
第一篇 这世代─奥秘时代─的终结

The Consummation of the Age—the Age of Mystery



壹 “我天天与你们同在,直到这世代的终结”─太二八20:

I. "I am with you all the days until the consummation of the age"—Matt. 28:20:

一 “终结”这辞意指有一个过程,要达到完全或完成─二四3。

A. The word consummation means that there is a process that will be brought to completion or fulfillment—24:3.

二 这世代的终结与这世代的末期,指同样的事。

B. The consummation of the age and the end of the age refer to the same thing.

三 马太二十八章二十节中“这世代的终结”,指明召会时代(也就是恩典时代)的结束─约一14、16~17,启二二10。

C. In Matthew 28:20 the consummation of the age indicates the end of the church age, which is the age of grace—John 1:14, 16-17; Rev. 22:10.

四 这世代的终结将是大灾难的三年半─但十二4、6~7、9。

D. The consummation of the age will be the three and a half years of the great tribulation—Dan. 12:4, 6-7, 9.

贰 今世─恩典时代,召会时代─乃是奥秘的时代─弗五32:

II. The present age—the age of grace, the age of the church—is the age of mystery—Eph. 5:32:

一 启示录十章七节说,“神的奥秘就完成了”;完成神的奥秘就是结束奥秘的时代─西二2,弗三3、5,五32。

A. Revelation 10:7 says, "The mystery of God is finished"; to finish the mystery of God is to close the age of mystery—Col. 2:2; Eph. 3:3, 5; 5:32.

二 从亚当到摩西,以及从摩西到基督这两个时代,每件事都是揭示出来的,并没有奥秘;将来在千年国时代并新天新地里,也是这样─一切都是揭示出来的,不再有奥秘。

B. In the dispensations from Adam to Moses and from Moses to Christ, everything was unveiled, and there was no mystery; it will be the same in the dispensation of the millennial kingdom and in the new heaven and new earth—everything will be unveiled and there will be no more mystery.

三 从基督成为肉体到千年囯的时代─召会时代,恩典时代─一切都是奥秘─提前三9:

C. In the dispensation from the incarnation of Christ to the millennial kingdom—the church age, the age of grace—everything is a mystery—1 Tim. 3:9:

1 基督成为肉体是个奥秘,乃是奥秘时代的开始;借着基督成为肉体,无限的神被带进有限的人里面─16节。

1. The incarnation of Christ, as the beginning of the age of mystery, is a mystery; through the incarnation of Christ, the infinite God was brought into the finite man—v. 16.

2 基督是神的奥秘─西二2:

2. Christ is the mystery of God—Col. 2:2:

a 神是奥秘;基督作为神的具体化身彰显神,乃是神的奥秘。

a. God is a mystery, and Christ, as the embodiment of God to express Him, is the mystery of God.

b 基督作为神的奥秘,乃是神的具体化身;神格一切的丰满,都有形有体地居住在基督里面─9节。

b. As the mystery of God, Christ is the embodiment of God; all the fullness of the Godhead dwells in Christ bodily—v. 9.

3 召会是基督的奥秘─弗三4~6:

3. The church is the mystery of Christ—Eph. 3:4-6:

a 基督是奥秘;召会作为基督的身体彰显基督,乃是基督的奥秘。

a. Christ is a mystery, and the church, as the Body of Christ to express Him, is the mystery of Christ.

b 基督与召会成为一灵,乃是极大的奥秘─五32,林前六17。

b. Christ and the church as one spirit are the great mystery—5:32; 1 Cor. 6:17.

c 在召会时代─奥秘时代─的期间,基督正建造召会,基督的身体,作祂的新妇─太十六18,罗十二4~5,林前十二12、27,弗四16,西一18,启十九7~9。

c. During the church age, the age of mystery, Christ is building up the church, the Body of Christ, to be His bride—Matt. 16:18; Rom. 12:4-5; 1 Cor. 12:12, 27; Eph. 4:16; Col. 1:18; Rev. 19:7-9.

