第五篇 神的旨意─要我们成为圣别

The Will of God—Our Sanctification



壹 神的旨意乃是要我们被圣化;被圣化就是成为圣别,也就是分别归神并被神所浸透;神是那圣者,与一切凡俗的不同、有别─帖前四3上,彼前一15~16,弗一4~5,五25~27。

I. The will of God is our sanctification; to be sanctified is to be made holy, which is to be separated unto God and saturated with God as the Holy One, the One who is different, distinct, from everything that is common—1 Thes. 4:3a; 1 Pet. 1:15-16; Eph. 1:4-5; 5:25-27.

贰 以弗所一章四至五节与希伯来二章十至十一节给我们看见,圣化是为着儿子的名分;事实上,神圣化我们,乃是“子化”我们:─引用经文

II. Ephesians 1:4-5 and Hebrews 2:10-11 show that sanctification is for sonship; actually, sanctification is God's "sonizing":

一 在已过的永远里,我们蒙拣选,“成为圣别……得[为着,或,结果是]儿子的名分”─弗一4~5,启二一2、9~11。

A. We were chosen in eternity past "to be holy…unto [for, or, resulting in] sonship"—Eph. 1:4-5; Rev. 21:2, 9-11.

二 复活的基督是我们救恩的元帅,借着圣化神许多的儿子,领他们进荣耀里去─来二10~11。

B. The resurrected Christ is the Captain of our salvation, leading many sons into glory by sanctifying them—Heb. 2:10-11.

叁 圣经里的圣别有三方面:

III. There are three aspects of sanctification in the Scriptures:

一 在蒙神拣选之人悔改并相信以前,有那灵寻找他们的圣别─彼前一2。

A. There is the Spirit's sanctification in seeking the God-chosen people before they repent and believe—1 Pet. 1:2.

二 在信徒相信时,有借基督之血地位上的圣别─来十三12,九13~14,十29。

B. There is the positional sanctification by the blood of Christ at the time of the believers' believing—Heb. 13:12; 9:13-14; 10:29.

三 在信徒一生的基督徒生活中,有那灵性质上的圣别─帖前五23~24,罗十五16下,六19、22,参五10,启二二14,彼后一4。

C. There is the Spirit's dispositional sanctification in the believers' full course of their Christian life—1 Thes. 5:23-24; Rom. 15:16b; 6:19, 22; cf. 5:10; Rev. 22:14; 2 Pet. 1:4.

肆 为着神圣儿子名分之神圣的圣别,乃是神圣经纶的中心,也是新约里启示的中心思想:

IV. The divine sanctification for the divine sonship is the center of the divine economy and the central thought of the revelation in the New Testament:

一 神圣的圣别,在完成神圣的经纶上,是主持的线,为要神圣地使我们子化,使我们成为神的儿子,在生命和性情上与神一样,但无分于祂的神格,而使我们作神的彰显。

A. The divine sanctification is the holding line in the carrying out of the divine economy to sonize us divinely, making us sons of God that we may become the same as God in His life and in His nature (but not in His Godhead), so that we may be God's expression.

二 我们说圣别是主持线,因为神在我们身上的工作,每一步都是使我们成为圣别─约十七17,弗五26~27,林前六11,十二3下,来十二4~14,罗八28~29,弗四30,帖前五19,启二7上,诗七三16~17、25~26:

B. We say that sanctification is the holding line because every step of God's work with us is to make us holy— John 17:17; Eph. 5:26-27; 1 Cor. 6:11; 12:3b; Heb. 12:4-14; Rom. 8:28-29; Eph. 4:30; 1 Thes. 5:19; Rev. 2:7a; Psa. 73:16-17, 25-26:

1 寻找的圣别,也就是初步的圣别,是为着叫我们悔改,把我们带回归神─彼前一2,路十五8~10、17~21,约十六8~11。

1. The seeking sanctification, the initial sanctification, is unto repentance to bring us back to God—1 Pet. 1:2; Luke 15:8-10, 17-21; John 16:8-11.

2 救赎的圣别,也就是地位上的圣别,是借着基督的血,把我们从亚当迁到基督里─来十三12。

2. The redeeming sanctification, the positional sanctification, is by the blood of Christ, to transfer us from Adam to Christ—Heb. 13:12.

