第七篇 负主的轭(父的旨意)且跟祂学,好使我们魂里得安息

Taking the Lord's Yoke (the Father's Will) upon Us and Learning from Him to Find Rest for Our Souls



壹 “凡劳苦担重担的,可以到我这里来,我必使你们得安息。我心里柔和谦卑,因此你们要负我的轭,且要跟我学,你们魂里就必得安息;因为我的轭是容易的,我的担子是轻省的”─太十一28~30:

I. "Come to Me all who toil and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light"—Matt. 11:28-30:

一 这里劳苦不仅是指为了遵守律法诫命和宗教规条而努力的劳苦,也是指为了工作成功而奋斗的劳苦;凡这样劳苦的,总是担重担的。

A. To toil here refers not only to the toil of striving to keep the commandments of the law and religious regulations but also to the toil of struggling to be successful in any work; whoever toils thus is always heavily burdened.

二 主颂扬父,承认父的道路,并宣告神圣的经纶之后(25~27),便呼召这样的人到祂这里来得安息。─引用经文

B. After the Lord extolled the Father, acknowledging the Father's way and declaring the divine economy (vv. 25-27), He called this kind of people to come to Him for rest.

三 安息不仅是指从律法与宗教,或工作与责任的劳苦并重担中得着释放,也是指完全的平安和完满的满足。

C. Rest refers not only to being set free from the toil and burden under the law or religion or under any work or responsibility, but also to perfect peace and full satisfaction.

四 负主的轭就是接受父的旨意;这不是受律法或宗教义务的规律或支配,也不是受任何工作的奴役,乃是受父旨意的约束。

D. To take the Lord's yoke is to take the will of the Father; it is not to be regulated or controlled by any obligation of the law or religion or to be enslaved by any work, but to be constrained by the will of the Father.

五 主过这样的生活,并不在意别的,只在意祂父的旨意(约四34,五30,六38);祂将自己完全降服于父的旨意(太二六39~46);因此,祂要我们跟祂学:─引用经文

E. The Lord lived such a life, caring for nothing but the will of His Father (John 4:34; 5:30; 6:38); He submitted Himself fully to the Father's will (Matt. 26:39-46); hence, He asks us to learn from Him:

1 信徒照祂的榜样负祂的轭─神的旨意─并为神的经纶劳苦,就在他们灵里翻印主─十一29上,彼前二21。

1. The believers copy the Lord in their spirit by taking His yoke—God's will— and toiling for God's economy according to His model—11:29a; 1 Pet. 2:21.

2 主在祂的一生中服从并顺从父,祂已将祂服从并顺从的生命赐给我们─腓二5~11,来五7~9。

2. The Lord, who was submissive and obedient to the Father throughout His life, has given us His life of submission and obedience—Phil. 2:5-11; Heb. 5:7-9.

3 基督是第一个神人,我们是许多的神人;我们必须在祂绝对服从神,并完全以神为满足的事上跟祂学。

3. Christ was the first God-man, and we are the many God-men; we have to learn of Him in His absolute submission to God and His uttermost satisfaction with God.

4 神是在我们里面,借着耶稣基督,行祂看为可喜悦的事,使我们能实行祂的旨意(十三20~21);神为着祂的美意在我们里面运行,使我们立志并行事(腓二13)。─引用经文

4. God is doing in us that which is well pleasing in His sight through Jesus Christ that we may be able to do His will (13:20-21); God operates in us both the willing and the working for His good pleasure (Phil. 2:13).

六 柔和,或,温柔,意即不抵抗任何反对;谦卑,意即不重看自己;在一切的敌对中,主是柔和的;在一切的弃绝里,祂心里是谦卑的。

F. To be meek, or gentle, means not to resist opposition, and to be lowly means not to have self-esteem; throughout all the opposition the Lord was meek, and throughout all the rejection He was lowly in heart.

七 祂将自己完全降服于父的旨意,不为自己作什么,也不盼望为自己得什么;因此,无论环境如何,祂心里都有安息;祂完全以父的旨意为满足。

G. He submitted Himself fully to the will of His Father, not wanting to do anything for Himself or expecting to gain something for Himself; hence, regardless of the situation He had rest in His heart; He was fully satisfied with the Father's will.

