第八篇 聚会来明白并实行神的旨意

Meeting to Know and Do the Will of God



壹 聚会乃是要来明白并实行神的旨意;我们在地上的目标,我们在地上的目的,是要遵行父的旨意;我们是借着来到召会聚会中而实行这事─来十25。

I. To meet is to know and do the will of God; our goal, our purpose, on earth is to do the will of the Father, and we do this by coming to the meetings of the church—Heb. 10:25.

贰 我们需要领悟,除了我们内里与主同在的生命,没有什么像召会聚会这么要紧、重要且有益处─林前十四23~26:

II. We need to realize that besides our inner life with the Lord, nothing is as crucial, important, and profitable as the church meetings—1 Cor. 14:23-26:

一 如希腊字 ekklesia,艾克利西亚,所指明,召会─神的居所─仍是蒙召出来之人的集会或聚集─太十八17~20:

A. As indicated by the Greek word ekklesia, the church—the dwelling place of God—is a meeting or an assembly of the called-out ones—Matt. 18:17-20:

1 召会是信徒的聚集,是一班集合在一起之人的聚会。

1. The church is a gathering of the believers, a meeting of a collective people.

2 当蒙神呼召出来之人聚集在一起,这就是召会─徒二42,八1。

2. When God's called-out ones meet together, this is the church—Acts 2:42; 8:1.

3 我们的父预定我们聚在一起;来聚会乃是神的旨意─弗一5,罗八29,林前十四26。

3. Our Father has predestinated us to meet together; coming to the meetings is God's will—Eph. 1:5; Rom. 8:29; 1 Cor. 14:26.

二 基督徒的生活就是聚会的生活─来十25,林前十四23~26:

B. The Christian life is a meeting life—Heb. 10:25; 1 Cor. 14:23-26:

1 我们的许多恩典都是在聚会中得着的,主许多的工作也都是在聚会中作的─徒四33,十三1~2。

1. Much of the grace that we receive is in the meetings, and much of the work that the Lord does is also in the meetings—Acts 4:33; 13:1-2.

2 因着基督徒的生活是聚会的生活,并且主许多的工作也是借着聚会作的,所以我们应当非常看重聚会─来十25。

2. Since the Christian life is a meeting life and much of the Lord's work is carried out through the meetings, we should regard the meetings as being of great importance—Heb. 10:25.

叁 在聚会中神使我们明白祂的旨意─诗七三16~17:

III. In the meetings God makes His will known to us—Psa. 73:16-17:

一 实行神的旨意,在于明白祂的旨意─约七17。

A. Doing God's will depends on knowing His will— John 7:17.

二 有许多美妙的东西在我们聚会的表面之下,其中一样就是明白神的旨意。

B. In our meetings there are many wonderful things underneath the surface, one of which is knowing God's will.

三 作诗的人进了神的圣所,就能明白神的旨意─诗七三16~17:

C. When the psalmist went into the sanctuary of God, he was able to know God's will—Psa. 73:16-17:

1 神的圣所,祂的居所,是在我们灵里并在召会里─弗二22,提前三15。

1. God's sanctuary, His habitation, is in our spirit and in the church—Eph. 2:22; 1 Tim. 3:15.

2 我们要进入神的圣所,就需要转向我们的灵,并参加召会的聚会。

2. In order to go into the sanctuary of God, we need to turn to our spirit and go to the meetings of the church.

3 我们一在圣所里─在灵里并在召会的聚会中,就会对我们的情形有另一种看法,有特别的领会─诗七三16~20。

3. Once we are in the sanctuary—in the spirit and in the meetings of the church—we receive another view, a particular perception, of our situation— Psa. 73:16-20.

4 神的道路是启示在神的圣所中─17节:

4. God's way is made known in the sanctuary of God—v. 17:

a 在我们的灵里并在聚会中,我们得着神圣的启示─启一10,弗一17~18。

a. In our spirit and in the meetings we receive divine revelation—Rev. 1:10; Eph. 1:17-18.

b 我们运用我们的灵并参加召会的聚会,神的道路对我们就清楚了─诗七三17。

b. When we exercise our spirit and attend the meetings of the church, God's way becomes clear to us—Psa. 73:17.