3 重生的圣别,也就是在性情上圣别的开始,从我们的灵更新我们,使我们这些罪人成为神的儿子─有神圣生命和性情的新造─约一12~13,林后五17,加六15。

3. The regenerating sanctification, the beginning of dispositional sanctification, renews us from our spirit to make us, the sinners, sons of God—a new creation with the divine life and nature— John 1:12-13; 2 Cor. 5:17; Gal. 6:15.

4 更新的圣别,也就是性情上圣别的继续,从我们的心思到我们魂的各部分,更新我们的魂,使我们的魂成为神新造的一部分─罗十二2下,六4,七6,弗四23,结三六26~27,林后四16~18。

4. The renewing sanctification, the continuation of dispositional sanctification, renews our soul from our mind through all the parts of our soul to make our soul a part of God's new creation—Rom. 12:2b; 6:4; 7:6; Eph. 4:23; Ezek. 36:26-27; 2 Cor. 4:16-18.

5 变化的圣别,也就是日常的圣别,新陈代谢地用基督的元素把我们重新构成,使我们成为新的构成,作基督生机身体的一部分─林前三12,林后三18。

5. The transforming sanctification, the daily sanctification, reconstitutes us with the element of Christ metabolically to make us a new constitution as a part of the organic Body of Christ—1 Cor. 3:12; 2 Cor. 3:18.

6 模成的圣别,也就是成形的圣别,将我们形成荣耀之基督的形像,使我们成为基督的彰显─罗八29。

6. The conforming sanctification, the shaping sanctification, shapes us in the image of the glorious Christ to make us the expression of Christ—Rom. 8:29.

7 得荣的圣别,也就是终极完成的圣别,借着把我们的身体改变形状,而救赎我们的身体,使我们在荣耀里完满地成为基督的彰显─腓三21,罗八23。

7. The glorifying sanctification, the consummating sanctification, redeems our body by transfiguring it to make us Christ's expression in full and in glory— Phil. 3:21; Rom. 8:23.

三 神圣的、性情上的圣别,乃是由基督作为那圣化人的灵,在我们的灵里所施行的─十五16,八4。

C. The divine, dispositional sanctification is carried out by Christ as the sanctifying Spirit in our spirit—15:16b; 8:4.

伍 我们要为着召会生活过圣别的生活,就需要主使我们的心得以坚固,在圣别上无可指摘─帖前三13:

V. In order to live a holy life for the church life, we need the Lord to establish our heart blameless in holiness—1 Thes. 3:13:

一 我们的心是由我们魂的各部分─心思、情感、意志(太九4,来四12,约十四1,十六22,徒十一23)─加上我们灵的一部分─良心(来十22,约壹三20)所组成。─引用经文

A. Our heart is a composition of all the parts of our soul—the mind, the emotion, and the will (Matt. 9:4; Heb. 4:12; John 14:1; 16:22; Acts 11:23)—plus one part of our spirit—the conscience (Heb. 10:22; 1 John 3:20).

二 心是生命的进出口,是生命的“开关”;心不对了,灵里的生命就受了阻碍,生命的律也就不得自由运行,不能通行无阻,而达不到我们全人的各部分;生命虽然有大能,这大能却受我们一颗小小之心的控制─箴四23,太十二33~37,参结三六26~27。

B. The heart is the entrance and exit of life, the "switch" of life; if the heart is not right, life in the spirit is hindered, and the law of life cannot work freely and without obstruction to reach every part of our being; though life has great power, this great power is controlled by our small heart—Prov. 4:23; Matt. 12:33-37; cf. Ezek. 36:26-27.

三 神是不改变的一位,但按着我们天然的出生,我们的心在与人、与主之间的关系上是善变的─参提后四10,太十三18~23。

C. God is the unchanging One, but according to our natural birth, our heart is changeable, both in our relationship with others and with the Lord—cf. 2 Tim. 4:10; Matt. 13:18-23.

四 按着一个人天然、属人的生命,没有一个人有坚定的心;因为我们的心太容易改变了,所以它一点也不可靠─耶十七9~10,十三23。

D. There is no one who, according to his natural, human life, is steadfast in his heart; because our heart changes so easily, it is not at all trustworthy— Jer. 17:9-10; 13:23.