八 负主的轭、跟主学,就叫我们的魂得安息;这是里面的安息,不是任何仅仅在本质上是外面的事物。

H. The rest that we find by taking the Lord's yoke and learning from Him is for our souls; it is an inward rest; it is not anything merely outward in nature.

九 我们照着主的榜样跟祂学,不是凭我们天然的生命,乃是凭祂在复活里作我们的生命─弗四20~21,彼前二21。

I. We learn from the Lord according to His example, not by our natural life but by Him as our life in resurrection—Eph. 4:20-21; 1 Pet. 2:21.

十 主的轭是父的旨意,祂的担子是将父旨意实行出来的工作;这样的轭是容易的,不是痛苦的;这样的担子是轻省的,不是沉重的。

J. The Lord's yoke is the Father's will, and His burden is the work of carrying out the Father's will; such a yoke is easy, not bitter, and such a burden is light, not heavy.

十一 “容易”的原文表明合用;因此是美好、亲切、柔和、温良、容易、愉快,与艰难、严酷、尖锐、痛苦相对。

K. The Greek word for easy means "fit for use"; hence, good, kind, mild, gentle, easy, pleasant—in contrast to hard, harsh, sharp, bitter.

十二 我们若负主的轭(父的旨意)且跟祂学,我们魂里就必得安息;神经纶的轭就是如此;在神经纶中的每一件事,都不是重担,乃是享受。

L. If we take the Lord's yoke (the Father's will) upon us and learn from Him, we will find rest for our souls; the yoke of God's economy is like this; everything in God's economy is not a heavy burden but an enjoyment.

贰 在论到神居所的建造这一长段的记载之后,出埃及三十一章十二至十七节重申守安息日的诫命;按照歌罗西二章十六至十七节,基督是安息日之安息的实际;祂是我们的完成、安息、平静和完全的满足─来四7~9,赛三十15上:

II. In Exodus 31:12-17, after a long record concerning the building up of God's dwelling place, there is a repetition of the commandment to keep the Sabbath; according to Colossians 2:16-17, Christ is the reality of the Sabbath rest; He is our completion, rest, quietness, and full satisfaction—Heb. 4:7-9; Isa. 30:15a:

一 在帐幕建造工作的嘱咐之后插入关于安息日的话,这指明主吩咐那些建造者,作工的人,他们为主作工时要学习如何与主一同安息。

A. The fact that the insertion concerning the Sabbath follows the charge for the building work of the tabernacle indicates that the Lord was telling the builders, the workers, to learn how to rest with Him as they worked for Him.

二 倘若我们只知道如何为主作工,而不晓得如何与祂一同安息,我们就违背了神圣的原则:

B. If we only know how to work for the Lord but do not know how to rest with Him, we are acting contrary to the divine principle:

1 神在第七日安息了,因为祂完成了祂的工,并且满足了;神的荣耀得着彰显,因为人有了祂的形像;祂的权柄也即将施行,以征服祂的仇敌撒但;只要人彰显神并对付神的仇敌,神就得着满足而能安息─创一26、31,二1~2。

1. God rested on the seventh day because He had finished His work and was satisfied; God's glory was manifested because man had His image, and His authority was about to be exercised for the subduing of His enemy, Satan; as long as man expresses God and deals with God's enemy, God is satisfied and can rest—Gen. 1:26, 31; 2:1-2.

2 后来第七日蒙记念为安息日(出二十8~11);神的第七日乃是人的第一日。─引用经文

2. Later, the seventh day was commemorated as the Sabbath (Exo. 20:8-11); God's seventh day was man's first day.

3 神已经预备好一切给人享受;人被造后,并不是加入神的工作,乃是进入神的安息。

3. God had prepared everything for man's enjoyment; after man was created, he did not join in God's work; he entered into God's rest.

4 人受造首先不是为了作工,乃是以神为满足,并与神一同安息(参太十一28~30);安息日是为人设立的,人不是为安息日创造的(可二27)。─引用经文

4. Man was created not to work first but to be satisfied with God and rest with God (cf. Matt. 11:28-30); the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath (Mark 2:27).