肆 因着神的旨意是在基督里,集中于基督,并为着基督,并且在神的旨意中基督是一切,我们就要借着在聚会中展览基督而实行神的旨意─西一9、15~18、12,三4、11,林前十四26:

IV. Since the will of God is in Christ, concentrated in Christ, and for Christ, and Christ is everything in the will of God, we do God's will through exhibiting Christ in the meetings—Col. 1:9, 15-18, 12; 3:4, 11; 1 Cor. 14:26:

一 神在我们身上的旨意,乃是要我们经历并享受包罗万有的基督,并且以祂作我们的生命而活祂─西一9、15~18,三4、11。

A. The will of God for us is that we would experience and enjoy the all-inclusive Christ and live Him as our life—Col. 1:9, 15-18; 3:4, 11.

二 我们的聚会是展览基督,所以我们来聚会的时候,都要把我们所享受的基督带来─林前十四26。

B. Our meetings are to exhibit Christ, so when we come to a meeting, we need to bring with us the Christ whom we have enjoyed—1 Cor. 14:26.

三 正当的召会生活在于召会的聚会,所有圣徒在其中展览基督同祂追测不尽的丰富─弗三8。

C. The proper church life depends upon the church meetings where all the saints exhibit Christ with His unsearchable riches—Eph. 3:8.

四 我们聚会的目标是展览基督,基督徒的聚会是我们日常基督徒生活的展览─林前十四26,参申十二5~7、13~14。

D. The goal of our meeting is to exhibit Christ, and the Christian meeting is an exhibition of our Christian daily life—1 Cor. 14:26; cf. Deut. 12:5-7, 13-14.

五 我们在聚会中展览基督,是借着将基督作为祭物的实际献给神,而与神同享基督─来十8~10、25,十三20~21。

E. We exhibit Christ in the meetings by offering to God Christ as the reality of the offerings, enjoying Christ together with God—Heb. 10:8-10, 25; 13:20-21.

六 我们需要在聚会中尽功用来展览基督─西一12,林前十四26:

F. We need to function in the meetings to exhibit Christ—Col. 1:12; 1 Cor. 14:26:

1 因着基督教的影响,许多信徒在聚会中不负责任。

1. Due to the influence of Christianity, many believers do not bear responsibility in the meetings.

2 认为我们是来参加聚会,但聚会的责任不是我们的,乃是基本的错误;这是撒但的诡计,要把基督身体的众肢体报废,叫众肢体都不尽功用。

2. The concept that we may attend a meeting but are not responsible for the meeting is a fundamental error; it is a ploy of Satan to render the members of the Body of Christ useless so that they do not function.

七 我们基督徒是基督的肢体,我们最重要的事奉就是聚会─十二4~11、14~27,来十25:

G. As Christians, we are members of Christ, and our most important service is to meet—12:4-11, 14-27; Heb. 10:25:

1 召会聚会乃是展览基督最好的机会─西三11。

1. The church meetings are the best opportunity to exhibit Christ—Col. 3:11.

2 我们基督徒的使命就是聚会展览基督,借此遵行神的旨意─太七21,十六18,弗三8,西一12。

2. As Christians, we are commissioned to exhibit Christ in the meetings and thus do the will of God—Matt. 7:21; 16:18; Eph. 3:8; Col. 1:12.

3 “为使父神得荣称许,为使基督得到高举,并使聚会应付所需,必须展览基督。”(诗歌六二四首,第八节)

3. "The Father we would glorify, / Exalting Christ the Son, thereby / The meeting's purpose satisfy / That we exhibit Christ" (Hymns, #864, stanza 8).

伍 因着父永远的旨意与祂心头的愿望是要建造召会作基督的身体,我们就要照着合乎圣经的聚会之路,在聚会中尽功用,使基督的身体得建造,借此实行祂的旨意─太七21,十二50,弗四16,林前十四26:

V. Since the Father's eternal will and the desire of His heart are to build up the church as the Body of Christ, we do His will by functioning in the meetings according to the scriptural way to meet for the building up of the Body—Matt. 7:21; 12:50; Eph. 4:16; 1 Cor. 14:26:

一 信徒的聚会应当总是联于神新约的经纶;我们该带着神圣经纶的异象来到聚会中,并且我们在聚会中所说的,该以神的经纶为中心─提前一4,弗三9,林前十四26。

A. The meetings of the believers should always be linked to God's New Testament economy; we should come to the meetings with a vision of the divine economy, and what we speak in the meetings should focus on the economy of God—1 Tim. 1:4; Eph. 3:9; 1 Cor. 14:26.