五 我们的心有可指摘,因为我们的心刻变时翻;不改变的心就是无可指摘的心─诗五七7,一〇八1,一一二7。

E. Our heart is blamable because it is changeable; an unchanging heart is a blameless heart—Psa. 57:7; 108:1; 112:7.

六 在神的救恩里,心的更新是一次而永远的;但在我们的经历里,我们的心不断在更新,因为它是善变的─结三六26,林后四16。

F. In God's salvation the renewing of the heart is once for all; however, in our experience our heart is renewed continually because it is changeable—Ezek. 36:26; 2 Cor. 4:16.

七 我们的心是善变的,所以需要被圣别的灵不断地更新,好使我们的心在圣别、分别归神、被神占有、被神据有并被神浸透的光景里,得坚固并得建立─多三5,罗六19、22,林后三16~18,太五8,诗五一10~12。

G. Because our heart is changeable, it needs to be renewed continually by the sanctifying Spirit so that our heart can be established and built up in the state of being holy, separated unto God, occupied by God, possessed by God, and saturated with God—Titus 3:5; Rom. 6:19, 22; 2 Cor. 3:16-18; Matt. 5:8; Psa. 51:10-12.

八 当我们被圣别的灵不断更新,使我们的心得坚固,在圣别上无可指摘时,我们就渐渐成为新耶路撒冷,有神圣生命的新样,也渐渐成为圣城,有神圣性情的圣别─启二一2,约壹五11~12,彼后一4。

H. As our heart is being established blameless in holiness by the continual renewing of the sanctifying Spirit, we are becoming the New Jerusalem with the newness of the divine life, and we are becoming the holy city with the holiness of the divine nature—Rev. 21:2; 1 John 5:11-12; 2 Pet. 1:4.

陆 “愿和平的神,亲自全然圣别你们,又愿你们的灵、与魂、与身子得蒙保守,在我们主耶稣基督来临的时候,得以完全,无可指摘。那召你们的是信实的,祂也必作成这事”─帖前五23~24:

VI. "The God of peace Himself sanctify you wholly, and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is He who calls you, who also will do it"—1 Thes. 5:23-24:

一 和平的神是那圣别人的,祂的圣别带来和平;当我们从里面被祂全然圣别时,就在凡事上与祂与人都有和平─23、13节,帖后三16。

A. The God of peace is the Sanctifier; His sanctification brings in peace; when we are wholly sanctified by Him from within, we have peace with Him and with man in every way—vv. 23, 13; 2 Thes. 3:16.

二 神愿意,也必亲自这样圣别我们;只要我们肯追求祂这圣别,肯在这事上与祂合作,就能成为圣别,像祂圣别一样(彼前一15~16);非圣别没有人能见主(来十二14)。─引用经文

B. God desires to sanctify us, and He Himself will do it as long as we are willing to pursue Him as holiness and cooperate with Him; in this way we can be holy as He is holy (1 Pet. 1:15-16); without holiness we cannot see Him (Heb. 12:14).

三 神这样圣别我们,也就是在我们灵、魂、体的素质里变化我们,使我们在性质上全然像祂;如此,祂就保守我们的灵、魂、体全然完全─帖前五23:

C. By sanctifying us, God transforms us in the essence of our spirit, soul, and body, making us wholly like Him in nature; in this way He preserves our spirit, soul, and body wholly complete—1 Thes. 5:23:

1 因着堕落,我们的体受了败坏,魂受了玷污,灵也死了;在神完全的救恩里,我们的全人都要得救,成为完全、完美的。

1. Through the fall our body was ruined, our soul was contaminated, and our spirit was deadened; in God's full salvation our entire being is saved and made complete and perfect.

2 为此,神保守我们的灵脱离死的元素(来九14),保守我们的魂不再留在天然和老旧里(太十六24~26),并保守我们的体脱离罪的败坏(帖前四4,罗六6)。─引用经文

2. For this, God is preserving our spirit from any deadening element (Heb. 9:14), our soul from remaining natural and old (Matt. 16:24-26), and our body from the ruin of sin (1 Thes. 4:4; Rom. 6:6).

3 神这样的保守,以及祂彻底的圣别,维持我们过圣别的生活,直到成熟,使我们能在主来临时与祂相会。

3. Such a preservation by God and His thorough sanctification sustain us to live a holy life unto maturity so that we may meet the Lord in His coming.