三 出埃及三十一章十七节说,“六日之内耶和华造天地,第七日便安息舒畅”:─引用经文

C. Exodus 31:17 says, "In six days Jehovah made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day He rested and was refreshed":

1 安息日不仅是神的安息,也是神的舒畅。

1. The Sabbath was not only a rest to God but also a refreshment to Him.

2 神创造的工完毕以后,便安息了;祂看着祂的工作,看看诸天,看看大地,看看所有的活物,特别看看人,就说,“甚好!”(创一31)─引用经文

2. God rested after His work of creation was completed; He looked upon His handiwork, at the heavens, the earth, and all the living things, especially at man, and said, "Very good!" (Gen. 1:31).

3 神是因人得着舒畅的;祂按着自己的形像造人,有─个灵,使人能与祂有交通;所以,人是神的舒畅─26节,二7,参约四31~34。

3. God was refreshed with man; God created man in His own image with a spirit so that man could have fellowship with Him; man, therefore, was God's refreshment—v. 26; 2:7; cf. John 4:31-34.

4 神创造人以前,是个“单身汉”(参创二18、22);祂要人接受祂、爱祂、被祂充满并彰显祂,好成为祂的妻子(林后十一2,弗五25);在将来的永远里,神要得着一个妻子,就是新耶路撒冷,称为羔羊的妻(启二一9~10)。─引用经文

4. God was a "bachelor" before He created mankind (cf. Gen. 2:18, 22); He wanted man to receive Him, love Him, be filled with Him, and express Him to become His wife (2 Cor. 11:2; Eph. 5:25); in eternity future God will have a wife, the New Jerusalem, which is called the Lamb's wife (Rev. 21:9-10).

5 人就像一种令人舒畅的饮料,解除神的干渴,并使祂满足;神结束祂的工作,开始歇息时,就有人作祂的同伴。

5. Man was like a refreshing drink to quench God's thirst and satisfy Him; when God ended His work and began to rest, He had man as His companion.

6 对神而言,第七日是安息、舒畅的日子;然而,对作神同伴的人而言,安息、舒畅的日子是第一日;人的第一日乃是享受的日子。

6. To God, the seventh day was a day of rest and refreshment; however, to man, God's companion, the day of rest and refreshment was the first day; man's first day was a day of enjoyment.

四 在我们得着享受以前,神不会要求我们作工,这乃是一个神圣的原则;等到我们与祂一同对祂有完满的享受以后,就能与祂同工:

D. It is a divine principle that God does not ask us to work until we have had enjoyment; after a full enjoyment with Him and of Him, we may work together with Him:

1 如果我们不晓得如何与神一同有所享受,如何享受神自己,以及如何被神充满,我们就不晓得如何与祂同工,并在神圣的工作上与祂成为一;人乃是享受神在祂的工作上所已经成就的。

1. If we do not know how to have enjoyment with God, how to enjoy God Himself, and how to be filled with God, we will not know how to work with Him and be one with Him in His divine work; man enjoys what God has accomplished in His work.

2 五旬节那天门徒被那灵充满,意即他们是充满了对主的享受;因为他们被那灵充满,别人就以为他们喝醉了酒─徒二4上、12~13。

2. On the day of Pentecost the disciples were filled with the Spirit, which means that they were filled with the enjoyment of the Lord; because they were filled with the Spirit, others thought that they were drunk with wine—Acts 2:4a, 12-13.

3 事实上,他们是充满了对属天之酒的享受;他们被这种享受充满以后,才开始与神是一而与神同工;五旬节是第八周的第一日;因此,我们由五旬节看见了第一日的原则。

3. Actually, they were filled with the enjoyment of the heavenly wine; only after they were filled with this enjoyment did they begin to work with God in oneness with Him; Pentecost was the first day of the eighth week; therefore, concerning the day of Pentecost, we see the principle of the first day.