4 诸天的国、福音、基督的内住、圣徒要来的复活和改变形状,这些都是历世历代所隐藏的奥秘─太十三11,弗六19,西一26~27,林前十五51~53。

4. The kingdom of the heavens, the gospel, the indwelling of Christ, and the coming resurrection and transfiguration of the saints are all mysteries that were hidden in the times of the ages—Matt. 13:11; Eph. 6:19; Col. 1:26-27; 1 Cor. 15:51-53.

5 第七号吹响时,这一切奥秘都要完成、结束并且过去─启七10。

5. All the mysteries will be completed, finished, and will be over at the trumpeting voice of the seventh trumpet—Rev. 10:7.

四 我们要“将那历世历代隐藏在创造万有之神里的奥秘有何等的经纶,向众人照明”─弗三9:

D. We need "to enlighten all that they may see what the economy of the mystery is, which throughout the ages has been hidden in God, who created all things"—Eph. 3:9:

1 在新约中,奥秘不光是指那些向我们隐藏,我们所不知道的事,更是指隐藏在神心里的事─可四11,罗十六25~26,西一26~27,二2,四3,弗一9,三3~4、9,五32,六19。

1. In the New Testament a mystery refers not only to things that are hidden and unknown to us but also to things that are hidden in God's heart—Mark 4:11; Rom. 16:25-26; Col. 1:26-27; 2:2; 4:3; Eph. 1:9; 3:3-4, 9; 5:32; 6:19.

2 神的奥秘乃是祂隐藏的定旨,就是要将祂自己分赐到祂所拣选的人里面;因此有了神奥秘的经纶─三9。

2. God's mystery is His hidden purpose, which is to dispense Himself into His chosen people; hence, there is the economy of the mystery of God—3:9.

3 隐藏在神心里的奥秘乃是神永远的经纶(一10,三9,提前一4),就是神永远的目的和祂的心愿,要把祂自己在祂神圣的三一里,就是父在子里,借着灵,分赐到祂所拣选并救赎的人里面,作他们的生命和性情,使他们能与祂一样,成为祂的复制(罗八29,约壹三2),成为一个生机体,就是基督的身体,作为新人(弗二15~16),要成为新耶路撒冷(启二一2~二二5)。─引用经文

3. The mystery hidden in God's heart is God's eternal economy (1:10; 3:9; 1 Tim. 1:4), which is God's eternal intention with His heart's desire to dispense Himself in His Divine Trinity as the Father in the Son by the Spirit into His chosen and redeemed people to be their life and nature so that they may be the same as He is as His duplication (Rom. 8:29; 1 John 3:2), to become an organism, the Body of Christ as the new man (Eph. 2:15-16), which will become the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:2—22:5).

4 保罗不仅传基督那追测不尽之丰富的福音;他也传隐藏在神里之奥秘经纶的福音─弗三8~9:

4. Paul preached the gospel of the unsearchable riches of Christ, and he also preached the gospel concerning the economy of the mystery hidden in God—Eph. 3:8-9:

a 这隐藏在神里之奥秘经纶的福音,是要产生召会,好照着神永远的定旨,作神的彰显,使神得荣耀─10~11、21节。

a. The gospel concerning the economy of the mystery hidden in God is to produce the church for God's expression and glorification according to God's eternal purpose—vv. 10-11, 21.

b 今天我们必须传扬这隐藏在神里之奥秘的福音,将那隐藏在创造万有之神里的奥秘有何等的经纶,向众人照明;神创造万有,乃是为着成就祂的意愿、祂心头的愿望以及祂永远的定旨─一5、9、11,三8~11。

b. Today we must announce the gospel concerning the mystery hidden in God in order to enlighten all so that they may see what is the economy of the mystery hidden in God, who created all things for the fulfillment of His will, the desire of His heart, and His eternal purpose—1:5, 9, 11; 3:8-11.