二 照着主心意的恢复,乃是要把主的信徒从圣品阶级与平信徒的制度里带出来,以合乎圣经的聚会与事奉之路顶替这制度,好使基督的身体得着建造─26节,弗四12、16。

B. The recovery according to the Lord's mind is to bring His believers out of the clergy-laity system and to replace this system with the scriptural way to meet and to serve for the building up of the Body of Christ—v. 26; Eph. 4:12, 16.

三 主渴望恢复众人都尽功用的彼此相互的召会聚会,好使基督的身体得着建造─林前十四4下、24上、26、31:

C. The Lord desires to recover the church meetings in mutuality with all functioning for the building up of the Body of Christ—1 Cor. 14:4b, 24a, 26, 31:

1 我们来到召会的聚会中,该有一些出于主的东西与别人分享─26节。

1. When we come to the church meetings, we should have something of the Lord to share with others—v. 26.

2 我们来聚会之前,应当对主有经历,对主的话有享受,并且在祷告中和主有交通,使我们有从主而来,并出于主的东西,借着这些,我们就能为聚会预备自己。

2. Before coming to a meeting, we should prepare ourselves for the meeting with something from the Lord or of the Lord, either through our experience of Him or through our enjoyment of His word and fellowship with Him in prayer.

3 我们必须经营基督,就是我们的美地,使我们从祂的丰富收获出产,带到召会的聚会中献上─西一12,弗三8。

3. We must labor on Christ, our good land, so that we may reap some produce of His riches to bring to the church meeting and offer—Col. 1:12; Eph. 3:8.

4 这样,聚会就是展览基督的丰富,也是全体与会者在神面前并同着神,彼此分享基督,使众圣徒与召会得着建造─林前十四26。

4. Thus, the meeting will be an exhibition of His riches and will be a mutual enjoyment of Christ shared with all the attendants before God and with God for the building up of the saints and the church—1 Cor. 14:26.

5 我们在召会的聚会中无论作什么,都必须是为着建造众圣徒和召会─3~5、12节。

5. Whatever we do in the church meeting must be for the building up of the saints and the church—vv. 3-5, 12.

四 我们实行合乎圣经的聚会与事奉之路时强调申言─建造召会的超越恩赐─林前十四1、4下、24~25、31:

D. In the practice of the scriptural way to meet and to serve, we emphasize prophesying—the excelling gift for the building up of the church—vv. 1, 4b, 24-25, 31:

1 在林前十四章里,申言的意义乃是为主说话,说出主来,甚至将主说到、供应到、分赐到人里面;就神圣的分赐而言,整本圣经总结于众人都申言─3、24~25、31节。

1. The significance of prophesying in 1 Corinthians 14 is to speak for the Lord, to speak forth the Lord, and even to speak the Lord, to minister, to dispense, the Lord, into others; in the sense of the divine dispensing, the entire Bible consummates in all prophesying—vv. 3, 24-25, 31.

2 申言,就是以神为内容而为神说话并说出神,将神供应到听者里面,并将他们带给神─25节。

2. Prophesying, speaking for God and speaking forth God with God as the content, ministers God to the hearers and brings them to God—v. 25.

3 神渴望每位信徒都申言,就是为祂说话并说出祂来─1节下、31节,参民十一29。

3. God desires that each of the believers prophesy, that is, speak for Him and speak Him forth—vv. 1b, 31; cf. Num. 11:29.

4 申言的特点是供应基督,为着生机的建造召会作基督的身体;申言是为着召会建造的特别恩赐─林前十四3~5、12、24、26。

4. The characteristic of prophesying is to minister Christ for the organic building up of the church as the Body of Christ; prophesying is the particular gift for the building up of the church—1 Cor. 14:3-5, 12, 24, 26.