4 在量的一面,神要全然圣别我们;在质的一面,神要保守我们得以完全,就是要保守我们的灵、魂、体得以完美。

4. Quantitatively, God sanctifies us wholly; qualitatively, God preserves us complete—that is, He keeps our spirit, soul, and body perfect.

5 虽然神保守我们,但我们必须负起责任,采取主动,与神的运行合作,借着使我们的灵、魂、体被圣灵浸透而蒙保守─帖前五12~24。

5. Although God preserves us, we need to take the responsibility, the initiative, to cooperate with His operation to be preserved by keeping our spirit, soul, and body in the saturating of the Holy Spirit—1 Thes. 5:12-24.

柒 我们要与神合作,在圣别中保守我们的灵,就必须借着运用我们的灵,以保守我们的灵是活的─提前四6~7:

VII. In order to cooperate with God to preserve our spirit in sanctification, we must keep our spirit in a living condition by exercising our spirit—1 Tim. 4:6-7:

一 我们要保守我们的灵,就必须运用我们的灵与神交通,以保守我们的灵是活的;我们若不这样运用我们的灵,就会把我们的灵留在死沉的光景里─提后一6~7,参犹19:

A. In order to preserve our spirit, we must keep our spirit living by exercising it to have fellowship with God; if we fail to exercise our spirit in this way, we will leave it in a deadened situation—2 Tim. 1:6-7; cf. Jude 19:

1 喜乐、祷告、谢恩就是运用我们的灵;要保守我们的灵,首先必须运用我们的灵,保守我们的灵是活的,并将我们的灵从死亡中拉出来─帖前五16~18。

1. To rejoice, pray, and give thanks are to exercise our spirit; to preserve our spirit is first of all to exercise our spirit to keep our spirit living and to pull it out of death—1 Thes. 5:16-18.

2 我们需要与那圣化人的神合作,使我们从灵里死沉的光景分别出来─参民六6~8,林后五4。

2. We need to cooperate with the sanctifying God to be separated from a spirit-deadening situation—cf. Num. 6:6-8; 2 Cor. 5:4.

3 我们必须在我们的灵里,用我们的灵敬拜神、事奉神并与神交通;我们所是的一切,所有的一切,和向神所作的一切,都必须在我们的灵里─约四24,罗一9,腓二1。

3. We must worship God, serve God, and fellowship with God in and with our spirit; whatever we are, whatever we have, and whatever we do toward God must be in our spirit— John 4:24; Rom. 1:9; Phil. 2:1.

二 我们要保守我们的灵,就需要保守这灵脱离一切的玷污和污染─林后七1。

B. In order to preserve our spirit, we need to keep it from all defilement and contamination—2 Cor. 7:1.

三 我们要保守我们的灵,就必须操练自己,对神对人都存无亏的良心─徒二四16,罗九1,参八16。

C. In order to preserve our spirit, we must exercise ourselves to have a conscience without offense toward God and men—Acts 24:16; Rom. 9:1; cf. 8:16.

四 我们要保守我们的灵,就必须留意我们的灵,将心思置于灵,顾到我们灵里的安息─玛二15~16,罗八6,林后二13。

D. In order to preserve our spirit, we must take heed to our spirit, setting our mind on the spirit and caring for the rest in our spirit—Mal. 2:15-16; Rom. 8:6; 2 Cor. 2:13.

捌 我们要与神合作,在圣别中保守我们的魂,就必须清理我们心理之心的三条主要“动脉”,就是我们魂的各部分─我们的心思、情感和意志─参诗四三4,尼八10,约壹一4,耶十五16:

VIII. In order to cooperate with God to preserve our soul in sanctification, we must clear the three main "arteries" of our psychological heart, the parts of our soul—our mind, emotion, and will—cf. Psa. 43:4; Neh. 8:10; 1 John 1:4; Jer. 15:16:

一 我们的魂要被圣别,我们的心思就必须被更新,成为基督的心思(罗十二2),我们的情感必须被基督的爱摸着并浸透(弗三17、19),我们的意志必须被复活的基督征服并注入(腓二13),并且我们必须用我们的全人来爱主(可十二30)。─引用经文

A. In order for our soul to be sanctified, our mind must be renewed to be the mind of Christ (Rom. 12:2), our emotion must be touched and saturated with the love of Christ (Eph. 3:17, 19), our will must be subdued by and infused with the resurrected Christ (Phil. 2:13), and we must love the Lord with our whole being (Mark 12:30).