4 对神而言,是作工而安息;对人而言,是安息而作工。

4. With God it is a matter of working and resting; with man it is a matter of resting and working.

五 我们在作神的神圣工作以建造召会(由建造帐幕的工作所预表)时,必须带着一个记号,指明我们是神的子民,并且我们需要祂;然后我们就能不仅为神作工,也与神是一而与神同工;祂是我们作工的力量,和劳苦的能力:

E. In doing God's divine work to build the church, typified by the work to build the tabernacle, we must bear a sign to indicate that we are God's people and that we need Him; then we will be able to work not only for God but also with God by being one with God; He will be our strength to work and our energy to labor:

1 我们是神的子民,我们应当带着一个记号,指明我们需要祂作我们的享受、力量、能力和一切,使我们能为祂作工,以尊崇祂并荣耀祂。

1. We are God's people, and we should bear a sign that we need Him to be our enjoyment, strength, energy, and everything so that we may be able to work for Him to honor and glorify Him.

2 安息日的意思是:我们为神作工以前,必须享受神,并且被祂充满;彼得凭着那充满他的神、充满他的灵传福音;因此,彼得有一个记号,说明他是神的同工,而他的传福音就是尊崇神、荣耀神─14节。

2. The Sabbath means that before we work for God, we need to enjoy God and be filled with Him; Peter preached the gospel by the infilling God, the infilling Spirit; therefore, Peter had a sign that he was God's co-worker, and his gospel preaching was an honor and glory to God—v. 14.

3 我们这些神的子民,必须带着一个记号,就是我们与神一同安息,享受神,并且先被神充满,然后与充满我们的那一位同工;此外,我们不仅是与神同工,更是与神是一而作工。

3. As God's people, we must bear a sign that we rest with God, enjoy God, and are filled up with God first, and then we work with the very One who fills us; furthermore, we not only work with God but also work as those who are one with God.

4 在我们对神子民的说话中,我们总要带着一个记号,就是主是我们的力量、我们的能力和我们的一切,为着供应话语─林后十三3,徒六4。

4. In our speaking to God's people, we must always seek to bear a sign that our Lord is our strength, our energy, and our everything for ministering the word—2 Cor. 13:3; Acts 6:4.

六 守安息日也是一个永远的合同,永远的约,向神保证我们与祂是一,是借着先享受祂、被祂充满,然后才为祂作工、与祂同工并且与祂是一而作工─出三一16:

F. Keeping the Sabbath is also an eternal agreement, or covenant, that assures God that we will be one with Him by first enjoying Him and being filled with Him and then by working for Him, with Him, and in oneness with Him—Exo. 31:16:

1 凭着我们自己为主作工,而不把祂接受进来,借着吃喝祂而享受祂,乃是一件严肃的事─参林前十二13,约六57。

1. It is a serious matter to work for the Lord by ourselves without taking Him in and enjoying Him by drinking and eating Him—cf. 1 Cor. 12:13; John 6:57.

2 彼得在五旬节那天说话的时候,他里面有分于耶稣,喝祂并吃祂。

2. As Peter was speaking on the day of Pentecost, he was inwardly partaking of Jesus, drinking and eating Him.

七 安息日也是圣别的事(出三一13);我们享受主,然后与祂同工、为祂作工并与祂是一而作工,自然而然我们就圣别了,从凡俗的事物中分别归神,被神浸透以顶替一切肉体和天然的事物。─引用经文

G. The Sabbath is also a matter of sanctification (Exo. 31:13); when we enjoy the Lord and then work with Him, for Him, and by being one with Him, spontaneously we are sanctified, separated unto God from everything that is common and saturated with God to replace everything that is fleshly and natural.

八 在召会生活中,我们也许作了许多事情,而没有先享受主,没有与主是一而事奉;这样的事奉导致属灵的死亡,也失去身体的交通(14~15)。─引用经文

H. In the church life we may do many things without first enjoying the Lord and without serving the Lord by being one with the Lord; that kind of service results in spiritual death and the loss of the fellowship in the Body (vv. 14-15).

九 凡与神居所有关的事,都将我们引到一件事─主的安息日及其安息与舒畅;在召会生活中,我们是在帐幕里,而帐幕将我们引到安息,引到享受神所定意并作成的!

