraged to go on in the church life in a positive way; dead, vain knowledge and doctrinal forms can make us degraded and lukewarm; we need to repent of our lukewarmness and be zealous, boiling, burning, that we may regain the enjoyment of the reality of Christ—12:11; Rev. 3:16, 19-22.

三 当基督这恩典进到我们里面的时候,也带来某些技能与才干的元素,随着生命在我们里面的增长,发展成为生命的恩赐,使我们可以在基督的身体里尽功用事奉神─罗十二4~8。

C. When Christ as grace comes into us, this grace brings with it the element of certain skills and abilities, which, accompanying our growth in life, develop into the gifts in life that we may function in the Body of Christ to serve God—Rom. 12:4-8.

四 九至二十一节给我们看见正常的基督徒生活,这是实行召会生活所必需的基础,且与召会生活相配;这是为着身体生活之最高美德的生活;唯有在生命中作王,我们才能有这样的身体生活─五17。

D. Verses 9 through 21 show the normal Christian life that is the necessary base for the practice of the church life and that matches the church life; this is a life of the highest virtues for the Body life; we can have such a living for the Body life only by reigning in life—5:17.

五 神完整的救恩(10~11)是使我们借着洋溢之恩(神自己作我们全备的供应使我们生机地得拯救)并洋溢之义(神法理的救赎实际应用在我们身上)而在生命中作王;当我们都在生命中作王、活在神圣生命的掌权之下时,结果就是真正且实际的身体生活。─引用经文

E. God's complete salvation (vv. 10-11) is for us to reign in life by the abundance of grace (God Himself as our all-sufficient supply for our organic salvation) and of the gift of righteousness (God's judicial redemption applied to us in a practical way); when we are all reigning in life, living under the ruling of the divine life, the issue is the real and practical Body life.