叁 奥秘的时代乃是信的时代─来十一1、6,启十7,提前三9:

III. The age of mystery is the age of faith—Heb. 11:1, 6; Rev. 10:7; 1 Tim. 3:9:

一 神的奥秘是凭信而知道的;因此,奥秘的时代也是信的时代─启十7。

A. God's mysteries are known by faith; for this reason the age of mystery is also the age of faith—Rev. 10:7.

二 信是一种质实的能力,我们凭此将未见之事或所望之事质实出来,质成现实─来十一1:

B. Faith is a substantiating ability by which we substantiate, give substance to, the things not seen or hoped for—Heb. 11:1:

1 信心使我们对未见之事有把握,使我们确信所没有看见的事;因此,信是未见之事的证据、证明─1节。

1. Faith assures us of the things not seen, convincing us of what we do not see; therefore, it is the evidence, the proof, of things not seen—v. 1.

2 我们不是顾念、注视所见的,乃是顾念、注视所不见的─林后四18。

2. We do not regard, or look at, the things which are seen but the things which are not seen—2 Cor. 4:18.

3 基督徒的生活是一种未见之事的生活,主的恢复是要将祂的召会从所见的事恢复到所不见的事─罗八24~25,来十一27,彼前一8,加六10。

3. The Christian life is a life of things unseen, and the Lord's recovery is to recover His church from things seen to things unseen—Rom. 8:24-25; Heb. 11:27; 1 Pet. 1:8; Gal. 6:10.

三 信仰是神在人身上完成祂新约经纶唯一的路─来十一6:

C. Faith is the unique way for God to carry out His New Testament economy with man—Heb. 11:6:

1 神的经纶是在信仰里的,就是在信仰的范围和元素里得以开始而发展的;若没有信,我们就无法实化神的经纶─提前一4。

1. God's economy is in faith—a matter initiated and developed in the sphere and element of faith; without faith we cannot realize God's economy—1 Tim. 1:4.

2 在神新约的经纶里,信是人接触神唯一的要求─来十一1、6,提前一4。

2. Faith is the unique requirement for people to contact God in His New Testament economy—Heb. 11:1, 6; 1 Tim. 1:4.

3 就着新约经纶中的一切而言,神对我们的要求乃是信─罗一16~17,加二20,弗三17,可十一22,路十八8。

3. God's requirement for us related to everything in the New Testament economy is faith—Rom. 1:16-17; Gal. 2:20; Eph. 3:17; Mark 11:22; Luke 18:8.

4 真正的信乃是基督自己注入我们里面,成为我们相信祂的能力;主耶稣注入我们里面以后,就自然而然成为我们的信─罗三26。

4. Genuine faith is Christ Himself infused into us to become our ability to believe in Him; after the Lord Jesus has been infused into us, He spontaneously becomes our faith—Rom. 3:26.

5 借着在基督耶稣里的信,我们被带进与基督生机的联结里;在这生机的联结里,我们经历基督并活基督─加二16、20,约十四17,弗三17。

5. Through faith in Christ Jesus, we are brought into an organic union with Christ; in this organic union we experience Christ and live Christ—Gal. 2:16, 20; John 14:17; Eph. 3:17.

6 在基督的身体里,“神……分给各人信心的度量”;因此,我们不该看自己过于所当看的,乃要“看得清明适度”─罗十二3。

6. In the Body "God has apportioned to each a measure of faith"; therefore, we should not think more highly of ourselves than we ought to think "but to think so as to be sober-minded"—Rom. 12:3.

7 信是对得胜者神圣的要求,他们达到这要求,就能在基督凯旋回来时与祂相见,并得着国度的赏赐─路十八8,提后四7下~8上,来十35、39。

7. Faith is the divine requirement for the overcomers to meet Christ in His triumphant return and to receive the reward of the kingdom—Luke 18:8; 2 Tim. 4:7c-8a; Heb. 10:35, 39.