二 除去心理之心三条主要动脉的阻塞之路,就是向主彻底认罪;我们需要停留在主面前一段时间,求主把我们完全带进光中;在光中我们被祂暴露时,我们需要承认我们的缺点、失误、失败、错误、恶行和罪─约壹一5~9:

B. The way to unclog the three main arteries of our psychological heart is to make a thorough confession to the Lord; we need to stay with the Lord for a period of time, asking Him to bring us fully into the light, and in the light of what He exposes, we need to confess our defects, failures, defeats, mistakes, wrongdoings, and sins— 1 John 1:5-9:

1 我们要清除我们心思动脉的阻塞,就需要承认我们思想里以及我们思想方式上一切有罪的事物。

1. In order to unclog the artery of our mind, we need to confess everything that is sinful in our thoughts and in our way of thinking.

2 我们要清除我们意志动脉的阻塞,就需要承认我们意志里背叛的病菌。

2. In order to unclog the artery of our will, we need to confess the germs of rebellion in our will.

3 我们要清除我们情感动脉的阻塞,就需要承认我们表达喜乐和忧伤的方式是天然的甚至是属肉的,并且我们许多时候恨我们所该爱的,爱我们所该恨的─参启二4、6。

3. In order to unclog the artery of our emotion, we need to confess the natural and even fleshy way that we have expressed our joy and sorrow; also, in many cases we hate what we should love, and we love what we should hate— cf. Rev. 2:4, 6.

4 我们若花够多的时间清除心理之心三条主要动脉的阻塞,就会感觉到我们全人活了,并且光景非常健康。

4. If we take the time necessary to unclog the three main arteries of our psychological heart, we will have the sense that our entire being has become living and is in a very healthy condition.

玖 我们要与神合作,在圣别中保守我们的身体,就必须把我们的身体献给祂,使我们能为着召会生活过圣别的生活,实行身体生活,好完成神纯全的旨意─罗十二1~2,帖前四4,五18:

IX. In order to cooperate with God to preserve our body in sanctification, we must present our body to Him so that we may live a holy life for the church life, practicing the Body life in order to carry out God's perfect will—Rom. 12:1-2; 1 Thes. 4:4; 5:18:

一 我们堕落的身体,就是肉体,乃是罪、死和撒但这三者的“聚会所”;但借着基督的救赎,并在作为父、子、灵“聚会所”的我们重生之灵里,我们的身体是基督的肢体和圣灵的殿─罗六6、12、14,七11、17~25,八2~3,林前六15、19。

A. Our fallen body, the flesh, is the "meeting hall" of Satan, sin, and death, but by Christ's redemption and in the regenerated spirit as the "meeting hall" of the Father, the Son, and the Spirit, our body is a member of Christ and the temple of the Holy Spirit—Rom. 6:6, 12, 14; 7:11, 17-25; 8:2-3; 1 Cor. 6:15, 19.

二 保守身体就是在我们的身体上荣耀神─20节。

B. To preserve our body is to glorify God in our body—v. 20.

三 保守身体就是在我们的身体上显大基督─腓一20。

C. To preserve our body is to magnify Christ in our body—Phil. 1:20.

四 我们要保守身体,就必须不照我们的魂(旧人)生活;这样我们罪的身体就失业,被解雇─罗六6。

D. To preserve our body, we must not live according to our soul, the old man; then the body of sin will lose its job and become unemployed—Rom. 6:6.

五 我们要保守身体,就必须不将我们的身体献给任何有罪的事物,倒要献上自己作义的奴仆,并献上我们的肢体作义的兵器─13、18~19、22节,帖前四3~5。

E. To preserve our body, we must not present our body to anything that is sinful but instead present ourselves as slaves to righteousness and our members as weapons of righteousness—vv. 13, 18-19, 22; 1 Thes. 4:3-5.

六 我们要保守身体,就必须痛击己身,叫身为奴,以成就我们神圣的目的,就是成为圣城─林前九27,启二一2。

F. To preserve our body, we must buffet it and lead it as a slave to fulfill our holy purpose to become the holy city—1 Cor. 9:27; Rev. 21:2.