I. Everything related to God's dwelling place leads us to one matter—to the Sabbath with its rest and refreshment of the Lord; in the church life we are in the tabernacle, and the tabernacle leads us to rest, to the enjoyment of God's purpose and of what He has done!

叁 主的轭(父的旨意)是容易的,祂的担子(将父旨意实行出来的工作)是轻省的;我们事奉总要带着从主而来的负担:

III. The Lord's yoke (the Father's will) is easy, and His burden (the work to carry out the Father's will) is light; we must always serve with a burden from the Lord:

一 灵向神敞开是从神得着负担的条件;我们必须学习在与主亲密的交通中,借着祷告得着负担并卸去负担─路一53,诗二七4,赛五九16,西四2。

A. An open spirit to God is the condition for receiving burdens from God; we must learn to receive burdens and release burdens through prayer in our intimate fellowship with the Lord—Luke 1:53; Psa. 27:4; Isa. 59:16; Col. 4:2.

二 申言者所得着的启示,就是他们所得着的负担;没有负担,就没有话语的职事,没有申言来建造召会─赛一1,二1,十三1,十五1,亚十二1,玛一1,徒六4,林前十四4下:

B. The revelations that the prophets received were the burdens that they received; without burden, there is no ministry of the word, no prophesying, for the building up of the church—Isa. 1:1; 2:1; 13:1; 15:1; Zech. 12:1; Mal. 1:1; Acts 6:4; 1 Cor. 14:4b:

1 我们的负担是要将神的启示释放给人,而神的启示是借着神所赐给我们启示的话而释放的─二11~16。

1. Our burden is to release God's revelation to man, and God's revelation is released through the words of revelation that God gives to us—2:11-16.

2 我们服事神的话语,不是去注意讲话的题目,乃要注意有没有神的说话;要有神的说话,服事话语的人必须有负担─玛二7。

2. When we minister the word of God, our concern must be whether we have God's speaking, not the topic of our speaking; in order to have God's speaking, the one who ministers the word must have a burden—Mal. 2:7.

3 那些尽话语职事的人,必须背负人在神面前的光景,感觉人的光景如何,晓得神要说什么话─出二八29~30。

3. Those who minister the word must bear people's condition before God, sense their condition, and know what God wants to speak—Exo. 28:29-30.

三 在召会的治理和话语的职事上,最大的难处就是没有从主领受的负担:

C. The greatest problem in the administration of the church and in the ministry of the word is not having a burden from the Lord:

1 没有负担,无论作什么都是死的,都没有果效;有负担才是活的,才会朝气蓬勃。

1. Without a burden, all our activity will be dead and ineffective; with a burden, we will be living and flourishing.

2 负担是最叫我们受对付的;若有负担,己会减少,并要受对付,因为有些事我们的负担不许可我们作,有些事我们得受对付,否则没办法释放负担。

2. Having a burden deals with us the most; if there is a burden, the self decreases and is dealt with, because there are things that our burden will not allow us to do, and there are areas that will require our being dealt with before we can release our burden.

3 我们若因着责任事奉而不是带着负担事奉,这样的事奉会叫我们失去主的同在─参申四25。

3. If we serve according to obligation instead of serving with a burden, such service will cause us to lose the Lord's presence—cf. Deut. 4:25.

4 什么时候我们的事奉变作尽责任,就表明我们的事奉已经堕落─玛三14与注1。

4. Whenever our service becomes a matter of fulfilling an obligation, our service has already degraded—Mal. 3:14 and footnote 1.

5 帐幕及其一切器具的建造工作(预表主建造召会的工作)应当开始于对神的享受,而其间继续有享受神而得的舒畅;这指明我们为神作工,不是凭着自己的力量,乃是借着享受祂并与祂是一;这就是以基督作我们灵中内里的安息而持守安息日的原则。

5. The building work of the tabernacle and all its furniture (typifying the work of the Lord to build up the church) should begin with the enjoyment of God and continue in intervals with the refreshment by enjoying God; this will indicate that we do not work for God by our own strength but by the enjoyment of Him and by being one with Him; this is to keep the principle of the Sabbath with Christ as the inner rest in our spirit.
